The newly acquired skill of Hell Prajna promoted to Diamond level [Sacrificing the Body to the Martial Arts] can use one's own body as a container, and then fuse various spiritual materials, the body of the ghost beast and the blood of the owner of the ghost weapon together.

Finally, a ghost weapon that perfectly suited the beast master was refined.

Making ghost weapons is different from crafting spiritual weapons. Creating spiritual weapons mainly depends on whether the circuits of the spiritual weapons are exquisitely crafted.

Whether these energy circuits can maximize the effect between spiritual materials and spiritual materials.

It is necessary to ensure that all energy circuits are in a transparent state before an excellent spiritual weapon can be successfully forged!

But ghost weapons mainly depend on the blood connection between the user and the ghost weapon.

As a growth-type weapon, ghost weapons can be treated as beast-controlling weapons.

Ghost weapons are very weak when they are first created. Like mechanical beasts, they need to consume spiritual weapon fragments and spiritual materials of the same type as themselves to improve the ghost weapons.

A beast master's investment in cultivating his own ghost weapon is not only no less than cultivating a main battle beast, it is very likely to be more than cultivating a main battle beast!

The ghost weapon greatly improves the strength of the beast master, giving the beast master the ability to face risks.

Once the ghost weapon is damaged, it can be regenerated as long as the source is not destroyed and is nourished by the blood of the beast master!

Therefore, the ghost weapon focuses more on its compatibility with the user's bloodline.

The spiritual weapons forged by the spirit forging master are not as necessary in the world of beast control as the potions prepared by the creation master.

The status of these spirit forging masters is so high that they can be compared with the master builders.

Not only because these spirit forging masters can create serial spiritual weapons, but also because the bloodline adaptability of the ghost weapons tailor-made for beast masters by these spirit forging masters can reach over 60%.

If the material is fully utilized, it can even reach about 75%!

It is said that a ghost weapon has the highest compatibility with the bloodline of a beast master, with a compatibility of 83%.

This ghost weapon is in the hands of today's holy founder, Han Ming.

The spirit forging master who forged the ghost weapon was named Cao Xianbing.

As early as when Cao Xianbing created a ghost weapon with a fitness level of more than 80%, Han Ming advocated that creating a ghost weapon with a bloodline fitness of 80% should be considered the realm of a holy blacksmith.

Recommend Cao Xianbing as the number one holy blacksmith in the world of beast control.

However, Cao Xianbing did not accept Han Ming's proposal in the end. He only claimed that his creation of a ghost weapon with a bloodline adaptability of 83% was an accident and he could not afford the status of a holy spiritual master.

Han Ming did this because he admired Cao Xianbing very much and recognized Cao Xianbing's ability.

Secondly, Cao Xianbing is a spirit forging master under Han Ming, so Han Ming can also strengthen his own momentum by doing this.

Hell Prajna's diamond-level skill [Sacrificing the Body to the Martial Arts] requires that the spiritual materials are fully prepared when making a ghost weapon. Fang Mu is willing to inject his own blood and bone marrow into it when making the ghost weapon to help these spiritual materials and his own Bloodline fusion.

It is very easy to achieve a fitness level of more than 80%!

Hell Prajna has promised Fang Mu that if the spiritual material is good enough, Fang Mu will provide his blood and bone marrow in excess to build the ghost weapon regardless of the cost.

With the help of supplementary materials such as Ghost Flame Star Stone and Pregnant Ghost Amber that can improve the bloodline adaptability when making ghost weapons, it is not impossible for the bloodline adaptability to reach more than 90%!

Fang Mu was inexplicably shocked. He didn't know it was because the high-quality resources he provided for Hell Prajna made Hell Prajna surpass the traditional spirit forging master with just one skill, and even surpassed the concept of holy spirit forging master.

Or should we say that the bloodline of Hell Prajna is so outstanding.

Because Fang Mu can make contracts with beasts through contract blood without any restrictions.

Fang Mu values ​​​​the functionality of his own beast control more than the combat effectiveness of his beast control.

The functionality of beast control is extremely important in Fang Mu's eyes!

Hell Prajna is Fang Mu's ghost-type beast. The skill [Sacrificing the Body to the Martial Arts] does not increase the fighting power of Hell Prajna, but greatly enhances its functionality.

This greatly enhanced the status of Hell Prajna in Fang Mu's heart.

Fang Mu originally wanted Shu Liangjun and Jiang Weng to work together to build his first ghost weapon, but now it seems that it is more appropriate to leave his first ghost weapon to Hell Prajna!

