Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 584: The Ownership of Wanzhang City!

Fang Mu had expected that Evian would not be obediently controlled by him, but he did not expect that Evian would be so staunch and directly attack Zhang Yue.

For such a staunch blood queen, Fang Mu has a way to deal with it!

Fang Mu's hand gently pressed the full moon pendant under the clothes on his chest, and then the small purple-black tower appeared in Fang Mu's hand.

The red light in Fang Mu's eyes flashed, and he threw the small purple-black tower in his hand vigorously in the direction of Evian.

The small purple-black tower landed steadily on top of Ervian's head, and the blood that Erwei's security force mobilized was firmly imprisoned for a moment.

Evian only felt that she was in a relatively static state, and her vitality was being continuously drawn by the small purple tower above her head.

The Yinyou Emperor Snake looked at the small purple-black tower above Ervian's head with great fear, and hurriedly let go of Ervian who was restrained by himself with the snake body.

The re-imitation got into Jun Feng's sleeve.

Fang Mu obtained this purple-black small tower from the secret territory in the large ancient battlefield.

The origin of this small purple-black tower can be described as extremely mysterious.

Seeing the state of the Yinyou Emperor Snake, Fang Mu suddenly realized that he had somewhat underestimated this small purple-black tower.

This small purple-black tower can actually deter the beasts at the peak level of order!

Jun Feng is now Fang Mu's own person.

Fang Mu was going to ask Jun Feng for help after he took control of the blood queen named Evian.

Let's see if this small purple-black tower can control the movement of the Yinyou Emperor Snake when it comes into contact with the Yinyou Emperor Snake.

This allowed Fang Mu to better know the upper limit of his small purple-black tower.

If this small purple-black tower can even control creatures at the peak level of order.

Even if Fang Mu doesn't have Jun Feng by his side, he can still have a way to target those powerhouses at the peak of order.

Of course, this approach has its drawbacks.

That is, Fang Mu couldn't take the initiative to use this small purple-black tower to control the creatures at the peak level of order.

Fang Mu threw this small purple-black tower, and it was easy for people to dodge it.

Fang Mu can only use tricks to let those powerhouses at the peak level of order passively touch this small purple-black tower.

But no matter what, this is Fang Mu's unique trump card.

It wasn't the first time Shu Liangjun used this small purple-black tower when Jian Fangmu used it.

Although he was still shocked by the effect of the small purple-black tower, he did not lose his composure due to surprise.

The expressions of Jun Feng, Zhang Yue and Lao Bao Jing changed one after another.

To control a genuine blood queen with only one item, this item is really powerful!

Several people have never heard of similar things before.

Zhang Yue was shocked because he couldn't recognize what the little purple-black tower Fang Mu used was, and he even instantly controlled the blood queen Evian who was targeting him!

The purple-black arc light emitted from this small purple-black tower is not a ghost flame, and the inside of this small purple-black tower does not look like there is a spiritual weapon circuit.

In other words, this small tower is neither a ghost weapon nor a spiritual weapon.

But with a breath like a rule!

Rules are the existence that only the strong above the order are eligible to pursue.

Qixing's ability to give this kind of thing to his disciples not only shows that Qixing trusts Fang Mu very much.

It also shows that Qixing's strength is very likely to have reached above the order, and he is a real strong man who has broken through the peak of order!

Jun Feng's shock was that this small tower was able to imprison the blood.

I have never heard of the ability to confine the blood.

Jun Feng felt that this small tower was too evil.

If it weren't for the fact that this small tower was owned by Fang Mu, Jun Feng would definitely be extremely wary of this small tower.

Moreover, his own Yinyou Emperor Snake has a heartfelt fear of this small tower.

It's as if he is afraid of beings who have the same blood as himself, but are more powerful!

When his own Hidden Emperor Snake was at the Sequence level, its bloodline was far less powerful.

At that time, the Yinyou Emperor Snake did have a similar feeling when facing a powerful snake beast of the order level.

But now the snake blood of the Yinyou Emperor Snake is recognized as the strongest among the snake blood in the human world.

It's really not right for Yinyou Emperor Snake to have such a feeling!

Could it be that inside this small purple-black tower, there is a snake-like imperial beast whose bloodline is at least one level higher than that of the Yinyou Emperor Snake! ?

After Fang Mu saw that the blood queen named Evian had been controlled by him, he immediately released the ingenious bunker.

Then he said to Yi Si who was standing in the air.

"Issie, come and help me send her to the Tricky Bunker, I'll come later!"

