Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 629 The five changes of the coffin spirit!

The purple-green fungus spots on the robes of the nine-coffin priests show the states of different coffins. Some of these coffins are tightly closed, some are half-open and some are completely open.

The completely opened coffin was wrapped in purple-green corpse aura, and it seemed like something was about to break out of the coffin!

Fang Mu used the [Eye of Omniscience] to investigate the Nine Coffins Sacrifice Father.

[Name of the beast]: Nine coffins to worship the father

[Royal Beast Species]: Necrozoidae/Necrozoidae

[Beast Control Level]: Diamond Level (1/10)

[Beast Control System]: Undead System

[Beast Control Potential]: Diamond Level

[Beast Control Quality]: Legendary Quality


[Spinal Lock]: Use the dead air to generate the spine, allowing the spine to grow out of the body and become a chain to restrain the target. When the spinal lock is broken, the dead air in the spinal lock will turn into a chain again for secondary restraint.

[Snap Claw]: When wielding the claws to attack, the speed of the claw will continue to increase. The faster the claw is, the stronger the tearing effect will be.

[Corpse Coffin]: Put the body of the living after death into the coffin, use your own or the surrounding death energy to nourish the creatures in the coffin, and transform the creatures in the coffin into undead creatures to join the battle.

[Family Coffin Fun]: When you are severely injured or about to die, you can consume the death energy in yourself or the surrounding environment to reincarnate in the coffin. When the undead creature related to your own bloodline dies, you can put its body into the coffin. Can resurrect the target or breed the target. (The target bloodline level for breeding cannot be equal to itself.)

[Five Transformations of the Coffin Spirit]: There is a coffin spirit in each coffin on the body. The strength of the coffin spirit is equal to its own strength. The coffin spirit can control the nine coffins to move freely. In the case of one or two changes, the coffin spirit can only Manipulate the nine coffins for defense. When reaching the third transformation, the strength of the pavilion spirit will be greatly enhanced. When the coffin opens the gap, it can control the corpse energy to infect the target while defending. The fourth transformation can improve the opening and closing of the coffin. Increase the amount of corpse energy used until the fifth transformation coffin spirit can break the coffin and move freely. At the fifth transformation, the strength of the coffin spirit will far exceed the strength of the body. (The change of the coffin spirit is also based on the death energy absorbed during the battle.).

Exclusive features:

[Bones are cold together]: When an undead creature related to one's own bloodline is attacked, it increases one's own ferocity and puts oneself into a state of rage. When an undead creature related to one's own bloodline dies, the undead creature can be swallowed and reused to death. Qi is born.

[Sacrifice Shoulder Defense]: A special bone is formed on the shoulder. When the life connected with one's own blood is attacked, the specialized bone will be used to resist. When in a dying state, one can sacrifice oneself to perform a corpse explosion.

[Cruel Fatherhood]: When fatherly love breaks out when you are unable to defend the enemy through yourself, you can greatly improve your own defense effect by sacrificing a grave-sacrifice boy. Each time you sacrifice a grave-sacrifice boy, your own defense will be enhanced. , and strengthen the next attack.

Evolution route:

①: Hundreds of coffins to worship the father, ②: Hunting zombie monsters in the royal tomb, ③: Hunting zombie ministers.

After a closer look, Fang Mu learned that the changes in the bacteria in Jiu Coffin Sacrifice's father's death dress were closely related to Jiu Coffin Sacrifice's own ability.

Jiu Coffin Sacrifice Father used to be a warrior who only knew how to be brave, but now Jiu Coffin Sacrifice Father has become a spell caster.

You can command the nine coffins behind you to fight.

According to the skill [Five Transformations of the Coffin Spirit], the nine coffins carried by the Nine Coffins Father have three states.

In the state of first and second transformation, these nine black coffins are mainly used for defense. The defensive ability of each black coffin is equivalent to the original defense ability of the Nine Coffins Sacrifice Father.

In the case of one or two changes, the Nine Coffin Sacrifice Father can protect all dead units with its nine black coffins.

When the coffin is opened in the second or third transformation state, these nine black coffins can not only defend, but also infect the target through the corpse energy in the coffin, and have a certain attack effect.

Once it reaches the third state, which is the fifth state, the nine black coffins are completely opened and the coffin spirit can move freely to kill the enemy.

Do not delay the use of skills like [Family Fun] after the spirit leaves the coffin.

The Nine Coffin Sacrifice Father has become an all-around unit on the battlefield due to the skill [Five Transformations of the Coffin Spirit].

In the past, when there was a linkage between the three treasures of the tomb worshippers, the weakest link was the father's coffin bearer.

The coffin-carrying father is extremely easy to be targeted by the enemy in battle, because the attack methods are almost all close combat effects.

