Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 586 [Absolute Prohibition] and [Absolute Stripping]!

When Yisi knew that Fang Mu was going to control Ivian, she felt a sense of crisis in her heart.

Evian is the same blood queen as herself, but she is stronger than herself.

Once Evian was under her command, Yisi was very afraid that Fang Mu would focus on training Evian and give up on herself.

Yi Si felt that she needed the other party to emphasize her own value.

And the best way to emphasize your own value is to give Fang Mu the natal blood vessel refined after becoming the blood queen.

Evian also has a natal blood vessel, but Evian's natal blood vessel is an offensive natal blood vessel.

Its ability is an extremely corrosive armor-piercing ability.

Even if Evian wanted to, she would not be able to hand over the natal blood vessel to Fang Mu.

Because Evian's natal blood weapon is of no use to Fang Mu.

I came first, how can I be compared with Ivian?

Fang Mu looked at the simple and beautiful blood cup in his hand. The dead spirit Fangmu in this blood cup would be put into the serial horcrux circle death soul dagger.

The Sequential Spirit Tool Circle Death Soul Dagger can not only hold a large number of evil spirits, but also nourish these evil spirits through the death soul.

Yisi's blood cup square wood is going to be placed in the secret space of the chrysalis chrysalis.

After expanding the secret space of the chrysalis to a certain extent, Fang Mu will use it to upgrade the space in the ingenious bunker.

The current strength of the ingenious bunker has reached the diamond-level tenth legendary quality, and it will not be long before it will be able to set foot on the sequence and become a sequence-level beast master.

Both the ingenious bunker and the chrysalis square wood were obtained from the Scavenger's Hall of Merit, and the two were cultivated almost at the same time.

Fang Mu wanted to see if he could use the opportunity of stepping into the sequence to improve the level of the ingenious bunker.

Transform the mechanical heart of the Constructive Bunker.

The ingenious bunker has brought Fang Mu a lot of convenience, for example, now Fang Mu can have a private place in any place.

To be able to do your own thing in this private place.

Fang Mu always treats his subordinates clearly with rewards and punishments. Yi Si gave herself all the blood vessels of her life, so Fang Mu will definitely reward Yi Si.

Since she followed Fang Mu, Yisi created a lot of value for Fang Mu in the past few months.

If it weren't for Yisi Fangmu, it would be difficult to obtain these hundreds of thousands of evil spirits.

Fang Mu originally planned to reward Yisi with 10,000 milliliters, or ten liters of blood-colored wine, and twice as much blood-colored mist as he gave Yisi last time.

It is undoubtedly inappropriate to give these rewards to Yisi now.

However, Fang Mu has been using his heart blood and normal blood to coagulate the blood of the contract.

Since the output frequency of heart blood is less than normal blood, Fang Mu hoarded a lot of blood-colored aging wine.

It is possible to take out more than ten liters at one time and have a certain influence on the opponent's wood.

For example, the two evil spirits that Fang Mu will cultivate in the future, the Sleeping Star Beauty and the Awakening Moon Beauty, will use blood-colored aging.

After Fang Mu pondered for a while, he took out the blood-colored mist and blood-colored wine that he had prepared for Yisi.

The blood-colored mist was sealed in the condensed snail by the square wood. The condensed snail is a container used by master creators above the master level to store gaseous energy.

The glow snail itself will warm and nourish the gaseous energy, and will not let the gaseous energy escape even a little bit.

Yisi couldn't feel how much bloody mist was inside the condensed snail.

But seeing the pale golden red liquid in the ten crystal bottles in front of her eyes, Yisi was so excited that her body trembled.

Each of the ten crystal bottles has a capacity of one liter.

Ten liters of blood-colored brew is enough to make one's own bloodline go further.

Because her heart was too eager for the blood-colored wine, Yisi couldn't hold back and opened a cork.

He brought the tip of his nose to the mouth of the bottle, twitching his nose frantically, with a fascinated look on his face.

Fang Mu has been using the blood-colored brew made from his own blood to cultivate imperial beasts.

But seeing the fascinated expression on Yisi's face, Fang Mu couldn't help feeling that he was a toaster, constantly cooking delicious cakes for Yisi.

