Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 583: The Sword That Stabs the Chest!

Just like Fang Mu would clean up all the blood servants around Yisi before taking control of Yisi to prevent news from leaking.

Evian wants to control Zhang Yue, and will also clean up all the strong human beings around Zhang Yue.

Because both of them are very clear that when faced with this kind of problem, regardless of whether they are humans or blood races, the vast majority of members will follow the bottom line.

Yi Si stood beside Evian, and the dark red blood energy enveloped Yi Si.

On Yisi's body surface was formed the unique blood armor of the blood queen.

"It's natural, let me do it when it's time to do it later!"

"Weiwei, you come to sit in town, since you asked me to help, I will definitely do my best."

"At that time, don't forget to arrange the resources produced by my human creation master according to the ratio we agreed in advance!"

Evian pursed her lips slightly when she heard Yi Si's words.

The aura released by Yisi's blood armor made Evian a little stunned.

When I came into contact with Yisi half a year ago, Yisi's bloodline could barely reach the level of the second blood sacrifice.

Now it has reached the peak of the third blood sacrifice, and it is only a thin line away from the fourth blood sacrifice!

Evian thought that Yisi's bloodline had just been promoted to the third blood sacrifice, and she had already admitted that Yisi's talent was stronger than her own.

According to Evian's original plan, the resources produced by the human creation master will only be distributed to Yisi in a meaningful way.

As soon as the master creator of human beings was under his control, Yisi didn't know how much resources this master creator of human beings could produce.

Secondly, the potion formulated by this human creation master with human blood can directly assist the blood race to improve the bloodline.

How can there be any reason to give this precious foundation-level material to others?

However, the potential shown by Yi Si now makes Evian have to consider whether she will break her promise and turn against Yi Si.

Antagonizing a potential colleague like this really isn't a good thing in the long run.

This Yisi is a chicken thief.

If the opponent's strength is not strong, they can be dealt with casually, and it doesn't take much effort at all.

But if the opponent's strength is too strong or there are many people coming, it is impossible for him not to make a move.

Originally, Evian's cautious character still caused Evian to have some concerns, but Essie's words diverted Evian's attention.

Let Evian stop hesitating.

Zhang Yue looked at the two blood princes beside him whose strength had reached the sixth and seventh levels of the sequence, and his heart trembled slightly.

Zhang Yue could feel the aura of the blood clan everywhere in the red thorn forest, which meant that the queen of the blood clan must have brought a lot of people.

But Zhang Yue didn't feel nervous at all, because Zhang Yue knew that Fang Mu's people were there to cover for him.

Immediately, the blood queen who planted blood in her body will meet with her, and Zhang Yue doesn't bother to act anymore.

The two blood princes guarding Zhang Yue could clearly feel that Zhang Yue was brewing with anger.

This made the two blood princes subconsciously distance themselves from Zhang Yue.

These two blood princes don't want to be the target of Zhang Yue's anger before Erwei'an arrives!

Zhang Yue set off from Wanzhang City in the evening, and it was already dark when he arrived at the Red Thorn Forest.

At this moment, two red lights flashed under the bright moon.

The two red lights coated the bright moon with a layer of red.

Zhang Yue looked at the two female vampires standing in front of him in Ling Kong, feeling angry and astonished.

Zhang Yue can still recognize Evian after many years.

Evian thinks highly of herself, and even calls in another blood queen as a helper.

If Zhang Yue organizes his own forces to fight against, the forces on the blood clan's side will inevitably make it impossible for him to escape.

Evian admired the terrified and appalled expression on Zhang Yue's face, and said in a delicate voice.

"Heh, you, the founding master who is respected everywhere in the human world, will be my servant from today on!"

"As long as you work hard for me, I can at least make your bloodline reach the level of a prince!"

"Thank you stupid for giving me a chance to meet alone."

Zhang Yue didn't want to act anymore, and Evian didn't want to act anymore.

Evian has detected that not far from Zhang Yue, there is a human order-level powerhouse ambushing in secret.

This human being who is strong in order doesn't need to do anything himself, Yisi can deal with it.

Other than that, there was no other strong human presence in the entire red thorn forest.

The original adventurers in the red thorn forest have become the food of the vampires.

