Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 605 Negotiation with Takihun Whale Princess!

Shoujie City has actually not experienced much turmoil since its establishment.

In the past, simulation exercises were conducted several times a year, and there had never been any real invasion of the Border Guard City by extraterrestrial beings.

Shoujie City has always been in a relatively safe state.

This kind of turmoil is the first time in the past century that the city has been guarding the city. It is also the biggest crisis that Pan Tao has faced since he became the city lord.

Pan Tao was under great pressure and panicked, but as the city lord, Pan Tao had to keep things under control.

If Pan Tao, the city lord, panics, then there will be no backbone in the Shoujie City.

Pan Tao knew very well that resisting the invasion of Border Guard City by these extraterrestrial beings would not really save Border Guard City from disaster.

Even if these extraterrestrial creatures failed to harm the residents in the city, the city fell.

However, the extraterritorial bodies left behind after the death of these extraterrestrial creatures will turn Shoujie City into a poisonous area, no longer suitable for human survival.

The residents of Shoujie City have no way to survive in this poisonous area. If they continue to live in Shoujie City forcibly, they will die from the pollution within a few months.

Once there is no way for people to live in the Border Guard City, it will eventually evolve into a deserted strategic location.

At most, only a few lighthouses can be set up to guard the boundary sea.

The soldiers stationed in the lighthouse are also made of flesh and blood and will lose their lives due to pollution in a very short period of time.

To maintain a lookout for the Boundary Protector Sea, one can only dispatch a new group of warriors every short period of time.

Pan Tao was already prepared for the Shoujie City Council to fall to this level.

When manpower is limited in the face of such a disaster, according to Pan Tao's common sense, these extraterritorial bodies are extremely difficult to deal with.

Even a founding master would find it extremely difficult to deal with the extraterrestrial body.

Under normal circumstances, the extraterritorial carcasses are placed in cold storages one after another planted with polar ice grass.

Polar ice grass can create an environment of absolute zero.

Placing more than six polar ice grass plants in an area of ​​100 square meters can effectively inhibit the resurgence of extraterrestrial carcass.

It's just that polar ice grass is too difficult to cultivate, and the entire Federation of Nations does not have much stock.

At a time when such a disaster is coming that affects all of humanity, even if Shoujie City can obtain polar ice grass due to its special geographical location, the quantity will not be too large.

There is no way to deal with the number of extraterritorial carcasses that are likely to exceed 100,000.

The young man in front of him not only helped him protect the boundary city, but also went to the boundary protection strait with him to block the entrance from the boundary sea to the boundary protection sea.

He was even willing to help Shoujie City take on the responsibility of cleaning up extraterritorial bodies.

This young man is simply the great benefactor of Shoujie City and the savior of mankind!

At this time, Pan Tao didn't know how to thank the young man in front of him.

Lord Qi Xing, the Holy Founder, must have a kind and noble heart, otherwise he would not be able to train such an outstanding disciple.

Pan Tao expressed his gratitude to Fang Mu one after another.

Fang Mu did not enjoy the feeling of being thanked, but interrupted Pan Tao's words.

"City Master Pan will say thank you later. Now your responsibility is the heaviest. Whether it is transporting these extraterrestrial bodies or commanding the strong men and warriors in the city, you need to be responsible for it."

"Just let me know when you make arrangements!"

"Before that, I hope you can prepare a quiet environment for me. I also need to make some arrangements."

Pan Tao had a deeper understanding of Fang Mu at this moment.

The young man in front of him, who is sixteen, seventeen or seventy-eight years old, is very pragmatic and does not like flattery or vanity at all.

This redemption of Border Guard City was most likely a spontaneous act of the young man in front of him.

These extraterrestrial beings suddenly crossed the Border Guard Strait in large numbers and invaded the Border Guard City. This situation was something that no one could have predicted.

Even if the young man in front of him told Saint Architect Qixing about the situation, he might not be able to make such appropriate arrangements.

"If I admit my mistake correctly, you should be Mr. Jianmu, right?"

"I will arrange for someone to prepare a room for you, and I will ensure that no one will disturb you."

"It only takes me an hour to arrange all the work in Shoujie City."

Fang Mu originally planned to help Pan Tao coordinate the major forces in the Border Guard City. Even if those forces living in Linhai Manor came to the central area of ​​the Border Guard City due to their own power, they might not go there obediently. Follow Pan Tao's instructions.

However, on the way here, Takhun Whale Girl kept actively contacting him. Fang Mu did not get through to Takhun Whale Girl and took the initiative to contact him a second time.

This made Fang Mu know that Takihun Whale Princess must have something important to talk to him, and Fang Mu also happened to have something to communicate with Takihun Whale Princess.

