Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 604 This is Qixing’s order!

It's just that there is no so-called linkage between the exclusive characteristics [Ling Jie Mi] and [Dimension King's Landing].

[Ling Jie Mi] When Fang Mu explores, he will immediately reach a higher dimensional world.

The chance of coming to the same dimensional world again is very small, so small that it can be ignored.

This makes Fang Mu just a traveler in the world of all dimensions through [Ling Jie Mi].

Furthermore, even if Fang Mu could descend into a higher-dimensional world with his soul and consciousness at the same time, Fang Mu could only hold his breath and avoid it in this high-dimensional world.

Once the creatures inside discover Fang Mu's location, they can easily destroy Fang Mu's consciousness and soul, forcing Fang Mu to end the journey.

The prerequisite for the use of the exclusive feature [Dimension Reign] is to improve the integration of the dimensional world with itself. The best way to increase the integration of Fang Mu and this world is to continuously conquer this dimensional world.

Fang Mu suddenly thought that the world on the other side of the sea of ​​realms seemed to be a dimensional world.

I had never heard Han Ming mention that the barrier of the Sea of ​​Realms above the Federation of Nations was actually a twisted dimension of time and space that combined but separated two worlds of different dimensions.

The tide of the Realm Sea refers to the space tide within the barrier, not the wind and waves on the sea.

The only dimensional world that Fang Mu can contact at the moment is the dimensional world on the other side of the sea of ​​realms.

Fang Mu is not afraid of the dimensional world on the other side of the sea of ​​​​realms at all. It always gives Fang Mu the feeling that the dimensional world on the other side of the sea of ​​​​realms is the Shadow of the Fool cafeteria.

When Fang Mu's own strength became stronger, Fang Mu had the idea of ​​​​going through the barrier of the sea of ​​​​realms to explore the world on the other side.

After the Shadow of the Fool was promoted to legendary quality, the speed of absorbing extraterritorial bodies increased a bit, but the extent of the increase was not as huge as Fang Mu imagined.

It would take five or six hours to empty a sleeping spirit box.

When the quality of the Shadow of the Fool was promoted to the legendary quality, the Shadow of the Fool showed a strong desire to improve its rank.

Fang Mu was trying his best to suppress the desire of Fool's Shadow to advance and let Fool's Shadow continue to accumulate.

It was Fang Mu's bold attempt to promote the Shadow of the Fool to mythical quality at the bronze level.

If he hadn't encountered such a good opportunity, Fang Mu probably wouldn't have had the idea to try this.

Fang Mu will decide whether to let Feng Rang of Blood be promoted along this path based on the final result of Shadow of the Fool.

If the Fool's Shadow who has swallowed so many extraterritorial bodies has not been successfully promoted to mythical quality, then Fang Mu will probably not make such an attempt in the future.

This tide of the Sea of ​​Boundary brought a disaster to the Hai clan and the people near the Sea of ​​Boundary, but it brought a precious opportunity to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu has now finished handing over the extraterritorial body and can leave for the Sea Tribe.

This disaster gave Fang Mu a new understanding of the organization Diyuan.

As the most powerful organization in the human world, Diyuan enjoys a very high status in the human world. When encountering real danger, Diyuan is indeed at the forefront.

Not to mention the Boundary Sea Federation, even the situation in the Boundary Defending City was calm.

The residents of Shoujie City are adjacent to the Sea of ​​Boundary but do not know everything that happens in the Sea of ​​Boundary.

At this moment, someone knocked on Fang Mu's door, and Fang Mu's brows suddenly knitted together.

When I am alone in my room, no one will disturb me at all. Once someone disturbs me, something serious must have happened.

Fang Mu raised his hand and put the trapped soul box containing the Shadow of the Fool into the purple ice crystal ring, then walked forward and opened the door.

Fang Mu saw She Wan standing at the door with an anxious face.

"Young Master Border Guard City has been attacked, and the city guards have been mobilized."

"These city guards hope that we can evacuate from this seaside manor. This seaside manor is expected to be attacked soon!"

"I asked for more information and learned that those attacking were some weird-looking aquatic creatures."

"Those aquatic creatures can use their appendages and tentacles to move flexibly on land. These aquatic creatures should be extraterrestrial creatures that came from the sea of ​​​​the realm!"

She Wan did not make any suggestions to Fang Mu after reporting the situation. The specific decision was entirely up to Fang Mu himself.

She Wan only needs to obey Fang Mu's orders.

With Shu Liangjun, Jun Feng, Zhang Yue and other strong men of order following Fang Mu, even if those extraterrestrial creatures really attack this Linhai Manor, they will be easily dealt with by Shu Liangjun, Jun Feng and others.

