Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 601 Fang Mu’s generosity!

"If you really decide to buy, we will have dedicated people to evaluate the resources you have provided!"

“The resource assessment team that can carry out the transaction will conduct the valuation, and those resources that do not meet the requirements will be returned to you afterwards.”

Liu Na is an outstanding talent trained by the Second Council of Diyuan, otherwise she would not be working as a shopping guide in the Holy City.

The service centers in the Second World are short of manpower and have been recruiting from outside.

There may be very few people who can pass the assessment, and even those members who have passed the assessment are usually assigned to secondary service centers.

Most of the guests Liu Na had received before heard the conditions she quoted, and their expressions became unpleasant, even the guest who decided to trade.

Resources are not like coins that can be accumulated at will. Some rare resources are difficult to buy even if you have money, and you must have specific channels.

Diyuan opened the second world and it was impossible for people to hoard a large number of shops and shops in the second world at will.

This method can restrict the major forces and prevent those powerful forces from hoarding too many shops and land to monopolize the resources of the second world.

Liu Na originally thought she would see the same expression on the face of the young man in front of her. The half-grown young man in front of her had teleported all the way from her own city to the Holy City to do things for her family.

The Second World has only been opened for less than a day, and the information about this force that purchased resources so quickly is quite good!

"Okay, take me to see the sand tables of those shops and land."

"After I finish my selection and know the specific price, I will prepare the world coins and resources."

Fang Mu felt relieved after hearing the words of the shopping guide numbered 52137.

In addition to world currency, the land and shops in the holy city also need to use resources for transactions.

This means that even if many forces want to take over land and shops in the Holy City, they still need to prepare for several days.

Only a force with multiple founding masters can easily come up with a large amount of resources.

If a force has only one founding grandmaster, the resources of the founding grandmaster will probably not be enough.

Creating a master requires a lot of materials to prepare potions, and many materials within a force cannot be traded at will.

Therefore, even if I am half a day late, the land and shops in good locations in the Holy City should not have been sold much yet.

It is much easier for Fang Mu to use precious builder resources than to use world coins.

Fang Mu's resource production channel relies heavily on suction. Even if he wants to exchange for world currency, he has to use those rare resources in exchange.

Liu Na was a little surprised by Fang Mu's attitude. After hearing that resources were needed to purchase land and shops, the young man in front of her not only did not show helplessness or dissatisfaction, but actually seemed a little happy.

Although Liu Na felt a little strange in her heart, Liu Na did not show it and always served Fang Mu with the qualities of an excellent shopping guide.

There were many teleportation arrays set up in the service hall. Fang Mu quickly passed through the teleportation arrays and arrived at the exhibition and sales hall under the guidance of Liu Na.

Each piece of land on the sand table had a selling price marked on it, and Fang Mu took a fancy to six pieces of land connected together at a glance.

These six plots of land are adjacent to the bustling shop area and are in an excellent location.

What's more important is that there are six areas connected together, and there is only one in the entire sand table.

Through his understanding of the second world, Fang Mu felt that the forces that are most suitable for the second world are those forces whose main functions are chambers of commerce.

These forces with chambers of commerce as their main functions can use the second world to open up a broader market and gain more channels to sell or obtain resources.

Fang Yuan already had the idea of ​​letting the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce step out of the Soaring Dragon Federation.

If the Building and Wooden Chamber of Commerce can set up its headquarters in the Holy City in the second world, it will undoubtedly gain more opportunities.

These six pieces of land connected together are very suitable for the Construction Chamber of Commerce. The six pieces of land can build the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce into the largest chamber of commerce in the Holy City, and instantly make the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce famous.

Land in the Holy City is not cheap. A piece of land sells for tens of billions of world coins, half of which requires rare resources to be delivered.

Even square wood is not easy to buy too much at one time.

Moreover, in addition to the land in the Holy City, the land and timber in the four giant cities in the east, west, north and south also need to be purchased.

In addition to these six connected pieces of land, Fang Mu also selected three stores with excellent locations.

