Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 626 Conditions for advancement in God’s Domain!

"Xiaomu, I will eventually hand this extraterritorial carcass into your hands. However, if there is an extraterritorial carcass above S level, I must explain the situation to other sea nations and sea lords. This carcass will be needed when the time comes. "

"Don't worry, I've made a guarantee to you that no one can take this extraterritorial body away from you!"

Long Ze had just reported to Lian Dai that Han Ming, the founder of the human saint, was also interested in this extraterrestrial body.

Lian Dai was not prepared to allow the Hanyang Empire to trade and cooperate with Han Ming, and the relationship between the three holy founders of mankind was turbulent.

The Hanyang Empire has made friends with Qixing, and he has become Fang Mu's protector.

If he continues to have an ambiguous relationship with Han Ming at this time, Qixing may feel like he is riding a donkey to find a horse. There is no guarantee that Qixing will not have any objections to him!

Lianda would not do anything that might cause a fight.

This is a consideration from the perspective of interests. Lian Dai becoming Fang Mu's guardian is indeed related to Qixing, but the relationship is not big.

Lian Dai will become Fang Mu's protector, mainly because Lian Dai takes a fancy to Fang Mu, a young man.

Otherwise, if Lian Dai wanted to improve her bloodline, she could just give Fang Mu a mermaid blessing, and there was no need to take the initiative to become Fang Mu's protector.

Long Ze didn't know the relationship between Lian Dai and Fang Mu, but Long Ze was not surprised when Fang Mu appeared in Lian Dai's residence.

Lian Dai advocated cooperation between the sea tribe and humans. Someone had just made the proposal and got Lian Dai's support and response.

If Lian Dai had not vigorously promoted this matter, Taki Hun Whale Ji would not have been able to contact Qixing on her own initiative.

What Long Ze should report has been reported, and how to solve it is entirely up to Lian Dai, the leader of the Hanyang Empire, to decide.

Lian Dai, the leader of the Han Yang Empire, has an extremely strong personality. Under Lian Dai's control, it can be said that Lian Dai has the final say in all matters of the Han Yang Empire.

Before Liandai became the leader of the Hanyang Empire, the Hanyang Empire was ranked last among the four sea nations due to a previous incident that greatly reduced its national power.

It was Lian Dai, the new king, who relied on his strong management skills to make the Hanyang Empire rise to the top and become the second-ranked country among the four sea countries.

Before leaving, Long Ze greeted Fang Mu and cupped his hands.

Long Ze was very grateful to Fang Mu from the bottom of his heart. If Fang Mu hadn't made a very generous promise to the Hanyang Empire, it would have been difficult for the Hanyang Empire to successfully survive this crisis!

After Long Ze left, Lian Dai handed the extraterritorial body in her hand to Fang Mu and said with a smile.

"The energy level inside this extraterritorial carcass is extremely high. As long as there is sufficient pollution energy, this extraterritorial carcass can quickly reach the level it was in before it was born."

"If it weren't for the inability to prepare pure pollution energy, this extraterrestrial body would be more suitable for your human beast masters to contract with than the beast masters!"

Hearing this, Fang Mu agreed very much with Dai Dai's statement. Not only that, the extraterrestrial creatures are very similar to pollutants due to their special origins, and their ranks are not restricted by the level of beast masters.

In addition to Fang Mu's desire to explore and conquer the dimensional world separated from the sea of ​​realms, this characteristic of the extraterritorial carcass is also one of the main reasons why Fang Mu wants to obtain this S-level extraterritorial carcass.

It is impossible for others to prepare pure pollution energy, but Fang Mu can easily do it.

Contracting this king-level extraterritorial carcass square wood will once again increase the strength that one can control.

Fang Mu cares more about controlling his own strength than controlling external strength.

External strength cannot protect him all the time, but Fang Mu's own strength can do this.

Since Lian Dai gave Fang Mu a guarantee, Fang Mu really had nothing to worry about.

"Master Aunt Dai will be very happy after obtaining this extraterritorial body!"

Speaking of this, Fang Mu paused, and then asked Lian Dai seriously.

"After Aunt Dai becomes a powerful person at the level of the gods, I wonder what kind of resources are needed to improve her strength?"

Fang Mu's strength at this time was far away from reaching the divine realm level. Lian Dai didn't know why Fang Mu asked herself this.

Maybe it's just because Fang Mu is curious about the level of God's Domain! ?

With Fang Mu's current strength, it is impossible for Qixing to tell Fang Mu many things that can only be touched upon when he reaches the divine realm level.

