Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 599 Human welfare Qixiaoxing!

Through communication with Jun Feng, Fang Mu learned that it is difficult for a beast to advance from legendary quality to mythical quality.

Based on the effect of the extraterritorial carcass on the Shadow of the Fool, the extraterritorial carcass transformed by the extraterritorial creatures sent by this tide should be enough to bring such an opportunity to the Shadow of the Fool.

Fang Mu could sense that all the Masters of Creation, including the Holy Creation Master Han Ming and Fairy Yongle, were worried about dealing with these extraterritorial bodies.

For a while, I didn't know how to clean up such a large number of extraterritorial carcasses.

Otherwise, at this critical moment, there is no need to discuss this matter openly.

Fang Mu didn't do as much as he did when he contacted the Hai Clan before, and was prepared to speak after everyone made it clear that they were helpless.

This is equivalent to Fang Mu doing a great favor to all the builders present and even to the entire human race.

Han Ming raised the question and did not continue to speak, but the Grandmaster of Creation, who was Han Ming's mouthpiece, suggested.

"Situations like this must be borne by the architects of our garden."

"I propose to distribute these extraterritorial carcasses with the Sea Clan first. After the distribution with the Sea Clan is completed, all the extraterritorial carcasses will be equally distributed to everyone present, and we will jointly deal with these extraterritorial carcasses!"

"How to deal with it then is everyone's own business!"

Zhang Yue and Ning Hongshao frowned at the same time when they heard the suggestion from the founding master.

This Grandmaster of Creation had already joined Han Ming's command, and I guess that was what Han Ming meant.

There is no problem in letting all the creation masters share the responsibility, but there are only a hundred or so creation masters present, and the number of extraterritorial bodies assigned to each creation master will be extremely large!

Not to mention whether each founding master has the ability to handle a large number of extraterritorial bodies.

If some people choose to bury these extraterritorial carcasses deeply in uninhabited areas for convenience, the influence of the extraterritorial carcasses will stop in a short period of time.

But in the long run, it will inevitably cause extremely serious consequences, causing an entire area to undergo changes due to pollution.

The reason why humans are so concerned about the tide that sets off in the sea of ​​​​the realm every few decades is because the pollution of extraterrestrial creatures has caused previous humans and sea tribes to suffer a lot.

The polluted energy in the bodies of extraterrestrial creatures will have irreversible effects on creatures that use life energy as their main source of energy.

Han Ming is not a short-sighted person who can definitely think of this, but as a Saint Founder, Han Ming really has nothing to do about it.

This crisis is not enough to affect the survival of mankind, but this kind of pollution may even affect mankind for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Because dimensional cracks frequently open, dimensional creatures pollute various lands all the time, which makes the human living environment continue to be compressed.

Although there are many methods to remove pollution in the land, most of these methods require a large amount of resources to implement and are not cost-effective.

If this disaster could have been known a few years in advance, and all the founding masters could obtain extraterritorial bodies for research, it would not be as difficult as it is now.

The Federation of All Nations should have already known that this time's tide would be more violent than in previous years.

Han Ming asked the Federation of All Nations to block the news and did not inform everyone about the situation until now. For this, Han Ming bears an unshirkable responsibility.

Subtly, Zhang Yuening Hongshao lost all respect for Han Ming in his heart. There were not a few people who felt this way among the creative masters present.

For example, Yi Han has the support of Qixing, so he does not need to be afraid of any situation and has the ability to bear it.

But the other low-level creation masters present did not have the confidence like Yi Han.

One of the founding masters, who had only joined Diyuan for less than three years, stood up and spoke in a very solemn tone.

"Everyone present here has different abilities, and it is impossible for everyone to bear the common responsibility."

Speaking of this, the female founding master paused and then continued.

"I know that when I say this, some people will misunderstand my words and think that I don't want to take responsibility, but this is absolutely not the case."

"I am willing to take on responsibilities for humanity, but these responsibilities must be something I can afford."

"I don't want to secretly bury these extraterritorial bodies after I get them. I guess there are many people who have similar ideas to me."

"I think it is necessary for me to explain this matter in advance on such an occasion, and I ask for your understanding!"

A Grandmaster of Creation will be admired by thousands of people wherever he is, and the same is true for low-level Grandmasters of Creation.

