Soon after Jun Feng and Fang Mu didn't get along, he discovered that Fang Mu's existence was very different from that of ordinary founder disciples.

While Qixing has been in seclusion, Fang Mu has a very high degree of autonomy and can even decide whether to attack the Canglu clan.

Qixing gave Fang Mu such great authority, so Fang Mu could naturally make his own decisions and do many things.

Just like when he was helping himself get rid of pollutants from his body, Fang Mu injected extra life potion into himself and healed himself from the hidden injuries he had suffered for decades.

Jun Feng was so interested in Fang Mu because Fang Mu was kind to him.

Jun Feng's state at this time is very similar to Shu Liangjun's early state with Fang Mu.

Fang Mu blinked at Jun Feng when he heard this.

"Uncle Feng, I want you to tell me how to take another step forward from the peak of order."

"I reported it to the master, and it is only after the master agrees that I will come down!"

Fang Mu knew very well why Jun Feng asked such a question. No one in the entire world of beast control knew that Fang Mu was Qixing.

Fang Mu was able to use a huge amount of builder resources and use the full moon pendant to disguise himself at Diyuan's gatherings. This made even holy builders like Han Ming and Yongle Fairy Mother not doubt the existence of Qixing. Authenticity.

So others don't know that Fang Mu's will is Qixing's will.

Jun Feng laughed twice when he heard this.

"Xiaomu, thank you very much for thinking of me, but it's just too difficult for me to go further."

"At this point, it is not just determined by resources, but also requires some opportunities."

Fang Mu knew very little about the level of order, let alone how a strong person of order could be promoted.

After a beast master's beast steps into the sequence, the beast master can give a lot of feedback to the beast master, so that the beast master is no longer the weakest existence on the battlefield.

At the level of order, the feedback from the beast master to the beast master will increase again.

Although a beast master's individual strength is not as strong as his own beast master, he can at least reach 60% of his own beast master's strength.

What's more important is that a beast master often does not only have one beast, but can also use spiritual weapons and ghost weapons to assist himself.

The beastmaster himself becomes stronger, and if he wants to break through, he must break more cages.

Fang Mu felt that he could ask Jun Feng for advice tonight. People who are not at this level would not be able to understand the various situations involved.

Normally, Fang Mu would ask Shu Liangjun if he had something he didn't understand, but now it was obvious that if he asked Shu Liangjun, he wouldn't be able to give him an answer.

"Uncle Feng, what do you say? I'm quite curious about the levels above order and I haven't had the opportunity to get in touch with them before. If Uncle Feng is willing, you can tell me about it!"

Jun Feng has always been a person who hates being verbose, but Fang Mu is surprisingly patient.

However, Jun Feng was somewhat hesitant when Fang Mu asked him a question.

In Jun Feng's view, the relevant knowledge above order is a very important topic, and Qixing will explain it to Fang Mu sooner or later.

When Qixing explained to Fang Mu, he found that Fang Mu knew all the relevant knowledge very clearly. Then he was guilty of helping the Saint Builder to teach his disciples.

I hope Master Qixing is not such a narrow-minded person.

"Xiao Mu, I mentioned to you the Mysterious Seal and the Mysterious Body before. Four Mysterious Patterns can be condensed into one Mysterious Seal, and the Mysterious Seal is divided into various levels."

"Four mysterious seals can also be condensed into a mysterious body. The mysterious body is still far away from you now, but it is a necessary condition for a beast master who has reached the level of the peak of order to further condense the mysterious body!"

"It is much more complicated to shape a mysterious body with a mysterious seal than to condense it with a mysterious pattern. If you use a fourth-level mysterious seal to condense a mysterious body, even if three first-class mysterious seals are condensed with it, the mysterious body will automatically be classified as ninth level."

"The gap between each level of mystical body is huge, and it is closely related to the level of destiny condensed after setting foot in the divine realm and the richness of the divine realm."

"Of course, it does not mean that the Mysterious Body condensed with four first-class Mysterious Seals will definitely reach the third level or above. In the end, it still depends on whether the four Mysterious Seals that construct the Mysterious Body are consistent with each other."

"I didn't know about these situations when I was young. I only received the relevant information after I had set foot in the Order. This made me unable to plan the profound patterns and seals I had understood."

Speaking of this, Jun Feng sighed quietly.

If I could have known the relevant situation when I was young, and spent more time and energy on my understanding of the mysterious pattern, I would probably have solidified the mysterious body by now!