Fang Mu plans to use one of these three shops to sell trapped soul boxes, and the other two will hold auctions from time to time to auction some master-level potions in exchange for a large amount of world coins and some rare resources that are not easy to obtain.

"I'm very interested in these six connected pieces of land and these three shops. Please help me ask about the price!"

"I have other things to do later. I don't want you to waste too much of my time. I hope you can do the calculations quickly."

Liu Na couldn't help but have a shocked expression on her face.

It is a taboo for a shopping guide to express his emotions in front of customers, but Liu Na was really too shocked.

Since the young man in front of him came to the sand table, it only took him less than five minutes from selecting the land and shops to making the decision.

Was it too reckless to finalize a deal worth hundreds of billions of world coins in just five minutes?

Liu Na admitted that Fang Mu had a good vision. The six connected pieces of land and the three shops that Fang Mu selected had been rated as Grade A before they were sold.

In addition to excellent locations, Grade A-rated land and shops are also equipped with dedicated green areas.

These green areas will be rearranged by the service center every once in a while.

This bonus has not yet been announced to the public, so buyers who can choose first-class land and stores are very lucky.

Of course, there are no benefits that can be obtained for free in this world. The selling prices of these first-class land and shops are 5% to 8% higher than those in other locations.

Since the base price of each piece of land varies so much, even a price difference of five to eight percent is a considerable expense.

"Dear guest, under normal circumstances, I will personally calculate for you the total price of the resources you need to pay for the land and shops. If you choose a piece of land, I can calculate it for you within twenty minutes."

"But the funds involved in your choice of six plots of land and three stores are huge. More importantly, I have to contact the evaluation department to help you evaluate the resources. It will take at least four hours."

"If you have other things to do, you can go ahead and do it first. We will leave a contact information and I will notify you immediately after the calculation is completed."

"Since these six plots of land and these three shops on the sand table will be frozen for you during the accounting period, you need to pay a three percent deposit."

"You can decide whether to change your choice before paying the deposit. After paying the deposit, the land and store are frozen and you will not be able to change it."

The second world is very similar to Battle.net. In the second world, you can add friends through Time Dream Beast.

Fang Mu added this shopping guide. Before that, Fang Mu had basically exchanged all the Dragon coins he had on hand for World coins, and Fang Mu gave the 3% deposit directly to Liu Na.

The world coins in Fang Mu's hands are definitely not enough. The best way to obtain a large amount of world coins in a short period of time is to sell some of the master-level potions.

"These lands and shops should all be traded with resources, right?"

Fang Mu's words once again stunned Liu Na. It was indeed okay to trade all resources. After all, resources could be directly used to exchange for world currency.

Others were only willing to spend world coins for fear of consuming resources, so why did the young man in front of him do the opposite?

"It is indeed possible for distinguished guests. The value will be measured to a certain extent based on the level of resources you provide."

"To give a simple example, the higher the level of resources you provide, the higher the premium of the resources will be."

"If the level of resources you provide is below a certain standard, the price will fluctuate according to the market price."

"After all, there are many resources that require time and labor costs even if they are sold at market prices. These must be borne by us!"

Fang Mu nodded when he heard this. It would be much more convenient if this was the case.

"All my funds will be settled with master-level potions with a purity of over 92%. Please help me calculate the price as soon as possible."

After saying that, Fang Mu, who had paid the deposit, teleported directly in the service hall of the Holy City to the giant city in the east.

Fang Mu quickly selected all the land and shops according to the method of selecting land and shops in the Holy City.

As a minor figure in the second board of directors under Diyuan, Liu Na had no chance to hear the name Jianmu.

However, Liu Na has already determined one thing through Fang Mu's words, that is, there must be a powerful creative master behind this young man who simply and neatly purchased six pieces of land and three shops!

I am really lucky to be able to add the contact information of such a big shot!

If the resources provided by Fang Mu are of a low level, he will inevitably encounter many problems during the transaction.

But because the level of resources provided by Fang Mu is high enough, it is very convenient to calculate.

Soon Fang Mu completed the transaction and obtained the certification for the land and stores.

The land and shops that Fang Mu traded had disappeared from the sand table, which made many people who were interested in these land and shops sigh secretly.

