Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 585 Order: Blood Cup!

Yi Si waved her hand very fast, like a rain of slaps.

The sound of the slap was extremely dull, and the impact it carried was like a train loaded on a pig.

Although Yisi's slapping movements are very elegant, but the blood race, a race that is good at physicality, has a huge force when it is thrown casually.

Fortunately, Evian's strength is stronger than Yisi's, and her body has a strong ability to resist blows.

Otherwise, Evian's head would have blossomed under Yisi's slap rain.

Seeing Fang Muyisi hurriedly stopped her movements, stuck out her tongue, and stood aside a little embarrassed, thinking to herself.

This damned Evian actually let the master see such a violent side of himself!

Don't look at Evian's body being controlled by the small purple-black tower, but Evian can speak.

Evian was betrayed by Yisi, and she kept insulting Yisi in her words, and kept emphasizing Yisi's identity as a blood traitor.

Although Yi Si stabbed Evian in the back, she was still full of anger in her heart.

Evian escaped swiftly. If he hadn't been controlled by Fang Mu before, then he would be the one who was left to face this scene!

Under such circumstances, Evian was ashamed to blame herself!

If Evian only said that she was a traitor to the Blood Race, Yisi would not have fought against Evian.

The key point is that Evian's curse words are too harsh.

These words poked Yisi repeatedly, making it difficult to suppress Yisi's anger.

After being violently output by Yisi, Evian didn't seem to be seriously injured.

But at this time, Evian had a splitting headache and her brain was buzzing.

This made Evian have no energy for a while to say those unusually ugly words after seeing Fang Mu.

Yi Si thought that Fang Mu would blame herself, after all, Evian would either become Fang Mu's subordinate or be disposed of by Fang Mu.

Regardless of the final identity of Evian, Evian is Fang Mu's personal property.

Doing so by yourself is suspected of destroying Fangmu's personal belongings.

Compared with Fangmu's admiration, Yisi was more afraid of Fangmu.

Yi Si thought that Fang Mu would blame herself, but Fang Mu just nodded to herself and walked towards Ervian.

After looking at Ervian's state, Shen Sheng asked Ervian.

"I heard from Yisi that your name is Evian, and now you have two ways to go."

"Either be disposed of by me, and let your body become a new model for my blood puppet."

While speaking, Fang Mu summoned the vampire puppet controlled by the electronic butterfly.

The original model of this blood puppet was a blood prince named Carlos whose strength was in Sequence Nine.

After that, every vampire that serves as a model is stronger than Carlos.

Now the strength of the blood puppet controlled by this electronic butterfly has reached Sequence Six, and its strength is still steadily improving.

Fang Mu believed that Evian could see the peculiarity of this blood puppet.

It is impossible for Fang Mu to kill Ervian. A living Ervian is more useful than a dead Ervian.

The reason for saying this is more to deter Evian.

Yisi was very clear about how Fang Mu controlled him back then.

It is nothing more than deterring first, and then promising benefits.

It's just that Fang Mu hopes that he can make Ervian submit through deterrence first, rather than making Ervian submit to him through lure.

After confirming that Evian has surrendered to himself, then promise Evian benefits.

Only in this way can I make sure that Evian will listen to her words thoroughly!

Evian's head was still buzzing at this moment.

Evian forcibly suppressed the pain, and gave Fang Mu a vicious look.

Yi Si called this young man her master, no matter it was a coincidence, Yi Si knew her plan, told the young man in front of her of her plan, and made the young man in front of her target her.

It was the young man who wanted Yisi to be his helper and hunted him down.

This young man was the culprit who made himself a prisoner.

It is a dream for a human being to want to control himself!

"Oh, I'm not such a weak bone like Yisi."

"My trip to the human world this time is not without other blood queens knowing about it."

"I have cooperated with those queens of the blood clan. If I haven't returned to the blood clan for a long time, they will definitely search for me!"

"At that time, you will definitely pay the price for today's behavior!"

Evian still doesn't understand why Yisi surrendered to the human teenager in front of her.

What a ridiculous thing for blood clans to surrender to humans!