"Xiaomu takes your builder's resources as an example. After reaching the God's Domain level, the builder's resources below the Grandmaster level are no longer of any use to the strong ones who have reached the level of the God's Domain."

"Only life energy with a purity of 90%, elemental energy and more than 75% spiritual energy are needed by the powerful in the God Realm!"

Speaking of this, Lian Dai's tone was a little melancholy.

"So it is extremely difficult to improve your strength again when you reach the level of God's Domain."

"After stepping into the order, spiritual energy becomes more important than life energy and elemental energy, especially after stepping into the divine realm!"

"So Reiki is the truly high-end energy resource in this world!"

Lian Dai's difficulty in improving her strength after setting foot in the divine realm was not only related to her own bloodline, but Lian Dai felt that it was also related to her inability to obtain resources.

Lian Dai's words refreshed Fang Mu's understanding. Fang Mu had always believed that life energy was the fundamental energy that promoted the improvement of living bodies' strength.

It turns out that the fundamental energy that improves strength is not life energy but spiritual energy!

For Fang Mu, it is far easier to prepare pure spiritual energy than to prepare pure life energy.

Fang Mu believed that he could provide spiritual energy resources for many powerful men at the divine level with his own methods.

Although spiritual energy is the most needed resource for strong men at the level of the gods, elemental energy and life energy are also indispensable. The more pure they are, the better the effect of absorbing spiritual energy will be.

There is no way for Liandai to obtain pure spiritual energy. There are indeed many substances in the sea that contain spiritual energy, especially the mineral veins found under the sea.

It's just that only a very small part of the spiritual energy-containing substances that can be found in the sea can meet the standards for absorption by the powerful in the God's Domain.

Fortunately, there are also a large number of ancient battlefields in the sea area. Many extinct beasts have been found in these ancient battlefields in the sea area.

These beasts can produce spiritual energy. It is precisely because of this that several wars between the sea tribe and humans were caused by humans wanting to explore ancient battlefields in the sea!

"Except for these, the powerful ones in the God's Realm must constantly improve the laws according to the laws they control."

"The law possesses divinity. It is a high-dimensional strength that can only be controlled by those who have set foot in the divine realm. Strong men in the divine realm will not reveal their divinity unless necessary!"

From Jun Feng, Fang Mu had a certain understanding of how powerful people at the pinnacle level of order set foot in the God's Domain. Now Fang Mu also understood the resources needed by the powerful people in the God's Domain to improve their strength and the situation of the powerful people in the God's Domain in this world.

These are extremely useful information for Fang Mu.

"Every time I go out, Aunt Dai, my master will provide me with some supplies. I can allocate and use these supplies at will."

"Just explain the purpose of these supplies the next time Master Guan asks for them!"

After saying that, Fang Mu handed a brocade box to Lian Dai.

Fang Mu did this because Lian Dai was his protector, and he should provide Lian Dai with some supplies.

Secondly, it was also a thank you to Lian Dai for handing over the king-level extraterritorial body to her.

After becoming Fang Mu's protector, Lian Dai no longer acted like she did before in front of Fang Mu.

Lian Dai was a little surprised that Fang Mu immediately handed her a brocade box that obviously contained potions after asking the powerful man at the divine level what supplies he needed.

Could it be said that when Fang Mu is away from home, Qixing will equip Fang Mu with resources that only a strong person at the divine level needs? ?

After opening the brocade box, Lian Dai rarely lost her composure in front of Fang Mu.

Lian Dai saw sixty bottles of potions neatly arranged in the brocade box. Without exception, these potions all contained spiritual energy.

After Lian Dai's general inspection, the purity of the spiritual energy in these potion bottles actually reached 90%!

Spiritual energy with a purity of 90% is indeed a material that only the Holy Founder can prepare.

Fang Mu took out so many spiritual energy potions for himself at once, which made Lian Dai feel like he didn't dare to collect them.

A holy builder has basically reached the peak of spiritual energy with a purity of 90%. Just these 60 bottles of spiritual energy potions can bring his bloodline to a higher level, and at least it can fade one-fifth of his face. Two gray scales.

Lian Dai did not directly put away these potions that were of great use to her, but spoke to Fang Mu very seriously.

"Xiaomu, I'm not sure if you know the value of these spiritual energy potions. The value of these spiritual energy potions should be higher than you think!"

"Even if Lord Qi Xing went to prepare these potions, it would not be something that can be done easily."