Upon hearing this, Yisi glanced at the Bunker with strange eyes.

Yisi has extremely terrifying memories in the ingenious bunker, but at the same time Yisi's fate has also been reborn in the ingenious bunker.

Evian will also encounter the same situation as herself and get the same opportunities as herself.

Yisi believed that after Fang Mu brought out the bloody mist and bloody aging, Evian would make a choice to surrender to Fang Mu.

Ke Yisi hoped that Evian would suffer a little bit.

Otherwise, the only one who suffers is herself, and Yisi always feels a little unbalanced in her heart.

Actually, Isabella was worried.

Even if Evian is very cooperative, Fang Mu will make Evian suffer.

Only Evian knew what would happen if she disobeyed the order after suffering.

Fang Mu wants to make Ervian fear him, and also make Ervian depend on him.

As a highly intelligent creature like the queen of the blood clan, even with the use of contract blood to control it.

Fang Mu still couldn't control Ervian's little thoughts.

After Yisi carried Evian into the clever bunker, Fang Mu spoke to Zhang Yue in a very serious tone.

"There is another person under your command here, can you guarantee that he will not leak the situation here?"

It was the first time Zhang Yue saw Fang Mu talking to himself with such a serious expression.

Zhang Yue's heart suddenly trembled, and he felt that if he couldn't guarantee it, Fang Mu would let Jun Feng clean up the old bag!

In fact, Zhang Yue recognized Jun Feng's identity as early as when Jun Feng appeared.

Decades ago, Jun Feng was not worried about Shouyuan's situation, and Zhang Yue was not controlled by the blood queen with blood.

There used to be an intersection between the two.

Zhang Yue once cooperated with the Nine Poisons and Evil Palace, but Jun Feng was also a general under Qi Xing's command!

Zhang Yue vaguely remembered that Ning Hongshao had been begging for help in the previous gatherings of Di Yuan.

It is said that in order to prolong life, Jun Feng implanted a large amount of pollutants in his body, making him look like a ghost!

Now it seems that Jun Fengfeng is handsome and graceful, and he has not been tortured by pollutants at all.

Zhang Yue thought to himself, could it be that Ning Hongshao's behavior at the Diyuan party is simply trying to restrain her edge?

Or is this what Qixing means?

Judging from the current situation, Qixing, the holy creator who has just joined Diyuan, has at least five founding masters who have chosen to attach to him.

"Xiaomu, don't worry, I won't be sloppy in this kind of thing!"

"I know what kind of impact this kind of thing will have if it gets out."

"Old Bao has been with me for nearly a hundred years, and he is absolutely his own."

"Besides, I have a contractual relationship with him. Lao Bao will never disclose the situation here!"

"I can promise you this with my life!"

Fang Mu nodded upon hearing this.

Now that Zhang Yue said so, Fang Mu doesn't need to worry anymore.

This matter is of great importance, and once it is spread out, it will inevitably have some adverse effects on oneself.

Not only do they need to bear the pressure from the blood race, but also the pressure from Diyuan.

Fang Mu doesn't want to be the target of public criticism!

"Uncle Feng, Uncle Zhang, wait for me here for a while, I need to go in and solve some problems."

"After I finish solving it, we can return to Wanzhang City!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yue hurriedly asked Fang Mu.

"Xiaomu, how long are you going to stay in Wanzhang City?"

"I don't plan to stay in Wanzhang City anymore. I need to deal with some things when I return to Wanzhang City. I wonder if you can wait for me for three days? I can leave with you."

"I happened to use these three days to clean Wanzhang City."

"The owner of Wanzhang City and the Shuangjiang clan are all my people. After I clean up Wanzhang City, Wanzhang City will be completely under our control."

Although Zhang Yue has been in the Qingmo clan for decades in Wanzhang City, Zhang Yue has not done nothing.

The Qingmo clan wants to control Zhang Yue and turn Zhang Yue into a puppet that produces resources to create a master.

But to Zhang Yue, the Qingmo clan is just something that can be replaced at will.

If the Qingmo clan is good enough, then let the Qingmo clan continue to exist.

If the Qingmo family is not good, then clean it up and replace it with another family to support it!

Zhang Yue's tolerance of the Qingmo clan was entirely due to Chen Tong.

After Zhang Yue found out that even Chen Tong had betrayed him, the last trace of tolerance towards the Qingmo clan completely disappeared.

Fang Mu said with a smile.

"I definitely have three days for Uncle Zhang. Since Uncle Zhang doesn't want to stay in Wanzhang City any longer, why not follow me to Longteng Federation!"

