Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 593 Tell him, my name is Jianmu!

Xu Bo once again brought up the Dusk Shadow Grandmaster in the hope that the other party would have some concerns.

In Xu Bo's view, even those with powerful identities would not want to be at odds with a founding master.

The other party was angry just now, but now that Zhao Ge has been punished, it should be possible to turn the big problem into a trivial one.

In addition to this purpose, Xu Bo also really needs to know the identity of the other party, otherwise wouldn't he become clueless when reporting to Grandmaster Mu Ying?

Then Grandmaster Dusk Shadow will have to punish himself!

With Grandmaster Muying's love for Zhao Ge, his own grandson, he would definitely not give up if he saw Zhao Ge like this!

Zhang Yue glanced at Xu Bo. He was not familiar with Muying Grandmaster Zhang Yue but had met him before.

In the past, Grandmaster Muying was at the same level as Zhang Yue and both were intermediate-level creation masters. At that time, Grandmaster Muying was very polite to Zhang Yue.

But since Grandmaster Muying made a breakthrough in the ability to create a master and became a high-level master, Grandmaster Muying no longer takes intermediate masters like Zhang Yue in his eyes.

Zhang Yue can understand this situation, but Zhang Yue doesn't like people like Master Muying.

Zhang Yue knew very well that Fang Mu came to the Sea of ​​Realm with Qixing's mission.

Fang Mu did not change his appearance, which meant that Fang Mu was preparing to appear in front of others as a disciple of the Holy Founder.

If Fang Mu didn't show his identity, there would be no way to break through the blockade of the Federation of Nations and enter the interior of the Sea of ​​Realms.

This group of people usually rely on their status to use their power to do whatever they want, but now they are finally getting the backlash from their actions.

Mu Ying, an old guy, knew that his disciple had offended a disciple of Qi Xing, one of the three great sage founders, and he was afraid that he would be frightened out of his wits.

A Master Builder can easily decide whether the Master Builder lives or dies.

There have been master builders who offended the master builder before and ended up with a ruined reputation.

The Founding Garden does protect the Founding Grandmaster and regards the Founding Grandmaster as a common resource for all mankind.

However, there are not many founding masters who have lived extremely miserable lives under Han Ming's suppression in recent years, and even died in death.

In Zhang Yue's impression, Grandmaster Du Ying seemed to have neither joined Han Ming's command nor joined the command of Immortal Mother Yongle.

Even if Mu Ying immediately switches to Han Ming and Yongle Fairy Mother in order to fight against Qixing, after knowing the cause and effect, Han Ming and Yongle Fairy Mother, the two holy builders, will not offend for the support of one more creation master under their command. Found Qixing, the holy founder.

Zhang Yue sighed quietly, looking at Zhao Ge who was kneeling on the ground with his teeth knocked out, he couldn't help but think of his disciple Chen Tong.

It is really important for a builder to have a good disciple!

Neither he nor the old guy Mu Ying was lucky enough to receive a good disciple.

Seeing that Fang Mu didn't respond to him for a long time, Xu Bo gritted his teeth and continued to ask.

"I hope you can tell me your identity, otherwise I won't be able to explain to Lord Dusk!"

Fang Mu snorted coldly when he heard this.

"Tell him my name is Jianmu."

After saying that, Fang Mu sat down and continued eating slowly.

She Wan pinched the back of Zhao Ge's neck like a chicken and lifted Zhao Ge up.

Severe pain spread throughout Zhao Ge's body when he was moved, but Zhao Ge did not dare to cry out.

Xu Bo didn't get a satisfactory response. It doesn't matter what your boy's name is. What matters is who is the person behind you!

How many cards can a teenager have? What's more, Xu Bo can be sure that he has never heard of the name Jianmu.

Zhao Ge led his men to find a place aggressively, attracting the attention of all the people in the surrounding manor.

Zhao Ge has already visited many forces. Zhao Ge behaves like a playboy, overtly and covertly demonstrating his superiority as a disciple of the founding master.

Such behavior made the major forces have no choice but to accompany Smiley, not wanting to offend Zhao Ge.

The forces who are familiar with Grandmaster Dusk Shadow all know that Grandmaster Dusk Shadow’s surname is Zhao. Most of these Zhao Ges have a direct blood relationship with Grandmaster Dusk Shadow.

Otherwise, how could Grandmaster Dusk Shadow cultivate such a naughty idiot?

After Zhao Ge was rejected, he took people there and then returned, obviously to create a scene.

Those forces who took the initiative to visit Fang Mu but were rejected by Fang Mu were somewhat dissatisfied with Fang Mu and his group. Many forces were waiting to see the jokes made by Fang Mu and his group.