"You gave me so many potions and I don't want Lord Qi Xing to have a problem with you because of this!"

Fang Mu smiled and shook his head when he heard this. How could Fang Mu have any objection to his behavior?

"Master Aunt Dai gave these potions to me so that I can use them at will!"

"You don't need to worry. I wouldn't have taken this thing out if I hadn't gotten the master's permission!"

"Aunt Dai, please use it first, and then I will have a chance to give you the spiritual energy potion of this purity."

After hearing what Fang Mu said, Lian Dai stopped being polite to Fang Mu. In her heart, Lian Dai's gratitude to Fang Mu was not false at all.

As a disciple of the Holy Founder, it is impossible for Fang Mu to be unaware of the value of these resources.

Even though Fang Mu knew the value of these resources, he still gave so many resources to himself without reservation. Even the previous leader of the Hanyang Empire who trained him had never been so selfless to him.

"Xiaomu, I'll thank you in advance here!"

"If you need anything from me to help you in the future, just ask. If you don't give me a chance to do something for you, I won't be embarrassed to accept these potions next time you give me them!"

Fang Mu smiled when he heard this.

"Aunt Dai, don't worry, there will definitely be such an opportunity!"

Fang Mu is not ready to explore the dimensional world on the other side of the Sea of ​​Realm at the moment. When Fang Mu is ready to explore the dimensional world on the other side of the Sea of ​​Realm, he will inevitably need to use a god-level powerhouse like Lian Dai. the power of the person.

If Fang Mu had Jun Feng under his command before, Fang Mu could reveal his identity as a disciple of the Holy Founder to the outside world at will.

Now that Lian Dai is the protector, Fang Mu can completely walk sideways in the main world!

"Aunt Dai, the troops from the other three sea kingdoms and the Sea Lord will arrive in the Hanyang Empire tomorrow, but are there any preparations needed there?"

Hearing this, Lian Dai raised her hand and patted Fang Mu on the shoulder.

"Xiaomu, I'm afraid you still don't know what you mean to the Sea Clan. Your master Qixing's ability to clean up those extraterritorial bodies is equivalent to providing a strong guarantee for the Sea Clan in the face of disaster!"

"People from the other three sea kingdoms and sea lords will not only not make things difficult for you, but will also deliberately curry favor with you."

"Especially Sea Lord, Sea Lord has always had an urgent desire to improve his strength."

"Among the senior leaders of the Sea Clan, the Sea Lord is the one who is most willing to make friends with humans!"

"But Xiaomu will give you a piece of advice. If you don't intend to take advantage of the Sea Lord, try not to have a close relationship with the Sea Lord."

When Fang Mu said these words, he could feel the fear Lian Dai showed towards the Sea Lord.

Although Fang Mu has not yet come into contact with the Sea Lord, during the process of contact between Fang Mu and Lian Dai, he got to know what kind of person Lian Dai is.

Lian Dai, who was already her protector, had no reason to lie to herself.

Because of Lian Dai's advice, even though Fang Mu didn't know Hai Zhu, he was already afraid and wary of Hai Zhu in his heart.

Lian Dai knew about this because his master Qixing would not come forward. Presumably Lian Dai had told the other three sea kingdoms and sea masters about the situation before.

So I just walked too far, and it was Diyuan who really forged cooperation with the Hai Clan.

When the five parties of the Sea Clan gather at Fangmu, they can hold a meeting of the Diyuan, and the Diyuan will send architects to make detailed negotiations.

The peaches in cooperation with the sea tribe can only be picked by capable people.

As for Diyuan, who is in charge of subsequent matters with the Hai Clan, the peach that belongs to Fang Mu still belongs to Fang Mu after all!

In this transaction with the Sea Clan, getting Diyuan more involved will be of great help in improving Qixing's status in Diyuan.

Based on Fang Mu's understanding of Han Ming, Fang Mu secretly thought that Han Ming was probably unable to sit still at this time.

Qixing helped humans and the sea tribe reach cooperation during this disaster, and undertook all the tasks of cleaning up extraterritorial carcasses.

Fairy Yongle was responsible for the extremely successful construction of the secondary world. Han Ming did not do anything in these two things, but these two things caused great turmoil!

What Yongle Fairy Mother does has benefited all citizens of the Federation, and what she has done is destined to spread to all high-level officials in the main world.

If Han Ming doesn't do something at this time, Han Ming's influence will really be greatly weakened.

Fang Mu believes that Han Ming definitely doesn't want this to happen! (End of chapter)

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