Lu Ke has contacted Fang Mu through Xu Yulandie, hoping that Fang Mu can give him more time to exchange for more tears of praying to the sky from the Canglu clan of praying to the sky.

At that time, Lu Ke and the chief of the Zhucuicanglu clan will come to meet Fang Mu in person.

On the one hand, I offer tears of prayer to Fang Mu, and on the other hand, I also want to have an in-depth discussion with Fang Mu on their cooperation.

When Fang Mu gets these Tears of Prayer to Heaven, everyone around Fang Mu will be improved through Tears of Prayer to Heaven.

Even if these people are unable to contract a second ghost-type beast, they can still possess a second ghost weapon, and then the Hell Prajna will come in handy!

As a ghost-type beast with extremely high intelligence, Hell Prajna can clearly detect Fang Mu's satisfaction and joy in his skills.

This put Hell Prajna in a great mood, with a rare smile on his face.

Hell Prajna treats his ghost servant the ghost mermaid wantonly and disrespectfully, but at critical moments he is still very kind to his ghost servant.

"Master, my ghost mermaid is currently at the tenth level of the platinum level, and is only a hair away from being promoted to the diamond level."

"I can feel that her bloodline has another chance to transform."

"I would like to ask for some blood-colored wine to be given to her, so as to improve her chances of bloodline transformation!"

After saying that, Hell Prajna summoned the ghost mermaid. After appearing, the ghost mermaid devoutly prostrated at the feet of Hell Prajna.

The ghost mermaid before was just a monster with a human head and a fish body, but now the ghost mermaid has awakened the mermaid bloodline and can be regarded as a creature of the mermaid clan.

The ghost mermaid has a very delicate appearance, with beautiful facial features, and long blue hair that hangs down to the end of the fish's tail like seaweed.

If it weren't for the ghostly mermaid's body being filled with death energy and its translucent texture, it would be difficult for people to think it was an undead creature!

The ghost mermaid is the ghost servant of Hell Prajna. Improving the strength of the ghost mermaid is equivalent to improving Fang Mu's own strength. Fang Mu naturally has no reason to refuse!

Not only that, Fang Mu also valued the mermaid blood in the ghost mermaid.

Fang Mucai had just finished distributing benefits to Yisi, the vampire queen, and distributed three months' supplies to Evian, the vampire queen who had just joined him.

Fang Mu no longer has much stock of bloody aged wine, but the remaining bloody aged wine should be enough for the ghost mermaid to use!

"In Hell Prajna, I will provide the ghost mermaid with blood-colored wine, and you will provide her with death souls and death energy. She will have a huge demand for death souls and death energy when absorbing the blood-colored wine."

"Once the supply is insufficient, I'm afraid these bloody aged wines will be absorbed in vain!"

Hell Prajna heard the words and said quickly.

"Master, don't worry. The amount of dead souls you gave me last time was huge. Moreover, my servants can also produce dead souls and dead energy themselves."

"I've been focusing on improving my own strength recently. I haven't had time to improve the undead creatures under the control of Puppet Master."

"When I raise her strength to the diamond level, I can then cultivate those undead creatures controlled by the Paper Master!"

In the heart of Hell Prajna, the status of the ghost mermaid is much higher than that of the undead creatures that he controls with his exclusive characteristic [Puppet Control]!

Once those undead creatures die, they can be replaced at any time if Hell Prajna deems them unsatisfactory.

But there can only be one ghost servant born from Hell Prajna's own bloodline.

The ghost mermaid felt the favoritism she received, and raised her tail happily.

Hearing the noise, Hell Prajna stepped on the ghost mermaid's head and crushed it twice. The ghost mermaid instantly became as obedient as a puppy.

When Fang Mu saw this, he felt that the scene in front of him was somewhat unbearable to look at.

"The Ghost Mermaid has a liter of bloody aged wine here. You can use it yourself!"

"If there is not enough left when the drink is a quarter, please inform me immediately and I will prepare it for you again!"

The optimal evolution route for the Ghost Mermaid is the Cursed Mermaid.

Once the ghost mermaid evolves into the cursed mermaid, it will definitely gain curse-type skills.

There are very few beast masters under Fang Mu who have curse-like abilities, and the curse ability of the flower spirit on the other side of the blood cannot be used in combat yet.

A powerful offensive curse ability that is extremely dominant in combat.

The skills and exclusive characteristics of the Ghost Mermaid are mainly focused on control and assistance, and are not very offensive.

A powerful offensive curse skill is needed to complete the combat system.

