Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 479: Heavy Cherry Blossom Cleansing Carp!

Fangmu's contract servant soul ant queen is promoted to the exclusive feature [New Empress Marriage Fly] obtained by upgrading to epic quality, so that Fang Mu can cultivate more contract servant soul ant queens.

[New Empress Marriage Fly] This exclusive feature greatly increases the danger of the servant soul ants.

It also showed the value of the servant soul ant queen to the greatest extent.

The existence of the servant soul ant queen is to facilitate Fang Mu to control other living beings.

Through the exclusive feature [New Empress Marriage Fly], a new bonded servant soul ant queen individual can be cultivated, allowing Fang Mu to control more powerful ones.

There are problems within many forces because this force has no dominance over the subordinates.

Fang Mu didn't want a similar situation to happen in the Boundless Tower, especially since Jiang Weng's subordinates had a technology inherited from the fifth and sixth eras.

This technology has yet to be developed.

After the development, I don't know how much interest there is.

The queen of the servant soul ant has given birth to ant heirs with the potential to be a new queen.

As a blacksmith, Jiang Weng basically had little chance to fight.

Giving Jiang Weng a contract with the servant, soul ant queen, improved Jiang Weng's soul defense.

It was good for Jiang Weng.

When a spirit forging master forges a spiritual weapon, he has the possibility of his own soul being backlashed.

After Jiang Weng finished the contract with the servant soul ant queen, the servant soul ant queen built a solid nest in Jiang Weng's soul.

Jiang Weng's soul can effectively resist the impact of the beast soul.

An ant queen's protection against souls is much stronger than that of ant heirs.

Because whether it is a new queen or ant heir, it is produced by a mother.

This makes the new empress and the soul ant heir build a nest in Jiang Weng's soul together, without conflicting with each other.

The authority issued by the servant soul of the square wood contract, the ant queen, will directly affect the status of the new queen and the ant heir.

As long as the ant queen under the Fangmu contract lets the soul-sending ant-siblings suppress the new queen, the new queen will be under the domination of the soul-sending ant-siblings.

Jiang Weng can use the ant heirs produced by the new queen to control the blacksmiths under his command.

Fang Mu intends to use Jiang Weng to create an organization composed entirely of blacksmiths for the Boundless Tower.

This organization will serve the Infinity Tower wholeheartedly in the future.

Externally, the Boundless Tower can be independently traded with other forces.

Fang Mu, the prospect of the trapped spirit box, has no doubts at all.

Soon these spirit boxes will bring huge income to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu couldn't trade resources like the boundless silver silkworm without limit.

Even if the transaction is made, it will give priority to those forces that have good relations with itself.

But there are not so many restrictions when trading trapped spirit boxes.

Fang Mu intends to popularize the Sleepy Spirit Box.

Because the technology is in their own hands, all the benefits brought by the popularization of sleepy spirit boxes will be absorbed into their own hands.

This is an inestimable wealth.

Jiang Weng was very excited when he heard this.

The royal beast like servant soul ant queen is extremely precious.

Fang Muken entrusting himself with the contract can be seen as both his cultivation and his trust in himself.

Fang Mu just mentioned letting himself absorb some blacksmiths as apprentices.

After contracting the contract servant soul ant queen, he has the means to control these blacksmiths.

At that time, in Fang Mu's camp, he became the leader in charge of matters related to the blacksmith.

Even if Fang Mu doesn't give him this chance, Jiang Weng will take the initiative to fight for it.

What's more, Fang Mu gave this opportunity to himself, and Jiang Weng naturally had no reason to refuse!

Jiang Weng said to Fang Mu very seriously and sincerely.

"Master, it is my good fortune that you are willing to entrust me with the contract servant, Soul Ant Queen!"

"When I contract the servant soul ant queen, I will recruit more senior forging masters and forging masters to train them."

"Try to let them master the technology as soon as possible, and go to build sleepy spirit boxes in batches!"

Seeing that Jiang Weng understood what he meant, Fang Mu didn't plan to tell Jiang Weng any more.

Jiang Weng has lived such an old age, and he is much stronger than young people in terms of ability and experience.

Know how to do things.

Fang Mu believes that Jiang Weng will be able to form a team in a short time.

At this moment, Fang Mu only heard Jiang Weng ask himself.

"Should the sleepy spirit boxes created by the young master be placed in the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, and the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce will conduct trade?"

Fang Mu said decisively after hearing the words.

"The Wood Building Chamber of Commerce sells enough types of materials."

"After you form a team, you can form a force by yourself and attach this force to the Boundless Tower."

"In the name of the forces you have built, trade these spirit boxes with the outside world."

"At that time, I will arrange for a strong orderly to sit in the forces you have formed."

"You have nothing to worry about when it comes to safety!"

