Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 627 Is Qixing really so selfless? ?

Not to mention that Han Ming himself is a person who cares about power very much. Even if Han Ming doesn't care about power, Han Ming has been the overlord of the human world for so long, and the lower limit of his temperament will always become higher and higher.

He and Fairy Yongle suppressed Han Ming's influence and reached Han Ming's lower limit.

If Fang Mu hadn't had no intention of competing with Han Ming, Fang Mu would have been on guard against Han Ming now!

Because the envoys of the other three sea countries and the Sea Lord came to the Hanyang Empire to negotiate with humans, not to send envoys to the Hanyang Empire.

The Hanyang Empire was suffering from disaster. At this time, it was inconvenient for the envoys of the other three sea nations and sea lords to arrange a scene for the Hanyang Empire to entertain them, so they kept an unusually low profile along the way.

After Fang Mu met with the envoys of the other three sea countries and the sea lord, he could clearly feel the goodwill shown by the envoys of the other three sea countries towards him.

Compared with the envoys from the other three sea countries, the envoys sent by the Sea Lord are a bit colder.

However, this coldness was due to his personality, not because the envoy sent by the Sea Lord did not want to communicate with Fang Mu.

Lian Dai had already explained to Fang Mu in advance the attitude that the envoys from the other three sea kingdoms would show towards her.

At this stage when he had just met with the three sea lords and their envoys, Fang Mu did not have much communication with these envoys.

After confirming the Sea Clan's intention to cooperate with humans, Fang Mu used his authority as the Holy Founder to start a founding party in the clever bunker through the Babel Fuso Leaf.

As the convener of the Diyuan gathering, Fang Mu was the first to appear in the Diyuan gathering space.

Since Fang Mu accepted Lian Dai's mermaid blessing, his mental and soul power has been improved.

It became much easier for Fang Mu to use the Full Moon Pendant than before.

When Fang Mu communicated with the Yuan Yue Pendant this time, he vaguely felt that there was a layer of obstacle avoidance in the Yuan Yue Pendant, which he could break through on his own.

It's just that what Fang Mu needs to pass this barrier is not mental power, but soul power.

Only by hitting this barrier with soul power can Fang Mu possibly detect what is behind the barrier!

The full moon pendant is undoubtedly the most mysterious of all the treasures Fang Mu has on hand. Even the small purple-black tower is made docile by the full moon pendant!

Fang Mu could not sense this barrier before, presumably because his soul strength was not up to standard.

Improving soul energy is an extremely difficult thing for anyone, but Fang Mu found a way to increase soul energy in a short period of time.

That is to improve the soul power through the tears of praying produced by the praying Canglu clan!

Because Fang Mu was on a mission to the Hai Clan, he did not have time to receive the Tears of Prayer to Heaven directly from Lu Ke.

Fang Mu asked Lu Ke to deliver Tears of Prayer to the Mountain Manor, and Liu Xi arranged for Liu Yi and Liu Er to receive it.

When Fang Mu returns to the mountain manor, he can use Tears of Prayer to Heaven to further enhance his soul power. Fang Mu is not sure whether his soul can break through this barrier at that time.

But one thing that is certain is that after Fang Mu's soul energy is improved, he is undoubtedly one step closer to breaking through the barrier!

Just as Fang Mu went to test the barrier of the full moon pendant, he entered the gathering space of Diyuan.

Fang Mu didn't know that when he went to test it, the moon quietly appeared in the sky at noon.

It's just that the moon's presence is not obvious at all under the reflection of the sun.

The laurel tree in the moon that suddenly appeared in the sky at noon was swaying gently, and the beautiful figure holding the little girl in her hand did not make any movement.

But the rabbit in the woman's arms moved its long furry ears, as if there were signs of waking up.

It was as if someone had disturbed him while he was sleeping.

This moon, which shouldn't have appeared in the sky, didn't attract anyone's attention. The moon's appearance was too short.

Even if someone happened to see it, they would hide again in the blink of an eye.

Since the last gathering of the Founding Garden, it can be said that the creation masters have been waiting for the response from Qixing.

In this disaster that faces both humans and sea people, cooperation between humans and sea people is crucial.

Apart from the disaster itself, cooperation with the Sea Tribe can also promote the development of the entire human world.