After receiving Fang Mu's instructions, the ghost mermaid quickly drank the blood-colored aged wine.

Hell Prajna is very serious about providing death energy and souls to the ghost mermaid.

Hell Prajna has always strictly controlled resources such as dead souls and dead energy that can enhance its own strength, and its use can be described as stingy.

Seeing that the ghost mermaid had absorbed such a large amount of dead souls and death energy, Hell Prajna frowned, but she didn't say much.

The mermaid had only just drank half of the blood-colored aged ghost spirit from the crystal bottle, and the gray mist that filled her body began to gradually change to purple-black.

One after another, hideous and strange faces appeared in the air from time to time.

These faces are all transformed by souls, as if they want to choose people to devour.

Under the purple-black mist, the costumes on the ghost mermaid were much more gorgeous than before.

A petite crown made of purple-black pearls appeared on the head of the ghost mermaid.

The ghost mermaid, who originally had light makeup, had a lot of purple-black scales growing between her eyebrows and cheeks.

Not only does this not reduce the beauty of the ghost mermaid, but it makes the ghost mermaid more enchanting and sexy.

Based on the changes in the ghost mermaid's aura and appearance, Fang Mu can determine that the ghost mermaid's bloodline must have undergone transformation.

And his strength has also been upgraded to the diamond level with the help of blood aging wine, dead souls and dead energy.

Fang Mu immediately used the Shadow of the Fool's innate magical power [Eye of Omniscience] to investigate the advanced ghost mermaid.

[Name of the beast]: Cursed Mermaid

[Royal Beast Species]: Mermaididae/Ghost Mermaid

[Beast Familiar Level]: Diamond Level (1/10)

[Beast Control System]: Undead System

[Beast Master Potential]: Diamond Rank

[Quality of Royal Beast]: Legendary Quality


[Ghost Thorn]: Use the fish bones in the body to wrap the death energy, directly attacking the target's soul. If the target resists, the fish bones will shatter into the target's soul with the death energy.

[Swallowing soul introduction]: Swallow and absorb free souls, refining souls into dead souls.

[Soul Locking Lamp]: Turn your body into a lamp and sing the mermaid's elegy. When the undead creature's body is destroyed, you will act as a beacon to receive the complete soul of the undead creature, collect part of the target's body and fertilize it in your body, and finally let the hatched body Combined with the body of undead creatures to produce dead creatures.

[Soul-fixing Gaze]: Stare at the target with your eyes, activating the blood in your body to amplify your own soul. When facing the enemy with the ability to let the soul leave the body, your own gaze can fix the enemy's soul.

[Grudge Spread]: Apply a curse to the designated target. All creatures that are amplified by the curse effect will be transmitted by the curse. During the duration of the curse, the damage sustained by the target directly hit by the curse will be An equal amount of the grievance will be spread to other targets subject to the grievance, and a target with a grievance applied to it will be selected as the medium to transmit the grievance next (the grievance can only be applied to at most two targets at a time).

Exclusive features:

[Ji Duoqing]: Charms the living. Once the charmed living is in a state of love and pity, it will merge with itself and be completely controlled by itself. When the merged target is harmed, the damage and pain will be transformed into harm to itself. The nourishment of death.

[Ji Qingwu]: Tramples the heart, spirit and soul of the living. When the emotional torture of the living reaches the limit, it will make the living have the idea of ​​self-collapse, thereby affecting the unit with which it has concluded a contract.

[Possession Fusion]: Attach to a target with the same energy source as itself. After possession, the possessed target will be the main target, and other targets with the same source as itself will be fused. When the fusion state is released, the fusion will not be affected. The target is affected, and the damage suffered by the fused target can be shared by itself.

Evolution route:

①: Abyss Mermaid, ②: Soul-Eating Mermaid, ③: Corpse Domain Fish Girl.

Upon closer inspection, the ghost mermaid has indeed evolved into the cursed mermaid.

And the Curse Mermaid lived up to Fang Mu's expectations. The diamond-level skill [Grudge Spread] obtained after the bloodline transformation is indeed a powerful offensive curse skill.

[Diffusion of Grudges] Let the immortal group controlled by Fang Muyan Luo be able to point Arrancar in battle.

While targeting one unit of the opponent, it can effectively attack multiple units of the enemy.

The beast masters contracted by a beast master must complement each other.

When the beast masters cooperate with each other, one plus one is greater than two. This is the rational pursuit of beast masters by a qualified beast master.

But the Ghost Mermaid's skill [Diffusion of Grudges] just meets the most rational beast control equipment needs of the beast control master.

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