How should you respond when a disciple of the founding master takes the initiative to cause trouble?

What shocked these forces was that Zhao Ge's guards left in disgrace. Could it be that the people in the manor had detained Zhao Ge, the disciple of the founding master! ?

Zhao Ge must have shown his identity here, and the fact that the other party still dares to do this shows that the other party is confident!

This made these watching forces once again have the intention to make friends with Fang Mu and his group.

A pretty woman with a quiet appearance and short waist-length hair stood in front of the window, watching Xu Bo leave and speaking softly to the old woman beside him.

"The news that master Mu Ying Grandmaster has become a senior founding grandmaster has spread. You have always had the intention to make friends with Mu Ying Grandmaster. Why don't you think..."

Before the woman finished speaking, she was interrupted by the old woman beside her.

"Xiaoxuan, you think things are too simple."

"A boy of seventeen or eighteen years old dares to detain a disciple of a senior Grandmaster of Creation. If I guessed correctly, this person is most likely a disciple of Qi Xing, the Saint Constructor. Even if not, he must be the same as the other two Saint Constructors. There is a connection.”

"Getting involved in a conflict that is suspected to involve the Holy Architect will only do harm and no good."

"You should take the incident with Xiaoxuan and Zhaoge as a warning!"

Hearing this, the pretty woman pushed up her glasses on the bridge of her nose and said rather aggrievedly.

"Master, why do you compare a guy like Zhao Ge with me? Zhao Ge and I are not the same kind of people!"

When the old woman heard this, she knew that the girl beside her did not understand what she meant, so she continued to speak in a deep voice.

"Xiao Xuan, what I mean is not to make friends with people like Zhao Ge. If you make friends like this, trouble will come to you."

"If you are really bored tonight, let your Aunt Ye accompany you around the Shoujie City."

"There will be a garden party tomorrow at noon, and I won't be accompanying you!"

After saying that, the old woman turned around and walked into the quiet room, leaving the pretty woman staring in the direction of the manor where Fang Mu lived in a daze.

Lu Xuan saw Fang Mu's appearance when Fang Mu and his party arrived, Lu Xuan thought to herself.

Could it be that this handsome young man with a natural aura about him is really a disciple of Qi Xing, the Holy Founder?

At this moment, Lu Xuan was extremely curious about Fang Mu.

This episode did not affect Fang Mu, Jun Feng, Zhang Yue and others' interest in dining. To these people, Zhao Ge was just an insignificant clown.

Jun Feng has been in communication with Ning Hongshao. Since Jun Feng's longevity problem was solved, Ning Hongshao has completely returned to his previous state.

As a career-savvy and socially adept female creative guru, Ning Hongshao has an extremely broad network of contacts.

Although Ning Hongshao's connections could not help Jun Feng before, they could bring a lot of useful information to Ning Hongshao.

Ning Hongshao told Jun Feng some of the information she had.

"Xiaomu, I heard from Ah Shao that tomorrow's Diyuan gathering is probably related to the situation on the other side of the Sea of ​​Realm. The entire Pure Land team of the Federation of All Nations has already dispatched to the Sea of ​​Realm."

"There must be a great secret hidden in the sea of ​​realms!"

"Previously, the Federation of All Nations has been controlling the Sea of ​​Boundaries. Han Ming must know what he is hiding, but he has not disclosed the corresponding situation at the gathering in the Diyuan."

Fang Mu personally participated in the last party gathering. Han Ming really did not want to open the sea of ​​​​the realm, but only announced two potions developed using extraterrestrial bodies as raw materials.

It was Fairy Yongle who objected, and Fang Muqian helped Fairy Yongle to make this happen.

If this impromptu gathering of the Diyuan has something to do with the Sea of ​​Realm, then Han Ming decided to hold it impromptu.

Han Minghui held an impromptu meeting because of the matter in the Sea of ​​Realm. It must be that there was a problem in the Sea of ​​Realm that Han Ming could not solve by himself.

Han Ming wouldn't think of other people if there was something good about him, so there must be nothing good about tomorrow's Diyuan gathering.

Fang Mu had always been in contact with Longhun Whale Princess before. Fang Mu helped the bloodline transformation of Longhun Whale Princess's descendant, and Longhun Whale Girl was extremely grateful to Fang Mu.

Of course, Takihun Whale Princess also has some small thoughts about being so warm to Fang Mu.

Takihun Jingji wanted to get Fang Mu's help again in the subsequent bloodline transformation of her descendants.

Longhun Jingji has heard that Qixing is the third holy founder in the human world, which further strengthens Longhun Whaleji's idea of ​​​​befriending Fang Mu.

It was only half a month ago that Mu suddenly lost contact with Takihun Whale Princess.

