Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 483 What I value is the Temple of True Knowledge!

The sacred objects such as cleansing and shining light produced in the Temple of True Knowledge never leaked out from the Court of True Knowledge at the beginning.

Cleansing Light is not just a spiritual material that contains light attribute abilities.

If it is only a spiritual material that contains the ability of pure light attribute, there are many substitutes for the pure light.

It will not be missed by so many forces.

In addition to the pure light element energy contained in the pure light, there is also a power that can promote the evolution of the bloodline of the angelic beast.

This is the core reason why the clean brilliance is precious.

Many forces have proposed to the court of true knowledge that they want to replace the clean glory with a high price.

But the court of true knowledge has always clearly refused to let the cleansing shine out.

This caused many forces to feel dissatisfied with the Zhenzhi family.

It's too small to trade without cleanliness, and it really makes these forces feel ashamed to be rejected by the Court of True Knowledge.

Once a power starts to lose popularity.

Unless this force is strong enough, so strong that it can only be looked up to.

Otherwise, the bad reputation of this force will be gradually passed on.

In recent years, due to the fewer and fewer forces that have traded with themselves, the True Knowledge Court has had to take the initiative to make friends with other forces.

In the face of some forces that are beneficial to themselves, the family of true knowledge has begun to be willing to trade cleansing glory!

But this did not improve the popularity of the True Knowledge Tribunal, and only deepened the dissatisfaction of those forces who had been rejected by the True Knowledge Tribunal.

Now the sacred objects such as Cleansing and Glowing Light, which would never flow outside before, have become Wang Xu's meeting gift in order to please Fang Mu.

Shu Liangjun personally witnessed the changes in the court of true knowledge.

When Shu Liangjun's Jinchan Villa traded with Zhenzhiduting, Zhenzhiduting knew the benefits of trading with Jinchan Villa.

But still stubbornly refused the transaction request.

It's kind of ironic now that I think about it.

If Zhenzhiduting had foreseen the situation at this time, probably he would not have pinched Clean Yaoguang so deadly again!

The messenger of the star wheel has the blood of the angel beast.

The cleansing light can stimulate the angel blood of the messenger.

Fang Mu contracted a courier, which has been promoted to the level of a galaxy courier under Qixing's cultivation.

If it is possible to use the clean flare to cultivate the Messenger of the Galaxy, the Messenger of the Galaxy has a great probability of making great progress.

Promoted to star mark angel!

Fang Mu raised his hand to let She Wan put away the wooden box containing the clean and bright light.

Shu Liangjun had already told Fang Mu about the magical effect of cleansing and shining light through soul transmission.

Fang Mu was very interested in Cleansing Yaoguang, so he asked Wang Xu directly.

"The box you gave me is of great benefit to me."

"Presumably this is the clean light specially produced in the Temple of True Knowledge?"

"I don't know if I will have the opportunity to continue to trade with the Zhenzhi family for cleansing and shining light in the future?"

Fang Mu said that the transaction was clean and bright, but it was tantamount to throwing an olive branch to Wang Xu.

As long as Wang Xu agrees to Fang Mu's request, he will have the opportunity to continue trading with Fang Mu.

If Wang Xu disagrees with Fang Mu's request, then there is no need to continue this deal.

Fang Mu really needs cleansing light, but cleansing light is not a resource that Fang Mu must obtain.

Because Fangmu's blood-colored aging wine can also stimulate the blood of the messenger, its effect is not necessarily worse than the effect of Cleansing Glory on angelic beasts!

Fang Mu would say this because Fang Mu needs to continue to be strong and continue to suppress Wang Xu's momentum in the transaction.

If Wang Xu chose to endure again, he lowered his head.

Fang Mu can now talk to Wang Xu about strong investment!

As the saying goes, times have changed and times have changed. When Fang Mu first met Wang Xu, Fang Mu and Wang Xu communicated on an equal footing.

But now in front of Fang Mu, Wang Xu can only show a flattering attitude to Fang Mu in order to achieve the desired result.

When Wang Xu took out the cleansing light, he used the cleansing light to seduce Fang Mu and let Fang Mu give himself a chance.

Wang Xu, as one of the archangels of the Court of True Wisdom, can be assigned a batch of clean radiance every month.

Wang Xu didn't intend to apply for a cleansing glory to the court of truth in order to make friends with Fang Mu.

Wang Xu is going to trade his cleanliness to Fang Mu.

In this way, the channel between himself and Fang Mu has nothing to do with Zhenzhi Duting.

Wang Xu has the idea of ​​using this channel to turn his true knowledge into family.

As the Archangel of the Family of True Knowledge, Wang Xu is well aware of how much the current Family of True Knowledge needs for the resources to create a Grandmaster.