The reason why Evian didn't let Yi Si take action immediately was because he wanted to take advantage of the pass that this strong man of order wanted to protect Zhang Yue, and directly hit this human strong man of order severely.

Don't give it the slightest chance to escape.

If the news about the blood clan's creation of a master for human beings is revealed, Diyuan will definitely trouble the blood clan.

It would be fine if all the blood queens made a joint decision on this matter, but it would be fine to fight against Juyuan together at worst.

It's not that the war between the Blood Race and the Diyuan has never happened before, but it happened to be his own personal plan.

If this caused a dispute between Juyuan and the blood clan, the other blood clan queens would definitely punish themselves at the Red Moon Council.

This made him not only unable to continue to obtain resources from within the blood clan, but also to bleed hard once!

Zhang Yue, the founding master, couldn't keep it himself.

After confirming the current situation, Evian has completely transformed from a cautious mentality to a hunter mentality.

Zhang Yue laughed back angrily.

"So, everything you say, a blood queen, is all lies!?"

There are indeed some sanctimonious people among the superiors of human beings, but these people will never admit their deceitful behavior like the blood queen in front of them.

Zhang Yue's anger kept pleasing Ervian.

"No, I'm not lying to you about everything."

"You really want to work for me, but the time has changed from fifteen years to eternity!"

"I will grant you eternal life, and let you sink in the thirst for blood."

Speaking of this, Erwei settled down for a while, and then continued.

"There is one thing I forgot to tell you, once the blood species is implanted, even I, the person who planted the blood species, cannot eliminate the blood species."

"So even if you don't come to my appointment today, you will definitely not escape the fate of being under my control!"

As soon as Evian finished speaking, there was a burst of applause not far away.

Then a young and cheerful voice sounded.

"Your words really made me see the shamelessness of a blood queen!"

"However, I appreciate your shamelessness!"

"There is one thing you said wrong. People who are not necessarily implanted with blood must be controlled."

"In fact, as long as you control this kind of vampire queen, everything will be solved!"

Evian and Yisi looked at the direction of the voice with lightning-like eyes.

I saw a group of three people walking slowly towards this side, and the one who spoke was the handsome young man with a dignified temperament who was the leader.

If it weren't for the boy's short black hair and black pupils, the boy looked like a blood race.

Evian was stunned, because Evian hadn't noticed the aura of the three of them before.

There is only one possibility for such a situation to occur, and that is that some of these three people are much stronger than themselves!

Strong enough to block your own detection!

At this time, Evian had already activated the energy in his body.

Evian knew that she had been tricked by this human creation master.

What Evian thinks about running energy is not about confrontation, but about how to escape.

The moment Yisi fixed her eyes on Fang Mu, there was a fascinated look in her eyes.

After such a long time, I finally saw Fang Mu again!

Fang Mu let Yisi go so simply at the beginning because Fang Mu successfully contracted Yisi through the contract.

The blood of the contract made Yisi's life level leap, otherwise the blood-colored aged wine that Fang Mu provided for Yisi would not be enough for Yisi to improve her strength so quickly.

No matter how complicated Yisi's thoughts and moods are, Fangmu's feelings are the same as those of Xixi, the Haiyan twins and other contract objects.

Yisi also activated the energy in her body.

It's just that Yi Si is targeting Evian who is standing beside her.

Once Evian plans to escape, Yisi will stop Evian immediately.

It stands to reason that Fang Mu should have appeared a long time ago and attacked Evian.

The reason why it was so late was because Jun Feng was commanding his two main battle beasts to clean up all of Evian's blood servants.

Including those blood princes and more than 20 blood princes in the Red Moon Castle.

Knowing that the corpses of these blood clans were of no use to the opponent, Jun Feng maintained the integrity of these blood clan corpses.

The imperial beast did not cause any damage to the appearance of the corpse.

Jun Feng is still very confident in taking down the two blood queens in front of him.

One of the two blood queens was at the peak of the third blood sacrifice, and the other was at the beginning of the fifth blood sacrifice.

Such bloodline strength is simply not enough to escape from his own hands.

There are not many opportunities to catch the cunning blood queen in the human world like this!