Fang Mu secretly thought, could this be related to the tide of the sea in the realm?

While Fang Mu was thinking about it, both Jun Feng and Zhang Yue had worried expressions on their faces. Both of them had a certain understanding of the creatures on the other side of the sea of ​​boundary.

If those creatures cross the boundary sea and invade, the ecology of the entire world will be affected.

It is said that the Sea of ​​Realm is a passage connecting to the world of higher dimensions.

This is a message from the Imperial Beast Court. It seems to be the last words of the previous generation of prophets before they died.

However, Fang Mu didn't have any worries about this in his heart.

No matter how high Fang Mu's current status is, this status is only created by Fang Mu carefully.

It had only been eight months since Fang Mu became a beast master.

Nowadays, Fangmu is in the stage of rapid development, and if the sky falls, there will be a tall one to hold it up.

Fang Mu knew very well that he was not enough to become the pillar of the human world at the moment. At most, he could only protect the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Fang Mu will neither value himself too much nor belittle himself.

Fang Mu always looks at his own existence with a debating look. This is the key to Fang Mu's mental stability.

After dinner, Fang Mu returned to the room and started reading ancient books.

Fang Mu has been working on collecting ancient books during this period. After reading this ancient book, Fang Mu read all the collected ancient books.

Fang Mu discovered that humans in the fifth and sixth eras were extremely dependent on aura energy, just like the beast masters in the seventh era were extremely dependent on life energy.

Now Fang Mu can also prepare spiritual energy, and with suction, he can ensure that the prepared spiritual energy is pure enough.

Fang Mu secretly wondered if he could strengthen his beast control like the beast control masters from the fifth and sixth eras.

Although all kinds of beasts have mutated as the era progressed, it is not impossible to find the beasts in the ruins that have continued from the fifth and sixth eras to this day.

But when he thought of Lily Lily's demand for pure spiritual energy, Fang Mu had to shake his head and give up the idea.

Even though Sui Sui's speed in preparing resources has been greatly improved after advancing to the gold level, Sui Sui does not have enough energy to purify the spiritual energy after all.

It is extremely difficult to maintain Lily Lily's absorption of pure spiritual energy.

What's more, in addition to condensing life crystals, Sui Sui now also purifies a large number of pollutants and pollution sources to help his special-grade pollutant Shenghui Bone Pieces improve their strength.

Fang Mu has been trading with the Green Magician, one of the eight evil species that sprouted in ancient times.

The transaction between Fang Mu and the Green Magician went very smoothly, but the Green Magician refused to trade those rare pollution sources to Fang Mu during the transaction.

A lot of outstanding special-grade pollutants were traded to Fang Mu.

Rather than pollutants, Fang Mu needs to obtain pollution sources and strive to make the pollution sources match the pollutants in his contract.

Fang Mu felt that it was necessary to go to the headquarters of Ancient Sprout to conduct transactions with the other Eight Evil Species of Ancient Sprout.

Green Magician invited Fang Mu once before. At that time, Fang Mu did not have a peak order powerhouse like Jun Feng around him, nor did he show the ability of the founder of Qixing Saint.

Now Fang Mu has the capital to go to the headquarters of Ancient Sprout to face forces like Ancient Sprout.

The ancient sprouting force has contracted pollutants from top to bottom. People without emotions know best how to choose their own interests and maintain their own interests as much as possible.

Therefore, as long as one's own strength is strong enough, it is a good choice to cooperate and trade with Ancient Sprout.

However, if Fang Mu wanted to improve the peak combat power of his subordinates, Fang Mu felt that it was time for him to have a good talk with Jun Feng.

Ever since Jun Feng came to Fang Mu, he took the initiative to act as a guard.

There was no need for Jun Feng to do this, but Jun Feng felt that he had to give back to Fang Mu through practical actions.

Jun Feng has never met Qi Xing in person, so Jun Feng is undoubtedly more grateful to Fang Mu than Qi Xing, the mysterious saint builder.

The bright moonlight shone on Jun Feng, making Jun Feng's figure look extraordinarily tall and majestic.

Jun Feng laughed twice when he saw Fang Mu coming over.

"Xiaomu, you didn't lose sleep because I talked about the situation in the sea of ​​​​realm during dinner, right?"

Fang Mu smiled when he heard this.

"Uncle Feng, I never worry about things that are beyond my capabilities."

"I came here this time to ask Uncle Feng, after you reach the peak of order, how can you make your beast control one step closer to your strength?"

"I think Uncle Feng should be able to give me an answer in this realm."

Jun Feng was startled when he heard this, and then looked at Fang Mu with an moved expression, and asked Fang Mu in a dry voice.

"Xiaomu, what do you mean by Lord Qixing!?"

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