Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 598 Leave it to me!

Facing Han Ming's proposal, the founders, including Fairy Yongle, pondered.

This huge tide brought a large number of creatures from the other side of the Realm Sea to the world shared by humans and sea people.

These creatures on the other side of the sea will attack human ships and threaten the safety of humans on land.

It will also massacre the creatures in the sea, constantly destroying the lives of the sea people, and at the same time causing great pollution!

The creatures on the other side of the sea of ​​​​realm are not only weird in appearance, but their pollution capabilities are almost as good as those of the pollution sources.

And the stronger the creature, the more polluting it is.

The environmental pollution faced by marine people is much greater than that suffered by humans.

There have always been conflicts between the sea tribe and humans, but now because of this huge tide, the sea tribe and humans have become a community of destiny.

If humans ignore this tide, the one who will suffer the greatest loss will definitely be the Sea Tribe itself.

Humans and the Sea Tribe have cooperated before. That cooperation between humans and the Sea Tribe was not pleasant, mainly because of problems with the distribution of resources in the later period.

This time, there is no possibility of resource allocation when facing these extraterrestrial beings. No party is willing to ask for the bodies of these extraterrestrial beings.

In normal times, many brigades secretly hide the bodies of extraterrestrial creatures because these extraterrestrial creature bodies have certain research value.

Many architects are willing to study the bodies of these extraterrestrial beings.

Now Han Ming has even announced two pharmaceuticals that require the use of extraterritorial carcass, confirming the value of extraterritorial carcasses.

A large number of extraterritorial carcasses still have little value to humans.

On the one hand, it is because the extraterritorial carcass is extremely difficult to preserve, and secondly, the extraterritorial carcass will release a large amount of pollutants to the outside.

Dealing with these extraterritorial carcasses can be said to be a difficult problem faced by humans and sea tribes alike.

The ships of the Federation of All Nations collect extraterritorial carcasses on a large scale and load these extraterritorial carcasses into containers.

It's not because these extraterritorial bodies are so useful, but because these extraterritorial bodies need to be concentrated so that they can be destroyed.

After the pollution energy released in the extraterritorial bodies reaches a certain concentration, those silent extraterritorial bodies will enter a state of activation.

If no one destroys such an extraterritorial carcass, it will be able to give birth to extraterrestrial beings again after a period of time.

No one objected to Han Ming's proposal, but cooperation with the Sea Tribe was not as easy as imagined.

A person with enough weight must be sent to take over the handover with the Sea Clan!

Seeing that no one spoke, Han Ming spoke loudly.

"Since no one has any objections, I will assume that everyone agrees with my proposal."

"How about we discuss who should negotiate with the Sea Clan."

"I propose that Fairy Yongle negotiate with the Sea Clan. Fairy Yongle spent more than two hundred years in seclusion before becoming a Saint Builder. She should also show the Sea Clan her grace that took more than two hundred years of hard work!"

Han Ming's proposal was not only a counterattack against Fairy Yongle's eccentric anger at him just now, but also an attempt to make Fairy Yongle take on this responsibility.

To negotiate and seek cooperation with the Sea Tribe, the most suitable candidates are the three existing Saint Founders of mankind, and Qixing is also a suitable candidate.

In Han Ming's opinion, negotiating with the Hai Clan is a matter of no interest at all.

Qixing is in retreat, and Qixing had emphasized this during the last gathering of the Garden.

If I propose that Qixing negotiate with the Hai Clan on behalf of Diyuan and all mankind, he is tantamount to asking Qixing to end the retreat.

Although Qixing sided with Fairy Yongle last time, Qixing did not express any intention to turn against him.

Fairy Yongle is his mortal enemy, so it would be more appropriate for Fairy Yongle to take on such matters.

Upon hearing this, Fairy Yongle glared at Han Ming fiercely. At this time, Han Ming made such a proposal in public, making it difficult for him to refuse.

The main reason why human founders are willing to trade with the Emperor Beast Court but not with the Sea Clan is that the Sea Clan values ​​spiritual materials more than the Emperor Beast Court.

Human builders can get a lot of profits from trading with the Imperial Beast Court, which means that even if the builder resources flow into the beast-controlling forces, there will still be enough benefits to be gained, but this is not the case for the Sea Clan.

Coupled with the fact that the Sea Clan is very xenophobic, it will be difficult to promote cooperation between humans and the Sea Clan unless a big figure from the Sea Clan can lead the way.