If humans want to develop rapidly, they need to exploit the materials in the sea. The materials needed by the sea tribe and humans overlap, but the degree of overlap is not too high!

As long as humans are willing to give the Sea Clan some benefits, especially builder resources, there is actually no reason for the Sea Clan to refuse cooperation with humans.

After all, it is much more difficult for the sea tribe to obtain builder resources than it is for humans.

Through cooperation, mankind has an opportunity to negotiate this matter with the Sea Tribe. Qixing's action has the significance of promoting the development of mankind!

During this time, the top brass of the human forces basically knew about this matter.

The last time Han Ming held an impromptu founding garden gathering, some of the founding masters did not attend because of something else. This time, basically all the founding masters participated.

Whether it is to give face to Qixing, the new Saint Founder who has entered Diyuan, or because he is afraid that not participating this time will result in the subsequent benefits not being divided for him.

Fang Mu watched the creation masters one after another join the Diyuan gathering, and suddenly two dharma images appeared around Fang Mu.

Han Ming and Fairy Yongle arrived almost at the same time.

As soon as Fairy Yongle appeared, she smiled and said to Fang Mu.

"Qixing heard that it was your disciple who was sent as an envoy by the Sea Clan who accomplished this thing? Compared to your disciples, my disciples seem a bit shabby!"

"If there is an opportunity in the future, we can let the disciples from both sides have more contact!"

Fairy Yongle conversed with Fang Mu openly.

After hearing the words of Immortal Yongle, many people present had unexpected expressions on their faces. This was the first time that everyone heard that Immortal Yongle had accepted a disciple!

This disciple of Fairy Yongle must have been taken in during the time when Fairy Yongle was away from the world.

Immortal Mother Yongle has always been an extremely strict person, and the disciples she accepted during her retreat must be extremely talented.

Immortal Yongle has never mentioned her disciples before, which shows that Immortal Yongle is very precious to her disciples.

Immortal Yongle's words were not only to express her goodwill towards Qi Xing, who was also the founder of the Saint, but she also must have known something. She really liked Jian Mu, Qi Xing's disciple.

Jianmu really hasn't appeared in front of these masters yet, but the world is already filled with legends about Jianmu!

I'm afraid no one among the younger generation can get into the ears of so many creative masters!

Fang Mu would definitely not refuse Fairy Yongle's proposal, and Fang Mu also had plans to make friends with Fairy Yongle.

In the previous contact, Shang Mu's impression of Yongle Fairy Mother was better than Han Ming's.

Fang Mu can be sure that Fairy Yongle is a very responsible person, otherwise the structure of this second-level world would never be as good as it is now.

It is true that most of the resources spent to create the second-level world were provided by Diyuan, but Fairy Yongle herself also contributed a lot.

In this matter, in addition to the sense of responsibility, we can also see the generosity of Fairy Yongle.

"The younger generation should have more exchanges. This competition between the major forces is actually an opportunity. At that time, our disciples can also join according to their age groups."

Fang Mu's words made many of the creation masters present brighten their eyes, and Fairy Yongle's face also showed a look of excitement.

As a killer organization in the Paradise Palace, Fairy Yongle cultivates disciples, not only caring about the disciple's talent as a builder, but also caring about the disciple's strength.

No matter whether we are in the same age group or not, this competition can really help us get to know each other quickly!

For other Master Builders, this is a rare opportunity for them to compete with the Holy Builders on the same stage.

He can't compare with him, but his disciple can win glory for him!

What's more important is that these master builders want to see what level the young generation's talent and level are at at their peak level!

Education requires resources, and the best educational resources are concentrated in the hands of the Holy Architect.

Having the disciples of the Holy Founder join in can make the major forces pay more attention to this duel, which will have great promotion significance for the entire high-end human forces.

Let all major forces focus more on cultivating the younger generation and increase the development potential of the entire human society.

Han Ming originally wanted to say hello to Qixing as soon as he arrived, but Fairy Yongle beat him to it.

Fairy Yongle had a pleasant conversation with Fang Mu, and even asked her disciple to contact Qixing's disciple Jianmu.

Fairy Yongle has never had such an attitude towards herself!

It just so happened that I had recruited a few new disciples, and these disciples were all very talented.

Han Ming has always taken care of his assistants, and is very attentive to each of his disciples.