Yisi, the noble blood queen, knelt down on one knee humbly after receiving her own reward, and thanked the other party.

Fang Mu smiled and helped Yisi up.

"What I said before was to provide you with resources every three months. After that, I will provide you with resources every two months. The amount provided each time remains the same."

"If you have a gap in resources when your bloodline needs to break through later, you can also come and mention it to me directly!"

As a long-lived Scarlet Queen, Yi Si knew exactly how much Fang Mu's words had benefited her.

From every three months to every two months, it is equivalent to permanently providing yourself with 1.5 times more resources in the future.

This is bound to increase your strength quickly!

It is better to keep a steady flow of water than to reward yourself with a large amount of resources at once.

Evian, who was controlled by the small purple-black tower, had a dull expression on her face, and her heart had already set off a turbulent wave.

Because Yisi opened the bottle, Evian also smelled how abundant, pure, and rich energy was contained in the golden-red blood in the bottle.

This energy has direct benefits for the blood race.

Once I can absorb it, I am afraid that I will soon break through the limit of the fifth blood sacrifice, and my bloodline will reach the level of the sixth blood sacrifice!

Evian seemed to understand why Yi Si surrendered to the young man in front of her, and even used her natal blood to please the young man in front of her.

It turned out that it wasn't because of Yisi's talent and strength that she improved so quickly, but because of the resources provided by this young man!

Evian's body became weaker and weaker, and her heart, which was the core of energy, was still being played by the boy.

The puppet standing beside him, which was fused from the corpses of an unknown number of high blood races, was about to move towards him.

Evian can be sure that she has no chance of breaking the game.

And regardless of whether the game is broken or not, Ervian actually wants these bloody aged wines.

She and Yisi are both blood queens, and her own strength is stronger than Yisi's.

With Yisi able to obtain these blood-colored aged wines, there was no reason why he could not obtain them.

Ovian's mentality has changed because of the scene just now.

It's just that in the absence of steps, it's hard for Evian to speak up.

Fang Mu raised his eyes to look at Evian, and found that Evian no longer stared at him viciously as before, but looked away with dodge.

Such a change made the corners of Fang Mu's lips curl up.

Fang Mu knew that it was a certainty that Evian, the blood queen, would join him, but it would take some time.

Fang Mu was willing to give Ervian some time.

During this period of time, Fang Mu could use those evil spirits to cultivate the Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty.

Let's see what kind of abilities Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty have in enchantment!

Fang Mu first summoned Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty.

Because of the blood-drained flower spirit on the other side, Fang Mu's speed at congealing the blood of the contract has been greatly improved.

The two evil spirits, Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty, have already been contracted by Fang Mu through contract blood.

Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty, as general-level evil spirits, are still at a relatively low level among evil spirits.

Because of the contract, the two evil spirits, Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty, who are not so clear-headed, have instinctively shown their intimacy with each other.

Surrounding Fang Mu obediently, she sprinkled the brilliance of the moon and stars on Fang Mu's body.

Evil spirits can devour each other, but only powerful evil spirits can devour weaker ones.

Evil spirits of equal strength devour each other, often ending up in a situation where both sides suffer.

Fang Mu let Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty devour the evil spirits, so they would definitely not be hurt.

Fang Mu is going to choose from the one hundred thousand evil spirits that Yi Si gave him, the evil spirits that are weaker than Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty.

Then artificially control these evil spirits, let Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty devour the evil spirits wantonly.

Because Fang Mu had already trained the dead souls of Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty before, and the evil spirits Yisi gave Fang Mu were mixed.

Fang Mu easily picked out a large amount of food for Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty.

Yisi controls these evil spirits through the unique blood magic of the blood clan.

Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty put their palms on the heads of these evil spirits in different shapes, refining and transforming these evil spirits into their own energy.

Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty are continuously improving at an astonishing speed.

The moonlight shrouded in Beauty Awakening Moon became thicker and thicker, and the starlight on Beauty Sleeping Star became brighter and brighter.

Fang Mu carefully comprehended the energy emanating from Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty.

Fang Mu discovered that Awakening Moon Beauty's enchantment ability is [absolutely forbidden], which shields the outside from penetrating any internal energy in the place where the moonlight is scattered.

It is equivalent to isolating all perception.

