Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 600 The second world opens!

Qixing didn't speak a few times during the whole party. The two times he spoke, he sacrificed his own interests for the sake of the overall situation.

The current image of Qixing is equivalent to the ideal self in the minds of all the creators present.

It's just that at this time, no Grandmaster can achieve this step even if he has the ability.

If Qixing represents the resources spent on negotiations between humans and the sea tribe, as a creative master, he can still imagine it.

The resources required to clean up these extraterritorial bodies are beyond the imagination of the founding masters present.

The promise given by Qixing is that the extraterritorial carcasses will be distributed only when the resource shortage reaches the limit. This is equivalent to saying that Qixing is prepared to go bankrupt to deal with the extraterritorial carcasses.

Architects can indeed produce a large amount of resources, and they are the small group of people who are most convenient for accumulating resources.

But the resources for creating a grandmaster are not brought by strong winds, and it would still be painful to use them lavishly.

Zhao Xun looked at Qixing, whose appearance was a full moon, and felt that Qixing, like the full moon, did not show its identity in the prosperous age of Gujing.

But when times of crisis arise, the rising star and the full moon will dispel the darkness and confusion and point out a way for mankind.

At this point, Han Ming is really not as good as Qixing.

Zhao Xun would not say this thought out loud, but there must be many creative masters who share this thought with him.

Fang Mu's mind was focused on the extraterritorial carcass he was about to obtain. Fang Mu was looking forward to the harvest and didn't pay attention to Zhao Xun.

Fang Mu is a person who likes to retaliate in person, especially since Fang Mu has the ability to take revenge and there is no need to be secretive.

Fang Mu has already punished Zhao Ge, and the grudge with Zhao Ge has been settled.

There is no need for Fang Mu to trouble Zhao Ge, a junior, as Qixing.

"Oh? There is such a thing? When I am in seclusion, Xiaomu usually won't talk about such things to me."

"This conflict is a matter between children. Since Xiaomu has forgiven your apprentice, this matter will be over."

"In this special period, you have your own things to do, so why bother?"

Qixing's attitude was extremely tolerant, but everyone present heard the emphasis on the word forgiveness in Qixing's words.

In other words, Qixing's forgiveness comes from the forgiveness of his disciples.

If Qixing's disciple Jianmu did not forgive Zhao Xun's disciple, would Qixing pursue this matter to the end?

Upon hearing this, Zhao Xun bowed deeply to Qixing and then stopped talking.

Zhao Xun could feel that Qixing was not willing to communicate too much with him, so there was really no need for him to continue to cling to Qixing.

Excessive effort will only annoy Qixing.

Zhao Xun's feeling was correct, Fang Mu really didn't want to have in-depth communication with Zhao Xun.

Fang Mu now has a creative master following him closely, and Fang Mu still recognizes Zhang Yue's ability.

Zhao Xun's banner was to follow him while Qixing was in retreat. It could be said that he was taking care of himself but also monitoring his every move.

Under this relationship, it is impossible to use the soul-residing ants to control Zhao Xun.

Fang Mu has too many secrets in his body, and he dislikes being around people who cannot be completely controlled by him.

Ever since she became the Saint Founder, Fairy Yongle has never suppressed Han Ming at the Diyuan gathering.

But now Qixing has suppressed Han Ming in all aspects, which makes Fairy Yongle very happy.

"In the past nearly half a year, Diyuan has been advocating the establishment of a second world. Building a second world through dream beasts can be said to be the best way to build a second world, and it is also simple enough."

"Now that the network laying of all the second worlds in the federation has been completed, the second council under Diyuan will take over the management of the second world built by Shi Mengjue."

"Everyone who owns a Time Dream Beast can directly connect to the network. If you want to join the second world, you only need to purchase a Time Dream Beast."

"I believe that people from all major forces can afford such consumption. It won't be long before dream beasts will be popularized, and we will strive to make them affordable for all beast masters."

Fairy Yongle has been presiding over the work of laying out the second world. Since the network in the second world has been laid out, it is natural that the sooner it is opened, the better.

