Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 595: Don’t you look down on it? ?

Compared with the losses suffered by the Federation of All Nations, Tao Yue was more concerned about what could sink these five giant ships about 90,000 meters long.

As the first ship in the fleet, the Wanli Waves has whale bones embedded in the interior of the legendary creature Island Whale.

As the leader of the fleet, Han Nan has a very clear mind and strong decision-making ability.

As long as he didn't encounter a danger that he couldn't even resist, Han Nan shouldn't be incapable of resisting.

It actually disappeared into thin air without even sending any useful information back!

The fleet led by Han Nan, especially the Wanli Waves, is equipped with a large number of sea area detection talents, and Han Nan himself also has extremely strong detection capabilities.

It was difficult for Tao Yue to imagine what happened in the waters of the Eastern District.

Tao Yue had no way to deal with this matter himself and had to report it.

At this time, the Federation of All Nations had problems not only with its fleet at sea, but also with the large number of extraterritorial creatures surviving in the sea, which killed a large number of soldiers of the Federation of Nations.

Those extraterrestrial creatures all carry a special energy in their bodies. This energy is the same as pollution energy but has many differences.

It would be understandable to say that the toxins in these extraterrestrial creatures are similar to those in dimensional creatures.

But if you really want to compare, the toxins in the bodies of the creatures on the other side of the sea of ​​​​realms are much stronger than the toxins in the dimensional creatures!

Yin Hanrong, the founding grandmaster who had just returned to the Federation of All Nations, personally received Tao Yue and recorded Tao Yue's reaction.

After the previous ceremony, Yin Hanrong was no longer as arrogant as before in the Federation of Nations.

Yin Hanrong deeply understood the truth that for an individual, a builder's ability is far less important than his strength.

If he had been strong enough back then, he would not have been captured by the Hua Junshi of the Paradise Palace.

Yin Hanrong now values ​​the improvement of his own strength more than improving his ability to create a grandmaster.

Yin Hanrong knew very well that using his talent to create an intermediate master was basically the limit.

Unless you encounter a great opportunity, you will be able to make further progress.

But there are so many opportunities waiting for me in this world! ?

Although Yin Hanrong is arrogant, she behaves extremely selfishly in order to conserve resources at certain times.

But as the founding master, Yin Hanrong is willing to stand up and assume the responsibility of guarding mankind when mankind faces the invasion of alien beings.

"I am aware of the situation on your side, Tao Yue. As the deputy commander-in-chief of all fleets, you must act cautiously at this time. Remember not to panic!"

"I will inform Lord Han Ming of the situation. Diyuan has decided to hold a gathering to discuss how to deal with these extraterritorial creatures."

"When the people from each fleet come back, and a large number of beast masters in our Federation of Nations have been contaminated by extraterrestrial beings, resulting in a shortage of treatment resources, it will be difficult for those healers to shoulder such a heavy burden."

"I will support you with two treatment teams of powerful people, and provide you with a medical resource based on my personal ability."

"Remember that even those soldiers who are seriously injured must devote all resources to their treatment, so as not to chill the hearts of the soldiers."

After saying that, Yin Hanrong turned around and walked towards the meeting hall of the Federation of Nations with heavy steps.

Tao Yue watched Yin Hanrong leave, his eyes full of respect.

Tao Yue was originally quite frightened, but at this time Tao Yue had calmed down.

It is undeniable that the existence of a Grandmaster can always bring a strong sense of security to people, especially since this Grandmaster is also a person who is willing to give.

Yin Hanrong came to the door of the meeting hall and took a deep breath before entering.

Yin Hanrong knew that Master Han Ming couldn't bear it anymore, otherwise it would be impossible to suddenly hold such a party.

In Yin Hanrong's heart, Han Ming was very concerned about face, and a meeting was being held in the meeting hall of the Federation of All Nations.

Before the Diyuan gathering, Han Ming needs to make some decisions in advance and arrange corresponding tasks for his mouthpiece at the Diyuan gathering.

At the same time, in front of the gate of the seaside manor Fangmu in Shoujie City, Zhao Xun, the founding master, was standing respectfully outside the gate of the manor with Xu Bo and his two servants.

It was completely different from Zhao Ge who crossed the gate of the manor directly and aggressively half a day ago, and even kicked down the threshold of the main house.

She Wan saw Xu Bo following Zhao Xun from a distance, which made She Wan frown and step forward.

She Wan was at the scene last night when Xu Bo revealed Zhao Ge's identity, and She Wan had already guessed the identity of the old man at the gate of the manor.

