Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 592 Where did the stupid young man come from!

Xu Bo became Zhao Ge's protector as early as when Zhao Ge was born.

Zhao Ge is not only a direct disciple of the founding master, but also the grandson of the founding master.

Founding masters will compete with each other on the abilities of their disciples, and it is quite taboo to accept their own direct bloodline as a disciple. Doing so can easily lead to criticism.

Grandmaster Muying was afraid that other founding masters would criticize him for his actions. He always hid Zhao Ge's identity and did not disclose that Zhao Ge was his grandson.

But Zhao Ge knew his identity, and Grandmaster Muying's pampering and indulgence towards Zhao Ge gave Zhao Ge a very bad temper. Xu Bo was very helpless about this.

From Xu Bo's point of view, everything was fine with Grandmaster Mu Ying, but he had quite a big problem in raising his grandson.

If Zhao Ge was his grandson, Xu Bo would definitely correct the problem in time after discovering the problem even if it was already exhausted, and he would never let his grandson be so arrogant!

Zhao Ge heard this and drank angrily.

"Uncle Xu, you didn't see how coldly I was treated just now, but why did you actually start talking to others!?"

"So what if grandpa is here? Will grandpa just let me be bullied!?"

Xu Bo curled his lips when he heard Zhao Ge angrily portraying himself as a victim.

Xu Bo knew Zhao Ge’s little thoughts.

Zhao Ge is usually highly praised because of his relationship with Grandmaster Mu Ying. Anyone who meets Zhao Ge will give Zhao Ge face.

Some people will even take extremely unlimited ways to please Zhao Ge, hoping to obtain a channel to create master resources through Zhao Ge.

Zhao Ge insisted on following Grandmaster Mu Ying to Shoujie City this time because he wanted to conceal his identity and experience the feeling of a private visit incognito.

Otherwise, based on Xu Bo's understanding of Zhao Ge, Zhao Ge would not take the initiative to negotiate with others.

When various forces go out, they often only communicate with the forces with which they have intersections. It is extremely common for them to be rejected when they take the initiative to visit without revealing their identity.

The other party was not just targeting Zhao Ge. I heard that other visiting forces were also turned away.

They have just arrived in Shoujie City and naturally need to rest after the journey. It is not appropriate to disturb them at this time.

But Zhao Ge took this seriously.

Because as a disciple of a founding master, everything he says and does when he goes out represents the reputation of the creating master behind him. Once Zhao Ge's behavior is spread, it will definitely bring disgrace to Grandmaster Muying.

It wouldn't matter if it were another place. Most of the forces that came to Defend the Boundary City this time had a Grandmaster of Creation behind them.

Before you know the other party's situation, it is really not suitable to take the initiative to find trouble!

Just when Xu Bo was about to persuade Zhao Ge again and make Zhao Ge turn the big thing into a trivial one, he saw Zhao Ge standing up angrily.

“The more I think about it, the more I can’t swallow it!”

"Uncle Xu, please mobilize the troops to accompany me for another visit. I don't believe they can refuse me this time!"

The emphasis of Zhao Ge's words is on the visit. It's not so much a visit as it is to actively look for trouble.

Xu Bo was unable to stop Zhao Ge. He had joined the Dusk Shadow Grandmaster when he was a four-pointed star beast master. He was Zhao Ge's protector and actually Zhao Ge's servant.

Xu Bo has wiped Zhao Ge's butt for many years.

Although Xu Bo could not stop Zhao Ge, Xu Bo still told Zhao Ge.

"Age, when you are away from home, you have to understand one truth, that is, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. It is better to do less than to do more."

"You have forgotten that two years ago you offended a disciple of Lord Han Ming's assistant, and you suffered a lot for this!"

Han Zhaoge couldn't help but spat when he heard this.

"Bah, that guy is two years older than me but he can't beat me at all. How could I have apologized to him if it wasn't for my connection with Lord Han Ming? I also lost him a lot of potions."

When Zhao Ge mentioned this matter, he was so angry that his teeth started to itch, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Xu Bo sighed helplessly. The disciple of Han Ming's assistant relied on his own background to suppress Zhao Ge. Zhao Ge was doing the same at this time! ?

As a disciple of a creative master, he only knows how to fight bravely. Even if Zhao Ge has a certain talent as a creator, it will be difficult for him to inherit the mantle of Master Muying!

Since Zhao Ge couldn't listen to his words, Xu Bo simply didn't say anything more.