Han Ming has been emphasizing that the tide of the Realm Sea has a great impact on the Sea Clan. This is because the Sea Clan is unwilling to give up the sea area at the junction of the Realm Sea and the Cold Glacier.

If the sea people decide to abandon the sea area where the sea of ​​boundary and the cold glacier meet, they will all evacuate to live on the other side of the cold glacier.

The ice barrier of the cold glacier is like a natural barrier, which will greatly prevent the spread of pollution.

Therefore, those federations built around the Sea of ​​Boundary are the ones that will really bear the pollution. The Sea of ​​Boundary Federation will bear the brunt of the impact.

If he takes over this responsibility, he will definitely have to spend a lot of resources to promote cooperation with the Sea Tribe.

Even the sea people will give back to themselves, but what they can give back is only the spiritual materials produced in the sea.

Without the creator spending time on these spiritual materials, these spiritual materials would not show their proper value at all.

For the benefit of mankind, Fairy Yongle is willing to take over this burden.

But now this burden was forced on him by Han Ming, and Fairy Yongle showed great dissatisfaction.

The Grand Masters who were sitting below saw the attitude of Fairy Yongle, and the mouthpiece of Fairy Yongle was about to speak, and followed Fairy Yongle's thoughts to make a rebuttal.

Just listen to a warm but majestic voice.

"I am also a Saint Founder who has just joined Diyuan. I will take over the matter of negotiating with the Hai Clan!"

"I will hold another meeting of the Council after the Hai Clan responds. You don't need to waste any more time on this matter."

"Everyone here is thinking clearly about what actions you should take next."

Han Ming and Yongle Fairy Mother looked at Fang Mu in surprise. If Fang Mu's figure was not blocked by the full moon shrouded outside, Han Ming and Yongle Fairy Mother would both want to see the expression on Fang Mu's face at this time. .

To actually accept such a thing with just one mouthful, Qixing is far more courageous than Han Ming and Fairy Yongle imagined.

Han Ming subconsciously thought that Qixing wanted to use this method to improve his status in the Diyuan.

As a Saint Founder who has just joined Diyuan, Qixing can only gradually reach the level of himself and Yongle Fairy Mother through this method.

But if it is just for this purpose, the price paid is too high!

Fairy Yongle, on the other hand, simply developed an interest and affection for Qixing. Qixing's behavior just now was tantamount to helping Fairy Yongle out of trouble.

Although Fairy Yongle didn't say anything, she had already recorded a favor from Qi Xing in her heart.

Fairy Yongle has always behaved erratically, otherwise she would not have allowed members of her subordinates to harm a founding master in a dispute when she was still a top-notch creative master, and the creative grandmaster even lost his life because of this.

During these nearly two hundred years, Fairy Yongle's character remained the same, but her thoughts changed.

Fairy Yongle is indeed aware of her problem.

Otherwise, if she had changed her previous temperament, she might have had a falling out with Han Ming at the party in Diyuan, and she would not be as focused on the overall situation as she is now!

The other Grandmasters looked at Qi Xing with respect, even those who joined Han Ming and Immortal Mother Yongle.

Fang Mu has never been an impulsive person in doing things. On the contrary, Fang Mu will try to be as safe as possible.

The reason why Fang Mu responded was because Takihun Jingji, who had not communicated with Fang Mu for a long time before the party party, suddenly contacted Fang Mu.

The Sea Tribe suffered huge losses due to this tide, especially the Hanyang Empire, which was closest to the Sea of ​​Realm.

On behalf of the Hanyang Empire, Longhun Whale Girl took the initiative to seek help from Fang Mu, hoping to cooperate with humans.

Neither Han Ming nor Fairy Yongle must have known about this.

Otherwise, not only would the two not turn down the opportunity to contact the Sea Clan, they would even fight over it.

After Fang Mu used his identity as Qixing to take over the task of negotiating with the Hai Clan at the gathering in Diyuan, he could directly contact Takihun Jingji as his disciple of the Holy Founder.

Strive to let the Hanyang Empire take the lead in promoting cooperation between the sea tribe and humans.

The Hanyang Empire is being violated. Once the cooperation between the two parties is achieved, the Hanyang Empire will be the biggest beneficiary among the Hai Clan.

Fang Mu believed that the Hanyang Empire had no reason to reject his proposal, not to mention that Longhun Whale Princess had a strong say in the Hanyang Empire!

Yongle Immortal said in a very serious tone.

"Everyone here must remember that it is Qixing who steps forward in times of crisis. When the cleanup of the sea of ​​​​the realm really begins, all parties must contribute people and provide resources."

