Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 625 King-level extraterritorial body!

During this period, Long Ze has been blocking extraterrestrial creatures and collecting extraterrestrial bodies at the junction of the sea of ​​the Vast Ocean Empire and the sea of ​​realms.

Qixing, the holy founder of mankind, helped the Hanyang Empire deal with the extraterritorial carcass, and indeed curbed the pollution crisis faced by the Hanyang Empire.

However, the pollution of sea areas caused by extraterritorial carcasses cannot be underestimated.

A large number of sea people died due to the pollution caused by foreign bodies. This made Long Ze feel very depressed and always felt that he had not protected the safety of other sea people!

If Bu Jue wants to pursue this extraterrestrial creature, he must continue to use the Xuanting Thunderbird to attack.

After Long Ze felt the sudden weak current in the sea, he immediately led the soldiers of the sea tribe towards the source of the current.

Who knows that extraterrestrial creatures have the ability to control plasma.

As a result, they saw this extraterrestrial creature that was only the size of a palm and very similar to a jellyfish being chased by Bu Jue and others.

At this time, even the last blue-purple vertical eye-like pattern on the umbrella cover of this extraterrestrial creature disappeared.

At this time, this extraterritorial creature that surpassed the S level was in an extremely weak state. Under the full attack of Long Ze and a group of sea warriors, it turned into a lavender crystal-shaped extraterritorial body.

This extraterrestrial body is engraved with a blue-purple vertical pupil totem.

Seeing such a wonderful extraterritorial carcass, Long Ze's first reaction was that he was afraid that this strange-looking extraterritorial carcass would pollute the sea area, so he quickly put the extraterritorial carcass away.

Bu Jue and the other four members of the Oracle Knights watched this scene speechlessly.

I and others have been chasing this extraterrestrial creature for such a long time and have exhausted all the energy of this extraterrestrial creature, but at this most critical moment, someone from the Sea Tribe showed up to pick the peaches!

Bu Jue and others felt as if they were using the toilet in a public toilet and were pushed into the pit from behind.

When Bu Jue and others discovered Long Ze, Long Ze also discovered Bu Jue and others.

Long Ze felt a dangerous aura from Bu Jue's body, and the Xuanting Thunderbird was also showing its power as a beast at the peak of order.

Seeing this situation, Long Ze subconsciously wanted to fight back, but when he thought that the Sea Tribe was about to cooperate with humans, Long Ze did not choose to continue the attack.

Instead, his right hand suddenly pushed forward, using a huge dragon energy to block the thunder and lightning energy released by the plasma, protecting the group of Hanyang Empire warriors behind him.

Long Ze jumped out of the sea and shouted loudly.

"The clothes you wear like this should come from the Federation of All Nations, right?"

"Your Federation of Nations has a clear dividing line with our Hanyang Empire. What do you mean when you go to the territory of my Hanyang Empire and launch attacks in the sea!?"

Long Ze's tone was extremely strong when he spoke. Long Ze could tell that these members of the Holy Oracle Knights of the Federation of Nations were after the extraterritorial carcass.

Long Ze's words were not to blame Bu Jue and others, but to stop Bu Jue and others from asking for this special extraterritorial body.

Bu Jue and others chased this extraterritorial carcass for a long time at the first sight. In the context of the upcoming cooperation between humans and sea tribes, the people of the Federation of Nations asked for this special extraterritorial carcass. Well don’t give it!

What he did just now was indeed like picking a peach. Even if the extraterrestrial creature just now was weak, its energy exceeded the limit of S-class extraterrestrial creatures.

This is most likely the first S-level or above extraterritorial creature in the main world, which is of great strategic significance and research value.

Now that it's in your hands, there's really no reason to hand it over again.

Although Long Ze has never been in contact with Bu Jue, he has indeed heard of Bu Jue.

The deputy leader of the Holy Oracle Knights has an extremely high status in the Federation of Nations. He knows Bu Jue just as Bu Jue also knows that he is the commander of the Hanyang Empire.

Long Ze looks strong and strong, and seems a bit naive, but in fact Long Ze is a very serious guy.

Bu Jue and the three members of the Oracle Knights behind him felt their hearts sinking when they heard Long Ze's words, and secretly said something bad.

Just as Long Ze thought, Bu Jue and several members of the Oracle Knights knew Long Ze.

When several people were chasing the extraterrestrial creature that surpassed the S level, they never expected that Long Ze, the commander-in-chief of the Vast Ocean Empire, would appear at the junction of the Vast Ocean Empire and the Sea of ​​Realms.

If there are only some ordinary sea warriors in this sea area who cannot deal with this extraterritorial creature, I and others can use the excuse of helping.