In recent years, the resources for creating the masters of the True Wisdom Family have been in a state of extreme shortage.

The break between Grandmaster Lanye and Zhenzhidu Family can be said to be the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Fang Mu thought that Wang Xu would have to think about it for a while before replying to him.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xu agreed without hesitation.

"Your Excellency Yan Luo, if you are willing, I can provide you with four boxes of clean and bright light like now."

"This is already my limit!"

Hearing this, Fang Mu lowered his eyebrows and glanced at Wang Xu, and did not make things difficult for Wang Xu anymore.

Fang Mu raised his eyes and continued talking to Li.

"It's really hard for Master Erfang to help me bring people here from all the way."

"Sister Wan, take Er Fangzhu to have a rest, and prepare some delicacies from Ludu by the way."

"Yale Mountain is on the outskirts of Wangdu, far away from Ludu."

"The food in Ludu is no worse than the food in Wangdu!"

Li Xu smiled and shook his head upon hearing this.

Li Xu knew that Fang Mu said this because he wanted a chance to communicate with Wang Xu alone.

I am an outsider to the Boundless Tower, so it is really inconvenient to stay here.

"I'm not tired."

"If it's convenient for Miss She, why don't you take me around Ludu."

"I might as well bring back some delicacies for Sister-in-law to taste!"

Fang Mu and Wang Xu haven't finished talking yet, and Li Xu didn't mention the tidal bay.

Li Xu wanted to wait for Fang Mu and Zhenzhi Duting to discuss everything, and then find another opportunity to have a serious talk with Fang Mu about the cooperation of the Tidal Bay.

The cooperation of Tidal Bay is of great importance, and it is simply not something that a master creator can handle.

After talking with Fang Mu about this matter, Fang Mu will definitely tell Qi Xing and other founding masters in the Boundless Tower the deal he proposed.

Before She Wan became Fang Mu's guard, she was very fascinated by Chang Le Fang.

It can be said that She Wan was extremely excited to have a chance to play with Li, the second master of Changlefang, on a tour.

After She Wan left with Li, only Fang Mu, Wang Xu and Shu Liangjun were left in the room.

Shu Liangjun is Fang Mu's protector, and Fang Mu doesn't need to hide Shu Liangjun's behavior if he wants to know the truth.

Seeing Fang Muzhi leaving Lixu, Wang Xu felt relieved.

Fang Mu's behavior expressed his willingness to cooperate with Zhenzhiduting.

In the case of providing four boxes of cleansing light every month, I have already shown my sincerity.

Fang Mu should not be the kind of person who can speak like a lion.

But what Fang Mu was going to say next obviously exceeded Wang Xu's expectations.

"Actually, I'm not interested in clean flare."

"I'm more interested in the Sanctuary of True Knowledge that can produce clean and shining light!"

Wang Xu was startled when he heard Fang Mu's words.

If Wang Xu didn't want to win a channel from Fang Mu to create a master at this time.

If someone else mentioned this matter in front of Wang Xu, Wang Xu might be angry and do it directly!

If you are interested in the Temple of True Knowledge, don't you want to control the Court of True Knowledge and be the master of the Court of True Knowledge! ?

Fang Mu's words were really out of proportion.

Shu Liangjun narrowed his eyes when he heard Fang Mu's words, and probably guessed what Fang Mu was thinking.

Shu Liangjun couldn't help but sigh inwardly, Fang Mu's courage is really great!

If the two archangels of the Court of True Knowledge come to discuss this matter together, it is impossible for the two archangels to reach a consensus to betray the Court of True Knowledge.

But now only Wang Xu came alone.

If the benefits given by Fang Mu can directly hit Wang Xu's heart, and Wang Xu's heart also planted the seeds of desire at some point.

This matter can be negotiated!

It's been a full minute since Fang Mu finished what he just said, and Wang Xu didn't even turn against Fang Mu directly.

Shu Liangjun's face curled up.

Wang Xu, the Archangel of the Court of True Knowledge, has a lot of thoughts on weekdays!

Wang Xu is willing to betray his true knowledge and serve the family for the sake of profit.

But it depends on how much benefit Fang Mu provides to Wang Xu.

Is it enough for Wang Xu to betray his true knowledge and save his family?

Fang Mu has never lacked the resources to create a master.

Fang Mu will invest the resources invested in Master Yi Han to Wang Xu, this matter will definitely be successful.

The value created by a force with at least twelve peak sequence powerhouses sitting in its command is much greater than that of Fang Mu, a master who created a master!

Just when Shu Liangjun was thinking about whether he should mention Fang Mu, Fang Mu smiled and walked up to pour a cup of tea for Wang Xu himself.