Seeing that Fang Mu was listening to his explanation very seriously, Jun Feng continued.

"After the beast master reaches the pinnacle of order through the feedback of the beast master, he will condense a dharma within himself."

"You can understand the Dharma Appearance as the spiritual power condensed into the essence. The Dharma Appearance of the Beast Controller is the cornerstone of the rules. A strong man at the peak of order who wants to step from the order into the ranks of the divine realm needs to reconcile the Dharma Appearance with the mysterious body. .”

"Let your body accept the nourishment of the rules, and let your master beast step into the divine realm first."

"The basis for a beast to enter the divine realm is to upgrade its quality from legendary quality to mythical quality. Once the quality of a beast is promoted to mythical quality, it can evolve its own rules that fit the world."

"If you want a beast to be promoted to mythical quality, you not only need life energy and elemental energy of the same type, but also a large amount of pure spiritual energy."

"The investment of this kind of resources is like a bottomless pit, with no upper limit at all."

"My main battle beast, the Hidden Serpent King, has never shown signs of being promoted to mythical quality. It is easier to promote than races such as human vampires."

Listening to Jun Feng's explanation, Fang Mu had a clear understanding of the levels above order.

This is something that is difficult for others, even the Holy Architect, to do, but it is not difficult for Fang Mu.

For the condensation of the mysterious body, there is the Scenery Fantasy Jade. Even if the image condensed by the Scenery Fantasy Jade cannot condense a certain mysterious pattern in a direction, it can still determine the attribute system of this mysterious pattern.

There has always been no shortage of resources such as life energy, elemental energy and spiritual energy, especially since Sui Sui's current rank has been promoted, and the output is more than five times higher than before.

Fang Mu did not make a promise to Jun Feng immediately. It would be too hasty for Fang Mu to make a promise now.

Helping Junfeng to increase his strength is a long process, and Fang Mu also needs to reserve more resources now.

Rather than improving Jun Feng's strength, Fang Mu cares more about improving himself and his family's strength.

Zhao Xun arrived at Shujie City early the next morning.

Zhao Xun's face was gloomy. There was a problem with his cooperation with other forces. That force actually cut off the trading channels with him and ignored him. It was really unreasonable!

Even if he has always been strong in transactions and has often occupied the resources of this force, this force definitely should not treat a master builder like this!

Zhao Xun decided to retaliate and contacted several more colleagues who were close to him to block this force's founder resource trading channels.

How rampant this force was when I saw it!

Zhao Xun was already very angry. As soon as he returned to the manor and was about to rest, he heard Xu Bo, a subordinate he trusted very much, say that his grandson Zhao Ge had been detained.

Zhao Xun always maintained his identity in front of his men, but when he heard the news, he couldn't help but slam the teacup in his hand to the ground.

"Xu Bo, as Xiaoge's protector, can your beast only pant? I asked them to detain Xiaoge!"

"You go find them now in my name and ask them to send Xiaoge over to me!"

Xu Bo rarely saw Zhao Xun lose his temper, and he knew that Zhao Xun must have encountered something unhappy before he came.

This made Xu Bo dare not tell Zhao Xun about Zhao Ge's misery.

But he couldn't hide this situation. Even if he didn't tell Zhao Xun, he could still see it when he went to pick up Zhao Ge.

From the perspective of a bystander, Xu Bo saw that this incident was entirely Zhao Ge's fault, but Zhao Xun never considered right or wrong when doing things here.

"Master Duiying, there are powerful people at the order level there, and they are much stronger than me."

"His breath pressed against me and my mental energy was imprisoned. They broke Mr. Ge's legs and knocked out all his teeth."

"As long as I can resist, I will not fail to protect Master Ge, and I am also afraid that if the conflict intensifies, it will affect Master Ge's life safety."

Xu Bo cleverly explained Zhao Ge's situation in a self-defeating way and emphasized it specially.

"Young Shadow Master already revealed your identity when you were injured by them, but they didn't give you face."

Zhao Xun was originally angry when the two things happened together, but after hearing what Xu Bo said later, Zhao Xun calmed down.

"Xu Bo, you failed to protect Xiaoge, but you should have found out their identities, right?"

After Xu Bo found out that he could not control the situation, he tried hard to find out the identities of Fang Mu and his party.

And when Fang Mu didn't answer, he continued to ask a second time, but Xu Bo asked a specious answer.