However, a low-level creation master is absolutely weak in the creation garden gathering. These low-level creation masters can only protect their own interests.

This female Grandmaster can be said to have expressed the thoughts of most of the Grandmasters present.

Now that someone had spoken first, all the founding masters spoke in agreement, which made Han Ming's face gradually darken.

When Fang Mu saw that the atmosphere at the scene had reached such a level, he knew that he should almost stand up, otherwise the situation would definitely get out of control if it continued to develop.

Fang Mu had been in contact with Han Ming several times and had a certain understanding of Han Ming. He knew that Han Ming was a very respectable person.

Even for the sake of his own face, Han Ming would definitely not let up on this matter, otherwise none of Han Ming's mouthpieces would continue to help Han Ming speak out! ?

Just when Han Ming was about to settle the matter with thunder, Qixing, who was sitting next to him, spoke again.

"I can sympathize with your feelings. The bodies of these extraterrestrial beings after death are indeed extremely difficult to remove."

Qixing's words made Han Ming's frown tighten.

What does Qixing mean by saying that? Could it be that Qixing is planning to go against himself on this matter, and even wants to use this opportunity to win the favor of some of the founding masters! ?

Han Ming admitted that this was indeed a great opportunity, but if Qixing wanted to seize this opportunity, it would mean overturning the proposal to equally distribute these extraterritorial bodies to each of the creation masters, and let these creation masters handle it themselves.

Could it be that there is a better way than this? ?

Han Ming forced himself to suppress his emotions and did not speak immediately. Han Ming really wanted to see what decision Qixing would make.

If Qixing overturned his plan, he would definitely come up with a solution.

If Qixing proposes that all intermediate-level and above-level creation masters be responsible for this matter, it would be tantamount to offending all these intermediate-level and above-level creation masters, including those who secretly invested in Qixing's command.

A guy like Qixing who doesn't care about the interests of his subordinates will quickly lose the support of his subordinates.

For example, Han Ming has always protected the interests of those who invested in creating grandmasters under his command. This is also the reason why his subordinates can gather so many creative masters.

In this regard, Fairy Yongle was not as good as himself, so Han Ming never regarded Fairy Yongle as his real opponent.

If Qi Xing is really as he thinks, then Qi Xing will act even more stupidly than Yongle Fairy Mother.

Qixing's words really made those low-level creation masters feel relieved, and also attracted the sideways glances of all the creation masters present.

Everyone was waiting for what Qixing would say next.

Qi Xing had just shouldered the burden of negotiating with the Sea Clan on his own, which earned Qi Xing the respect of many founding masters present.

Fang Mu saw that he had attracted the attention of everyone present and continued to speak.

"I have been conducting research on extraterritorial carcasses over the years, and I may have studied them much earlier than Han Ming."

"Long-term research has given me some insights. If you really have no way to clean up these extraterritorial carcasses, I can take on the responsibility of cleaning up these extraterritorial carcasses."

"You can hand over all the extraterritorial carcasses to me at that time, and then distribute these extraterritorial carcasses when I reach the upper limit and cannot handle it."

"I think that the Federation of All Nations, which has been blocking and controlling the sea of ​​​​the realm, should have a lot of extraterritorial bodies."

"Instead of hoarding these extraterritorial bodies, the Federation of All Nations should directly hand these extraterritorial bodies into my hands and let me clean them up."

"After all, the people of the Federation of All Nations are currently patrolling the sea of ​​​​the realm to collect extraterritorial carcasses. I can also reduce the pressure on the Federation of All Nations by cleaning up these extraterritorial carcasses, and make it easier for the Federation of All Nations to collect more extraterritorial carcasses. .”

"Minimize the environmental impact of the extraterritorial carcass."

Qixing once again took over the responsibility of cleaning up extraterritorial bodies, but Qixing's undertaking was not a very arrogant one.

Instead, he made it clear that if he could not completely digest the extraterritorial carcass, other creation masters would continue to divide the extraterritorial carcass equally.

This kind of inclusion without any arrogance will undoubtedly make people feel more at ease.

If it really comes to the point of human life and death, Fang Mu will definitely lend a helping hand, there is no doubt about this.

But all of Fang Mu's promises at the moment were self-interested behaviors, including asking Han Ming to hand over to him the extraterritorial bodies stored by the Federation of All Nations.