It's just a good opportunity for Fang Mu to have a good chat with Takihun Jingji.

Fang Mucheng took on the task of cooperating between humans and the sea tribe, and Fang Mu needed to explain the matter to Takihun Jingji.

Takhun Whale Princess is a smart person. As long as there is a possibility of this matter being facilitated, Takhun Whale Girl will definitely do her best to help her.

Fang Mu and Longhun Jingji are old friends, and Fang Mu knows that Longhun Jingji is a very smart person.

Through Takhun Whale Princess's attitude towards the Sea Lord, Fang Mu knew that compared with the common interests of the Sea Clan, Takhun Whale Girl actually cared more about her own interests!

As long as Takhun Whale Princess values ​​her own interests more, Fang Mu and Takhun Whale Girl will have a high level of maneuverability.

Moreover, Fang Mu would help the Hai Clan clean up those extraterritorial bodies even if it was for his own sake.

It is Fang Mu who the Hai Clan relies on, not Fang Mu who relies on the Hai Clan. There is an essential difference between the two.

Therefore, Fang Mu is bound to be in a dominant position when cooperating with the Hai Clan!

Pan Tao not only prepared a room for Fang Mu, but also prepared rooms for Jun Feng, Shu Liangjun and other people who were following Fang Mu to rest.

Pan Tao now has full confidence in Shoujie City to survive this crisis.

If the Boundary Guarding City fails to block the attacks of extraterrestrial beings, then these extraterrestrial beings will take advantage of the victory to attack the Boundary Sea Federation behind the Border Guarding City, causing even greater losses to humanity!

With Fang Mu's help, he only needs to consider the reconstruction work after Shoujie City.

Fang Mu contacted Takhun Whale through the token she had given him before. As soon as Fang Mu got through, he heard Takhun Whale ask in a very urgent tone.

"Fang Mu, when can you give me an accurate response?"

"Or you can tell me the truth. Can your human empire cooperate with our Hanyang Empire?"

"If there are any conditions from Diyuan, feel free to put them forward!"

Fang Mu heard this and knew that not only the Federation of All Nations could not withstand the offensive of the alien beings, but the same could be said for the Hanyang Empire!

The news that humans want to cooperate with the Sea Tribe was openly discussed at the founding party gathering, and the Sea Tribe will know about it sooner or later.

Fang Mu can use this to control Takhun Jingji at the moment, but once this situation is known to Takhun Jingji, it will definitely affect the relationship with Fang Mu.

Fang Mu didn't intend to do this.

The biggest bargaining chip between Fang Mu and the Hanyang Empire and even the entire Hai Clan is not the Federation of Nations, but Fang Mu's ability to deal with extraterritorial bodies.

This is Fang Mu's capital to negotiate terms with the Hai Clan.

"Senior Longhun Jingji, Diyuan is willing to cooperate with the Hanyang Empire, so that both parties can jointly resist the invasion of extraterrestrial creatures."

Takihun Jingji's heart suddenly relaxed when she heard this, and she breathed a long sigh of relief.

Takihun Jingji has been giving Fang Mu as much benefit as possible during her interactions with Fang Mu.

I just hope that it will be easier for me to find Fang Mu in the future.

Longhun Jingji will find Fang Mu this time, and even contact Qixing and Diyuan through Fang Mu for cooperation, because it is really difficult for the Hanyang Empire to survive the current difficulties.

Extraterrestrial beings and sea tribes fight in the sea. The blood and limbs of extraterrestrial beings cause much more serious pollution in the sea than on land!

The Sea Clan does not have any effective method for dealing with extraterritorial carcasses. On the contrary, human founders have recently frequently fished extraterritorial carcasses from the sea of ​​boundary and conducted research on extraterritorial carcasses.

I think humans should already have some good ways to deal with extraterritorial bodies.

Before Takihun Jingji could speak, she heard Fang Mu continue.

"Rather than just cooperating with the Hanyang Empire, Diyuan wants to cooperate with all the sea tribes, and the Hanyang Empire is indispensable for this!"

Takihun Jingji frowned as soon as she heard Fang Mu's words.

Fang Mu was communicating with him on behalf of Diyuan. Diyuan wanted to cooperate with all the sea tribe probably because Diyuan also couldn't hold on anymore.

Longhun Jingji did not ask Fang Mu any more. It was not difficult for Longhun Whaleji to help Fang Mu contact other forces in the sea clan.

However, the impact of this storm on other forces of the Sea Clan was not great, because the Hanyang Empire was closest to the sea of ​​​​the realm, and most of the disasters were borne by the Hanyang Empire.