"One of the people in the group of people who were detained by Mr. Muying was named Jianmu."

Xu Bo knew that Zhao Xun was suppressing his anger at this time, and his words would most likely ignite Zhao Xun's anger.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xun was stunned for a moment after hearing what he said, and then a look of horror appeared on his face.

"Jian, Jianmu? Are you sure he is talking about Jianmu!?"

"Is this person a young boy!?"

Xu Bo was very surprised. He didn't expect that Zhao Xun, a great creative master, actually knew this young man!

Not only that, just hearing this boy's name made Zhao Xun so panicked.

After a while, Xu Bo only heard Zhao Xun ask in a hoarse voice.

"Tell me clearly the cause and effect of the matter, without any concealment or favoritism!"

Xu Bo honestly told Zhao Xun all the causes and consequences. When Zhao Xun heard this, he felt that his head was going to split.

He had always treated Zhao Ge, his biological grandson, well, but Zhao Ge had the idea of ​​planting grass on his grave.

I have already told Zhao Ge not to cause trouble when he goes to the Shoujie City. In the near future, a large number of forces related to the creation of the Grandmaster will gather in the Shoujie City.

If you have the opportunity, you can choose to make friends with these forces.

If Zhao Ge offended a force under the command of a founding master, he could easily resolve the conflict by stepping forward.

I have successfully been promoted to Senior Master of Creation, and even other senior Masters of Creation have to give me some slack.

But as luck would have it, Zhao Ge offended someone he couldn't afford to offend, and who couldn't possibly give him face.

Faced with this situation, there is only one way to deal with it, and that is to come to the door to express your apology in person.

The specific solution will be decided by the other party!

"Xu Bo, please go down and take me there in person at nine o'clock tomorrow morning to apologize."

When Xu Bo exited Zhao Xun's room, he had vaguely determined Jianmu's identity. Jianmu must be related to the Holy Architect.

Otherwise, Zhao Xun would never be like this!

Zhao Xun was a little tired, but he stayed up all night tonight.

Zhao Xun rummaged through his treasured supplies, thinking about what kind of supplies he should bring to show his sincerity.

Zhao Xun was usually reluctant to use those treasured materials, but now he wanted to give them away.

After this incident, Zhao Xun realized a problem, that is, he had been too tolerant of Zhao Ge.

I need to discipline Zhao Ge well, at least don't let Zhao Ge cause such trouble to me again.

At this time of day, the headquarters of the Federation of All Nations is basically empty except for the night waiters and patrolling guards.

Unless there is a master of creation who is preparing spiritual liquid or conducting research, he will stay up until four or five o'clock in the morning.

But now the headquarters of the Federation of All Nations is brightly lit, and all the founding masters affiliated with the Federation of Nations are inside the headquarters.

On the second floor of the United Headquarters of All Nations, a tall man wearing a silver half-armor was looking at more than a dozen documents in front of him with a frown.

The man's hands were covered with calluses, and they began to tremble slightly as he continued to read through them.

When there were still three or four encrypted documents that he had not read, the man stood up and ran out quickly carrying the documents.

This man is the deputy commander-in-chief of the Federation of All Nations fleet. Although he is not a builder, he maintains a good relationship with at least three master builders.

He was also awarded by the Holy Founder Han Ming for some achievements.

Tao Yue is a practical person. Outsiders think that the Federation of All Nations is rotten internally, but in fact, the Federation of Nations is in serious trouble internally.

Competent people will be reused, and the Federation of All Nations is not entirely managed by founders as the outside world says.

These architects are decision-makers rather than managers, and Tao Yue's ability to serve as the deputy commander-in-chief of the fleet demonstrates this.

The shipbuilding technology of the United Nations was discovered in the ruins, and it was those ruins that prompted the founding of the United Nations.

It is said that there is some kind of inheritance in that ruins, and it was through this inheritance that Han Ming became a Saint Builder so quickly.

Of course, the rumors were just rumors, and no one dared to ask Han Ming for verification.

However, the giant ships built through this shipbuilding technology are like fortresses on the sea. Even if an accident occurs, the floating soft silver poured into the ship will keep the ship afloat.

It's just that Tao Yue didn't know why most of the nearly twenty giant ships in the Eastern District were attacked, and five giant ships that formed a fleet disappeared without a trace in the waters of the Eastern District!

This kind of loss has never been suffered by the United Nations before.

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