Even though Han Ming had many disciples, Han Ming also spent a lot of time and thought on these disciples.

When it comes to being a teacher, Han Ming is worthy of the praise of having students all over the world!

During this period of time, I have been suppressed by the Yongle Fairy Mother and Qixing. I can take advantage of this opportunity for the younger generation to compete and use my disciples to help me earn back my face!

"I agree with Qixing, the younger generation should really communicate more."

"At that time, I will provide an additional reward to the top ten in each division and the final top three, which can be regarded as my best wishes to the younger generation."

Immortal Mother Yongle snorted softly upon hearing this, her tone full of displeasure.

"The reward is a reward that we all set together, and naturally we all have to give it together. Only in this way can our organization be more harmonious as a whole!"

The founding masters who were originally prepared to respond to Han Ming had already shut their mouths.

Han Ming and Fairy Yongle began to fight again. It was better not to get involved in the dispute between the two saint builders.

When Han Ming and Fairy Yongle are formally confronting each other like now, even the mouthpieces of Han Ming and Fairy Yongle will not do anything arrogant!

Fang Mu was too lazy to pay attention to the quarrel between Han Ming and Fairy Yongle. The quarrel between Han Ming and Fairy Yongle was because the two sides had unresolved issues with each other.

But the creation of human beings is still very harmonious on the whole. Fang Mu has proved this through many things.

Fang Mu was now immersed in his own thoughts.

Fang Mu has always admitted that he is a very thoughtful person. If Fang Mu was not thoughtful, he would not be able to run such a huge force by himself. He would have been caught as a guinea pig long ago!

Fang Mu made the proposal through the kindness of Fairy Yongle to achieve Fang Mu's three purposes.

The first purpose is that Fang Mu plans to use this purpose to build the reputation of the Infinite Tower.

Han Ming's disciples will represent the Federation of All Nations in this competition, and Yongle Fairy Mother's disciples will represent the Paradise Palace.

Fang Mu also needs to send a force representative to push the Infinite Tower out, so that the Infinite Tower can be completely bound to Fang Mu Qixing's identity.

In the future, the Infinite Tower will be much more convenient when contacting other forces.

The second purpose is that Fang Mu wants to give Jiang Tuo an excellent opportunity to show his strength.

Jiang Tuo now has some legends in the second world because he has contracted many ice ghosts.

Because the ranking matches in the second world are divided based on the age of the younger generation, this makes it easy to find out who has far superior strength than others.

Jiang Tuo needs a force to claim him, otherwise many forces will take advantage of Jiang Tuo in the future.

After it is clear that Jiang Tuo comes from the power of the Infinite Tower, Jiang Tuo will no longer encounter external troubles in his development!

Those forces who want to take advantage of Jiang Tuo should weigh themselves and weigh whether they have the qualifications to covet Jiang Tuo.

There is no doubt that Jiang Tuo is powerful, he was cultivated by Fang Mu himself.

A force with a Saint Builder at its command cannot only send one person to the stage. The participation of himself and Jiang Tuo in the duel is enough to show the grace of the boundless tower.

The third purpose is that Fang Mu wants to take this opportunity to improve his reputation, so that all human forces will recognize him, so that he can better become the spokesperson of his Qixing identity.

In addition, these Fang Mu also have their own selfish motives in making such choices.

Fang Mu wants to step out of the shadows and do something passionate as a younger generation.

In such a bizarre world of beast control, even a calm person like Fang Mu will inevitably get excited!

Seeing that Han Ming and Immortal Yongle were almost fighting, Fang Mu spoke up.

"This time I convened an impromptu meeting of the Association because the four nations of the Sea Tribe and the Sea Lord will gather in the Sea of ​​Boundary in five hours to negotiate with our Association."

"The things that should be discussed have been discussed and the cooperation has been finalized, but there are many things between the two parties that still need to be negotiated with each other."

"I'm not good at negotiating terms. It's about the interests of the entire human world, so let's work together with Diyuan!"

"I still need more time to clean up the extraterritorial carcass. Cleaning up the extraterritorial carcass is not simple, and it cannot be completed overnight!"

Hearing Qixing's words, even Han Ming, the calm Saint Founder, could not help but be shocked for a moment on his face.

Now is the time to harvest, Qixing actually wants to retreat!

Is Qixing really so selfless? ?

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