"I suggest that if Qixing promotes cooperation between humans and sea tribes, Qixing will no longer need to provide help."

Fairy Yongle didn't like the favor she owed to Qi Xing, so Fairy Yongle found an opportunity to return the favor directly to Qi Xing.

Hearing this, Fang Mu almost wanted to give Fairy Yongle a thumbs up.

Fang Mu is not a person who accepts favors easily, but Fairy Yongle's love was accepted by Fang Mu.

Compared with other saint builders, Fang Mu's biggest shortcoming is that he does not have so many available people.

Fang Mu has been running the Infinite Tower for only a few months.

Once it is necessary to send out manpower, Fang Mu will send out all available people, and there will most likely be a shortage of manpower.

It can be said that Fairy Yongle's proposal completely saved Fang Mu from being in an embarrassing situation.

Han Ming frowned when he heard Fairy Yongle's words. Han Ming did not dislike Fairy Yongle's suggestion.

Qixing would definitely spend more resources to contact the Hai Clan than he would use to face this crisis.

It’s hard for the Hai Clan to answer correctly, otherwise how could someone like Han Ming, who wants to save face and wants to dominate the Diyuan, not take this opportunity to boost his power in the Diyuan?

It's just that Han Ming is disgusted with Yongle Fairy Mother's behavior of drawing closer to Qixing.

However, he was disgusted and it was hard for Han Ming to say anything at the moment.

If you raise objections, it will not only cause a bad influence, but also make other creative masters think that you are targeting Qixing.

It is also very likely to cause Qi Xing to feel bad about him.

He failed to change the good relationship between Yongle Fairy Mother and Qi Xing, and also aroused Qi Xing's resentment. Didn't he just shoot himself in the foot?

"Fairy Mother Yongle's proposal is good, and I agree with it."

"Qixing has put in so much effort, and Qixing won't need to provide resources and manpower in the future."

"If there is a shortage of manpower, I will send more people to help. What we need to study now is how to destroy those extraterritorial carcasses."

Han Ming held this gathering for two purposes. One was to select a Saint Founder to represent humanity and discuss alliances with the Sea Tribe.

Another thing is to discuss how to deal with these extraterritorial carcasses in large quantities.

After raising this question, Han Ming continued.

"The extraterritorial carcass is extremely polluting, both in terms of the energy it contains and the viscous substances it secretes."

"This kind of pollution is not like the alien beasts emerging from the dimensional cracks. It can be eliminated by acquired means at some cost."

"Incineration, deep burial, lightning strikes, freezing and other methods cannot make this pollution disappear."

"Once the carcass itself is destroyed, it will help the internal pollution energy to spread."

"Rather than putting the burden of dealing with these extraterritorial carcasses on the Sea Clan, we should figure out a solution ourselves!"

After hearing Han Ming's words, all the founding masters present fell silent.

In fact, in addition to what Han Ming said, there is another way to eliminate the pollution of the extraterritorial carcass, and that is to use the extraterritorial carcass and a variety of spiritual materials to prepare potions.

It's just that this kind of potion can only be prepared by senior masters of creation. Using this method to deal with extraterritorial carcasses is simply a drop in the bucket!

These extraterritorial carcasses are difficult to preserve, otherwise they can be preserved as a reserve resource.

Fang Mu only learned about the existence of such a thing as the extraterritorial carcass during his recent transaction with the Jifeng Brigade, and he didn't know much about the extraterritorial carcass.

I only know that the extraterrestrial body is a great supplement to my own destiny of controlling the beast, the Fool's Shadow, and its effect on the Fool's Shadow is much stronger than the Shadow Eye Stone!

Fang Mu didn't know that mankind was suffering from a crisis because of this tide before this party gathering was held.

The reason why Fang Mu came to Shoujie City was to obtain more extraterrestrial bodies to strengthen his Shadow of the Fool.

Fang Mu felt a little nervous when he learned that extraterritorial carcasses could be used to prepare potions at the last party gathering. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to get many extraterritorial carcasses from his trip to the sea of ​​realms.

Now it seems that Fang Mu's worries are completely in vain.

The Fool's Shadow absorbs extraterrestrial bodies extremely quickly. Using the Fool's Shadow to absorb extraterrestrial bodies can be said to be the best way to deal with these extraterrestrial bodies.

If Fang Mu uses the Fool's Shadow to absorb all the extraterritorial bodies he obtains, can the quality of his Fool's Shadow be upgraded from the current epic quality to the level of mythical quality, transcending the limitations of legendary quality! ?

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