Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 628 Corpse Fragrance Poison Domain!

When Han Ming was still the Grand Master of Creation, he provided resources to the human world, and this was even more true after becoming the Master of Saint Creation!

It's just that these contributions of Han Ming can often bring back more benefits to Han Ming, which is equivalent to a cycle of resources.

If Han Ming were to take charge of this matter, he would definitely occupy a dominant position in the human world in the cooperation between humans and sea tribes at this time!

Qixing let go and left the matter of negotiating demands with the Hai Clan to the entire Diyuan.

Every founding master has his own selfish motives. Even if he does take into account Qixing's interests in the end, it will definitely cause Qixing's interests to be greatly damaged in the end!

At this time, not only Han Ming did not remind Qi Xing, but the Yongle Fairy Mother who had always wanted to be friends with Qi Xing did the same.

Fang Muhui made such a choice, firstly because he participated in the exchanges between Diyuan and the Hai Clan as a Qixing disciple, which was far inferior to Han Ming, Yongle Fairy Mother and a group of founding masters who would make the Hai Clan that kind of person. Pay equal attention to it.

Secondly, Lian Dai, the leader of the Hanyang Empire, has become his protector.

No matter how Diyuan negotiates with the Hai Clan, Lian Dai will still protect her own interests!

So even if Fang Mu is not involved, there is nothing to worry about.

On the contrary, returning to the rapids at this time can gain a higher reputation for Qixing's identity!

"Qixing, since you said so, then this matter will be handled by the entire Diyuan!"

"Having the members of the Association jointly negotiate with the Sea Tribe can indeed ensure that the interests of mankind are met during the negotiation process to the greatest extent!"

"I will tell you personally when I gain something from the negotiations."

"If someone dares to misappropriate your interests with evil intentions, I will not let you go!"

While speaking, Han Ming pointed the conversation at Fairy Yongle intentionally or unintentionally, making Fairy Yongle very dissatisfied.

What do you mean you won’t let go of the first one? It would be great if you don’t encroach on Qixing’s interests!

Why is Han Ming now establishing himself as a moral role model! ?

"I will also supervise Qixing, so you can rest assured."

"If something goes wrong, I will notify you as soon as possible. I won't let some guys who think they are righteous fish in troubled waters!"

The other Grandmasters present trembled when they heard the conversation between Han Ming and Fairy Yongle.

The good guy Han Ming and Fairy Yongle are at odds with each other again. At this time, no one dares to interrupt.

Once you interrupt, you will inevitably enter the center of the whirlpool passively.

Fang Mu is a person who is very sensitive to emotions. Fang Mu can sense that there is great hatred between Han Ming and Fairy Yongle.

During the conversation between the two, this hatred will be revealed on its own.

In the beginning, Han Ming's Grandmaster of Creation was still alive because of Fairy Yongle's side. Han Ming must have been extremely hostile to Fairy Yongle, and crazily suppressed and targeted Fairy Yongle.

Fairy Yongle knew she was in the wrong, and since the builder's ability was not as good as Han Ming's, she would definitely avoid his attack first!

But the crazy suppression and targeting made Fairy Yongle feel that her safety and survival were being targeted, and she would definitely rise up to resist.

Fairy Yongle became the Saint Founder in the process of escaping from the world, and the dispute with Han Ming could never come to an end.

Han Ming wanted to become the Saint Founder more than a hundred years before Fairy Yongle, and Han Ming did not want to kill Fairy Yongle.

Otherwise, when she used her identity as the Holy Creator to target the top creation master, Fairy Yongle, Fairy Yongle would not have been able to resist.

Now the two are still tit for tat, but their hatred has almost been resolved.

But the situation between the two has been completed, which is a good thing for Diyuan.

In the process of mutual restraint between the two, all proposals will be viewed dialectically.

Fang Mu stopped talking after saying what needed to be said, and Fang Mu focused his attention on Han Ming.

The Federation of All Nations has just been plucked by the Hanyang Empire, allowing the Hanyang Empire to obtain the king-level extraterritorial body.

Han Ming definitely hopes to obtain this king-level extraterritorial carcass, and there is no guarantee that he will not propose to get this extraterritorial carcass during the negotiation with the Sea Tribe.

If Han Ming really said this, Fang Mu would directly say that he had finished trading the extraterritorial body with the Hanyang Empire and did not want to put the pressure of the entire Diyuan on Lian Dai.

These creative masters in the Diyuan know very well that in this negotiation between the Diyuan and the Hai Clan, humans are the one who has the absolute advantage!

The biggest problem facing the Hai Clan is the inability to clean up the extraterritorial carcass. Fang Mu cannot do the kind of behavior where people use his power to bully his protectors.

Even if it is indeed in your own interests to do so.

In the end, Han Ming did not mention the king-level extraterritorial body. He did not know whether it was to hide the news or to prepare for a private transaction with the Hanyang Empire as a Saint Founder.

