Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 590 The giant thing under the sea of ​​realm!

If Chen Tong was wavering between himself and his family, Zhang Yue could still forgive him.

After all, Chen Tong was not raised by his side since he was a child, and his family had a profound influence on Chen Tong.

But Chen Tong revealed to his family the news that he had been planted with blood by a vampire, which was the fundamental reason why Zhang Yue was completely disappointed with Chen Tong.

Until now, not many people knew about the blood seed in his body. Apart from Fang Mu and his group who had cooperated with his actions before, only Chen Tong was left.

Chen Tong's reaction also confirmed Zhang Yue's thoughts.

Zhang Yue has always been soft-hearted towards Chen Tong, because Chen Tong has always been the well-behaved person he was when he was a child in Zhang Yue's memory.

Even though the influence of blood species on Zhang Yue has become more and more profound in recent years, Zhang Yue has never slackened in his training of Chen Tong.

But that cup of fresh, smelly blood completely cut off the master-disciple relationship between Zhang Yue and Chen Tong.

Zhang Yue's eyes towards Chen Tong went from disappointed to complicated to cold, and soon Zhang Yue turned his gaze to Chen Baiyuan, who looked defeated.

Zhang Yue banged his left fist hard on the table and shouted angrily at Chen Baiyuan.

"Chen Baiyuan and I, Zhang Yue, have always treated you well. When I first settled in your Qingmo clan, you promised to support me with all the strength of the clan. You only asked me to give the Qingmo clan a future."

"The Qingmo clan has surpassed the other three clans since I helped them, and has become the most powerful wealthy family in Wan Zhang City."

"I fulfilled my promise. Is this how your Qingmo clan supports me?"

After saying that, Zhang Yue's mental power surged violently, and two purple-black thorns shot out of Zhang Yue's back, destroying the statue in the ancestral hall that was at least nine points like Zhang Yue's.

"I think you added my statue to the ancestral hall in order to please me, and you wanted to worship me in the way of worshiping the ancestors of the Qingmo clan."

"Have you already planned today's move?"

Chen Baiyuan knew that Zhang Yue would never let him go, and the entire Qingmo clan would be implicated because of his arrangement.

Chen Baiyuan had already heard the news about the destruction of the Lingdian clan, and Chen Baiyuan guessed the fate of the Qingmo clan.

After hearing what Zhang Yue said, Chen Baiyuan stood up with a bitter smile.

At the beginning, Chen Baiyuan's words and promises all came from his heart. However, as the overall strength of the Qingmo clan increased and their status in Wan Zhang City continued to increase, Chen Baiyuan's ambitions also continued to expand.

Especially when he discovered that Zhang Yue's strength had not reached the Order and was just a peak-level powerhouse, Chen Baiyuan had some thoughts in his heart.

Once these thoughts appeared, they began to erode Chen Baiyuan's heart, causing Chen Baiyuan to deliberately target Zhang Yue.

All this stems from the continuous expansion of desire and greed.

But on the other hand, if his action succeeds this time, the Qingmo clan will control Zhang Yue, the creative master.

The future development of the Qingmo Clan will not be limited to Wan Zhang City, the entire Qianli Islands will be written by the Qingmo Clan!

"Success is king and defeat is defeat. If I lose, I have nothing to say."

"This is my personal decision. Most members of the Qingmo clan don't know about this and still respect you."

"I want to kill you or chop you into pieces. I hope you can give Xiaotong a chance to lead the rest of the Qingmo clan to have a place in Wanzhang City!"

Shu Liangjun's mind was not at all on Zhang Yue's liquidation of the Qingmo clan. Shu Liangjun had been thinking about how to arrange the old guys in Jin Chan Manor.

But right now, Shu Liangjun was stunned by Chen Baiyuan's innocence. How naive can someone say such a thing?

What the Qingmo clan did to Zhang Yue was not just calculation and use, but also imprisonment and trampling on Zhang Yue's dignity.

How could Zhang Yue forgive the Qingmo clan under such circumstances! ?

Perhaps Chen Baiyuan is not stupid but has his own little calculation in his heart, and wants to protect the Qingmo clan in this way at the last moment.

Chen Tong's body trembled when he heard Chen Baiyuan's words. He raised his head and wriggled his Adam's apple twice. Just as he was about to speak to Zhang Yue, he heard Zhang Yue sneer.

"Rather than you scheming against me, Chen Baiyuan, I hate you treating me like a fool even more!"