Fang Mu would not show favor to Han Ming or please Han Ming.

However, Han Ming received Fang Mu's kindness, and his eyes when looking at Fang Mu were not as hostile as before.

Fairy Yongle had been trying to figure out Qixing's attitude while Qixing was speaking. Fairy Yongle could feel that Qixing had no intention of pleasing Han Ming, but was just discussing the matter.

This made Fairy Yongle feel Qixing's ambition. In terms of ambition, Han Ming could not compare with Qixing.

The minds of the two people are not in the same dimension at all.

Fairy Yongle planned to wait until Qixing really started cleaning up a large number of extraterritorial carcasses to ask Qixing to see if Qixing needed assistance from her own resources.

If there is any need from Qixing, Fairy Yongle is ready to fully assist Qixing.

Han Ming has not thanked anyone for decades, but this time Han Ming solemnly expressed his gratitude to Qixing.

"Qixing thanks you for your helping hand to me and the Federation of All Nations."

"The Wanbang Federation has indeed accumulated a large number of extraterritorial carcasses, and the number of extraterritorial carcasses has already exceeded the upper limit."

"I will deliver these extraterritorial carcasses to you in three batches, each with a quantity of one hundred tons."

"There are about 100,000 extraterritorial bodies. I wonder if you can handle them?"

When Fang Mu heard about the extraterritorial carcass of one million tons and more than one hundred thousand, he couldn't help but feel excited.

The Shadow of the Fool is in great luck now!

It's just that Fang Mu is not sure how long it will take him to completely digest such a large number of extraterritorial bodies?

Fang Mu doesn't have a specific concept about this, and it still needs some experimentation.

Because the energy in the extraterrestrial body is too suitable for the Fool's Shadow, when the Fool's Shadow absorbed the extraterrestrial body, it was almost instantaneous, much faster than the absorption of the Shadow Eye Stone!

"My disciple is currently in the Border Guard City. Just send someone to hand over these extraterritorial bodies to my disciple."

"There is a special material transmission channel between my disciple and me, which will transmit these extraterritorial bodies to my hands as soon as possible."

Everyone was listening to Qi Xing's words carefully, but they heard Qi Xing let out a long sigh.

"I have been in seclusion for the past few years, and I have already reached a critical point."

"Well, next I have to focus on the overall situation and do my best to clean up these extraterritorial bodies."

"Once these extraterritorial bodies are cleaned up, I may not be able to care about the situation in the outside world."

Suddenly Qixing's voice became serious.

"During this period, don't let me know that anyone is causing trouble for my disciples, or I will never forgive you!"

To others, Qixing is an excellent role model who has a great view of the overall situation and puts the overall situation first.

These words are nothing more than a situation where a master likes his disciple too much and is a little worried about his disciple.

The founding masters present basically all have disciples, and there are not a few who have harmonious relationships between masters and disciples.

Therefore, these creation masters can understand Qixing's mood at this time.

However, when Zhao Xun heard these words, he always felt that Qixing's words meant something.

This made Zhao Xun, who was sitting in the chair, feel like he was sitting on pins and needles, like thorns piercing his back and a lump in his throat.

Originally, Zhao Xun was still hesitating whether he should take the initiative to apologize to Qixing at the Diyuan gathering.

On the one hand, asking for forgiveness from Qixing frees her from worries; on the other hand, she can also use this opportunity to see if she can achieve Qixing's relationship.

But now after hearing Qixing's words, Zhao Xun no longer had any other thoughts, and he didn't dare to speak quickly without any hesitation.

"Lord Qixing, I'm Zhao Xun. My disciple was so stubborn that he offended your beloved disciple. I have already taught him a lesson and asked for your beloved disciple's forgiveness."

"In the next period of time, you will be busy for the welfare of mankind, so why not let me follow your disciple's side?"

Zhao Xun's words lowered his posture to a very low level. To be honest, even the Grand Master of Creation did not need to make such remarks at the gathering of the Founding Garden when facing the Saint Founder.

Zhao Xun did this because he understood Qixing's love and protection for his disciples, and was afraid that Qixing would settle the score with his future wife.

Secondly, it is also related to Zhao Xun's respect for Qixing.

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