Grandmaster Dusk Shadow had just broken through from an intermediate Grandmaster to the level of a Senior Grandmaster. Even those forces related to the Grandmaster would not be willing to offend a direct disciple of a senior Grandmaster.

After revealing his identity, he will give Zhao Ge some face, so there shouldn't be too much conflict.

Fang Mu had just finished his conversation with Jiang Weng and was about to leave his room to have dinner with Jun Feng, Zhang Yue, Shu Liangjun and others.

She Wan, a noble daughter of the She family, is not only good at cooking but also very good at cooking. Whenever Fang Mu goes out, She Wan will take on the responsibility of being a chef.

As soon as Fang Mu sat down, he saw Jun Feng's brows suddenly frowning.

"Heh, it looks like a group of uninvited guests are here!"

As soon as Jun Feng finished speaking, there was a loud knocking at the door of the main house. This violent knocking was so loud that it could even be described as smashing the door.

Jun Feng determined the identity of the leading young man through mental detection.

The young man brought people here not long ago to visit but Jun Feng rejected him. Why did he call so many people here now?

In Jun Feng's opinion, rejecting visitors is a normal thing. Jun Feng never imagined that these people felt that they had lost face because they had been rejected before, so they came here specifically to cause trouble.

This violent knock on the door made Fang Mu's brows knit together tightly.

"Sister Wan, please help me ask what is going on with these people?"

There was a hint of chill in Fang Mu's tone.

Fang Mu didn't want any unnecessary conflict to occur. If this group of people could give Fang Mu a reasonable explanation, then Fang Mu wouldn't care about it anymore.

However, the increasingly violent and urgent banging on the door made Fang Mu know that there was almost no possibility of the matter being resolved.

She Wan stepped forward and opened the door, only to see the leading young man standing there with a smile on his face.

The young man ignored She Wan and looked inside the house.

"Are you eating? It seems you don't have anything serious to do."

"Why do you have to turn away distinguished guests when you have them?"

Fang Mu, Zhang Yue, Shu Liangjun, and Jun Feng glanced at the door speechlessly at the same time.

Where did this 250-year-old boy come from? How come he lowers his head like this when speaking! ?

What does it mean to have nothing important to do while eating? Isn't eating an important thing?

And how can anyone call themselves a distinguished guest? "Duke" has always been the name the host calls his guests.

Fang Mu probably guessed why this young man came here so aggressively, and Fang Mu felt a bit ridiculous about his guess.

It was hard for Fang Mu to imagine what kind of person would be so annoyed and angry because he was rejected for a proactive visit.

After Zhao Ge finished speaking, he wanted to walk into the house. She Wan wanted to stop Zhao Ge when she saw Fang Mu wink at her.

She Wan turned aside and let Zhao Ge walk in.

Xu Bo accepted his fate and led the people to follow Zhao Ge, secretly releasing his aura.

Xu Bo found that just when his breath was about to reach the long table, he was suddenly resisted by a burst of energy.

This shows that among the people dining at the table, someone must be stronger than himself!

Xu Bo was already sure that this group of people was definitely not simple. This boy, who looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, must have a great background!

Otherwise, how could there be such a strong man following this young man?

Just when Xu Bo wanted to stop Zhao Ge and leave with Zhao Ge.

I saw that the young man at the table had stood up and spoke to Zhao Ge.

"Since you claim to be a distinguished guest, what on earth do you have to do as a distinguished guest?"

"You're not going to stay and have dinner with us after all, are you?"

Fang Mu's behavior made Xu Bo's pupils shrink. This young man was the first to speak and explain one thing, that is, this young man has the highest status among this group of people.

Before Xu Bo could stop Zhao Ge, Zhao Ge had already spoken first.

"Let's have dinner together, why don't you think I'm the master who sent you this meal!?"

"I just brought someone here to visit you. You didn't give me face. Do you know what kind of opportunity you missed?"

"Since you don't want to give me the opportunity, you have to pay the price for your previous actions."

Fang Mu had already seen a lot of dandy boys in his previous life.

Fang Mu originally thought that the dandy boys he met in his previous life were outrageous enough, but he did not expect that there were existences in the world of beast masters that were even more outrageous than those dandy boys in his previous life.

The reason why this young man found him in such a formation was because Jun Feng had just blocked this young man's visit.

Fang Mu didn't know this young man, but he was sure that this young man had nothing serious to do with him.

He was so angry because he was refused a visit. His temperament and structure are really not ordinary.