"The master has been retreating recently, and there is indeed a need for a master creator to sit in the infinite tower to help deal with some problems and prepare some special medicines."

Fang Mu only knew that Zhang Yue was rooted in the Qingmo clan, and Zhang Yue's disciple Chen Tong had the status of the young patriarch of the Qingmo clan.

From Zhang Yue's words just now, Fang Mu could hear that Zhang Yue was completely disappointed in the Qingmo clan and was about to abandon the Qingmo clan.

Zhang Yue abandoned the Qingmo clan, so it was naturally impossible for Zhang Yue's disciple, Chen Tong, to continue to follow Zhang Yue.

If possible, Fang Mu intends to recommend Hu Tao and Jiang Tuo to Zhang Yue.

If Zhang Yue can like Jiang Tuo and Hu Tao, he will accept Jiang Tuo and Hu Tao as his disciples.

Jiang Tuo and Hu Tao will receive extremely high-quality training.

A founding master accepts a disciple, and it does not necessarily require that the disciple has the potential to become a founding master.

Fang Mu can only provide resources for Hu Tao and Jiang Tuo, but cannot teach Jiang Tuo and Hu Tao.

Gradually, He Deen will not be enough to teach Hu Tao and Jiang Tuo.

He Deen is also a member of Fang Mu's forces, and he can be regarded as the creator who joined Fang Mu's command when Fang Mu just started and had not established the Infinite Tower.

If Zhang Yue went to the mountain manor, He Deen would definitely make rapid progress with Zhang Yue!

Of course, all of this depends on Zhang Yue's own intentions.

Fang Mu could only recommend, and could not give any guidance on Zhang Yue's recruitment of disciples and assistants.

Thinking that Shu Liangjun's Jinchan Manor has acquired the Wan'an Hotel, the Jinchan Manor is located in the Li Islands and not far from Wanzhang City.

It's better to let Shu Liangjun's Jinchan Manor take over Wanzhang City from Zhang Yue and develop Wanzhang City.

Fang Mu is in the Longteng Federation, so he can't reach Wanzhang City.

Fang Mu collected Wanzhang City by himself, so he couldn't manage Wanzhang City at all.

Fang Mu said to Zhang Yue.

"Uncle Zhang, you might as well talk to Mr. Shu about this matter. Mr. Shu intends to develop in Wanzhang City."

"Uncle Zhang, you can allow the forces you support to integrate with the people on Mr. Shu's side."

"I think Uncle Zhang should be more interested in improving himself than managing power!?"

"Uncle Zhang, even if the blood in your body cannot be taken out from now on, it will not pose any threat to you again."

"You can spend all your thoughts on improving your strength!"

Fang Mu's words hit Zhang Yue's thoughts.

Zhang Yue really wants to focus on improving his own strength compared to operating and developing his power!

As a founding master, because of the special bloodline of the imperial beast, he has not set foot in the order all these years.

Zhang Yue is very aware of his own weakness compared to other founding masters.

Zhang Yue now has a feeling of being trapped and ascending to heaven, so he will naturally try his best to get rid of the status quo.

What's more, Fang Mu can also provide resources for himself as support.

If his strength is strong enough, he would already be a veteran of order.

The Qingmo clan will definitely not dare to make their own ideas anymore.

Zhang Yue has nothing to worry about if he entrusts his development in Wanzhang City to the people under Fang Mu's command to manage it over the years!

"Okay, since you're waiting for me to return to Wanzhang City, Lao Shu, you can follow me."

"I will hand over all my powers in Wanzhang City to you."

Zhang Yue lived in the mountain manor for a few days.

In the past few days, Zhang Yue has communicated with Shu Liangjun a lot, and has a certain understanding of Shu Liangjun's situation, knowing that Shu Liangjun is the owner of Jinchan Manor.

The owner of the Golden Toad Manor has always been mysterious.

However, it is said that Jinchan Manor has not escaped from the world these years because the owner of Jinchan Manor has been seeking a way to break through Shouyuan.

Shu Liangjun and Jun Feng, two people whose life was in trouble, gathered by Fang Mu's side.

It shows that Qixing must have a way to let Shouyuan break through.

Although he still has a lot of lifespan, it will inevitably come to an end.

Qixing has the ability to improve longevity, which is also a guarantee for himself.

Fang Mu had already walked into the ingenious bunker at this time, and saw that Evian, who was controlled by the small purple-black tower, was staring at Yisi viciously, her face flushed.

Yisi kept slapping Ivian in the face!

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