Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 630 Jingyi appears!

Jun Feng was startled when he heard Fang Mu's words. Fang Mu had never been the kind of person to repay kindness.

Even if Fang Mu is really kind to him, Fang Mu doesn't need his gratitude.

What Fang Mu said made Jun Feng realize that his opportunity was probably coming, and that something that Fang Mu could thank him for must be extremely important to him.

Even a steady person like Jun Feng can't suppress his curiosity.

"Xiaomu, I don't know what gave me the opportunity to say thank you? You might as well say it to make me happy!"

When Jun Feng first followed Fang Mu, his words were filled with a strong sense of propriety. This sense of propriety is not a good thing for two people to interact.

A sense of propriety often means unfamiliarity. Now that Jun Feng is talking to Fang Mu like this shows that Jun Feng really regards Fang Mu as one of his own.

In the future, Fang Mu will use a large amount of Scenery Fantasy Jade in the Infinite Tower. Fang Mu will not only give Scenery Fantasy Jade to Jun Feng, Shu Liangjun and other powerful men of the older generation.

Fang Mu himself, Hu Tao, Jiang Tuo and Fang Mu's brothers and sisters all use Jingyi Huanyu.

"Uncle Feng, I wonder if you have ever heard of anything that can help beast control masters understand the mysterious patterns?"

Jun Feng nodded when he heard this. When a beast master reaches a level like Jun Feng's, he is already qualified to access and use 99% of the resources in the world.

It's not that there aren't any treasures like those that can help beast control masters understand the mysterious patterns, but these things are too scarce and some are even unique.

Obtaining this kind of thing depends on luck. Even a powerful person who comes from a wealthy family or a top power may not have the opportunity to use it in his lifetime!

Jun Feng nodded so simply because Han Ming had announced the potion prepared from the extraterritorial carcass at the previous Diyuan gathering.

This potion is said to have the effect of improving the beast master's perception of mysterious patterns.

At first, Jun Feng thought this was a great innovation for human civilization, but after Ning Hongshao prepared the potion according to the plan, Jun Feng actually used the potion.

It is certain that this potion can only be regarded as a gimmick.

Firstly, it costs a lot to prepare it, and secondly, the effect of this potion is not obvious.

Han Ming launched it just to enhance his reputation.

If this potion is really effective, Han Ming will not disclose the formula at all, but will sell the ready-made potion little by little to gather supplies.

However, Han Ming's discovery has a certain effect, and Jun Feng cannot completely obliterate Han Ming's research results.

Although Jun Feng was loyal to Qi Xing, the Saint Founder, he also had respect for the two founding masters, Fairy Yongle and Han Ming.

"Xiaomu, you should also have heard about the potion prepared by Han Ming through research on extraterritorial carcasses."

"I have used this potion before, but its efficacy is a bit useless."

"I don't think other masters of creation would put their minds on the preparation of this potion after the experiment."

"I'm afraid even Han Ming won't regard the research on this potion as the main work of the Federation of All Nations."

Fang Mu smiled when he heard this.

Fang Mu has never used the medicine Jun Feng mentioned. If Fang Mu had to make Fang Mu himself, he wouldn't be able to prepare it.

Fang Mu did not have the habit of stepping on others, so when Jun Feng said that this medicine was not effective, Fang Mu did not agree to Jun Feng's words to improve himself.

Fang Mu just took out a Jingyi Fantasy Jade that had been condensed not long after he sucked it, and gave it to Jun Feng.

In addition to being engraved with the scene, this scenic fantasy jade is also engraved with the energy fluctuations that emit from Jun Feng's body when he comprehends a specific mysterious pattern.

Jun Feng took the Jing Yi Huan Jade from Fang Mu and after a moment of inspection, a look of shock appeared on his face.

Jun Feng looked at Fang Mu with a horrified expression. After understanding the effect of Jingyi Huanyu, Jun Feng immediately understood the value of Jingyi Huanyu.

Just a Jade Fantasy Jade can not only help the beast control master to understand the mysterious patterns, but also can help the beast control master to understand the same mysterious patterns and condense high-level profound seals!

"Xiaomu, I would like to ask if this crystal can be mass-produced!?"