However, there is an agreement between the Sea Clan. No matter which of the four major empires of the Sea Clan is invaded by natural disasters, the other empires must provide free help.

Like before, nearly one-fifth of the territory of the Whale Empire was prone to frequent volcanoes. The other three empires, including the Sea Lord, all provided a large amount of supplies, with the Hanyang Empire providing the most.

Now that the Hanyang Empire is in trouble, if the Hanyang Empire sends out a request for help, other empires and sea masters cannot stand idly by.

The Hanyang Empire has enough ability to promote cooperation between humans and the Sea Clan, but it is only negotiating between the Sea Clan and Diyuan between itself and Fang Mu.

At this time, even if Takihun Jingji had such thoughts in her heart, it was really not easy to use the interests of the entire Hai Clan as a favor to Fang Mu.

If he did this, he might really be able to please Fang Mu, but after Qixing understood the situation, he would definitely laugh at himself in his heart.

If I betray the Sea Clan during this critical time, my dignity and character will be criticized by others.

"If we just promote cooperation between humans and sea people, the Hanyang Empire can do it."

"But the Hanyang Empire has promoted the cooperation between all the Hai Clan and Diyuan. The Hanyang Empire owes a huge favor to the other three empires and the Sea Lord."

"After this, the Hanyang Empire will have to repay the favor. After that, the other three empires and the sea masters will ask the Hanyang Empire for help, and the Hanyang Empire will no longer be able to refuse."

"I need a commitment from Diyuan. I hope that Diyuan can help Hanyang Empire deal with the pollution problem caused by extraterritorial bodies to the sea."

"If the founding master of Diyuan is too busy and has no intention to help the Hai Clan."

"I also hope that Diyuan can share the research and technology of cleaning up extraterritorial carcasses with the Hai Clan, and let the Hai Clan find a solution themselves."

Normal negotiations go back and forth, and both parties are striving for the best interests for themselves.

But Takihun Jingji did not do this. Instead, she directly stated to Fang Mu the bottom line between herself and the Hanyang Empire.

Takihun Jingji believes that if she communicates and negotiates with Fang Mu in this way, Fang Mu will definitely feel her sincerity.

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Some of the Grandmasters of Creation in the Diyuan even thought that Saint Architects like Han Ming and Fairy Yongle were indeed studying extraterrestrial bodies.

Han Ming even developed two pharmaceuticals through extraterritorial bodies.

But whether it is Han Ming, Yongle Immortal Mother or all the creative masters in the Diyuan, they don't have much experience in controlling the pollution caused by the carcass outside the territory.

It can be said that Diyuan's core technology for dealing with extraterritorial bodies is Fang Mu's natal beast-controlling Fool's Shadow.

It was naturally impossible for Fang Mu to inform the Sea Clan about the Shadow of the Fool.

Takhun Whale Princess communicated with him so directly, and Fang Mu also spoke to Takhun Whale Girl very directly.

"I know that extraterritorial organisms have caused extremely serious pollution to the sea, and the toxins of these extraterritorial organisms are extremely difficult to eliminate."

"My trip to the Hanyang Empire this time can take away all the extraterritorial carcasses currently accumulated in the Hanyang Empire. I will continue to help the Hanyang Empire clean up the extraterritorial carcasses until this crisis is over."

"This is a transaction between my master and the Sea Clan. If I try my best to facilitate this deal, what kind of promises and benefits can the Sea Clan give me?"

"Senior Takihun Whale Princess, I shouldn't have said these words to you so straightforwardly. The best way to get as much benefit as possible is to constantly fight with the Hai Clan, but I didn't do that."

"This is because the person I am talking to is you, senior. I hope you can discuss it with the leader of the Hanyang Empire and other high-level officials, and then give me an accurate response."

"Of course, no matter what this response is, the cooperation between Diyuan and Hanyang Empire will not change."

Fang Mu's words shocked Takihun Jingji.

What! Fang Mu came to Hanyang Empire this time to take away all the extraterritorial carcasses stored in Hanyang Empire!

The number of extraterritorial carcasses stored in the Hanyang Empire is staggering. These extraterritorial carcasses are currently beyond the reach of the Hanyang Empire.

If Fang Mu can really do this, Hanyang Empire will agree to any request.

In the Hanyang Empire, the Chinese leader does not have much authority. The king is equivalent to the great elder in the Council of Presbyterians and cannot make the final say on the affairs within the Hanyang Empire.

All matters within the Hanyang Empire must be discussed and decided by all the elders!

"Don't worry Fang Mu, you trust me so much and I won't betray your trust!"

"I will go to discuss it right away and tell you the Hanyang Empire's decision and the benefits it can promise you within five hours!"

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