Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 589: Sucking as you wish!

During the battle, the enemy does not know the skill effects of the Grudge Mermaid, so they will inevitably use other beasts to assist their own beasts, and interact with each other in energy.

This situation is most common in teams composed of multiple beast masters.

This allows the curse cast by the curse mermaid to spread easily. Most of the targets spread by the curse are auxiliary or healing beasts, and their own defenses are relatively weak.

Through the damage transmitted by the curse, it is easy to kill this kind of beast in seconds.

Even if the opponent knows the effect of the Curse Mermaid's skill [Grudge Spread], the energy interaction is cut off.

First, it will undoubtedly make the opponent's hands tied in the battle, unable to effectively launch the offensive.

Secondly, it will also prevent the enemy's main battle beast from gaining strength, and will be in a state of isolation and helplessness.

Many of the main battle beasts need the assistance of other beasts to show super effects.

Once isolated and unable to get the assistance of other beasts, the main battle beast can be easily eliminated.

In team battles, there will always be one or two Familiars defined as the main tank, standing at the front to bear the firepower.

The existence of the main tank greatly limits the output of the enemy's beast master, making many damages invalid.

When the skill of the Grudge Mermaid [Grudge Spread] targets the enemy's main tank beast as the main target, the damage sustained by the main tank will be spread to other auxiliary and healing beasts.

The supporting and healing beasts are at the back of the team, and their defense is extremely low.

You don't need to knock down the beast master as the main tank if you want [Grudge Spread] to exert its effect, as long as the time of the grudge is up, the damage can spread out.

It is very easy to make the enemy's auxiliary and healing beasts suffer.

Fang Mu was extremely satisfied with the abilities of the Grudge Mermaid.

The next three evolution routes of the Cursed Mermaid are Nether Abyss Mermaid, Soul Eater Mermaid and Corpse Mermaid.

In the selection of the evolution route, Mu is still prepared to follow the optimal evolution direction and let the Cursed Mermaid continue to evolve.

If it evolves in the direction of the soul-devouring mermaid, the skills of the cursed mermaid [Phantom] [Soul Lantern] will definitely be improved.

In the early days when he first contracted Hell Prajna, Fang Mu's personal network had not yet been established, and the resource company had not been opened up. At that time, Fang Mu could not easily obtain dead souls.

But now it is extremely easy for Fang Mu to obtain dead souls. The ability of the cursed mermaid to create dead souls by devouring souls is no longer as important as before.

Hell Prajna is obviously quite satisfied with the growth of the Grudge Mermaid.

As a reward, Hell Prajna stomped heavily on the cursed mermaid's head.

While thanking Fang Mu for his dedication, the cursed mermaid happily enjoyed the reward of Hell Prajna.

Yan Gui Banruo felt his physical state, and said to Fang Mu very seriously.

"Master, I can feel that this advancement has made my blood surge continuously, as if I am at a critical point that is about to change qualitatively."

"If I can step into order, my bloodline should be transformed like the cursed mermaid, and my life level will rise once!"

Yan Gui Banruo said these words very seriously, and the pleasure of the bloodline's imminent transformation made Yan Gui Banruo extremely intoxicated.

Hell Prajna knows very well that having this feeling does not necessarily mean that his bloodline will be 100% improved when he steps into the sequence, so Hell Prajna needs Fang Mu's help!

Fang Mu had an expression of surprise on his face when he heard this.

What Fang Mu likes very much about Hell Prajna is that Hell Prajna will proactively communicate with him when he needs resources, instead of waiting for himself to find out.

With so many beasts under Fang Mu's command, it was not impossible that Fang Mu had overlooked any beast.

The bloodline of ghost-type beasts is not as easy to transform as that of other beasts. The bloodline transformation of ghost-type beasts is called awakening.

There are many ghost-type beasts that will most likely live their entire lives without ever getting a chance to awaken.

Now that Hell Prajna has the opportunity to awaken, Fang Mu must make good preparations for Hell Prajna.

Fang Mu talked with Hell Prajna for a while, and then took Hell Prajna back into his soul.

Fang Mu walked to the window and looked at the peaceful street scene outside the window. It was clear that the city of Wanzhang was turbulent at this time.

Fang Mu released the Blood-Exhausted Flower Spirit from the Purple Ice Crystal Ring, allowing the Blood-Exhausted Flower Spirit to cast a curse on himself again.

Fang Mu immediately felt that a large amount of his life energy was being withdrawn. This life energy was used to form blood, and Fang Mu was in an extremely weak state.

Fang Mu hurriedly replenished himself with life potions to maintain his healthy life state.

