Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 484 Moritake Angel!

Wang Xu looked down at Fang Mu and handed him the teacup again.

Looking at the twisting silver silkworm in the teacup, Wang Xu was a little puzzled at Fang Mu's meaning at first.

But after carefully investigating the situation of this little silkworm, Wang Xu was refreshed.

A moving expression appeared on his face!

This little silver silkworm was able to make the Beastmaster go down the ranks!

Once the beast master passes the rank, he can control the beast at the current rank beyond his own level.

This kind of treasure is extremely useful for beast masters below the six-pointed star.

But he was already a six-pointed star beast master, and it was a waste to contract this boundless silver silkworm.

Wang Xu regarded this as a reward from Fang Mu.

Wang Xu didn't think Fang Mu would waste such a precious resource.

"Thank you for your reward. If the young people of our Wang family can contract this silkworm imperial beast, they will definitely stand out in the court of true knowledge."

"I hope to represent the family of true knowledge to participate in the hegemony of the younger generation of the major forces!"

Of the twelve families behind the twelve archangels of the Zhenzhidu Court, the Wang family is in the middle.

But the younger generation can only rank low among the twelve families.

It's not because Wang Xu's lineage has a problem with the cultivation of the younger generation, but because the old powerhouses were the main competition among the powers in the past.

The Wang family bet most of their resources on veteran powerhouses.

Because the younger generation has relatively few resources, it is difficult to surpass those forces that are willing to invest resources in the younger generation.

After contracting the boundless silver silkworm, the strength of Yushou has been raised to a higher level.

The younger generation of the Wang family will immediately stand out among their peers!

After all, young people of the same age are basically the same even if the training of beast masters varies.

Fang Mu shook his head at Wang Xu when he heard the words.

"This silkworm imperial beast is called the Infinite Silver Silkworm, and it is the unique imperial beast of the Infinite Tower."

"It's not a contract for the younger generation of your Wang family, but a contract for you!"

"You contracted the boundless silver silkworm, and you will be under the control of the boundless tower."

"Breaking the agreement, the infinite silver silkworm will completely disintegrate your spiritual power, and make you lose your qualifications as a beast master after a mental breakdown!"

"I gave you a promise, and you must always make me feel at ease!"

"After you finish contracting the boundless silver silkworms, I will provide you with three boundless silver silkworms for free in return."

"Let you hand it over to the younger generation of the Wang family to make a contract."

"You are very smart, so you will not expose the existence of the boundless silver silkworm."

"I'm not sure if I will trade the Boundless Silver Silkworm with other forces in the future."

"If you expose the existence of the infinite silver silkworm, or let the other archangels of the court of true knowledge know that your relationship with the infinite tower is too close."

"This is not conducive to your ruling other families and developing yourself in the court of true knowledge."

Fang Mu didn't want the existence of the Infinite Silver Silkworm to be revealed, but Fang Mu was not afraid of revealing the existence of the Infinite Silver Silkworm.

However, considering from Wang Xu's standpoint, Wang Xu definitely does not want the existence of the Infinite Silver Silkworm to be leaked.

For the overall development of the family of true knowledge, the archangels of the family of true knowledge may be willing to let one of the archangels monopolize the power.

But it is impossible to allow this Archangel to be subject to other forces.

Wang Xu's body trembled, Wang Xu had already expected that Fang Mu would use some method to restrain himself.

For example, the court of true knowledge has the means to restrain the beast master.

When Fang Muken restrained himself, he handed over three boundless silver silkworms to the Wang family's junior contract, which was enough to show Fang Mu's sincerity.

I bet so many resources for myself at the beginning, and I will definitely bet on myself in the future!

Wang Xu made a contract with Wuqian Yincan directly in front of Fang Mu, then put his palms together and bowed to Fang Mu lightly.

A peak sequence expert, one of the twelve archangels of the Court of True Knowledge, surrendered at the feet of a young man just like that.

Shu Liangjun looked up at Fang Mu.

Shu Liangjun knew that the Boundless Tower, a force that had never heard of it before, was about to show its minions.

Fang Muhui bestowed Wang Xu the Infinite Silver Silkworm so generously that Wang Xu would give contracts to the younger generation of the Wang family.

It's because Fang Mu not only wants to control the powerful elders of the Wang family like Wang Xu, but also Fang Mu, the outstanding junior of the Wang family.

In this way, even if the time changes and Wang Xu dies, Fang Mu can still control the lineage of the Wang family of Zhenzhiting.

Fang Mu was very satisfied with Wang Xu's actions, and raised his hand to pull Wang Xu up.

Immediately, Fang Mu took out a sleepy spirit box, and handed the defective spirit box, which was only the size of a football field inside, to Wang Xu.

