Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 624 The Xuanting Thunderbird is released from the ban!

"The two ships disappeared in the same sea area, and the two locations were not far apart. There was a gap of several days."

"Even if it doesn't mean that the extraterritorial creature has been operating in this sea area, it can still mean that this sea area is the main activity area of ​​the extraterritorial creature!"

"After research, even S-level extraterrestrial creatures cannot suppress their desire to eat. As long as the extraterrestrial creatures have this weakness, it is not difficult to lure them out."

Wu Dong was stunned when he heard this and asked subconsciously.

"Lead it out? How do we lead the infantry group!?"

Bu Jue looked at Wu Dong.

"Of course, we need to use something that is enough to attract these extraterrestrial creatures to lure them out!"

"You contact the headquarters to immediately dispatch a fleet and have the fleet fill the containers with foreign carcasses."

"The extraterritorial carcass in Sea Area C has only been salvaged once due to a previous accident. I suspect that the attack of this extraterritorial creature is mainly aimed at the extraterritorial carcass in the ship."

"Let's stay calm and stay in this fleet. When this extraterrestrial creature appears, we will attack it directly!"

Wu Dong swallowed when he heard this. This was indeed Bu Jue's behavior.

Using a fleet as a guide to face such a danger, if it weren't for the boldness of Bu Jue, he would not have dared to make such a proposal!

Due to the continuous damage to the fleet, the management of the fleet by the Wanbang Federation has become more stringent.

The large ferries of the Wanbang Federation are built with special skills, and it is difficult to replace the losses once they are lost.

Even if there are enough spirit blacksmiths, craftsmen and metal spirit materials, it will be difficult to obtain the island whale's skeleton.

Island whales have almost become extinct since they just entered the seventh era. Basically, there are no island whales in the sea.

If you want to obtain the whale bones of the island whale, you can only dig in the permafrost.

The Federation of All Nations spent too much money on the bones of these twenty-odd island whales, but the headquarters would probably agree to Bu Jue's plan to use the fleet as bait.

Firstly, it is because the strength of Bujue is strong enough, and secondly, it is also related to Bujue's ability to control beasts.

One of Bu Jue's beasts has the ability to form a barrier and can open a barrier to protect the entire fleet within the attack range of extraterrestrial creatures.

"I will apply to the headquarters right away. If we are going to lure this extraterrestrial creature out, I think we should make some preparations to prevent this extraterritorial creature from escaping!"

When Bu Jue heard Wu Dong's proposal, he rejected it directly.

"According to what you said, preparations will inevitably leave traces in the sea. This extraterrestrial creature has the ability to silently make the fleet disappear. It must be extremely powerful."

"If it evolved from the Chili Antelope gene, it is very likely that it has the ability to detect energy traces. Making too many preparations may affect the plan."

"When it appears, I will restrain him first, and then the four of you will take precautions to prevent it from escaping."

"Then we'll attack it together!"

"If we can obtain an extraterrestrial creature that exceeds S level, it will be a blessing for the development of our Federation of Nations!"

Bu Jue is a person who acts decisively and has strong execution ability. At the same time, Bu Jue is also a guy who is cautious to the core.

Even though he has the strength of the peak of order, he still strives to be prudent in his actions.

Bu Jue was trained by Han Ming, and his personality is very similar to Han Ming's.

Soon a whole fleet filled with extraterritorial carcasses sailed to the East Area C sea area where two accidents occurred one after another.

The captain who was in charge of the fleet had a livid face and was very dissatisfied with Bu Jue's proposal.

If his fleet is allowed to carry out dangerous missions, Pang Haiwen will not have the slightest objection as long as it is for the Federation of All Nations.

But Pang Haiwen really couldn't accept it!

Due to the order issued by his immediate superior, Pang Haiwen had to cooperate with Bu Jue to act.

Pang Haiwen secretly thought in his heart that Bu Jue had better keep his word to ensure the safety of the fleet.

Otherwise, I will definitely take action against the deputy leader of the Holy Oracle Knights at the next collective meeting of the Federation of All Nations!

Bu Jue and four other members of the Holy Order of Knights stood on a ferry.

On Bu Jue's shoulder is a very petite fairy. This fairy has two pairs of wings. It is surrounded by black and white colors as it flies gracefully.

This black and white stance distorted the space, but the breath was not released outward.