Human beings, a weak individual race, are not worthy of worship by blood races! ?

Evian didn't believe that this human teenager still dared to do something to him after he said those words.

Evian has been in contact with human beings for a long time, and she is very clear about how forward-looking and backward-looking human beings are.

If human beings dared to attack the blood race, then human beings would not have been able to expel the blood race for so many years!

The overall strength of the blood race is not as good as that of humans, which is admitted even by a noble blood queen like Evian.

In Evian's impression, human beings have always acted cowardly.

Moreover, the group of creators who can really make up their minds among human beings is always the group of creators, and among these creators, the two holy creators are the most important.

When Fang Mu heard what Evian said, the corners of Fang Mu's mouth curved gracefully.

At the beginning, Yisi seemed to have the same idea, but her own actions quickly changed Yisi's mind.

"Oh? You don't think I'm really afraid of your vampires, do you?"

"If that's the case, I wouldn't have considered taking Yisi under my command at the beginning!"

Before Fang Mu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Evian.

"I said that Yisi is soft, you know whether you humans are afraid of our blood race."

"Could it be that you can bear the pressure given to you by all the forces of your human beings!?"

As soon as Evian finished speaking, the young man in front of him raised his slender and white palm.

This hand stabbed straight towards his heart.

It stands to reason that a human teenager should not break through his own defenses no matter what, without relying on the ability of the Beast Master.

But Evian only felt a sharp pain in her heart.

The pain in the chest made Evian's originally stiff brain clear for a moment.

Pain can be transferred. Once the pain in one place is far greater than the pain in another place, the pain in another place will be subconsciously ignored by people.

Before she had time to feel the sharp pain in her chest, Ovian felt her heart was empty.

My heart appeared in the boy's palm and became a plaything in the boy's palm.

My heart appeared in the boy's palm and became a plaything in the boy's palm.

Evian looked at Fang Mu in pain and surprise, not knowing what to say for a while.

Evian was not only shocked by the strength of the young man in front of him, but also shocked that the young man in front of him actually dared to attack him!

The heart is the core of energy for the blood race, and the separation of the heart from the body made Ovian feel a deep sense of weakness.

A young and fluttering sentence came over.

"Well, the elasticity is good, your heart beats very powerfully!"

"Since you don't want to, then you just wait to be absorbed by this tower of mine and die."

"I don't have to keep the disobedient people!"

Fang Mu didn't need to threaten Evian too much.

The feeling of being constantly close to death in this weak state is the greatest shock and torture to Evian, the blood queen.

The more powerful a creature is, the less willing it is to die as long as it can live. It just so happens that Fang Mu still has something to discuss with Yi Si.

Fang Mu is not afraid that Evian will hurt Yuanyuan.

First of all, the recovery ability of the blood race is extremely strong, even if the original source is injured, it can recover quickly.

Second, as long as Evian surrenders to himself, he can quickly heal Evian with some bloody mist and bloody aging, and make Evian get promoted.

Among the known creatures in the main world, the blood race is the most compatible with Fang Mu's natal beast-following blood.

Fang Mu remembered that Yisi once called herself the holy son of the blood clan, and Fang Mu wanted to see if Evian would have similar thoughts.

If these two blood queens mistook themselves as the blood saint sons, then their identity as the blood blood saint sons could probably be confirmed in front of her other blood queens!

In fact, as early as the moment Fang Mu took out his heart, Evian felt a strong sense of fear in his heart.

It can be said that Evian was very afraid that Fang Mu would really kill herself.

As the queen of the blood clan, Evian has a high status in the blood clan, and her life is extremely extravagant, and she enjoys every moment!

Once you die, it's really over.

What's more, his body has to be integrated into that blood puppet, and after death, he will become a tool for the young man in front of him.

It's just that the dignity of being a blood queen makes Evian need to find a step for herself.

However, Fang Mu didn't want to prepare steps for Ervian at all.

The moment Fang Mu's momentum weakened, he knew that Ervian was not as strong as he said.

The passage of time will continue to deepen Ervian's sense of weakness.

The speed at which the small purple-black tower absorbs life energy will gradually increase.