When Jiang Weng heard this, his old face smiled like a chrysanthemum.

If Fang Mu asked himself to hand over all the sleepy spirit boxes he built to the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce for sale, it would be tantamount to Fang Mu taking away all the rights.

The force I have created is a group of beaters who stick together.

But after Fang Mu left the power to trade these trapped spirit boxes to the forces he had formed.

The forces I have formed will become the targets of the major federations in the world, and the major forces are vying to curry favor and deal with each other.

Will gain a transcendent status in a very short time.

As the saying goes, a big tree attracts the wind, and it is easy to encounter danger with huge wealth.

Fang Mu promised to arrange for a strong man of order to sit in the guard to protect him, and Jiang Weng no longer has any worries.

Jiang Weng, whose mentality has long been Buddhist, is rarely enthusiastic, and has an urge to do a big job.

After Fang Mu pondered for a moment, he said to Jiang Weng.

"When Mr. Jiang was trading these trapped spirit boxes, he tried his best to help me collect evil spirits and dead souls."

"Priority to trade with forces that can provide evil spirits and dead souls."

Fangmu has always needed a lot of resources.

Such as the corpses of high blood races, hearts, shadow eye stones, body seam hackers, these are the resources that Fang Mu needs.

However, after trading with a group of Star Wheel members in the Star Wheel Gathering during this period of time, these resource blocks have been hoarded a lot.

It can't be used up in a short time.

Like the richness of blood, it will take time for the shadow of the fool to absorb the heart and shadow stone of the higher blood race.

In Fang Mu's hands, there were quite a few corpses of high-level vampires and body-slicing hackers.

A few days ago, Fang Mu completed his plan against the blood queen, and let Liu Xi control Mr. Hei.

With Susi's current strength, it will be difficult to use the electronic butterfly to control the corpses and body-sewing hackers of these vampires within three to five years.

Resources such as pollutants and pollution sources are difficult to collect.

But this channel between Fangmu and one of the eight evil species, the Green Magician, allows Fangmu to obtain a large amount of high-quality pollutants and pollution sources in a stable manner.

After discovering that Fangmu's demand for pollutants and pollution sources could not be filled by himself, the green magician expressed his intention to introduce other eight evil species to Fangmu.

Fang Mu did not refuse this.

It won't be long before Fangmu will be able to complete the transaction of pollutants and pollution sources with other members of the Eight Evil Species.

This made Fang Mu's most scarce resources now become evil spirits and dead souls.

Although Liu Xi was promoted to Heavenly Evil Spirit, it was difficult to continue to be promoted in a short time.

But absorbing more evil spirits can stabilize Liuxi's realm, who has just been promoted to the evil spirit of the sky.

Otherwise, in the case of extreme damage to the source, Liuxi may fall into a lower rank.

Not only to help Liuxi stabilize her realm, but the sisters, Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty, are also waiting for Fang Mu to cultivate.

Fang Mu valued the potential of Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty very much.

In the future, the contract will be used to contract the two.

These three evil spirits are simply a bottomless pit. It can be said that there are not enough evil spirits to absorb them.

The ghost of the Fangmu contract is the beast-following Hell Wisdom, and it is a big demand for dead souls.

With the promotion of Hell Prajna level, and more and more dead creatures are controlled by [Puppet Paper Royal].

Fang Mu's consumption of dead souls will also increase.

It’s impossible not to prepare in advance!

It just so happens that evil spirits and dead souls are resources that are difficult to use for many forces.

After understanding the function of the Trapped Spirit Box, these forces will definitely compete to trade dead souls and evil spirits with Jiang Weng.

Jiang Weng kept Fang Mu's needs in mind after hearing the words.

Jiang Weng didn't know what Fang Mu needed so many evil spirits and dead souls, and he didn't want to know.

As long as Jiang Weng helps Fang Mu get a lot of evil spirits and dead souls through transactions, he can demonstrate his value.

It can also be regarded as a reward for Fang Mu's cultivation of Jiang Tuo.

After Fang Mu explained the situation to Jiang Weng, he began to let the servant soul ant queen spend resources to cultivate a new queen.

After the new ones grow up, the plan can be implemented.

Before Jiang Weng got a new queen, he would use his signature as a spirit forging master to recruit disciples.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Mu went to the cultivation room on the second floor of the manor and drank a cup of honey water prepared with brilliant golden honey.

Then he meditated next to the sacred object, Luo Ying Essence Carp.

The holy object, the cherry blossom essence carp, is a sacred object that symbolizes the foundation level. Fang Mu has provided resources for the holy object, the cherry blossom essence carp.

Now the rank of the sacred object, the cherry blossom essence, has been successfully promoted to the platinum rank epic quality with the supply of square wood resources.