Once targeted and killed by the enemy, the pressure will be on the mother who sacrifices herself to the grave.

The pregnant mother who sacrifices to the grave must regenerate the coffin-carrying father through the exclusive feature [bones are cold], so that the three treasures of the grave can be linked again!

Now after changing to the Nine-Coffin Sacrifice Father, the Nine-Coffin Sacrifice Father is not only no longer easy to be attacked by the enemy, but can also become the guardian of the team, using the coffin carried on the back to protect its own units.

This can be said to be a great strengthening of the combat system of the Three Treasures of Grave Sacrifice!

The people with the identity of Fang Muyanluo are all undead creatures. The death and corpse energy in the surrounding environment will accelerate the maturity of the coffin spirits in the nine coffins.

These coffin spirits are existences that are not afraid of death. Once the coffin spirit dies, the coffin that conceived the coffin spirit will change from the fifth transformation to the first transformation, and then gestate the coffin spirit again.

Fang Mu's Fulong Nightmare Tiger has not been cultivated yet, but now in comparison, Fang Mu feels that his identity as Yan Luo is more powerful than that of Jianmu!

Now besides the Grave Sacrifice Boy, there are three dead creatures that have not been strengthened by Hell Prajna.

Among the evolutionary routes of worshiping one’s father with nine coffins, one would not hesitate to choose the evolutionary route of worshiping one’s father with one hundred coffins.

The reason why Fang Mu didn't choose the Imperial Tomb Ghoul and the Zombie Hunter last time was because Fang Mu wanted the coffin-carrying father to evolve in a direction that suited his own bloodline.

This time Fang Mu chose to sacrifice his father with a hundred coffins because it was indeed better than hunting corpse demons and zombies in imperial tombs.

Hell Prajna saw that Fang Mu had finished observing the nine coffins to offer sacrifices to his father, and said this after considering it.

"There were some accidents when the Burning Body Abandoned Son was promoted to the diamond level. For this reason, I consumed some bloody aged wine to successfully promote the Burning Body Abandoned Son to the Burning Soul Abandoned Son."

"I can't comment on Burning Soul Jizi's new abilities."

"It is useless against units with higher soul strength than one's own, but it can control or instantly kill units with lower soul strength than one's own!"

I don't know how happy others would be if they obtained this kind of beast. You must know that Fenhun Jiezi is an undead creature known for its soul power.

Its soul strength itself is higher than that of units of the same level.

But Hell Prajna prefers to face challenging battles and likes to control those undead creatures to reverse the situation of the battle!

Burning Soul Jiezi's abilities are somewhat inconsistent with the requirements of Hell's Prajna, but Fang Mu likes Burning Soul Jiezi's abilities very much.

Fang Mu will represent the Infinite Tower in the duel, and Fang Mu prefers to fight as Yama than as Jianmu.

This duel between representative forces has an element of performance. Beast-controlling beasts like Fenhun Jizi with the ability to kill instantly are extremely suitable for Fangmu!

The body of Burning Soul Jiezi is slightly slender and smaller than that of Burning Body Abandonment, but the dark blue flames igniting on its body are more magnificent.

Burning Soul Jizi was wearing a torn overalls, and there were obvious blood and mud stains on his white shirt.

A small face similar to that of a human boy had a very sinister expression, and his eyes showed deep malice.

If someone with such an expression was a human being, Fang Mu would never have more contact with such a person in his life at first glance.

Fenhun Jizi was very well-behaved in front of Hell Prajna, but the sharp purple-black finger claws showed that even though Fenhun Jizi was thin, he had extremely strong close combat capabilities!

Fang Mu used the [Eye of All Knowledge] to investigate Burning Soul Jizi.

[Name of the beast]: Fenhun Jizi

[Royal Beast Species]: Necrozoidae/Necrozoidae

[Beast Control Level]: Diamond Level (1/10)

[Beast Control System]: Undead System

[Beast Control Potential]: Diamond Level

[Beast Control Quality]: Legendary Quality


[Spinal Lock]: Use the dead air to generate the spine, allowing the spine to grow out of the body and become a chain to restrain the target. When the spinal lock is broken, the dead air in the spinal lock will turn into a chain again for secondary restraint.

[Snap Claw]: When wielding the claws to attack, the speed of the claw will continue to increase. The faster the claw is, the stronger the tearing effect will be.

[Burning Body Amplification]: Use corpse fire to ignite the body to activate the corpse fire in the body, increasing the content of the corpse fire and the amplification effect on the target. The layers of hatred will be superimposed faster in the burning body state. .

[Parental Love]: Whenever the burying mother and the coffin-carrying father produce their own units, they will split once because they feel the love of their parents, and produce an additional individual identical to themselves.