Fang Mu shook his head when he heard this.

"Uncle Feng, you should have felt that this thing called Jingyi Huanyu is customized according to your personal feelings."

"It is extremely difficult to mass-produce customized items. Although it cannot be mass-produced, there is still no problem in condensing one or two pieces for you every month!"

Jun Feng was in a state of shock for a long time after hearing this.

Two landscape jade pieces a month, that’s more than twenty pieces a year!

Jun Feng felt that as long as nothing unexpected happened, with his own perception, he would be able to condense one mysterious pattern every time he used four to five Jingyi Magical Jade.

This is still under bad luck.

If you are lucky, you can get something from every two or three Jade Scenery!

With the help of this thing called Jingyi Fantasy Jade, it is just around the corner to condense mystical body!

Jun Feng has never been so confident in condensing mystical bodies as he is now!

After being shocked and surprised, Jun Feng was able to realize that in addition to the benefits, Jingyi Huanyu also brought great danger to Fang Mu.

"Xiaomu, I am very grateful that you are willing to provide me with a treasure like Jingyi Huanyu, but I think I need to remind you."

"Jingyi Huanyu must not be exposed to others easily!"

"In the major federations, it is true that humans dominate everything, but those forces that have been inherited for thousands or even tens of thousands of years are hard to guarantee that they are hiding some tricks."

"It's never a good thing to be remembered!"

In his contact with Jun Feng, Fang Mu knew that Jun Feng was not an extremely cautious person.

Jun Feng will now raise this point enough to alert Fang Mu.

Fang Mu actually knew the value of Jingyi Fantasy Jade from the beginning, otherwise Fang Mu would not have taken out Jingyi Fantasy Jade until now when he had obtained a powerful person from the divine realm as his backer.

Fang Mu controlled Jun Feng's soul through the Contracted Soul Ant Queen and the Infinite Silver Silkworm. This was the core reason why Fang Mu would reveal the Jade Scenery to Jun Feng.

"Uncle Feng, of course I understand what you are talking about. Master has already warned me."

"Since Uncle Feng also knows that this kind of thing cannot be shown to others, please ask Uncle Feng to keep it a secret for me!"

Jun Feng was very grateful to Fang Mu for trusting him.

"Don't worry, Xiaomu. I know about keeping things a secret for you even if you don't tell me."

"Otherwise, wouldn't I have lived so long in vain!?"

"At the end of this trip, I will go back to the Nine Poison Evil Palace first. When I come back from the Nine Poison Evil Palace, I will be by your side to protect your safety!"

"With the current formation you have created, I am afraid that many organizations are eyeing you. I feel a little uneasy without a strong person at the peak level of Order by your side!"

Fang Mu knew that Jun Feng was not an aimless person, and Jun Feng must be worried when Jun Feng said this.

Fang Mu has always known that besides Diyuan and the Federation of All Nations, there must be some other powerful forces in the human world.

It's just that these forces are not as open as Diyuan and the Federation of Nations, and they will not take protecting the security of the human continent as their responsibility.

The reason why Fang Mu showed Qixing's identity so sharply during this period was to frustrate those who wanted to take advantage of him!

Fang Mu doesn't want to be the target of any force. If any force wants to target him, he must be prepared to be retaliated by him!

Fang Mu has never been afraid of forces on the surface such as the Evil Heart Sect, the Eternal Life Alchemy Society, the Ancient Sprout, and the Witch School.

Compared with these forces on the surface, those forces hidden in the dark made Fang Mu even more afraid.

"Uncle Feng, I'll excuse you. Now that you're awake we can leave!"

Before leaving, Fang Mu informed Lian Dai through the protector's mark, and then notified the Sea Clan waiter responsible for receiving him.

No matter what kind of relationship he had with Lian Dai secretly, he still had to show the etiquette!

Now that Diyuan has almost begun to communicate with the Hai Clan, Lian Dai will tell her the situation and then deliver the king-level extraterritorial body to her.

Fang Mu informed his brothers and sisters, Hu Tao and Jiang Tuo, in advance of the news that he would return to the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Fang Yuan, Fang Qin, and Fang Yan arrived at the mountain manor early to wait for Fang Mu.