Now, the body that the extraterrestrial creature turned into after death was not only taken away by Long Ze, but Long Ze was also questioning himself and others.

Bu Jue and his party naturally did not want the carcass of the extraterritorial creature that they had spent so much effort chasing after to be taken away by the Sea Clan.

However, the disciples of Qixing, the Holy Founder, are currently negotiating with the Hanyang Empire. If he tries to snatch this extraterrestrial body, he will definitely bring trouble to Jianmu!

Bujue said after pondering for a moment.

"Your Excellency Longze is a sensible person and should be able to see that what we are doing is chasing this extraterrestrial creature."

"If Mr. Longze hadn't been here and we hadn't exhausted the energy of this extraterrestrial creature, this extraterrestrial creature would have escaped to the borders of your Hanyang Empire and I don't know how much damage it would have caused to your Hanyang Empire!"

"The disappearance of the ferry team in our Federation of Nations was caused by this extraterrestrial creature."

"I hope Lord Longze can hand over this extraterritorial body to me and let me take it back to the Federation of All Nations for research!"

"Maybe if we find out some secrets, we can better prevent and control the pollution caused by these extraterritorial creatures!"

"In order to express the sincerity of the Federation of All Nations, I will apply to the headquarters to donate 3,000 purple-banded seedlings to the Hanyang Empire to help the Hanyang Empire clean up the pollution in the sea!"

Bu Jue explained the situation clearly, and his words gave Long Ze face.

When humans also need the Purple Belt, gifting the Purple Belt to the Hanyang Empire is enough to show their sincerity.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Sea Clan to trade functional materials like Purple Belt from the Federation of All Nations!

Long Ze was indeed a little moved by Bu Jue's words. The Sea Clan's current top priority is to deal with the pollution problem in the sea, just as humans urgently need to deal with pollution on land.

Longze has heard of the beast-controlling beast called the Purple Belt, but the sea area of ​​​​the Vast Ocean Empire is not comparable to a small sea of ​​​​boundaries.

No matter how powerful the Purple Belt is in cleaning up biological contamination from outside the territory, three thousand Purple Belts are still better than nothing to the Hanyang Empire!

Now the Hanyang Empire and the Holy Architect Qixing are in in-depth cooperation. The Holy Architect Qixing will definitely be able to help the Hanyang Empire get more breeding purple belts.

There are also builders in the Hanyang Empire, and some members of the humanoid beast-controlling tribe like the Phantom Dragon Clan have the talent to become builders.

The Hanyang Empire can also conduct research on this special extraterritorial carcass.

Even if they really want to trade with humans, trading with Qixing's disciple Jianmu will undoubtedly bring them closer to the Holy Builder Qixing.

Thinking of this, Long Ze said forcefully.

"According to the agreement between our sea clan and humans, the resources and trophies in which sea area are located belong to that clan!"

"I don't think you can deny this, right? So this extraterrestrial body belongs to our Hanyang Empire!"

Speaking of this, Long Ze changed the subject.

"Now there is about to be cooperation between humans and the Sea Tribe. Human beings are our friends of the Sea Tribe."

"A few of you have come to the territory of the Sea Clan. If you are willing to be a guest in our Vast Ocean Empire, I am willing to serve as your guide!"

Bu Jue's brows furrowed more and more as he listened to Long Ze's words, but Bu Jue did not have an attack until the end.

"There is no need to be a guest. That extraterritorial body is a rare thing of Lord Han Ming. People from our Federation of Nations will come to your Hanyang Empire to trade this extraterritorial body!"

After saying that, Bujue took a deep look at Long Ze, turned around and left with three members of the Holy Oracle Knights.

It is absolutely impossible for Bu to break the agreement between humans and the Sea Clan. In the comparison between humans and the Sea Clan, the overall strength of the Sea Clan is probably stronger than that of humans.

If the two sides were to completely break up, it would have a huge impact on humanity.

In addition, Long Ze moved out of the human race and prepared to make good friends with the Sea Clan. As a player in the game, it was impossible for Bu Jue to influence the plan proposed by Han Ming, so leaving was the only option.

Looking at Bu Jue and others leaving, Long Ze snorted coldly.

Long Ze or the entire Sea Tribe had no good impression of Han Ming. Ever since the Federation of All Nations made those large ferries using the whale bones of island whales, it has been continuously exploiting sea resources and fishing for marine beasts.

The island whale has a certain symbolic meaning to the sea people. Before the island whale was not critically endangered, every time the island whale traveled in the sea, it could benefit an area of ​​​​the sea.

There are billions of sea creatures that swim with the island whales.

Even if the skeleton of the island whale excavated from the permafrost was used to make the skeleton of the ferry, it was still unacceptable to many members of the Sea Tribe.