The sea in Area C is calm, but because of the pollution of extraterrestrial creatures, Area C has completely turned into a dead sea, and there is a sense of death everywhere.

Suddenly Bu Jue opened his eyes and looked towards the sea in the distance. Bu Jue's eyes met a huge blue-purple vertical pupil through the sea.

Then a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared in the calm sea area, which was rotating at high speed.

During the rotation, a huge pulling force pulled the five ferries and sank toward the sea.

A layer of thick fog gradually covered the sea. This thick fog obscured Bu Jue's sight so that Bu Jue could no longer clearly see those huge blue-purple vertical pupils.

Bujue raised his hand with a stern expression to signal his four-winged goblin to take action. The four-winged goblin's stance was immediately released, protecting five ferries in an instant.

The position released by the four-winged goblin was in a stalemate with the huge pulling force in the whirlpool, preventing the five ferries from sinking.

Through the feedback from his own beast control, Bu Jue roughly judged the strength of this extraterritorial creature.

My judgment was not wrong. The strength of this extraterrestrial creature did exceed the S-level limit. Otherwise, the vortex it caused would not be able to compete with the advanced order's stance of repelling fairies.

Under Bu Jue's command, he used his full strength to repel the goblins. When Bu Jue took action, the other four members of the Oracle Knights immediately took action and released their own beasts to block the sea area.

Bu Jue and others underestimated the intelligence of this extraterrestrial creature.

After this extraterrestrial creature hiding under the sea discovered the strength of Bu Jue and his party, he did not choose to resist forcefully, but simply gave up on pulling the five ferries through the whirlpool.

Flee directly towards the distant sea.

Bujue, who discovered this, secretly said something bad. Wu Dong and others had not launched an offensive yet and could not contain this extraterrestrial creature in this sea area.

This extraterrestrial creature obviously has great intelligence, and now it will be difficult to lure this extraterrestrial creature out once it escapes.

It's just that Bu Jue can use the entire fleet as bait, but the fleet cannot really contain this extraterrestrial creature.

Bu Jue made a prompt decision and rose into the sky, and a seal burning with blazing ghost flames appeared in Bu Jue's hand.

Bu Jue made a seal in the direction of the extraterrestrial creature, and the pattern formed by the gorgeous golden-red ghost flame was driven into the deep sea, and it was sealed towards the huge vertical pupil.

A whale cry sounded from the sea, and Bu Jue's mouth opened into a smile.

Bu Jue can be sure that his seal has indeed been printed on this extraterritorial creature.

Once it is branded with the seal of its own ghost weapon, whether it is an extraterrestrial creature or a beast, the energy in its body will gradually drain away.

At the same time, this seal can also determine the location of this extraterritorial creature.

But soon the corners of Bu Jue's raised lips dropped, because Bu Jue suddenly discovered that the huge blue-purple pupils had disappeared in the sea.

Under the huge pupil was an extraterrestrial creature that was only the size of a palm, and its body almost melted into the water.

This extraterrestrial creature has jelly-like translucent tentacles on its body, and each tentacle has several secondary tentacles that can even be described as cute.

The umbrella cover of this jellyfish-like extraterrestrial creature had seven blue-purple vertical pupil patterns. One of the vertical pupil patterns dimmed and disappeared from the umbrella cover.

The seal imprinted by the Bujue Ghost Weapon has also lost its perception.

This situation was unexpected by Bu Jue. Bu Jue had always believed that the culprit responsible for the disappearance of the fleet was an unusually large extraterrestrial creature.

But I didn't expect it to be such a small thing!

But the energy fluctuations released by this thing have reached the peak level of order, and seals burning with red-gold ghost flames fell one after another in Bu Jue's hands.

Dozens of seals covered the extraterrestrial creature, and at the same time, Wu Dong and others' attacks from the beasts also arrived.

Wu Dong and others reacted very quickly. After determining that there was no time to make arrangements to prevent the extraterritorial creature from escaping, Wu Dong and others launched a fierce attack on the extraterrestrial creature.

Regardless of whether the attack is effective or not, the extraterrestrial creature must resist these attacks.

Taking this opportunity can ensure that Bujue's ghost weapon leaves a mark on this extraterritorial creature. If it cannot even leave a mark on the body of this extraterritorial creature, even if it is pursued seriously, this extraterritorial creature will definitely escape.

By then it will really be a failure!