"A successful king or a defeated bandit, are you worthy enough to say such words to a founding grandmaster?"

"As long as you have not reached the level of a Grandmaster, even a peak-level Grandmaster will never know what kind of huge power a Grandmaster can control."

"You have to be clear. The destruction of the Qingmo Clan is not only due to the greed and betrayal of you, the leader of the Qingmo Clan, but also due to your ignorance!"

Speaking of Zhang Yue, he was too lazy to continue talking to Chen Baiyuan and said in a deep voice.

"Old Bao, except Chen Tong, clear out all the rest of the Qingmo clan!"

"I don't want even a mosquito in the old house of the Qingmo clan to fly out again."

Zhang Yue never likes to leave trouble when doing things. The blood on the back of the neck is a trouble for Zhang Yue. Zhang Yue knows the feeling of being tortured by trouble.

People always have different opportunities in life, and Zhang Yue doesn't want the Qingmo clan to come and take revenge on him in a few decades.

Following Zhang Yue's order, Lao Bao immediately started killing.

Lao Bao was extremely ruthless, venting his dissatisfaction with the Qingmo clan.

As the leader of the Qingmo clan, Chen Baiyuan was the first to be harvested by Lao Bao.

Seeing his clansmen being devoured by the shadow one by one, and being torn apart by unknown creatures in the shadow, Chen Tong cried out to Zhang Yue for mercy like a collapse.

"Master, don't want it! Many of them don't know about it, and you, master, have not been harmed."


Before Chen Tong could finish speaking, he was lifted into the air by several purple-black thorns that spread out from behind Zhang Yue.

The thorns of the thorns pricked Chen Tong's skin, and blood flowed down the thorns.

Because two thorns wrapped around Chen Tong's neck, Chen Tong could not continue to speak.

Chen Tong struggled desperately, and every time he struggled, the thorns would penetrate deeper into his body.

Zhang Yue asked Chen Tong in an emotionless voice.

"In my eyes, the Qingmo clan is a weapon that I have cultivated with time and resources. If the weapon is disobedient and wants to cut the owner, just modify the weapon so that it can be used again."

"I was not prepared to clean up the Qingmo Clan like I did with the Lingdian Clan. The reason why the Qingmo Clan ended up like this is because you spread the news that should not be known to the Qingmo Clan."

After hearing Zhang Yue's words, Chen Tong's struggle became more intense. Zhang Yue ignored Chen Tong and continued.

"You have violated my bottom line. I thought that even if you have been by my side for so many years, you will waver between the family and me, but you will not really betray me."

"It seems that I really trust you too much and think too well of you!"

After saying that, Zhang Yue's left palm suddenly clenched tightly, and Chen Tong's soul, which was rolled up by the purple-black thorns, turned into a living soul along with everyone in the Qingmo clan, and was absorbed by these purple-black thorns. in vivo.

Lao Bao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

When Lao Bao heard that Zhang Yue asked him to leave Chen Tong alone, he was afraid that Zhang Yue would be soft-hearted and couldn't bear to attack his disciple who he had trained for many years. Now Lao Bao is finally relieved.

Shu Liangjun became more and more familiar with Zhang Yue through his contact with Zhang Yue in the past few days.

Shu Liangjun reached out and patted Zhang Yue's shoulder, speaking in a very serious tone.

"You can't force the good or bad of disciple Lao Zhang. Isn't it a good thing for you that you discovered this aspect of Chen Tong earlier!?"

"If after cultivating Chen Tong for several more decades you discover Chen Tong's betrayal, your losses in terms of emotions and resources will be much greater than now!"

"If you want to teach an outstanding disciple, Xiaomu has a few teammates who would be good candidates!"

"I don't have to recommend these people to you. Once you meet them, you will know how outstanding these little guys are!"

At first, Shu Liangjun simply wanted to comfort Zhang Yue, but after comforting Shu Liangjun, he realized that he had made a mistake.

How can someone immediately recommend a disciple to his disciple just after he was killed by himself?

Besides, if a founding master wants to recruit disciples, he can’t just tell him what to do!

Zhang Yue calmed down his mood, and then raised his hand to Shu Liangjun.

"Lao Shu, I just saved my life. I have experienced several ups and downs in my life, and nothing is unacceptable."

"It is true that as you said, it is better to know this kind of thing earlier than to know it later, but I probably won't choose to train disciples again in the future."

"I plan to stay with Master Qixing from now on to improve my ability to create a master, and focus all my energy on improving my own strength!"