The bloodline has also evolved on the basis of the original, and has evolved into a heavy cherry carp.

[Name of Royal Beast]: Heavy Cherry Cleansing Essence Carp

【Genus of Royal Beast】: Cyprinidae / Koi

[Beast Familiar Level]: Platinum Rank (10/10)

[Beast Familiarity]: Water/Spiritual

[Beast Master Potential]: Diamond Rank

[Beast Royal Quality]: Epic Quality


【Fin Dance】: Dance the seven fins to encourage the target and eliminate the fatigue of the target.

[Sakura Healing]: Sacrifice the cherry blossom-like scales on the body to restore the target's traumatized spiritual power.

[Sakura Sacrifice]: Sacrifice part of your own blood, put the target in a state of accelerated cleansing, and the target's spiritual power will increase rapidly in the state of accelerated cleansing.

[Crossing Wave Tail Attack]: Jump high in the water and use the fish tail to set off a huge wave, and launch an impact on the target in the range, which may cause the target to be stunned.

Exclusive features:

[Quenching Tour]: During the swimming process, the body will develop a force field with itself as the core, and the life and spiritual power in this force field will be tempered. (The more lives in the force field, the weaker the tempering effect of each individual's mental power will be).

[Cleansing Grinding Disc]: An additional stand is formed, allowing the two stands to overlap like a grinding disc to repeatedly grind the target's spiritual power. During the grinding, the impurities attached to the spiritual power in the stand can be washed away.

Evolution route:

①: Sky cherry cast refined carp, ②: Snow cherry extremely cold carp, ③: Flame cherry red ground carp.

The Heavy Cherry Essence Cleansing Carp is a creature evolved from the Falling Cherry Quenching Essence Carp along its own bloodline without mutation.

Because it evolves along its own bloodline, Fang Mu doesn't have to worry about the change of the exclusive characteristic [Quintessence Tour].

The exclusive feature [Essence Tour] is the key to the cherry blossom essence being called a holy object.

Even when the heavy cherry carp is at the silver level, the skills [Fin Dance] and [Sakura Healing] make it look like a beautiful waste.

Only relying on the exclusive feature [Psychic Tour] still makes the value of Luoying Quintessence soar!

Become an existence that even the founding masters have to fight for.

The Platinum level skill [Crossing Wave Tail Strike] of Heavy Cherry Cleansing Essence Carp is useless at all.

This general skill of water-type beast-familiar appears on aggressive-type water-type beast-familiar, and can be used in battle.

Appearing on a fragile ornamental beast like the heavy cherry carp, the damage caused is almost negligible.

However, the skills obtained by promoting the Platinum Rank to the Heavy Cherry Cleansing Carp are not good, which does not mean that the skills obtained by promoting the Gold Rank to the Heavy Cherry Cleansing Carp are not good.

Once the gold-level skill [Sakura Sacrifice] is cast, the heavy cherry carp needs to sacrifice its own blood.

Allows the target to obtain a state that accelerates the improvement of mental strength.

This state will last for a period of time, during which time the mental power of the target will be greatly improved.

It belongs to a plug-in for low-level beast masters, so that the mental power of low-level beast masters can be quickly improved.

But even the founding master can only look helpless after seeing the gold-level skills of the heavy cherry washing carp.

Because once the skill [Sakura Sacrifice] is used, it is tantamount to killing a chicken and taking its eggs.

After depleting the blood, the essence of the carp was damaged, and it was difficult to use the exclusive characteristic [Essence Tour] to help the beast master improve his spiritual power.

A long-term improvement in mental strength is far better than a one-time improvement.

Even this one-time improvement has a very strong effect.

But this is not a problem for Fang Mu.

Even 100% pure life potion and water element potion can't regenerate the exhausted blood of the imperial beast.

But what the 100% pure life potion and water element potion can't do, the bloody aging brew can easily do it.

The blood-colored aging wine has a strong effect of helping the beast to recover its blood.

After Fang Mu asked the heavy cherry carp to perform the [Sakura Sacrifice], as long as he was willing to provide it with blood-colored aging wine.

It will not take long for the carp to recover from the heavy cherry washing essence.

This allows the heavy cherry carp to continue to cast the skill [Sakura Festival].

Fang Mu has been eager to increase the star level of the beast master, but there is no shortcut to improve the spiritual power.

Even with the help of holy objects, brilliant golden honey and full moon pendant, it still needs to be improved step by step!

The assistance of these things is very effective in the long run.

After a few years or ten years, we can open up a level of peers.

But in the short term, the improvement effect is not obvious.

Fang Mu is now in a stage where he urgently needs to improve his spiritual power.

But now Fang Mu found a shortcut.

This shortcut was jointly created by Fang Mu by using his own ability and the opportunity of life evolution!

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