This spirit box is made in the shape of a badge with a pair of angel wings drawn on it.

It's just that the wings of this pair of angels are entwined with thorns, and the holiness is mixed with a sense of depravity.

Jiang Weng has some artistic cells in him.

Fang Mu had already prepared resources for Wang Xu in advance after he decided to make a strong investment in the Zhenzhi family to control Wang Xu.

As soon as Wang Xu took the sleepy spirit box handed over by Fang Mu, he immediately discovered that this piece of space equipment was different from other traditional space equipment.

There is no need for a contract, and the mental power can be used directly!

And the internal area is equivalent to the storage area inside the diamond space spirit tool.

Wang Xu immediately thought of the wide application of this special space equipment.

After Wang Xu saw that there were resources Fang Mu had prepared for him in the space equipment, he began to investigate these resources in front of Fang Mu without the slightest twitch.

He has already pledged his allegiance to Fang Mu, and Wang Xu wants to see what his allegiance can get in exchange for Fang Mu.

Just like Fang Mu wants to ensure that he is absolutely in control of himself.

Wang Xu also needs to ensure that the resources Fang Mu provides to him are really what he said, so that the Wang family can stand out in the court of truth.

Become the ruling family of the family of true knowledge.

Wang Xu dug out three brocade boxes.

As soon as he opened the first brocade box, Wang Xu saw three test tube bottles on the left side of the brocade box.

Each of the three test tube bottles contained an Infinity Silver Silkworm, writhing lazily inside the bottle.

Wang Xu understood that he had been manipulated by Fang Mu from the very beginning!

But Wang Xu didn't dislike this manipulation.

Next to the three test tube bottles, there are fifty bottles of life medicine with a purity of 90%, which shows Fang Mu's sincerity.

Zhenzhiduting was with Grandmaster Lanye before, and he was only able to trade forty bottles of grandmaster-level potions in a year.

The resources in this brocade box have already satisfied Wang Xu.

Wang Xu held his breath and opened the second brocade box. The contents of this brocade box were very simple.

Water, Fire, Earth, and Wood are forty bottles each of the four element potions, and the purity of each bottle is between 90% and 92%.

If we say that the resources in the first brocade box are more than the resources obtained by the True Knowledge Family from a channel for creating a master.

The contents of these two brocade boxes are more than all the resources for creating masters obtained by Zhenzhi Duting in one year!

These resources are not a transaction between Fang Mu and the Zhenzhi family, but the resources poured into himself and the Wang family.

These resources can be used to improve the strength of myself and the Wang family!

Wang Xu opened the third brocade box with trembling hands.

Wang Xu saw that the brocade box contained light, darkness, and space, three expensive and relatively rare elemental potions.

And ten bottles of aura potions that are only used by the legendary powerhouses of order.

Even if Wang Xu is used to seeing the big world, seeing the resources Fang Mu bet on himself at this moment can't help but feel a little dizzy.

"Your top priority now is to raise the rank of the beast master from sequence to order."

"If you become a strong person of order, your position in the court of true knowledge will naturally surpass other archangels!"

"At that time, you will naturally have a reason to be in charge of the Zhenzhi Duting Court!"

"You also have the opportunity to use these aura potions."

Wang Xu has been stuck at the peak of the sequence for a long time.

It's not that Wang Xu didn't want to improve himself, but Wang Xu couldn't get a chance to improve himself even though he spent a lot of resources.

If Fang Mu is willing to push himself, then it is really possible for him to successfully set foot in order and become the real peak powerhouse in the world.

Stand in the first echelon of the world!

The resources that Fang Mu provided to Wang Xu were selected after careful consideration. Fang Mu did not provide Wang Xu with resources above the level of a master craftsman.

Fang Mu has already shown his wrist to Wang Xu today, but there is no need for others to see him clearly once he shows his wrist.

Only by slowly letting Wang Xu discover the true strength of the Boundless Tower by himself can Wang Xu be more willing to work for the Boundless Tower.

"Master, if you let me step into order, I will never say anything about what you ask me to do in the future!"

Wang Xu knew very well how high his status in the court of true knowledge would be if he became a strong man of order.

It's just that the angelic beast of his own must be upgraded in order to be able to be promoted.

The bloodline of this angel-species beast of mine has reached its limit, unless he gets the opportunity to change the life level of this angel-species beast of his own.

Only then can I step into the ranks of order.

Before Wang Xu could talk to Fang Mu about this matter, Fang Mu continued to talk.

"If you want to completely control the family of true knowledge, you must have a helper."

"Many things are inconvenient for you without helpers!"