Fangmu, who looks relaxed, is actually moving forward with a heavy load at all times.

Ever since Fang Mu cursed himself with the blood-draining flower spirit from the other side in order to speed up the coagulation of contracted blood, the life potion began to make ends meet.

Fang Mu developed his power and cultivated his subordinates, all of whom consumed a lot of life potions.

Fortunately, before the life potion was about to be used up, the level he sucked was successfully promoted, from the original tenth level silver level legendary quality to the gold level.

[Name of the beast]: Sucking (a creature created by the contractor, the contractor can name it by himself.)

[Broom-bearing species]: Weapon-wielding species/broom weapon genus

[Beast Control Level]: Gold Level (1/10)

[Beast Control Department]: Mechanical Department

[Beast Control Potential]: Platinum level

[Quality of Royal Beast]: Legendary Quality


[Garbage Recycling]: Refining and extracting the garbage absorbed into the body, digesting the useless parts, purifying the useful parts, and storing them in the storage space outside the mechanical heart.

[Scenery Seal]: Absorb the surrounding scenery images into the body through the free beards, and condense them into concentrated scenery jade. The scenery jade can be absorbed by the living body, and the degree of absorption is related to mental strength and perception.

[Spiritual Weapon Attachment]: Attach yourself to the designated weapon to improve the weapon's strength, rank and compatibility with the user, and add an energy-breaking effect to the weapon.

Exclusive features:

[Electronic Butterfly]: The mechanical heart can condense an electronic butterfly every once in a while. The electronic butterfly infects the lifeless objects judged as garbage, activating the life strength of the living body (the time of infection is related to the life of the living body). related to strength).

[Mechanical Endowment]: Through the metal spiritual materials that it absorbs, it can generate a gear that can adapt to the mechanical origin of any mechanical beast. This kind of mechanical gear can be provided to other mechanical beasts to help others. The mechanical monsters expand the original potential.

[Mechanical Spirit Steel Jade]: In the process of decomposing and digesting garbage, the energy escaping from the garbage will be used to charge the steel jade. After the steel jade is charged, it will fall off on its own. The steel jade can be embedded in the flesh and blood, allowing the flesh and blood body to move towards By transforming the mechanical body, dismantling the flesh and blood into flesh and blood gears, and reassembling the body perfectly, the steel jade can increase the speed at which the electronic butterfly infects the living body.

Evolution route:? ? ?

The ability to produce resources through the skill [Garbage Recycling] of suckers who have been promoted to the gold level has been increased by more than five times as before.

In this way, the speed of resource production can not only withstand the current consumption of Fang Mu, but also save some money.

This allows Fang Mu to use the founder resources more freely in the process of developing his power.

It took Fang Mu a full day to successfully advance Sui Sui.

Sui Sui was a creature created by Fang Mu by accident. Housekeeping beasts like Sui Sui were not even qualified to be called beast masters.

From ancient times to the present, there are probably very few normal people who would spend resources cultivating domestic beasts.

Every skill of Sui Sui is related to Sui Sui's wish. During this period, Fang Mu became more and more busy and spent less time with Sui Sui, which made Sui Sui extremely frustrated.

When Fang Mu was chatting with Sui Sui before, Sui Sui always said that he hoped to fight with Fang Mu. However, Sui Sui's skills and exclusive characteristics destined that Sui Sui was not a beast master suitable for fighting.

Bringing a functional beast-controlling weapon like Sui Sui into battle is equivalent to bringing a bottle of fuel, but Sui Sui relies on the skill [Spiritual Equipment Enchantment] obtained by advancing to the gold level to allow Sui Sui to accompany Fang Mu in the battle. Capital.

Suction attaches itself to the weapon through [Spiritual Weapon Attachment], which can not only increase the strength and level of the weapon, but also improve the fit between the weapon and the user.

This makes Sui Sui more suitable for strengthening ghost weapons than strengthening spiritual weapons!

The ghost weapon is used by the beast master. Adsorbing on the ghost weapon to improve the ghost weapon is equivalent to fighting side by side with Fang Mu.

In addition to improving the hardware of spiritual and ghost weapons, suction can also add an energy-breaking effect to the possessed weapon.

I think this has something to do with Sui Sui's bronze level skill [Garbage Recycling].

All defenses made of energy can be split by the absorbed weapons, which will have unexpected effects in battle.

The advancement of Sui Sui made Fang Mu's stress disappear, and Fang Mu was in a good mood and invited Jun Feng to wander around in Wan Zhang City.

This turmoil did not have any impact on the ordinary residents and adventurers in Wanzhang City, but those powerful families, big and small, were all in danger.