In this world, beast masters have always lacked opportunities for actual combat. Once they engage in actual combat, they will inevitably be damaged.

Once these injuries hurt the origin, whether it is the beast master or the beast master himself, it will affect the beast master for the rest of his life.

The Dragon Federation and several other large federations used time dream beasts to build the second world network early, providing a platform for beast masters to facilitate actual combat, allowing these beast masters to have extremely rich combat experience.

Now with the laying of this second online world, creators in every corner of the main world can hone their combat skills as long as they have the Dream Beast. This will be a huge leap for the entire human world.

In order to speed up the process, Fairy Yongle spent a lot of resources at her own expense.

Since the previous two issues, whether it was sending an envoy to the Sea Tribe or dealing with extraterritorial bodies, were all borne by Qixing, the next nearly hour-long gathering of the founding committee was spent discussing the opening of the second world.

After attending the Diyuan party, Fang Mu returned to the real world. This time the Diyuan party was held longer than the last time.

Fang Mu entered a state of exhaustion. The excessive consumption of mental energy made Fang Mu dizzy. He sat for a while before barely recovering.

This kind of mental overdraft requires at least one day of cultivation.

Fang Mu had no plans to leave the Border Guard City at the moment. Fang Mu would stay in the manor and wait for the people from the Federation of Nations to find him and hand over the first batch of extraterritorial bodies to him.

After the transaction is completed, these foreign carcass square wood will begin to continuously strengthen the evolution of the shadow of the real beast-controlling fool.

Fang Mu's strengthening of the Fool's Shadow will not delay his own actions.

Fang Mu's subordinates Sui Sui and the humanoid Hai Yan twins, who were born as domestic beasts, can both complete the task of feeding the Shadow of the Fool.

Since Sui Sui needs to use the skill [Garbage Recycling] to extract resources, the half-elf Haiyan Twins are more suitable for this feeding job.

The feeding work must be carried out inside the Jiji Bunker, and Fang Mu also needs to go to the Hanyang Empire.

Fang Mu made an appointment with Takhun Whale Girl, and three days later, Mu would rush to the sea area where the Hanyang Empire is located to meet with Takhun Whale Girl.

The Hanyang Empire took the initiative to cooperate with humans, and presumably it would promise very good rewards.

At present, the second world that connects the entire human world has been constructed. When Fang Mu passes through, the dream beast can directly enter this second world.

However, Fang Mu was not in a hurry to enter this second world, but lay on the bed and had a good sleep.

The next morning, Fang Mu, who was full of energy, summoned his own Time Dream Beast and asked this diamond-level Time Dream Beast to connect to the network of the second world.

Soon Fang Mu appeared in the second world. Fang Mu found that the feeling of being in the second world created by Diyuan was almost the same as that of being in Battle.net.

However, the layout of the second world is much more exquisite than that of Battle.net.

Fang Mu originally thought that this second world, like Battle.net, only had combat functions, but Fang Mu soon discovered that his idea was wrong.

In addition to having the combat function of Battle.net, the second world is internally arranged just like a real human world.

Since the first batch of managers of the second world have moved in, all functions of the second world can operate normally.

Fang Mu discovered that the land and shops in this second world can be purchased, and Diyuan has plans to vigorously develop the second world.

The second world will soon become prosperous, and I don't know how many beast masters will choose to make a living in the second world.

Ordinary people can enter the second world as long as they possess the Dream Beast.

There is no need to make a contract if you want to use the Shimeng Beast. The little bit of mental power of ordinary people can also resonate with the Shimeng Beast.

Fang Mu saw a new business opportunity, and Fang Mu went to the service center of the Second World to learn about the sale of these lands and stores.

The service center that Fang Mu went to was a secondary service center, the third-class existence among all service centers.

I think this has a lot to do with Fang Mu's position in the second world.

In the second world, Fang Mu will also use the two identities he had on Battle.net. At this time, Fang Mu is using the identity of Jianmu.

If you want to find a special guide for service in the secondary service hall, you need to pay five world coins.