The party ended completely after Fang Mu, Han Ming and Yongle Immortal Mother made introductory speeches.

Fang Mu opened his eyes and once again felt a sense of mental exhaustion.

But this time, Fang Mu didn't have to rest immediately like last time. Now Fang Mu can still do his own things.

In fact, after this party, we can no longer leave the Hanyang Empire.

Since Jun Feng entered a state of enlightenment, Fang Mu was prepared to stay in the Hanyang Empire temporarily to wait for Jun Feng to recover from the state of enlightenment.

It is extremely rare for a strong person like Jun Feng, who is at the pinnacle of order, to enter a state of enlightenment.

Fang Mu recorded the scene that stimulated Jun Feng to enter a state of enlightenment through inhalation. Jun Feng was still one Mystic Chapter away from condensing the Mystic Body.

In the process of helping Jun Feng to advance to the realm of gods, helping Jun Feng condense his mysterious body is the most important and difficult thing for Fang Mu!

Fang Mu can only assist Jun Feng in this matter. Whether it can be completed depends on Jun Feng himself, unlike the subsequent promotion of Jun Feng's beast control, which allows Fang Mu to stack up resources.

If a powerful person from the God Realm wants to increase their strength, they only need spiritual energy, life energy and elemental energy, and the same must be true for Jun Feng!

Now that Lian Dai, a genuine expert from the divine realm, can guide Jun Feng as someone who has experienced it, as he improves his strength.

Fang Mu, who had nothing to do, checked his beasts. Fang Mu discovered that the "Three Treasures of Grave Sacrifice" had been successfully promoted to the diamond level and acquired new skills under the training of Hell Prajna.

What's more important is that the bloodline of the "Three Treasures of Grave Sacrifice" has been improved again!

With the provision of high-quality resources, even the creatures of the Necrozoology/Necrozoology family have such potential for development!

Fang Mu asked Hell Prajna to summon the "Three Treasures of Grave Sacrifice", and the first one summoned by Hell Prajna was the deceased loving mother.

At this time, the bloodline of the deceased loving mother has evolved into the Corpse Fragrance Godmother.

The Godmother of Corpse Fragrance wears a dress made of death gown bacteria, and her whole body exudes elegance and spontaneity.

The death dress made of fungi is mainly white and pink, with dots of red in the pink.

It's like a couture dress carefully crafted by a textile master.

As her bloodline continued to transform, Corpse Fragrance Godmother's skin was pale without a trace of blood, but her face became more and more like a normal human being.

If it weren't for the drop of blood and tears with the fragrance of corpse falling from her pale eyes from time to time, the face of the corpse-scented godmother could even be described as beautiful!

Of course, the prerequisite for maintaining beauty is that you must not let the corpse-scented godmother open her mouth.

Once the Corpse Fragrance Godmother opens her mouth, you can see the wriggling maggots inside. It has the strong characteristics of a corpse-hunting creature, which explains what it means to be gold and jade, but the outside is covered with worms.

Compared to the appearance of Corpse Fragrance Godmother, Fang Mu cared more about the skills gained by Corpse Fragrance Godmother's promotion to Diamond level.

[Name of the Royal Beast]: Corpse Fragrance Godmother

[Royal Beast Species]: Necrozoidae/Necrozoidae

[Beast Control Level]: Diamond Level (1/10)

[Beast Control System]: Undead System

[Beast Control Potential]: Diamond Level

[Beast Control Quality]: Legendary Quality


[Spinal Lock]: Use the dead air to generate the spine, allowing the spine to grow out of the body and become a chain to restrain the target. When the spinal lock is broken, the dead air in the spinal lock will turn into a chain again for secondary restraint.

[Snap Claw]: When wielding the claws to attack, the speed of the claw will continue to increase. The faster the claw is, the stronger the tearing effect will be.

[Burial Fire Encouragement]: Build a furnace with sand and gravel on the ground in a natural environment, spray out corpse fire to ignite the furnace, and stimulate all undead creatures present through the grave-sacrifice boy you produce, improving the undead creatures present. attack power and offensiveness.

[Loving Mother]: When the grave-sacrifice boy is killed by the target, he will transfer his emotions to the target who kills him. The self can temporarily control the target of the grave-sacrifice boy through his emotions, allowing the other party to Have a great fondness for oneself. (The goodwill will be lost as the time of death of the boy offering sacrifices to the grave increases.)

[Corpse Fragrance Poison Domain]: Spread the corpse fragrance in your body to cover the battlefield. The corpse fragrance will float in the wind and the concentration will decrease according to the increase in the covered area. Undead creatures bathing in corpse fragrance can repair their remains and nourish the fire of their souls. The living can bathe in it. The corpse incense will become a container for the corpse incense, and the corpse incense will be released during the decomposition process.

