Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 480: Here comes the right decision!

If Fang Mu wants to quickly increase the star level of the beast master, he can let the heavy cherry cleansing carp perform [Sakura Festival] on himself every once in a while.

Just make sure that the heavy cherry cleansing carp's blood is in the best state before performing [Sakura Sacrifice] every time.

Fang Mu provided the blood-colored aged wine in time after the heavy cherry washing essence carp used the skill [Sakura Festival], so that he could always use the [Sakura Festival] to catch up with those peers who were one step ahead of him.

Not only do you have the opportunity to catch up with your peers, but you also have the possibility to compete with those veterans who are a few years older or decades older than you!

Most of the world that respects martial arts attaches great importance to age.

Before reaching the age of forty, Fang Mu can enjoy his own age bonus.

More than 20 years is enough time for Fangmu to develop rapidly in the beast world!

Right now, the blood of the heavy cherry carp is in the best condition.

However, due to the fact that the rank of the heavy cherry carp has not been promoted for a long time, Fang Mu wants the heavy cherry carp to consolidate its rank first.

Then let the heavy cherry washing carp cast the skill [Sakura Festival] on itself.

There are so many rare spiritual materials to assist Fangmu.

Even if Fang Mu walked a few steps behind his peers, his current level of beast master has reached the peak of a star.

The vast majority of the younger generation will spend one to two years on the peak card of the one-pointed star beast master before continuing to improve.

Walnut has been stuck at this stage for nearly a year and a half, and has not yet had a chance to break through.

It stands to reason that even if Fang Mu has so many baby supporters, it is normal for him to be stuck in this position for a year.

If the skill [Sakura Sacrifice] of Heavy Cherry Cleansing Carp is outstanding, Fang Mu has a high probability to sprint directly from the peak of the one-pointed star beast master to the two-pointed star.

Hu Tao became the two-pointed star beast master one step ahead.

Not only can he erase the time wasted by Square Wood before, but he can also be one step ahead of his peers.

It's just a stable promoted position, in the case of providing pure life energy and water elemental energy for heavy cherry carp.

A day is almost stable.

Fang Mu will also try the day after tomorrow to see if he can become the two-pointed star beast master.

Because of the contract with the spirit mayfly, once Fang Mu was promoted to the two-pointed star beast master.

The strength of all Fang Mu's beasts can be raised to the peak of the platinum rank.

This kind of combat power is not much compared with Fang Qin, Fang Yuan, Fang Yan and others!

Fang Mu obviously has the capital to fight for hegemony in groups between the ages of twenty and thirty, but he wants to hang out in groups under the age of twenty.

Fang Mu will be in a dominant position in the group under the age of twenty.

Two days later, Fang Mu can not only test the effect strength of the skill [Sakura Festival].

You can also test how long it takes for heavy cherry carp to restore blood depletion through blood aging after casting [Sakura Sacrifice].

After Fang Mu improved his mental strength, he and Walnut started a happy double row in the double division.

Recently, Fang Mu was not in the Longteng Federation, but at the junction of the six states on the outskirts of the Longteng Federation.

In this place, Dream Beast has no way to link to Battle.net.

So Fang Mu could only break the double row with Walnut.

Walnut didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

Fang Mu has to be busy when he is out, so he must put Fang Mu's affairs first.

When Fang Mu is free, he has time for things like double rows at any time.

And in the double row with Fang Mu, Hu Tao realized his own shortcomings.

With only one main battle beast, it was difficult for Hu Tao to help Shang Mu.

Fang Mu has always led himself to defeat his opponents by virtue of his strength.

The reason why I can get so many fans on Battle.net is because I and Fang Mu are teammates, and I have gained Fang Mu's glory.

If Hutao's fortress, Yinluan, is not a silver-ranked legendary quality royal beast, the potential is astonishing.

Walnut felt that he would probably receive a lot of doubts.

Hutao is now a big anchor with 13 million permanent fans.

Whenever the live broadcast is started, a large number of viewers will immediately flood into the live broadcast room.

As the special reporter of Team Taomu, Liu Tiantian was still very busy even though Hu Tao and Fang Mu hadn't broadcast live for a few days.

But this kind of busyness made Liu Tiantian extremely happy.

Kung fu Liu Tiantian has gained a lot of attention these days.

These attentions were the previous Liu Tiantian, and there was no way to get them anyway.

With the help of Fang Mu and Hu Tao, Liu Tiantian is now considered a celebrity on Battle.net.