At this time, Long Ze did not believe that Han Ming would really come to the Hanyang Empire and ask the Hanyang Empire to trade this extraterritorial carcass.

The Sea Tribe has been studying the situation on the human side, and now Qixing, the holy founder of mankind, has taken on the heavy responsibility of cleaning up the extraterrestrial bodies.

Han Ming will inevitably act extremely low-key at this time to prevent anyone from criticizing him.

Long Ze pondered for a moment and then took out the extraterritorial body that looked like a handicraft.

Looking at the mysterious vertical pupil totem on the extraterrestrial body, Long Ze felt the energy levels of the extraterrestrial body.

In the future, the levels of extraterritorial creatures will be reformed again, and there will be a new level division on top of the S-level extraterritorial creature level.

Long Ze decided to report this matter to Lian Dai, who would handle the extraterritorial carcass!

Fang Mu had woken up from his deep sleep at this time. After waking up from his deep sleep, Fang Mu stretched his body and all his drowsiness was gone.

Fang Mu found that his perception of the world was clearer than before, and his mental power had reached the high level of a two-pointed star beast master under the baptism of the mermaid's blessing!

The recovery and improvement of mental power are also much faster than before.

With the help of the sacred relics Heavy Sakura Cleansing Carp, Brilliant Golden Honey and the Full Moon Pendant, Fang Mu is very likely to become a genuine three-pointed star beast master in more than a year!

There is probably no other three-pointed star beast master under the age of twenty in the entire beast master world. Fang Mu, who started five years after being an ordinary beast master, is already completely far ahead of his peers. !

In addition to the improvement in mental power, what surprised Fang Mu even more was the increase in his soul power.

This allowed Fang Mu to 100% contract two ghost-type beasts and two ghost weapons without using Tears of Praying to Heaven.

Fang Mu's soul in his previous life has always been much weaker than his soul in this life. Under the baptism of the mermaid's blessing, Fang Mu's souls in his previous life and this life have finally reached a level where they are on par!

Fang Mu doesn't have the habit of being lazy in bed and gets up immediately after waking up.

The water flow caressed Fang Mu's body, and Fang Mu found that the water flow was unusually friendly to him.

In the sea, I can easily control water without the help of beast control!

Although Fang Mu asked for this opportunity to be blessed by the mermaid, Fang Mu was still very grateful to Lian Dai in his heart.

Fang Mu looked at the time and thought to himself, he woke up at the right time.

Tomorrow will be the time for the envoys of the three sea kingdoms and sea lords to arrive at the Hanyang Empire. Fang Mu contacted Shu Liangjun, Junfeng and others through Xuyu Landie.

After asking Shu Liangjun, Junfeng and others to prepare, Fang Mu set off for the palace where Lian Dai lived.

Under normal circumstances, not to mention humans, even ordinary sea people are not qualified to approach the palace of Lian Dai, the leader of the Vast Ocean Empire.

Lian Dai had already given the order, and as soon as Fang Mu approached Lian Dai's palace, he was respectfully led into the palace by Lian Dai's guards.

When Fang Mu entered the palace, he saw Long Ze holding a blue-purple crystal-like object in his hand and talking to Lian Dai.

This blue-purple crystal-like thing is squirming gently like an extraterrestrial body.

Fang Mu subconsciously used the [Eye of Omniscience] to examine this crystal-like object, [King-level extraterritorial body]!

Fang Mu was greatly surprised by the results of this investigation.

In other words, the level of this thing called the King-level extraterritorial carcass must be higher than that of the S-level extraterritorial carcass!

Fang Mu could sense that he could also make a contract with this king-level extraterritorial body through the contract of blood.

Fang Mu subconsciously had the idea of ​​​​obtaining this king-level extraterritorial body.

Lian Dai is Fang Mu's protector, and Fang Mu can transmit sounds to Lian Dai through his soul for smooth long-distance communication.

"Aunt Dai, can you give me this extraterrestrial body? This extraterrestrial body will be of great use to me!"

When Lian Dai met with Long Ze and saw the special extraterritorial body that Long Ze took out, she felt even more heavy than she was surprised.

This extraterritorial carcass signifies that S-level extraterrestrial creatures are not the highest-level existences. This special extraterritorial carcass allows Lian Dai to see the possibility of extraterrestrial creatures setting foot in the divine realm.

For the Sea Clan, the discovery of this king-level extraterritorial body has far greater significance than its actual significance!

No matter how crazy the Sea Clan is, they cannot choose to cultivate extraterrestrial bodies like humans.

Lian Dai now serves as Fang Mu's protector, and Fang Mu is Lian Dai's true friend.

Since this extraterritorial body is useful to Fang Mu, there is nothing wrong with giving it to Fang Mu.

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