Exclusive features:

[Bones are cold together]: When an undead creature related to one's own bloodline is attacked, it increases one's own ferocity and puts oneself into a state of rage. When an undead creature related to one's own bloodline dies, the undead creature can be swallowed and reused to death. Qi is born.

[New birth of flesh and blood]: Swallow the flesh and blood infected by the dead air into the abdomen, turn it into energy to warm and nourish the unformed fetus in the abdomen, and allow the fetus to be born. The fetus can sacrifice itself and chill with the corpse to bring in the body that has the same breath as itself. The undead are resurrected.

[Cruel Motherhood]: After devouring the grave-sacrifice father, when devouring the corpse of any undead beast, he can give birth to a grave-sacrifice boy with a new birth of flesh and blood. In the process of giving birth to the grave-sacrifice boy, the grave-sacrifice boy will be born. There is a certain probability that the boy will mutate into a grave-sacrifice dad. When the number of grave-sacrifice dads reaches one, the grave-sacrifice boy will not mutate again.

Evolution route:

①: Corpse incense priest, ②: Curse woman priest, ③: Body meal godmother.

When Hell Prajna summoned the Corpse Fragrance Godmother, Hell Prajna praised the Corpse Fragrance Godmother emphatically, saying that the Corpse Fragrance Godmother was as important as the Tyrant Butcher she had cultivated before.

You must know that the Tyrant Butcher's exclusive characteristic [Tyrant Command] is a foundation-level exclusive characteristic, and the Corpse Fragrance Godmother, as one of the "Three Treasures of Grave Sacrifice", has always been weak in individual abilities.

The power of the "Three Treasures of Grave Sacrifice" depends on the interaction between the three.

But Hell Prajna praised only the Corpse Fragrance Godmother at this time, and did not include the other two guys.

When he saw Corpse Fragrance Godmother's newly acquired skill [Corpse Fragrance Poison Domain], Fang Mu understood why Hell Prajna said that.

[Corpse Smell Poison Domain] is a domain-type skill that does not affect each other with the Death Domain Zombie’s skill [Polluted Dead Land], and can be linked with the Death Domain Zombie’s exclusive feature [Death Land Nightmare]!

[Corpse Scent Poison Domain] can control the covering range. The smaller the range, the higher the concentration of corpse scent, the stronger the recovery and treatment ability of the dead, and the greater the impact on the living!

In the arena battle, Fang Mu can easily let the Corpse Incense Godmother fill the arena with corpse incense, which is not afraid of being consumed.

Firstly, the Godmother of Corpse Incense can secrete it on its own, and secondly, when the body of the living is dissolved by the intrusion of Corpse Incense, it will also become a fertile ground for Corpse Incense and produce a large amount of Corpse Incense.

On the evolutionary path, the Corpse Scent Godmother will evolve toward the Corpse Scent Priest.

The Curse-Sacrifice Priestess and the Body-Eating Godmother are two powerful branches that zombie hunters can evolve into, but they are still less interesting than the Corpse-Fragrance Priest!

Seeing that Fang Mu had finished observing the Corpse Incense Godmother, Hell Prajna summoned the coffin-carrying father.

Hell Prajna glanced at the coffin-carrying father with satisfaction, and his attitude towards the coffin-carrying father was no worse than that of the Corpse Fragrance Godmother!

"Master, the coffin-carrying father has evolved into the nine-coffin father-sacrifice. Although the newly acquired skills of the nine-coffin priest are not as functional as those of the Corpse-Fragrance Godmother, their strategic significance is no better than those of the Corpse-Fragrance Godmother's Corpse-Fragrance Godmother." The fragrance and poison are bad!"

Hearing Hell Prajna praise the Nine Coffin Sacrifice Father, he roared excitedly.

Just as he let out a roar, the Nine-Coffin Priest Father was tightly wrapped around his neck by chains by Hell Prajna and dragged to the ground.

"Shut up! How can you open your mouth when I'm talking to the master!?"

The Nine-Coffin Sacrifice Father wanted to whimper, but when he saw the look in Hell Prajna's eyes, he quickly stood up in fear.

Even though his body is full of muscles, he still gives people a pitiful feeling in front of Hell Prajna.

But as a creature that evolved from corpse hunting, Fang Mu knew how cruel the nature of Jiu Coffin Father was.

Originally, during the period when nine coffins were used to worship one's father or to carry one's coffin to rape one's father, the most obvious feature of the body was the huge shoulder blades that stood high on the shoulders.

At this time, the shoulder blades became longer than before, standing tall.

It's just that this shoulder blade is no longer suitable for defense, and is more like a shelf.

Above the shoulder blades are nine black coffins. The coffins of the nine black coffins are gently shaking, exuding thick purple and green corpse aura, which looks both ferocious and terrifying.

The death dress bacteria highly cultivated by the pure death energy no longer woven into armor on the body of the Nine-Coffin Sacrifice Father, but turned into a wide bright yellow robe, covering the Nine-Coffin Sacrifice Father's body. (End of chapter)

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