This ability can be regarded as T1 level in the known enchantment ability.

Sleeping Star Beauty's enchantment ability is [absolute peeling], where the starlight shines, the enchantment can be disassembled, making the established enchantment lose its effect.

This ability can effectively break the barriers set up by other beast masters, and it is also at the T1 level!

It is said that among all the enchantment abilities of evil spirits, six abilities are at the T0 level.

The enchantment abilities of the two holy spirits cultivated by the holy creator Han Ming are both at T0 level.

Because of Fang Mu's own speciality, he didn't need to convert evil spirits into heroic spirits like other beast masters before using them.

Fang Mu can directly make a contract with the evil spirits, and the heroic spirits do not have any development potential.

Once an evil spirit is transformed into a heroic spirit, its power will be fixed.

But Fangmu's Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty have infinite potential.

In the process of improving strength, its enchantment ability will also be improved on the original basis.

It is a big project to cultivate Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty, because it takes a certain amount of time for them to digest and absorb other evil spirits.

It would take about two months for Fang Mu to elevate Beauty Sleeping Star and Beauty Awakening Moon to the level of Earth Evil Spirit.

Fang Mu never gave Evian a step, but Evian couldn't hold it anymore.

Evian didn't dare to disturb Fang Mu directly, but turned her attention to Yisi.

There is a bit of flattering intention in the eyes.

Yi Si did not try to pinch Evian, and the relationship between herself and Evian was both a competition and an ally relationship.

There is really no need to get too stiff with Evian.

Now that he helped Ervian, Ervian owed himself a great favor.

Yi Si nodded to Evian, then walked to Fang Mu and spoke softly.

"Master, Evian intends to submit to you."

"I don't know if you have plans to bring Ervian into your command?"

Fang Mu glanced at Yi Si when he heard the words, and then said in a very serious tone.

"If Yisi really wants to live, she will speak up when she joins me."

"I've finished nurturing these two evil spirits and I'm ready to leave."

"If she doesn't speak up, then you just have to deal with her after I leave!"

Yi Si's heart trembled when she heard the words, and she didn't know whether Fang Mu's words were out of anger or the real thoughts in her heart.

Anyway, no matter what, since Fang Mu opened his mouth, he has to carry out Fang Mu's instructions.

Evian, don't hold it anymore, if you don't open your mouth, you will only die!

Ervian felt the approach of death thoroughly, and this feeling of approaching death made Ervian suffocate several times.

Evian's desire for life finally broke through the bottom line in her heart.

"Lord, master, Evian is willing to pledge allegiance to you!"

"I hope you can give me a chance to do things for you like Yisi!"

"Iss is the newly promoted queen of the blood clan, and she speaks lightly in the Scarlet Parliament."

"With me taking care of Yisi, the two of us can do better!"

Yi Si rolled her eyes subconsciously when she heard what Evian said.

Thanks to the good things I said for Ervian just now, Ervian stabbed herself in the back!

What does it mean for the newly promoted queen to speak lightly, as if Evian has some status in the Scarlet Council!

If the bloodline does not reach the seventh blood sacrifice, there will be no cards at all in the Scarlet Conference.

However, Evian was right in one sentence, that is, in this case, if two blood queens join forces, they will take care of them in the blood clan.

You can indeed do many things that you could not do by yourself!

Evian said that she had to take care of herself, which meant that Evian planned to focus on herself first.

Based on Yisi's understanding of Evian, once Evian receives the resources provided by Fang Mu and improves physically, she is afraid that she will soon want to suppress herself in turn.

Yi Si felt that it was necessary for her to make some preparations.

At present, Fang Mu's affection for himself must be more than that of Ervian.

Fang Mu originally wanted to take Ervian under his command, and now Ervian has also made what he should.

Fang Mu walked up to Ervian, and put Ervian's heart back into Ervian's body.

The powerful regenerative ability of the blood race allowed Evian to recover from his injuries in a very short period of time.

It's just that the life force has been squeezed out by this small purple-black tower, and the recovery of the injury consumes a lot of energy for Ervian, which makes Ervian's body extremely weak.

Fang Mu spoke to Ivian in a serious tone.

"Since you are ready to surrender to me, then you can summon your blood emblem!"

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