The city guard chief of Shoujie City will come here in person to hope that the people living in the seaside villas will evacuate. I think he also has the idea of ​​inviting these people to jointly guard Shoujie City.

Fang Mu cursed his crow's mouth in his heart.

Just now, I was lamenting the safety of Border Guard City, but as a result, Border Guard City was immediately attacked by extraterrestrial beings.

Those extraterrestrial creatures can pass through the boundary sea and come to the boundary sea to attack human cities on land, which is enough to show the extent to which these extraterritorial creatures have spread!

There is still one day left before the scheduled meeting with Takihun Whale Princess. Since he has encountered such a thing, there is no reason to ignore it.

"Sister Wan, go and inform the others to meet me at the door of the main house. The city guards who came to inform me have not gone far yet. We can use these city guards to get a good understanding of the situation in the boundary-defending city!"

After saying that, Fang Mu came to the door of the main house first.

Fang Mu, who was still in the main house, had faintly heard Zhao Ge's loud noise.

He was still so condescending and extremely rude towards the city guard Zhao Ge. It seemed that Zhao Xun's discipline on Zhao Ge did not have any effect!

While the Feng Rang of Blood strengthens Fang Mu's physical fitness, it also improves Fang Mu's hearing.

Fang Mu stopped and listened, only to hear Zhao Ge speak very angrily.

"I live well here, why should I cooperate with the evacuation?"

"You city guards guarding the boundary city are so incompetent. Are you really unable to deal with those strange beasts?"

"The Federation of All Nations invests a lot of money in your border city every year!"

Fang Mu secretly shook his head, Zhao Ge was really hopeless.

The side of Shoujie City really hopes that the people living in Linhai Manor will lend a helping hand, knowing that the people living in Linhai Manor are of great status and have great strength.

If these people are willing to help, they can relieve a lot of pressure on Shoujie City.

JA City has encountered similar disasters. Compared with fighting against the demons emerging from the dimensional cracks in the abyss, it is actually more difficult to fight against the strong men of the Evil Heart Sect to protect the safety of the people and evacuate the people.

Rescue those ordinary people who have no power to restrain themselves from the hands of demons, vampires and the strong men of the evil sect.

Because of its special significance, Shujie City is surrounded by the sea on three sides and has great pressure to evacuate the crowd. This kind of pressure is difficult for ordinary people to imagine!

It was precisely because Fang Mu understood this that he was willing to help Shoujie City solve the problem during this day.

Soon Shu Liangjun and others came to Fang Mu.

"Xiaomu Shoujie City is afraid that it will be difficult to survive the crisis this time. Even if it survives the crisis, it will inevitably suffer heavy losses. The Federation of All Nations should be unable to control the situation."

As early as yesterday when the founding council meeting was held, Fang Mu already knew that the Federation of All Nations could not handle it, otherwise Han Ming, the Saint Founder, would not ask for help.

All forces are on their way to the Sea of ​​Realm at this time.

After these forces reach the sea of ​​​​the realm, they will fight against these extraterrestrial creatures. Fang Mu does not need to worry at all.

Fang Mu helped contact the Hai Clan and made enough contributions to deal with the extraterritorial carcasses collected by the Federation of All Nations.

Even if Fang Mu wants to contribute, he really doesn't have enough manpower. Fang Mu only needs to help Shoujie City solve the current crisis.

Fang Mu hated the condescension of Zhao Ge and others.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Mu spoke to She Wan.

"Sister Wan, go and call the city guard standing at the door of our manor."

When She Wan heard this, she knew that Fang Mu was not going to sit idly by.

She Wan followed Fang Mu and witnessed Fang Mu's growth step by step, but no matter how much Fang Mu progressed, his original intention remained the same, and he was still the sincere young man.

She Wan immediately set out to call the half-armored guard at the door. This city guard had been waiting for news from Fang Mu at the door.

This city guard had just witnessed his companion being made things difficult for him by Zhao Ge, and he was already prepared that he would also be made things difficult for him.

As soon as he entered the main house, the city guard immediately began to persuade.

"There will be extraterrestrial creatures landing here in about two minutes. The attacks of these extraterrestrial creatures are extremely polluting. Once contaminated, they will damage the source."

"I hope you can follow me to the central city as soon as possible!"

The city guard only mentioned evacuation at the moment and did not ask Fang Mu to help.

It is the city guard chief's job to ask these gentlemen for help. He only needs to lead these people to evacuate.

In addition to helping the city lord of Shoujie City to ask for help, the city guards were also afraid that the people living in Linhai Manor would suffer losses.