The attack by Wu Dong and four other members of the Oracle Knights indeed distracted the alien creature, allowing the mark left by the ghost weapon to be successfully imprinted on the alien creature's body.

Bu Jue shouted loudly at the moment when this extraterrestrial creature escaped into the distance.

"Wu Dongyou himself will guard the safety of the fleet and send it back to port. The others will follow me to pursue this extraterrestrial creature!"

When Bu Jue gave the order, there was a big thunder above Bu Jue's head. A giant bird that covered the sky and sun appeared at the top of Bu Jue's head, and tens of thousands of thunder fell into the sea.

Even if these thunderbolts cannot fall on the body of the extraterritorial creature due to the deft avoidance of the extraterritorial creature, the thunder can still cause damage to the extraterritorial creature through the water flow.

Fortunately, there is no sea clan alive in this tidal realm sea. Otherwise, if his attack leads to the death of a large number of sea clans, the sea clan will definitely cause trouble for him!

After chasing for nearly four hours, Bu Jue, a strong man at the pinnacle of order, felt deeply tired from directing the beast-controlling attack.

But this fleeing extraterrestrial creature showed no signs of exhaustion.

Fortunately, his thunder caused injuries to this extraterrestrial creature, and the seal imprinted by his ghost weapon also caused the energy in this extraterrestrial creature to continue to drain.

Bu was never willing to give up on capturing this extraterrestrial creature. If it took a long time, this extraterrestrial creature would be his own sooner or later.

Among the other members of the Oracle Knights who followed him, there was an auxiliary beast master who was good at restoring energy.

The energy you consume can be restored at a certain cost.

But the most thorny problem at the moment is that this extraterrestrial creature is about to cross the dividing line between humans and the sea clan and enter the sea area of ​​​​the sea clan.

Once it enters the sea area of ​​​​the sea tribe, this extraterritorial creature becomes the property of the sea tribe.

If the people of the Sea Clan discover this extraterritorial creature and want to rob it, if they take action against the Sea Clan, it will be equivalent to breaking the treaty signed with the Sea Clan earlier.

Now is an important juncture for humans to establish friendship with the Sea Clan. Bu Jue knows very well that if there is a conflict with the Sea Clan at this time, the Sea Clan refuses to cooperate with humans.

Not only did he destroy the efforts of Qi Xing, the Holy Founder, but he would also become a sinner for all mankind. This would undoubtedly make Yi Jue very passive!

Bu Jue decided to give it a try and shouted loudly.

"Xuan Ting Thunder Bird, liberate Thunder Crown and pour plasma into this sea area!"

Xuanting Thunderbird, the main beast of Bujue, is not good at chasing. Xuanting Thunderbird's skills are all short- and medium-range explosive skills.

If we chase the enemy on land, even if we haven't captured this extraterrestrial creature yet, we will probably seriously injure this extraterrestrial creature by now!

The members of the Holy Oracle Knights who were acting together with Bu Jue felt their skin tingle.

This stinging sensation is extremely strong.

After the plasma was injected into the sea, the entire sea seemed to have formed a thunderstorm.

The resistance of this extraterritorial creature is too high, and its movements are not greatly restricted under such successive attacks.

However, no matter how strong the resistance of this extraterritorial creature is, it will definitely not be comfortable in the sea.

Firstly, it is because the thunder and lightning energy in the sea will continue to accumulate under the attack of Xuanting Thunderbird, and secondly, the speed of this extraterrestrial creature is much slower than the previous hour.

Before these members of the Oracle Knights could breathe a sigh of relief, two huge blue-purple vertical pupils appeared in the sea.

Immediately afterwards, two huge whirlpools appeared in the sea. These two huge whirlpools actually sucked in all the plasma while rotating.

After a vortex disappeared, all the plasma that filled the sea was sent to the seabed 10,000 meters below.

Another vortex rotated at high speed, carrying the sea water straight into the sky. The water flow turned into tentacles and swept towards Bu Jue and others.

This kind of attack, which was only as strong as the advanced strength of Order, would not hurt Bu Jue at all, but it greatly reduced the speed of Bu Jue and others.

It can be said that Bu Jue and others never thought that this extraterrestrial creature would have the energy to fight back during its escape.

The sudden resistance of this extraterritorial creature suddenly affected the fighting frequency of Bu Jue and others, so that this extraterritorial creature actually managed to escape into the waters of the Hai Clan under the continuous pursuit of Bu Jue and others!

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