Seeing Liu Tiantian's soaring popularity in many offline competitions, they sent invitations to Liu Tiantian one after another.

Liu Tiantian has changed from a new host of an event to a senior host who has been overwhelmed by various competitions.

Liu Tiantian couldn't help but feel a feeling that one person has achieved Taoism and ascended to heaven.

From a personal point of view, Liu Tiantian is a fan of Jianmu.

From a career point of view, getting on Jianmu is like getting on a speeding dragon!

In Fang Mu's previous life, he was an anchor with only a few hundred thousand fans. When he was the most popular, if he didn't broadcast for a few days, it would attract speculation from fans and various media.

Hutao has not started the live broadcast for nearly a week, and there have been many topics about Jianmu and Hutao on Battle.net.

[Why in the water]: I bet Jianmu can't take it anymore and will wake up and prepare to find another teammate! No matter how you look at it, the strength that can definitely be awakened is not worthy of Jianmu!

[Why in the water]: The age requirement for a duo group in the rank division is that the age difference between the two parties in the team cannot exceed four years. Jianmu can definitely find a club star player who is four years older than himself, and team up with this player, maybe It might be possible to rush to the diamond division!

[Big Garlic Garlic]: I don’t know about the two-person partition when I saw it upstairs. If the two-person partition wants to reach the diamond, everyone encounters monsters. The four-year-old teammate is barely twenty years old, and at most he is only a two-pointed star beast master. How can he have the qualifications to compete in the diamond division? It is already very good to be lucky enough to hang out in the Platinum Division!

[Favorite Sending Blades]: I don't care at all which partition Jianmu and Awakening can play in. As long as they can come to the live broadcast, everything will be fine!

[Hu Tu]: I think so too, and I'm not a fan of Jianmu, but a fan who can definitely wake up, and I feel very comfortable during the live broadcast. I think even if I leave Jianmu, I can become a big anchor potential!

Most of the topics on the Internet are researching why Fang Mu and Walnut have not broadcast live during this time.

A small number of topics are directed at Hutao, and they are constantly questioning Hutao.

In the past, these doubts would definitely make Hu Tao feel very uncomfortable.

But now after signing the contract with the Boundless Silver Silkworm, Hu Tao has made clear her own strength among the younger generation.

When Hu Tao decided to become an anchor to help Fang Mu's team gain popularity, she was ready to be questioned and abused.

When Fang Mu finds a beast that suits him, his strength will be improved in a short time.

If he is emotionally broken because of some remarks on the Internet, it is very likely that Fang Mu will feel self-blame.

I don't think I should be allowed to be a Battle.net anchor.

At the same time, it is also equivalent to letting down Fang Mu's cultivation of himself.

Hu Tao started the live broadcast again, and won two consecutive victories with Fang Mu on Battle.net.

It directly broke many doubts on the Internet.

Fang Mu could clearly feel that Hutao's self-confidence was constantly being rebuilt in the battles with Hutao again and again.

Hutao, who is confident in everything now, completely matches the feeling Hutao gave Fang Mu when Fang Mu first met Hutao.

This made Fang Mu very happy.

Just when Fang Mu was looking forward to whether the heavy cherry carp could use the skill [Sakura Sacrifice] to help his beast master star to break through.

Fang Mu's Whispering Butterfly received a message from Lixu, the second master of Changlefang.

Most of the time in Changlefang, there are dedicated people to communicate with Fang Mu.

The two masters, Li Xu and Lang Huan, seldom negotiate with Fang Mu in person by summoning the Beast Master.

After receiving Li Xu's summons, Fang Mu immediately realized that something must have happened to Chang Lefang.

"Jianmu, are you in Longteng Federation now?"

"I'm not in the Longteng Federation, so I can only communicate with you through the Beast Master."

"If I were in the Dragon Federation, I should tell you the news face to face."

Seeing that Li Xu spoke so solemnly, Fang Mu's expression also became solemn.

"Pear Xu, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"If you really encounter any trouble, let me prepare early!"

"There is a cooperative relationship between the Boundless Tower and Changlefang."

"I will not ignore the troubles encountered by Chang Lefang!"

When Li Xu heard the words, he immediately realized that Fang Mu had misunderstood himself.

Li Xu hurriedly continued.

"Jianmu, you use our Changlefang signboard as a channel to communicate with the outside world."

"Now someone has found us Changlefang through the channel you gave."

"I came to you this time to tell you about it."

Fang Mu had a clear expression on his face when he heard this.

Fang Mu did negotiate with the outside world in the name of Changlefang.