Fang Mu was too lazy to talk nonsense with Zhao Ge, so he simply spoke directly.

"Tell me what price you can make me pay?"

Jun Feng, Shu Liangjun, and Zhang Yue were also rendered speechless by the young man in front of them. They were all young men, Fang Mu, who was even younger than the young man in front of them.

But standing next to the young man in front of him, they have two completely different styles of painting.

No matter what the identity of this young man is, offending Fang Mu, a direct disciple of the Holy Founder, is like being kicked on the iron plate.

Based on the three people's understanding of Fang Mu, when Fang Mu asked the young man what he planned to do, he was actually sentencing the young man in his heart.

Let's see how to deal with this young man.

Fang Mu will never show mercy to anyone who has murderous intentions towards him.

Zhao Ge was very dissatisfied with Fang Mu's attitude at this time and said harshly.

"Of course I want you to kneel down and apologize to me! I will consider whether to forgive you after you finish your apology!"

Xu Bo wanted to sew Zhao Ge's mouth shut. At this moment, Zhao Ge couldn't understand the situation.

In fact, Xu Bo had wanted to stop Zhao Ge for a long time, but when Fang Mu was questioning Zhao Ge, a breath locked on himself and suppressed him.

Xu Bo had just entered the Order four years ago, and only those at the pinnacle level of the Order could suppress him like this.

Even if you are a high-level orderer, you will not lose your ability to move!

When Fang Mu heard Zhao Ge's words, he restrained the murderous intent in his eyes and said to Shu Liangjun beside him.

"Shu Lao went and broke his legs and asked him to kneel on the ground and talk."

"If he's still making too much noise while kneeling on the ground, knock out his teeth and stuff a marrow-sucking leech into his mouth."

Shu Liangjun could no longer stand the behavior of the young man in front of him.

This young man actually made Fang Mu kneel on the ground to apologize. It was really unreasonable!

This young man dared to bring people here to act wildly because he was relying on his identity.

If Shu Liangjun was out with the people from Jinchan Manor, and encountered a stupid young man like the young man in front of him looking for trouble for him, Shu Liangjun would really not dare to say anything.

But now following Fang Mu as Fang Mu's protector, Shu Liangjun actually felt a sense of bullying.

Shu Liangjun picked up the chopsticks in his hand and threw them at Zhao Ge, and a miserable howl sounded in the room.

Zhao Ge's knees were pierced by these two chopsticks, and he knelt on the ground with weak legs.

Hearing Zhao Ge's miserable howl, Shu Liangjun used some strength and threw the plate in his hand towards Zhao Ge.

The sounds of cracking porcelain plates and teeth were heard one by one. At this moment, Jun Feng no longer used his breath to lock onto Xu Bo.

Xu Bo quickly said loudly.

"Be merciful, you are hurting the disciples of the founding master, Master Muying."

It wasn't until this moment that Fang Mu knew the identity of this young man. He turned out to be a disciple of a founding master. No wonder he was so arrogant!

It's a pity that he met himself.

If Mu hadn't recruited a strong man like Jun Feng five months ago, even if Fang Mu could show his identity as a disciple of the Holy Builder, he wouldn't have been so strong.

But now Fang Mu has enough power in his hands, so he can still show such strength even when facing Fang Mu, the disciple who created the master.

The same is true for Fang Mu even when facing the creative master behind him.

"It turns out that this is how Grandmaster Muying teaches his disciples!"

"Since Master Muying can't even teach his disciples well, he allows his disciples to cause trouble outside."

"Then let Grandmaster Muying come to my place in person to take away the disciple!"

Although Zhao Ge acted arrogantly, Zhao Ge, who was kneeling on the ground with no teeth at this time, really did not dare to say anything more.

Zhao Ge was afraid that if he didn't say anything right, the other party would actually stuff the marrow-sucking blood leech into his mouth.

The marrow-sucking blood leech is an auxiliary beast master's contract-sequence spiritual weapon. If you don't take the marrow-sucking blood leech out of your mouth within three minutes, you will most likely become a mute in the future!

No matter how slow Zhao Ge reacted, he still realized that he must have offended someone.

When the other party heard the name of his grandfather, not only did he not feel timid, but he asked his grandfather to come to the door in person to apologize and take him away.

Xu Bo glanced at Zhao Ge who was lying on the ground and knew that he couldn't take Zhao Ge away today.

Xu Bo looked up at Fang Mu and said.

"I wonder who your Excellency is? I would also like to inform Master Du Ying."

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