But catching the blood queen and controlling the blood queen are two completely different things.

Ever since the blood clan came to the main world, so many years have passed, and Jun Feng has not seen any human force controlling the blood queen.

However, these are not issues that Jun Feng needs to consider.

Jun Feng only needs to catch the two blood queens and protect Fang Mu's safety.

Jun Feng didn't know that one of the two blood queens belonged to Fang Mu.

At this time, Jun Feng had released his aura without reservation, and pressed his aura of a strong man at the peak of order towards Yisi and Evian.

This made Yisi and Ervian feel a great pressure.

The powerhouse at the peak of human order is converted by the strength of the blood race, at least at the level of the tenth blood sacrifice.

A strong man like Jun Feng is simply not something that Evian can handle.

Yisi feigned a nervous expression, and looked sideways at Evian.

Evian didn't respond to Yi Si's eyes, but said to Zhang Yue viciously.

"Even if you find the strongest among you humans to plot against me, you will not feel better!"

"If I die, I will detonate the blood species before I die and let you be buried with me!"

Having said that, Evian suddenly dodged backwards, preparing to flee from this place immediately.

There is only one person at the pinnacle of human order.

If I escape first, this strong human being will not come to chase me, but will attack Yisi first.

No matter how much Yisi hated her betrayal, she would not give in obediently, and could delay for a few minutes for herself.

I can just take the opportunity to run away at the fastest speed.

At worst, leave the Red Moon Castle outside the Redthorn Forest here as a bait.

Evian's goal was clear, but before Jun Feng could make a move, a bloody long whip wrapped around his body.

The front end of the long whip pierced into his chest like a spear, and Evian never thought that it would be Yisi who did it to him!

This scene made Zhang Yue, Lao Bao and Jun Feng stunned at the same time.

Only Shu Liangjun didn't show any strange expression.

Shu Liangjun participated in the previous action against Yisi, and the reason why Yisi appeared here is self-evident.

Fang Mu was able to control Yisi, the blood queen, no wonder he was so aggressive in designing the blood queen!

Seeing Evian's unbelievable expression, Yisi smiled gracefully.

"Weiwei, you can suffer less if you don't struggle."

"I think we'll be real sisters soon!"

Jun Feng questioned Fang Mu through soul transmission, afraid that all this was just a play by Yi Si, in order to numb himself.

After learning that Yi Si is indeed Fang Mu's staff, Jun Feng came to Evian.

A small dark green snake shot out from Jun Feng's sleeve.

The little snake grew in the wind, and transformed into an elegant scaled snake with a body length of nearly five meters.

The dark green scales all over his body reflected a dazzling silver light in the night.

There is also a hint of blue in this silver glow.

Fang Mu once heard Ning Hongshao talk about Jun Feng's imperial beast.

This beautiful and elegant spirit snake should be Junfeng's main battle beast, a Yinyou emperor snake whose strength has reached the peak of order.

It is the strongest snake creature known in the human world.

Even in the world of beast masters, it can be ranked among the top three in terms of bloodline level.

For snake-like beasts, the best way to improve their strength and bloodline is to transform into dragon-type beasts.

The road for a royal beast like this that has been going down with the blood of a snake is very difficult.

But once the road is completed, it is extremely powerful!

The faint emperor snake wrapped around Evian's body, and the tightened body of the snake made Evian unable to move.

The faint golden glow of the emperor's snake eyes made Evian's thoughts begin to become drowsy.

At this time, Evian, who was controlled, fell into a helpless situation.

He was a hunter just now, but now he has become a prey who can't even struggle!

Evian had to vent all her anger on Zhang Yue, who was plotting against her.

In an instant, the blood in Zhang Yue's body was activated, and Zhang Yue, who was in a state of thirst for blood, roared one after another, like a crazy night beast!

Jun Feng said to Fang Mu with a serious face.

"Xiaomu's situation is a bit troublesome. I can only control the body of the blood queen, but I can't stop the blood queen from mobilizing blood."

"This blood queen probably wants to drag Grandmaster Fuyue to be buried with her. I suggest getting rid of this blood queen immediately!"

"Only in this way is it possible to keep Master Fuyue alive!" (End of this chapter)

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