But Fang Mu only negotiated with two forces.

One is the Court of True Knowledge, and the other is the Poison Gu Villa.

Except for these two forces, other forces should not take the initiative to negotiate with Changlefang.

I want to contact myself through the channel of Changlefang.

Behind the Poison Gu Villa is the Valley of Scourge and Insects.

Relying on the natural disaster insect valley, Poison Gu Villa does not lack the resources of creators.

On the contrary, those angel beasts in the court of true knowledge are all bottomless pits.

It takes a lot of resources to cultivate these angel beasts.

Therefore, it is more likely that Wang Xu, who is truly knowledgeable, will find himself through Changlefang.

"Wang Xu wanted to find me through you?"

Li Xu was not surprised that Fang Mu mentioned Wang Xu as soon as he opened his mouth.

Fang Mu has always done things neatly and with great pertinence.

Fang Mu must be very clear about which faction he disclosed the way of contacting Changlefang to.

"Wang Xu is in the Styx Federation, and I am also dealing with some things in the Styx Federation."

"If you want to see Wang Xu, I can bring Wang Xu to you directly."

Fang Mu heard the words and said directly.

"Then I'll trouble you to make this trip. We'll talk about what's up after we meet!"

Hearing what Fang Mu said, Li Xu couldn't help giving Fang Mu a thumbs up in his heart.

Jianmu, a young man, is simply too good at handling things.

The reason why he proposed to bring Wang Xu to Jianmu was not to please Jianmu.

Rather, he wanted Zhenzhiduting to owe Changlefang a favor.

If Jianmu rejects this proposal, the favor of Zhenzhi Duting will naturally not be owed to Chang Lefang.

Li Xu heard the news that a female archangel of Zhenzhidu Court was kicked out at the banquet held by Grandmaster Lan Ye.

Grandmaster Lan Ye drove out the female archangel from the Court of True Knowledge, and tore up the invitation to the Court of True Knowledge.

He also publicly stated that he would not invite Zhenzhiduting to participate in activities related to him in the future.

This is tantamount to directly breaking the face with the Zhenzhi family, and it is impossible to conduct resource transactions with it in the future.

It is even possible to regard Master Lan Ye's words as a threat to the Court of True Knowledge.

Let these forces who come to their banquets have less contact with the true family in the future.

The family of true knowledge has lost a channel to create a master, so it must want to open up another one.

Therefore, Wang Xu from the Court of True Knowledge came to Jianmu because he wanted to trade resources with Jianmu.

In the previous communication with Fang Mu, Li Xu found that Fang Mu was not disgusted with other forces trading resources.

That's why Lixu chose to participate.

The Styx Federation is not far from the Dragon Federation.

With the speed of powerhouses like Li Xu and Wang Xu, they will be able to reach Longteng Federation tomorrow morning.

After Fang Mu put away the chattering Landie, he began to calculate in his heart.

Apart from the Boundless Tower he built, Fang Mu has never tried to fund a certain force.

Twelve Pavilions, Chonghua Residence, the Brilliant Clan, Fang Mu and the others are extremely equal partnerships.

In the current power struggle led by Di Yuan, Fang Mu felt that he had to strongly support a certain power,

Let this force become his minion, and do something instead of himself and the Infinite Tower.

There are two prerequisites for choosing a force that can be strongly funded.

One is that this force relies on itself enough to allow Fang Mu to partially control this force.

The second is that this force must be strong enough.

If this force is not strong enough, it will be difficult for this force to create value for Fang Mu as Fang Mu's minions.

In terms of strength, true knowledge is enough.

Through Shu Liangjun, Fang Mu learned about the situation of Zhenzhi Duting.

The strength of the True Knowledge Family is no weaker than that of the Evil Heart Sect.

It's just that the Court of True Knowledge is composed of twelve families, and each family will serve as an archangel.

This made the twelve archangels of the Court of True Knowledge not united.

It is this kind of disunity that gives Fang Mu the opportunity to split it up and gradually control it.

Fang Mu is still not sure whether to choose the True Wisdom Court as a force to support strongly.

But the communication with Wang Xu this time will definitely allow Fang Mu to have a clear judgment.

When Wang Xu came to seek resources from himself to create a master, he would naturally be at a disadvantage.

As long as a quarter of the twelve families that form the True Wisdom Court, that is, three families are controlled by Fang Mu.

Fang Mu can invest resources for these three families, making these three families stronger quickly.

In turn, use these three families to control the family of true knowledge!

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