The old man at the gate of the manor is Master Dusk Shadow!

In the past, She Wan would have shown extreme respect when she saw a creative master, and even instinctively stepped forward to please the creative master.

But now She Wan has been with Fang Mu for a long time, especially after knowing that Fang Mu's master Qixing is a Saint Builder, She Wan's mentality has changed.

As Fang Mu's guard, even if he is face to face with the Grand Master, he still represents the majesty of Qi Xing, the Saint Founder.

She Wan stepped forward and performed her duties dutifully. After asking for her identity in a programmed manner, she reported the news to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu believed that Grandmaster Muying would definitely come to find him, and Fang Mu had plans to use Zhao Ge to cause trouble for him to establish his authority.

But he didn't want to make things difficult for Mu Ying, the master of creation.

Of course, how to solve it in the end still depends on the attitude of Du Ying, the master of creation, towards him.

Fang Mu previously went to Panfeng Federation to explore the large ancient battlefield, and he was known as the Infinite Envoy of the Infinite Tower.

Going to compete for the wood attribute secret realm, Fang Mu also acted very low-key and did not show up, but obtained the wood attribute growth secret realm with Zhang Yue's hand.

At that time, Fang Mu was born for the first time as a disciple of Qixing, the Holy Founder. If he loses his reputation in handling this matter, it will make people feel weak.

Therefore, even if it is very possible to offend a founding master Fang Mu to death, he will not hesitate.

Fang Mu felt that as long as Master Muying was not as ignorant and stupid as his grandson, this conflict could be easily resolved.

After listening to She Wan's report, Fang Mu already understood Grandmaster Muying's attitude. Sure enough, no fool can become a Grandmaster!

"Sister Wan, just wait a quarter of an hour before bringing them in. Come and have a cup of tea with me first!"

"It's been a while since I last provided you with resources. How are you using these resources, Sister Wan?"

She Wan heard this and knew that Fang Mu was going to take action against Master Muying.

In She Wan's view, Fang Mu really needed to find out what he looked like.

Zhao Gelai made trouble with great force and made it known to everyone. If this matter was solved so easily, it would not be a good thing for the majesty of Saint Founder Qixing.

She Wan took the tea from Fang Mu and said with a smile.

"Young Master, you provided me with a lot of resources last time. You provided forty bottles of space medicine alone, of which ten bottles of medicine reached a purity of 96%."

"My Silver Void Purple Spider has been promoted from Sequence Seven to Peak Sequence Six in just a few months. It should be able to be promoted to Sequence Five within this week!"

"The other two diamond-level spider-type beasts that have not been cultivated have also been promoted to sequence eight. The only one who is a little slow is the ghost-type beast-type substitute soul Mantong that I contracted."

"However, it is normal for the strength of ghost-type beast-controlling to increase more slowly than that of normal beast-controlling."

She Wan is extremely satisfied with her improvement. In She Wan's opinion, it is something to be extremely proud of that she has been able to improve her strength so quickly in such a short period of time.

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows when he heard this. She Wan had just followed Fang Mu half a year ago. At that time, She Wan was the strongest person that Fang Mu could rely on.

When the Evil Heart Sect launched an attack on Jinghai Beast Control High School, She Wan saved the lives of many classmates from Jinghai Beast Control High School and gave Fang Mu a strong sense of security.

But now if we really talk about it, Fang Mu is already stronger than She Wan.

With the help of the pollutant holy bone fragments, She Wan can easily kill She Wan even if she uses all her strength to fight Fang Mu.

In the past half year or so, Fang Mu has not only regarded She Wan as one of his guards, but also as a trustworthy partner.

Therefore, even when Fang Mu had a better choice, Fang Mu still did not cut off his investment in She Wan.

"Sister Wan, I will soon obtain a batch of Tears of Praying to Heaven. The strength of your ghost-type beast-controlling soul substitute Mantong is slowly improving, mainly due to the talent of your ghost-type soul substitute Mantong."

"The Tears of Praying to Heaven gives you the opportunity to contract a second ghost-type beast."

"Even if you don't reach this point, I can let you contract one more ghost weapon. At that time, I will ask the master's royal spirit forger to build a ghost weapon for you."

"I guarantee that the fusion with your bloodline will reach over 80%!"

While Fang Mu was communicating with She Wan, Jun Feng and Shu Liangjun were sitting aside playing chess.

Shu Liangjun and Jun Feng are both people who love to play chess. They happen to know that the other party is also a master of chess, so they will fight on the chess board whenever they have time.