During the conversation with Yi Si, Fang Mu happened to be able to reveal his background in front of Evian.

Seeing Fang Mu waving towards her, Yi Si hurriedly came to Fang Mu.

Like offering a treasure, he handed a cup-shaped spiritual weapon to Fang Mu.

"Master, this is the space equipment built within our blood race. This is an order-level blood cup."

"It's made from the wing bones and fangs that I shed when I was promoted to the queen of the blood clan. There are not many order-level blood cups in the entire blood clan."

"I put all those evil spirits in this blood cup."

"The spirit weapons made by the blood race do not use the soul like the human spirit weapons, but the spirit weapons made by our blood race also have special effects."

"The effect of this blood cup is to throw it into a space, and it can warm and nourish this space."

"Gradually inject the space in the blood cup into the external space, and expand the area of ​​the external space."

"And the blood cup can replenish the space it consumes through space energy."

"It's just that the purity of the space energy required will be relatively high."

"But this shouldn't be too difficult for the master!"

"My Red Moon Castle has been amplified by the Blood Cup. The area inside my Red Moon Castle is at least three times larger than that of other blood queens!"

Fang Mu's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Yi Si's words.

Even though Fang Mu was usually very calm, he couldn't help showing an uncontrollable surprise in his eyes at this time.

The reason why sequence-level space spirit tools are so sought after is that they are regarded as a symbol of the status of many younger disciples.

Fang Mu caused such an uproar in the age division of Battle.net through the purple ice crystal to ring the dragon soul of the inner cavity pterosaur, not because of how capable the sequence-level space equipment is.

A beast master usually does not need to have such a large space to load supplies.

Even if a beast master is unable to obtain a sequence-level space spirit weapon, he can only use a diamond-level space spirit weapon.

The interior of this diamond-level space spirit weapon is likely not even half full.

The biggest advantage of the sequence-level space spirit tool is that the beast soul inside it can automatically protect the master.

Fang Mu thought that this order-level blood cup just had a huge internal space, which could be loaded with supplies.

But they never expected that the blood cup made of the wing bones and fangs shed from Yisi's promotion to the blood queen would have such a powerful function!

This blood cup can integrate its internal space into the external space to increase the area of ​​the external space.

Let this blood cup be able to improve whether it is the ingenious bunker or the secret space of the chrysalise chrysalis.

It can greatly increase the area of ​​the ingenious bunker and the secret space of the chrysalis.

Compared with this blood cup, the nearly ten thousand evil spirits contained in this blood cup are nothing.

Ervian, who was controlled by the small purple-black tower, once again showed an uncontrollable shocked expression on her face.

Yisi actually handed over all her natal blood vessels to this young man.

When the blood clan was promoted to the queen, the natal blood vessels made by the blood clan's own body and the blood stone of the blood clan's ancestors all have different functions, which is the background of a blood clan queen.

Yi Si didn't even want her own background!

What kind of magical power does this young man possess to allow Yisi to do this!

Yi Si is not a fool in Evian's heart, on the contrary Yi Si has her own ideas very much.

Otherwise, Yisi would not have gotten rid of Yala, the old blood queen, when she was still a blood prince.

Become a newborn Blood Queen!

Yi Si will hand over the blood cup to Fang Mu, and she does have her own ideas.

In fact, Yisi has always been very dissatisfied with her natal blood vessel.

His natal blood weapon could not provide him with even the slightest bit of offensiveness.

Yisi did use her natal blood vessel to expand the area of ​​her Red Moon Castle, but Yisi also paid a big price for this.

Pure space energy is not easy to obtain within the blood race.

In order to expand the Red Moon Castle, Yisi even affected the improvement of her own strength.

Now there is very little space left in the blood cup and it is in a state of deficit.

It is necessary to inject a large amount of space energy into the Holy Grail before the area of ​​the Holy Grail can be restored.

Yisi has no shortage of space to use equipment, and uses a natal blood weapon that is of no use to him to please Fang Mu.

Based on Yi Si's understanding of Fang Mu, Fang Mu will definitely give himself a lot of feedback! (end of this chapter)

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