In Wanzhang City, the old house of the Lingdang clan, one of the four wealthy families, was wrapped in a shadow. This shadow was exactly the same as the one that appeared in front of the Wan'an Hotel.

These forces didn't know the inside story and just thought there was someone behind the Wan'an Hotel.

The Lingdang clan caused trouble for the Wan'an Hotel, and the Wan'an Hotel naturally wanted to pay them back.

But after the shadows dispersed, no one came out of the old house of the Lingdang family for a day.

The Shuangjiang clan, which has always been low-key, sent a large team of people to occupy the old house of the Lingindian clan and seamlessly took over the various industries of the Lingindian clan in the city. This shows that anyone with a discerning eye knows it all too well.

The core members of the Ayan Indigo clan have long since become dead souls under the shadow, and there is no longer any Ayan Indigo clan in this Wanzhang City.

After that, when people outside talk about Wanzhang City, they will only say that there are three powerful families in Wanzhang City!

Basically all the men in Wan Zhang City are adventurers, and there are more women who are traders.

Fang Mu heard a lot of discussions in the streets and alleys, and as a person involved, he had a complete taste of it from outsiders.

However, Fang Mu felt that it was hard to say whether there would be three major wealthy families in Wan Zhang City in the future.

Fang Mu had been in contact with Zhang Yue for a short time and was not sure about Zhang Yue's temper. He didn't know how Zhang Yue would clean up the Qingmo clan.

If it were Fang Mu who continued to contribute to the Qingmo clan, the Qingmo clan would stand out among the four powerful clans and gain a transcendent status and power.

But the Qingmo clan is secretly plotting to stab him in the back. Fang Mu will definitely not let the Qingmo clan go!

In a ruthless place like the world of beast control, resources are far more valuable than life.

If Zhang Yue, an ungrateful person like the Qingmo clan, was soft-hearted and stayed, Fang Mu would look down on Zhang Yue.

From now on, Zhang Yue will only be used as an ordinary creative master, and Zhang Yue will not be given more opportunities to reuse Zhang Yue.

"Xiaomu, don't tell me that the egg cake sold by the vendor just now tastes good. It would be better if you could add less sugar."

"There are some egg pies over there. I'm going to pack some. When I accompany you to play in the Sea of ​​Realm, I will bring these things back to your Aunt Ning to try. Your Aunt Ning loves these sweet things!"

Fang Mu said with a smile when he heard this.

"Uncle Feng, I heard from the owner of the Wan'an Hotel that there are places selling snacks for a full five or six kilometers from here."

"We have nothing to do anyway, so why not go shopping from beginning to end."

"The food you bought will not spoil in the space equipment. Why don't you bring a few more items to Aunt Ning? It just so happens that I will also bring some special snacks in Wanzhang City to my family and friends."

Jun Feng laughed twice when he heard this, and the other party seemed to appreciate it more and more.

It was hard for Jun Feng to imagine that a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy could really possess the aura and posture of a superior person.

When facing the vampire queen, she was even more calm than Zhang Yue's old man, a true strong man of order!

Fang Mu and Jun Feng were showing off their leisurely mood, enjoying the human fireworks in Wanzhang City.

Nothing unusual could be seen outside the old house of the Qingmo clan, but all the members of the Qingmo clan were gathered in the sacrificial hall to worship their ancestors.

Zhang Yue and Shu Liangjun sat side by side on the chairs at the top of the altar.

The shadow enveloped the sacrificial hall, and a huge tiger exuding an arrogant aura was wilting on the ground. A wound from the left ear to the chin almost cut the tiger's head open from the middle.

This blood-eyed flame tiger is the main battle royal beast that Chen Baiyuan, the old patriarch of the Qingmo clan, is proud of.

Zhang Yue's eyes first fell on Chen Tong with extreme disappointment, and found that Chen Tong didn't dare to look at him.

Zhang Yue showed a wry smile. Chen Tong didn't know that he was going out this time to target the blood queen.

But when he came back, the Qingmo clan actually used purified fresh blood to lure the blood species in his body.

And this blood is not animal blood, but the same kind of blood that is more attractive to Zhang Yue.

If the blood in her body is still activated, Ervian intends to control herself through the blood.

Once his own blood is induced, the consequences will be unimaginable!

I can't restrain myself in the quiet room, if the Qingmo clan wants to take advantage of this opportunity to do something to me, even if there is Lao Bao in the Qingmo clan, they will not succeed.

But the news that he is like a bloodthirsty monster will definitely spread if the noise is too loud. (end of this chapter)

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