In just one day, Fang Mu accomplished such a big event. Thinking that Jiang Tuo had been shouting that he wanted to have a duel, Fang Mu specifically contacted Jiang Tuo through Whispering Landie and told Jiang Tuo that he could connect through Shi Meng Beast at any time. Second world!

Hutao will still focus on developing on Battle.net in a short period of time.

When the second world can be broadcast live, it will not be too late for Hutao to go to the second world to develop.

The second world has just opened. It is currently only the initial version. The subsequent second world will continue to be innovated.

Fang Mu believes that the second world will become more and more exciting.

Through the ancient book Fang Mu learned that in the previous era, the federation named Huiyao also had an existence similar to Battle.net or the second world.

However, according to records, the second world built by the Federation of Radiance is much richer than the world built by Shi Mengjue.

At present, many creative masters have started research on the Time Dream Beast. Fang Mu’s innate magical power [Eye of Omniscience] can see through the evolution route of the Time Dream Beast.

After this period of time is over, Fang Mu also plans to cultivate a few time dream beasts to see if these time dream beasts can evolve more functions as their bloodline increases.

Before Fang Mu contacted Jiang Tuo, Jiang Tuo was fiddling with the pen in his hand boredly as he answered the test paper given by He Deen.

Jiang Tuo had not studied cultural knowledge systematically before, but now in just a few months, Jiang Tuo was able to answer more than 80% on this test paper for high school students.

He Deen was quite amazed at Jiang Tuo's talent, but he could also see that Jiang Tuo's mind was not on learning this knowledge at all.

Jiang Tuo prefers fighting to learning knowledge.

If it weren't for the lack of suitable fighting opportunities, Jiang Tuo would probably have to immerse himself in the gladiatorial arena every day.

If Jiang Tuo does not want to develop into a spiritual blacksmith or a builder, the knowledge he currently possesses is enough for Jiang Tuo to use.

Jiang Tuo was already bored enough to write his own test papers, which made He Deen somewhat feel sorry for Jiang Tuo.

If Jiang Tuo continues to stay like this, I'm afraid he will become useless!

Hu Tao is now completely unable to defeat Jiang Tuo. Jiang Tuo only needs to use two ice ghosts to defeat Hu Tao.

No wonder Hu Tao doesn't want to be Jiang Tuo's sparring partner anymore.

Seeing Fang Mu contacting him through Xuyu Landie, Jiang Tuo quickly put down the pen in his hand and said excitedly.

"Brother Mu, I have learned a lot about cultural studies during this period. If you don't believe me, ask Teacher He."

Fang Mu smiled when he heard this, and Fang Mu could feel Jiang Tuo's eagerness to prove himself.

"Xiao Tuo knows that you have always studied hard. I have never let you fight on the battle network like Hu Tao. Now you have a chance to fight."

Jiang Tuo asked Fang Mu in a very excited tone upon hearing this.

"Brother Mu, have you allowed me to log into Battle.net?"

It can be said that what Jiang Tuo is looking forward to most right now is to compete against different opponents on the battle network.

Fang Mu originally wanted to tease Jiang Tuo and have sex with him.

But when he thought of Jiang Tuo's disappointed look, Fang Mu spoke directly.

"It's not Battle.net, it's a second world for all humans!"

"The second world has just opened now, and you can be one of the first people to explore the second world."

"If you don't understand anything after entering the second world, you can go directly to the service hall to learn more."

"You use the Dragon Coins in your hand to exchange for some World Coins. With the World Coins, you can do many things in the second world."

"In addition to fighting, if you want to polish your fighting skills, you can also find a professional sparring partner."

Hearing this, Jiang Tuo jumped up and down in the training room excitedly, and He Deen couldn't help but sigh when he saw this.

Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo are not much different in age, but compared to Jiang Tuo, Fang Mu doesn't look like a teenager at all.

"Brother Mu, can you add friends in the second world like Battle.net? I want to make you my first friend!"

"There should be ranks for battles in the second world, right? My rank must be higher than Sister Taozi!"

"Sister Taozi has reached the golden 377 victory points in her personal division during this period!"

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