If any noble person is attacked and dies here, Shoujie City will inevitably be held accountable!

Fang Mu said in a very serious tone when he heard the words.

"There is no problem in evacuating. I hope you can help me send a message to the nearby manors."

"Let's just say that Saint Founder Qixing asked them to help Shoujie City jointly resist the invasion of extraterrestrial creatures."

"Within five minutes, all the city guards will follow the lead and go to the center of the city to follow the instructions!"

When the personnel responsible for leading Fang Mu and his group to evacuate heard this, their faces showed an expression of incredible surprise, and then the surprise turned into surprise.

This young man is actually related to Lord Qi Xing, the Holy Founder, and he should be very close to Lord Qi Xing, otherwise he would not dare to issue orders based on Lord Qi Xing's instructions!

With these words from this young man, these people in Linhai Manor will definitely help protect the Shoujie City!

Both Zhang Yue and Jun Feng knew that Fang Mu was about to go to the Hanyang Empire to replace Qixing. When the city guard went to deliver the message, Jun Feng and Zhang Yue couldn't help but remind him.

"It's more important for Xiaomu to negotiate with the Hai Clan, don't miss the business!"

Fang Mu heard this and spoke.

"Longhun Whale Princess has already sent the specific coordinates. Shu Lao can directly teleport there through this spatial coordinate, and the meeting with Longhun Whale Princess will not be delayed."

"One day is enough to last until help arrives!"

Originally, some forces in Linhai Manor were unwilling to leave, but after receiving the news from the city guard, these forces immediately expressed their willingness to follow and move.

All the major forces living in Linhai Manor have heard about the farce that happened at the gate of Fangmu Manor two days ago.

Grandmaster Muying publicly lectured his disciples not because Zhao Ge really did something that Grandmaster Muying could not accept. Zhao Ge did similar things frequently.

Grandmaster Dusk Shadow would publicly reprimand his disciples and beat them on the back with wattle sticks, all because of the pressure from the master of the house.

The performance of Grandmaster Mu Ying made Fang Mu's identity no longer a secret.

Once Qi Xing's disciples came under the banner of Saint Founder Qi Xing, they asked themselves and others to guard the Boundary Sea Federation and they had to obey.

Secondly, Jianmu, a disciple of Qixing, will inevitably join this operation.

This can be said to be the best opportunity for these forces to contact Fang Mu!

There is no shortage of city guards in Shoujie City. These city guards have been trained all year round and have strong qualities to face crises.

What Shoujie City really lacks is high-end combat power, and now high-end combat power has been supplemented.

Fang Mu's words not only reached the ears of the major forces living in Linhai Manor, but also reached the ears of the city lord of Shoujie City.

After Fang Mu arrived at the city lord's mansion, Pan Tao, the city lord of Shoujie City, personally expressed his gratitude to Fang Mu.

"You must be Master Qixing's beloved disciple Jianmu, right?"

"Pan Tao, the city lord of Lower Jiehai City, thanks you for protecting Jiehai City. From now on, let others fight against those extraterrestrial beings!"

"You stay in the city lord's palace. I will ask my adjutant to accompany you. I need to personally lead a group of city guards to block the boundary protection strait where the boundary sea and the boundary sea meet."

"The Guardian Strait is the only entrance for outsiders to the Boundary Sea. If the Guardian Strait is not blocked, there will be a steady stream of outsiders pouring into the Boundary Sea."

Under normal circumstances, when facing Pan Tao, a big figure like a disciple of the Holy Founder, he must be accompanied by him in person, otherwise it would be too rude.

But at the moment, Pan Tao can't control that much at all. Even if his actions may offend the disciples of Saint Founder Qixing, Pan Tao still has to fulfill his duties as the lord of the boundary-defending city.

When Fang Mu heard Pan Tao's words, a smile finally appeared on his face.

"Sir Pan Tao, since you said you wanted to go to the Border Protection Strait in person, why would I stay in the city lord's mansion?"

"I will go to the Border Protection Strait with you. These uncles around me should be able to help a lot!"

Speaking of this, Fang Mu paused and then continued.

"I can only work with you for one day because of some important things and then I have to leave."

"The battle against extraterritorial creatures in Shoujie City will inevitably leave a large number of extraterritorial bodies, which will pollute the environment in Shoujie City."

"You can have people collect these extraterritorial carcasses first, and transport them to the border protection strait for me to process before I leave."

"The remaining extraterritorial carcasses are kept in a safe place. I will arrange for someone to come and pick them up later."

"This will make the repair and reconstruction of Boundary Guard City much more convenient!"

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