[Soul Killing and Seizing]: The soul fire burning in the eyes forms a channel to transmit the soul. With the help of the channel, you can send your soul into the target's body and fight with the target's soul in an instant. After victory, you will directly capture the target's soul. body and control the target's body, making the target's body its own host.

Exclusive features:

[Bones are cold together]: When an undead creature related to one's own bloodline is attacked, it increases one's own ferocity and puts oneself into a state of rage. When an undead creature related to one's own bloodline dies, the undead creature can be swallowed and reused to death. Qi is born.

[Corpse Fire]: Peel off your own soul fire and conduct it into the target's body, using it as fuel to re-burn the target's soul fire.

[Twisted Filial Piety]: Every time you are killed, you will have a layer of hatred added to yourself. Every time you are sacrificed, you will have three layers of hatred added to you. When the hatred reaches ten layers, you can choose to trigger the Refining of Hatred and the Grave Pregnancy. Nianghe and Grave-Sacrificing Dad collectively strengthen their own individual replica units, induce mutations in individual units, and temporarily form new undead units.

Evolution route:

①: Twin Soul Son, ②: Imperial Tomb Demon Boy, ③: Corpse Lich.

Hell Prajna's explanation to Burning Soul Yoko just now is related to the skill [Soul Killing and Seizing Yoko] obtained by Burning Soul Yoko after being promoted to Diamond level.

[Soul Killing and Seizing Post] can indeed use the target's body as the container of your own body to exert absolute control over the target when the strength of your own soul is greater than the strength of the target's soul.

It's just that [Soul Kill Seize] allows one's own soul to fight directly with the target. Even if the soul of the opponent's beast is weaker than the soul-burning beast, the opponent's other beasts will most likely be able to protect the soul. The action of burning souls and sending children failed.

Once Burning Soul Jizi's action fails, the only outcome left is death.

Because if the soul that has escaped into the target's body cannot successfully parasitize the target, there is basically no chance of returning.

But Fenhun Jizi's life is not precious at all.

The soul-burning son can be conceived again whether through the Nine-Coffin Sacrifice to the Father or through the Corpse Incense Godmother's exclusive characteristic [Bones are Cold Together].

Burning Soul Yoko's own skill [Parental Love] can also increase its own number, which allows Burning Soul Yoko to parasitize multiple enemy units in battle by splitting itself.

Facing an enemy that is weaker than yourself, you can easily win the victory as quickly as possible.

In terms of evolution route, Fang Mu will let Burning Soul Jiezi evolve towards Dual Soul Jiezi.

Dual Soul Jiezi allows Fenhun Jiezi's soul to be broken and split. After Fenhun Jiezi's soul is split, the soul strength of Fenhun Jiezi will be significantly improved based on the current level.

This is helpful for Fenhun Jiezi to control the opponent through his soul and consume his own soul energy to amplify his own dead creatures.

Both the Imperial Tomb Demon Boy and the Corpse Lich have extremely strong combat capabilities, but they are obviously not suitable for the Soul-burning Yoshi's fighting style.

After Fang Mu investigated the three grave-sacrifice treasures that had been promoted to diamond level, he asked Hell Prajna to put away the three grave-sacrifice treasures.

Fang Mu will leave the Hanyang Empire and return to the human world when Jun Feng recovers from his state of enlightenment.

When Fang Mu returns to the mountain manor, Fang Mu is ready to go to the second world to fight.

At the founding party meeting held not long ago, the Yongle Fairy Mother said that the second world would be reformed again within half a month, and the battle live broadcast function would be introduced.

Those outstanding young people who can crush their opponents in the second world will immediately become stars in the second world after the live broadcast function is officially launched in the second world.

Fang Mu will help Fang Qin, Fang Yuan, and Fang Yan improve their beast control abilities this time when they return to the Soaring Dragon Federation.

The three of them fought on behalf of the Soaring Dragon Federation in different age groups, and they all wanted to improve their strength and reputation.

Before there was no second world, Fang Mu had been worried about the safety of Fang Yuan, Fang Qin, and Fang Yan.

Now that there is a second world, all duels take place in the second world. There is no difference between three people fighting in the second world and fighting online.

Even if you lose the duel, it will not have any impact on yourself.

This allowed Fang Mu to safely let his brother and sister fight on behalf of the Soaring Dragon Federation.

After Jun Feng recovered from the state of enlightenment, he immediately set off to Fang Mu's residence. As soon as he saw Fang Mu, he expressed his gratitude to Fang Mu.

"Xiaomu, my epiphany came suddenly. Thank you for giving me time to complete my epiphany!"

Jun Feng's face showed joy when he spoke. It was obvious that Jun Feng was very satisfied with the mysterious pattern he had just comprehended.

"Uncle Feng, there is nothing to thank you for. You have entered a state of enlightenment and I should wait for you!"

"If you really want to thank me, you will have a chance to thank me soon!"

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