Both of them felt warm in their hearts when they listened to the conversation between Fang Mu and She Wan.

The two of them and She Wan had taken refuge under the command of Qi Xing, the Saint Founder, and could be regarded as Fang Mu's subordinates.

Fang Mu's attitude towards his subordinates made Shu Liangjun and Jun Feng feel warm from the bottom of their hearts.

Fang Mu used one-tenth of the resources he invested in She Wan to recruit those powerful people. He didn't know how many powerful people would rush to join Fang Mu.

There is no one who doesn’t like to pursue an emotional superior.

Jun Feng was present when Fang Mu and Lu Ke were discussing cooperation. Jun Feng thought that Fang Mu would distribute the Tears of Prayer to the Heavens to his subordinates.

Tears of Praying to Heaven are extremely difficult to find in the outside world, but within the Canglu Clan, they are not a rare thing.

But Jun Feng never expected that Fang Mu would easily give the Tears of Praying to Heaven to She Wan for use, and also promised to help She Wan create a ghost weapon with a bloodline fusion level of 80%!

Jun Feng was too clear about what a ghost weapon with a fusion degree of 80% meant.

Even Cao Xianbing, recognized as the strongest spirit blacksmith today, cannot guarantee that every ghost weapon he creates can achieve 80% fusion with the user's bloodline.

Even reaching 75% is a difficult task!

Through this period of contact, Jun Feng already had a certain understanding of what kind of person Fang Mu was.

Not only is Fang Mu not a person who likes to boast, on the contrary, Fang Mu is extremely conservative in his behavior.

Fang Mu's promise shows that Qixing is very likely to have a spirit forger stronger than Cao Xianbing.

Jun Feng felt that a ghost weapon with a bloodline fusion of 80% would be more useful than a newly contracted natural disaster-level ghost beast!

If Fang Mu can make such a promise to She Wan, he will definitely not be stingy with himself and others!

This is truly a huge opportunity, big enough to make Jun Feng, a man at the pinnacle of order, be tempted!

For a strong man at the pinnacle of order, a ghost weapon that can grow with him is much more useful than acquiring a new powerful spiritual weapon.

Although She Wan is not very strong, as a member of Xinglun, She Wan's vision is much broader than that of ordinary strong people.

She Wan thanked Fang Mu excitedly. Fang Mu raised his hand and patted She Wan's shoulder gently without saying anything more.

It was exactly a quarter of an hour after She Wan finished drinking the tea in her cup.

She Wan set out for the entrance of the manor, where Master Muying was standing obediently.

Zhao Xun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw She Wan, with an expression of relief on his face.

Zhao Xun thought that the other party would take advantage of him. He was here to apologize and was not afraid of the other party's taking advantage of him.

What Zhao Xun was afraid of was that She Wan would never come out again after going in. If Jianmu ignored him, he would express his unwillingness to let the matter go.

This matter is bound to reach the ears of Qixing, and then there will be trouble!

Compared to offending a Saint Architect and making a Saint Architect feel bad about him, Zhao Xun was no longer afraid of losing face no matter how much he wanted to save face.

She Wan saluted Zhao Xun, opened the door of the manor and made a gesture of invitation.

"My young master is inside, please follow me!"

Fang Mu could manipulate Zhao Xun as the founding master, but She Wan would not do so.

Even if She Wan does this, no one will tell her that she is wrong, but it will still make people think that Fang Mu is not strict with his subordinates, and even his subordinates act domineeringly.

After hearing what She Wan said, Zhao Xun quickly took out a bottle of medicine and handed it to She Wan.

"This is my meeting gift. I hope you can accept it. Thank you for receiving me!"

Zhao Xun not only wanted to resolve the conflict with Fang Mu, but also wanted to take this opportunity to make friends with Fang Mu.

Therefore, even Fang Mu's subordinate Zhao Xun was polite and heroic.

A bottle of life potion with a purity of 86% as a meeting gift is enough to show your sincerity.

The disciples and assistants around each architect will accept favors and gifts from others, not to mention that the woman who receives them has no direct relationship with the architect.

Zhao Xun originally thought that She Wan would happily accept his gift and reveal some of the situation in the main house to himself so that he could be prepared before meeting Jianmu.

But he didn't expect that this woman would directly reject him!

"Hello, Master Dusk. As the young master's guard, I will not accept gifts from anyone."

She Wan behaved very elegantly when she said these words, which gave Zhao Xun a bit of absurd thought in his heart.

Could this woman not have taken a fancy to the potion she prepared? ?

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