After expressing his attitude, Zhang Yue changed the topic.

"Laoshu, the old residence of the Qingmo clan has been moved twice, and its location is the best location in the entire Wanzhang City."

"If you want to take over Wanzhang City from now on, why not arrange your people's stronghold in Wanzhang City in the old residence of the Qingmo clan."

"You said before that your people have arrived at Wan Zhang City. We might as well go to the City Lord's Mansion for the handover soon."

"I have helped you clean up all the forces that are difficult to control in Wan Zhang City. The Zhehen clan is quite well-behaved and does not dare to cause trouble."

"The Shuangjiang clan is our own. You can consider putting some effort into bringing the Zhehen clan under your command, and then select two families for support."

"Let these two families fill the positions of the Qingmo clan and the Lingdian clan, and maintain the situation of the four major wealthy families in Wanzhang City. This will be conducive to the stability of Wanzhang City!"

Shu Liangjun remembered Zhang Yue's words in his heart, and Shu Liangjun was very grateful to Zhang Yue.

What Zhang Yue is doing now is tantamount to handing over all the tens of thousands of cities he has spent a lot of energy to build to himself.

This suddenly strengthened his Golden Toad Manor, allowing his Golden Toad Manor to use Wanzhang City as an efficient resource incubator.

Three days passed quickly, and Fang Mu was preparing to rush directly from Wan Zhang City to the Sea of ​​Realm.

Jinchan Manor's takeover of Wanzhang City was very low-key, and many families in Wanzhang City did not know about it.

These families used to try their best to please the Qingmo clan, but now they have changed the direction and started to please the Shuangjiang group and the Zhehen clan.

The wind and waves in the sea of ​​​​the realm are getting bigger and bigger, and several giant ships made of metal spiritual materials and solid driftwood are sailing on the rough sea.

Solid driftwood is a type of wood whose value is comparable to metal spiritual wood.

Because solid driftwood is extremely light, one cubic meter of solid driftwood only weighs a few dozen kilograms, which is a hundred times lighter than ordinary wood.

In addition, solid driftwood is not only resistant to corrosion but also as hard as steel when exposed to water, making solid driftwood the best product for manufacturing large-scale ships and machinery. It was once collected by various forces and federations as a foundation-level material.

Fortunately, the founder of Diyuan simplified the cultivation method of hard driftwood, shortened the maturity cycle of hard driftwood, and greatly increased the output of hard driftwood, so that hard driftwood can be widely used.

In the early years, many federations and forces had wars over the competition for solid driftwood.

These giant ships are surrounded by dozens of huge sea beasts. These sea beasts serve as guards and patrols for these three giant ships.

These sea beasts are controlled by powerful beastmasters.

There are huge metal containers one after another on the three giant ships, with special marks on the boxes, and a group of fully armed crew members on the deck are patrolling, and the logo of the Federation of Nations is printed on the uniforms of these crew members.

The costumes of these crew members showed the origins of these three giant ships. It stands to reason that the crew members of the Federation of Nations should look proud no matter where they go.

But at this time, the faces of these crew members were all extremely solemn.

In the cab, a middle-aged man with a beard looked at the increasingly rough sea and said in a worried tone.

"The tide set off by the sea of ​​​​the realm this time is much stronger than the turbulent one decades ago."

"We dispatched a total of five serial-class ships to inspect the eastern waters this time, but because of the sudden appearance of a huge vortex, two ships sank to the bottom of the sea."

"Also sunk to the bottom of the sea were nearly 5,000 extraterrestrial carcasses that were caught, and it is said that there are dozens of living extraterrestrial creatures."

"Have our fleet ever suffered such losses since its establishment? How should I explain to the superiors when I return!?"

"Avi, I'm afraid I won't be the captain of this fleet on our next trip."

The young-looking man named Avi next to this middle-aged man always had a very solemn look on his face.

Awei didn't directly respond to the middle-aged man's words, but said with a trembling voice.

"Captain, my soul can fuse with the Soul Bohaimother, you know this."

"My soul wave sea mother detected when the other two giant ships were involved in the sea, there was a thing under this vortex that was too huge to detect its specific outline."

"I can guarantee that this thing is suspended in the sea, it is definitely not a mountain under the sea!"

"I am very clear about the echo of the soul wave of the seabed mountain range. The two feel completely different."

"When I visited this huge unknown object, I also felt a feeling of being visited." (End of this chapter)

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