World currency can be converted into any form of currency, but different currencies have different ratios.

The proportion of Fang Mu using Dragon Soaring coins to exchange for world coins is about three Dragon Soaring coins can be exchanged for one world currency.

It's not cheap to find a guide at the price of fifteen Dragon Soaring Coins, and each guide can only serve the hirer for two hours. Any additional time will require renewal!

Fang Mu first sat in the secondary service hall and read the instructions for the second world.

After carefully reading this manual, Fang Mu had a clear understanding of the situation in the second world.

Each federation has a corresponding city in the second world. The size of the city will vary depending on the size and strength of the federation in the real world.

People in different federations will enter the second world through the dream beast and enter the city corresponding to the alliance through their location.

The Boundary Sea Federation is small in scale, so the service center in the city represented by the Boundary Sea Federation is a second-class existence.

In addition to each federation having its own large city, there are also four giant cities in the entire second world.

These four giant cities are distributed in the center of the four major regions of east, west, south and north. The size of each city is more than ten times the size of the cities represented by the federation.

There is a holy city in the center of the four giant cities. This holy city is built in the center of the second world.

In the real world, the area in which everyone lives from birth is basically fixed.

Only those with strong strength and financial resources can leave their own federation.

In the second world, you can teleport through the special teleportation array in each city, and you only need to pay a certain price to reach other cities.

Even the cost of ultra-long distance transmission is not unbearable.

Coupled with the fact that fighting is prohibited in non-fighting areas in the second world, this makes cross-city living and trading a very convenient thing.

The value of shops and land in the four giant cities located in the east, west, south, north and the holy city is undoubtedly the highest.

Because Fang Mu did not enter the second world last night, Fang Mu was not the first group of people to enter the second world.

Some shops and land in the big city of Jiehai Federation have been sold, and Fang Mu hurriedly exchanged a large number of world coins in this service center.

Then, at the price of 1,630 world coins, it was directly transmitted to the Holy City located in the center of the entire second world.

The service center in the Holy City is top-notch, and its scale is much larger than that of the secondary service center.

After entering the service center, Fang Mu immediately spent three world coins to choose a shopping guide. Soon, a woman wearing standard clothes and a high ponytail came to Fang Mu and bowed to Fang Mu respectfully.

"Hello, I am shopping guide No. 52137. I am happy to serve you!"

"If you have anything you want to know or need me to do, just ask me."

"The service centers in every city are now recruiting staff. If you have corresponding ideas, I can also take you for testing."

"If you pass the test, the service fee for this time will be waived."

There is no such thing as a puppet AI in the second world. Everyone in the second world enters it through time dream beasts in every corner of the world.

Fang Mu didn't know whether the shopping guide number 52137 in front of him was a member of the second council of Diyuan who had moved in when the second world first opened, or whether he was a newcomer who had just completed the assessment and entered work.

No matter how you are able to come out to receive guests, your business level must have reached the standard.

"I want you to take me to select some shops and land, and make some recommendations to me."

The second world has just opened. All major forces will rush into the second world to take advantage of it. The undeveloped second world is a huge cake.

Anyone who enters the second world, as long as they understand the second world, will know that in addition to being able to fight, the second world is also a large-scale resource trading integration and sales channel.

The shops and land in the Holy City and the four giant cities in the east, west, south and north are limited. The value of the shops and land in these five cities will become higher and higher as the second world becomes more popular.

This female shopping guide has received customers who want to buy land and shops more than once. However, because of the price, not many of these customers actually decided to pay for it after viewing the land.

The trading methods of land and shops in the Holy City are very different from those in small cities representing various federations.

"Of course there is no problem. Please come with me."

"There is a special sand table in the service hall. Through the sand table, you can clearly understand the location of these shops and land."

“Those shops and land that have been bought by others will disappear in the sandbox, and you can select them as long as they exist in the sandbox!”

Speaking of this, the female shopping guide paused and then continued.

"For shops and land in the Holy City, at most 50% of the total price can be paid through world currency, and the remaining 50% needs to be traded through rare resources."

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