"I'm not only interested in the Temple of True Knowledge, I also hope that the Wang family lineage you belong to can rise strongly in the Court of True Knowledge."

"You become the ruler of the Court of True Knowledge and control the Court of True Knowledge!"

"I think Brother Wang, you should have such ability!"

"I wonder if my feeling is wrong?"

Having said that, Fang Mu didn't hand over the tea he poured for Wang Xu, but just stood there quietly waiting for Wang Xu to come forward.

He acted like he asked Wang Xu to take the teacup himself.

It seems to be saying that I have paved the way for you, and you can decide whether you want to take this route or not!

Every word Fang Mu said was beyond Wang Xu's expectation.

Ever since Wang Xu communicated with Fang Mu, he has been passive.

But it is undeniable that Fang Mu's unexpected words hit Wang Xu's heart thoroughly.

Wang Xu looked at Fang Mu with a complicated expression, feeling that the young man wearing a ghostly mask in front of him understood him very well.

Just like a lover who is taken care of by a rich man, you can never tell this rich man that I only love the money in your pocket and the material life and convenience that your money can create for me.

When you really want to say it, you can only say love.

Wang Xu is like that lover, but Fang Mu, a rich man, made everything clear from the beginning.

Let Wang Xu not have to hide when communicating with Fang Mu, and he can show his ambition to his heart's content.

Since Fang Mu gave himself a chance to show his ambition, Wang Xu took a decisive step forward and took the tea cup handed by Fang Mu.

He raised his head and drank the tea in one gulp.

Immediately, Wang Xu, the sequence expert, knelt down in front of Fang Mu on one knee, holding the teacup to Fang Mu with both hands.

When Wang Xu first met Fang Mu, Fang Mu was accompanied by two strong men of order.

This made Wang Xu not doubt Fang Mu's ability at all.

Kneeling on one knee to swear allegiance to a young man who can be protected by two strong men of order is not a shameful act.

Seeing this, Fang Mu didn't take Wang Xu back to take back the cup in front of him.

Instead, he kicked Wang Xu's left knee, which was not kneeling down.

Fang Mu's kick didn't carry much strength.

Even if this kick kicked a baby, it would be difficult for a baby to fall down.

But Wang Xu knelt down after his body froze.

Fang Mu's voice sounded in Wang Xu's ear.

"Since you want to exchange for power, status and strength, it is better to submit wholeheartedly to what you want!"

"You submit to me, and I will help you become a strong man of order."

"Evolve your Angel Beast Master Bloodline, and give you the opportunity to control the resources to create a Grandmaster!"

"And what you have to do for me is to lead the family of true knowledge to become my secret ally."

After Fang Mu finished speaking, he took the cup from Wang Xu and put the cup back on the table.

This is the first time Fang Mu has shown his wrist in front of the ruler of a power.

The most taboo thing in this process is overpromising.

The other party pledged allegiance to you because of their interests, but your promise failed to be fulfilled.

This will directly affect the other party's confidence in your allegiance.

If someone else said this in front of Shu Liangjun, Shu Liangjun would definitely curl his lips in disdain.

How dare you say anything big!

But when Fang Mu said such a thing in front of Shu Liangjun, Shu Liangjun would only think it was very normal.

The existence of the Holy Creator itself is a god who creates miracles.

Fang Mu pulled Wang Xu up from the ground, and then took out a test tube bottle.

He poured the silkworm-shaped creature in the test tube bottle into the teacup, and handed the teacup back to Wang Xu again.

From Wang Xu's perspective, seeing the Infinity Silver Silkworm in the teacup will definitely be able to understand the abilities and effects of the Infinity Silver Silkworm.

Fang Mu remembered that Wang Xu had some skills as a creator.

Even if it doesn't reach the level of a senior creator, at least it is a senior intermediate creator.

After understanding the functions and abilities of the infinite silver silkworm, Wang Xu should know how to do it without Fang Mu saying much.

Fang Mu and Wang Xu have already negotiated terms, and Fang Mu also gave Wang Xu a promise.

Now this piece of square wood is handed to Wang Xu's Infinite Silver Silkworm, which is both an opportunity and a bondage.

Some promises are useless just by talking about them, they must be exchanged for freedom!

Fang Mu always likes to do things that are guaranteed, no matter when it is.

Of course, Fang Mu does not lack the spirit of adventure.

In the operation to plot against the blood queen, Fang Mu achieved great success by risking his life.

It is Fang Mu who strives to control everything with certainty, and is willing to take risks in the face of opportunities and unknown dangers.

It is only now that we have achieved such development and achievements!

Wide sea diving, sky high the birds to fly.

The Boundless Tower has gradually become full since it was fabricated by Fangmu.

Now it's time for the Infinite Tower to rise in this world!

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