"Among the remaining eleven families of the Zhenzhidu Court, are there any families that can submit to me like your Wang family?"

Wang Xu was originally happy, but Fang Mu's words made Wang Xu's mood drop to freezing point in an instant.

Even if Fang Mu used the Infinite Silver Silkworm to control himself, he would not fully trust him.

Fang Mu didn't let himself find the family and make these families attach to him.

Instead, I want to support a few more families to keep pace with the Wang family.

This shows that Fang Mu is going to check and balance his power in the true knowledge court in the future.

At this moment Wang Xu knew what kind of person Fang Mu was.

I also know that you don't have to be cautious when doing things under Fang Mu, but you must ensure absolute loyalty.

Otherwise, Fang Mu can spend resources to cultivate himself, and he can also abandon himself at any time.

The Court of True Knowledge and the Tower of Infinity did not have much intersection before.

The Boundless Tower is willing to spend so many resources to control the family of true knowledge.

Wang Xu guessed that there would not be many forces controlled by the Boundless Tower! ?

Maybe any force that I have dealt with before is the same as Zhen Zhidu, and it is backed by the ghostly and powerful force of the Infinite Tower!

Fang Mu talked with Wang Xu for a while, and Wang Xu recommended three other families for Fang Mu.

But how to convince them to submit to the Boundless Tower next.

Wang Xu still has to wait until he has set foot in the order, and then negotiate with the archangels of the other three families before he can make a decision.

Among them, He Wen, who was obviously wronged but excluded, should be the easiest target to negotiate.

The most important thing right now is to promote Wang Xu's main battle royal beast.

Fang Mu nodded to Wang Xu, signaling Wang Xu to summon the main battle royal beast.

A huge angel reincarnation pool was summoned in the holy circle.

The water in the entire Reincarnation Pool did not have any waves.

There are several statues standing above the pool. These statues are all heroic men with six powerful wings behind them.

What surprised Fang Mu was that a tall, slightly curved horn grew from the foreheads of these male angel statues, and the horn was emerald gold.

The holy light radiated among these statues, and a heroic angel who was at least 80% similar to the statue appeared in the holy light.

After the angelic beast appeared, it saluted Fang Mu from a distance.

As Wang Xu's main battle royal beast, this angel beast knew that Fang Mu was about to promote himself.

Fang Mu's natal Beast Master, the Shadow of the Fool, has been successfully promoted to the silver rank, and the Eye of All-Sense can detect the data of the beast master within five ranks higher than himself.

This angel happened to be within the detection range of [Eye of All-knowing].

Fang Mu immediately used [Eye of All-knowing] to investigate this peak-sequence Heroic Angel.

[Name of Royal Beast]: Moriyue Angel

【Genus of Royal Beast】: Angelidae / Power Angel

[Beast Familiar Level]: Sequence level one

[Beast Royale]: Wood/Earth/Light

[Beast Familiar Potential]: Sequence Level 1

[Quality of Royal Beast]: Legendary Quality


[Forest thorns]: Select a location to germinate the power of the forest, and the forest will emerge from the ground like spikes, launching a range attack on the target.

[Forest Healing]: The stimulated forest can recover by itself when it is destroyed, and new individuals will continue to split and emerge from the selected location, causing continuous blows.

[Crazy Forest Light Rain]: The forest spawned madly turns into a tree puppet, and light rain falls from the sky above the forest. The light rain can stimulate the fighting will of the tree puppet and restore the exhausted vitality of the tree puppet.

[Forest Cleansing]: Use the cleansing power of the forest to dispel the negative effects of the target, including toxins, curses, and control from the spiritual and soul levels. It has no exact effect on the control of the physical level.

[Yue Chung]: Change the surrounding environment, condense the mountains with the power of blood, the existence of the mountains will improve one's own defense and enhance one's ability to resist attacks.

[Shaking Mountain Mori Dance]: Pull up the mountain condensed by one's own blood and throw it at the target. By sacrificing the energy of the trees growing on the mountain, the attack has multiple effects such as piercing, armor piercing and winding.

Exclusive features:

[Light Sacrifice]: Sacrifice the light elemental energy in the body, so that the light elemental energy can be multiplied into other elemental energies it owns. After turning on the conversion, it cannot absorb the light elemental energy for a period of time.

[Sen Lan]: In the forest created by oneself, the forest will bless its own strength and continuously increase its own strength. Before the forest is destroyed, its own increase will not be reduced by external forces.

[Senyue Fusion]: Fuse the blood of Mori and Yue in the body, so that the power of the two bloodlines can be combined into one to manipulate the power of Mori and Yue.

Evolution direction:

①: Angel Fansen, ②: Angel Chongyue, ③: Angel Liwang.

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