The three of them had known Hu Tao before Hu Tao moved in.

Jiang Tuo is the grandson of a spirit forging master under the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce. Fang Yuan has been communicating with Jiang Weng frequently in recent times.

Both Jiang Tuo and Hu Tao are polite and lovable. Fang Yuan, Fang Qin, and Fang Yan all treat Hu Tao and Jiang Tuo as younger siblings.

Jiang Tuo had been feeling depressed before. Jiang Tuo, who had been competing in the second world during this period, swept away the depression in his heart and looked energetic.

After being enlightened by Fang Mu, Hutao no longer cared about the situation in her Battle Network live broadcast room as before, but instead focused on the second world.

Compared with Jiang Tuo and Hu Tao, Fang Yuan, Fang Qin, and Fang Yan encountered great setbacks.

The three of them had a pretty good record in the second world duel at the beginning. Even if they didn't win completely, they won more and lost less. After playing more than a dozen games, they would only lose three or four.

But after reaching the golden rank, the three of them won less and lost more!

Fang Qin played five games and failed to win even one, which completely destroyed his confidence!

Basically, Mo Shang would come to Fang Qin for lunch and dinner every day, no matter how busy he was, and he naturally felt Fang Qin's state.

But Mo Shang didn't know how to comfort Fang Qin.

Fang Qin's beast master has been completely restored after receiving Fang Mu's resources and training, and he has the opportunity to promote the blood of the dragon master beast to the main dragon in the sequence.

The reason why Fang Qin is unable to defeat his opponent now is because Fang Qin's beast master's star level is one level lower than that of top geniuses of the same age.

Even though there are boundless silver silkworms that can control the beasts at all levels, other people's beast control can reach the tenth level of the same level, but Fang Qin's beast control can only reach the first level of the same level!

Once Fang Qin's beastmaster star level increases, his combat power will be greatly increased.

The improvement of the beast master's star level takes time to accumulate. Fortunately, Fang Qin's current beast master level has reached the peak of the three-pointed star, and is only one step away from the four-pointed star beast master.

Before taking the place of the Soaring Dragon Federation in the selection process for the Eastern Division between the ages of 20 and 30, it is no surprise that they can be promoted to four-pointed star beast masters!

Fang Yuan, Fang Yan and Fang Qin suffered similar setbacks, and the three of them had similar problems in the second world.

Transformation can only be achieved through continuous accumulation!

Fang Qin peeled two apples for Hu Tao and Jiang Tuo and handed them to their hands, with a smile on his face.

Fang Qin has always felt that Fang Mu has been a bit lonely since he was a child. Fang Mu is very happy to have two partners, Fang Qin, who can make progress together.

Shu Liangjun sent Kongzhi Luoman to teleport. Fang Mu and others only made a short transfer in the middle to facilitate Jun Feng's return to the Nine Poison Evil Palace, and then directly arrived at the mountain manor.

Fang Mu spent a long time going out this time. Fang Mu hasn't seen his family for a while.

At the dining table, Fang Mu first asked Hu Tao and Jiang Tuo about their homework, and then started chatting with everyone.

After dinner, Fang Mu and Fang Yuan came to a quiet room. Fang Mu poured a cup of tea for Fang Yuan and asked Fang Yuan with a smile.

"Second brother, how do you feel about meeting the founder of the Federation of All Nations this time?"

Because Fang Yuan was very nervous during this meeting, and it often takes courage to step up to the stage.

In particular, Fang Yuan had to face a master of creation.

The Grandmaster who was created in Fangyuan's world has always been the top figure in the human world.

But when he actually met Zhuang Herui, Zhuang Herui's attitude towards Fang Yuan was very cordial and he didn't give Fang Yuan a chance to be nervous at all.

"Xiaomu went to see this creation master this time. This creation master has a very good attitude towards me. I completely borrowed your light!"

"If it weren't for you, this Grandmaster wouldn't be so friendly to me."

Fang Yuan had just entered the society from school and started working as a golden glove of the Duobao Chamber of Commerce. It can be said that he has seen all kinds of people.

At that time, even a low-level builder could boss Fang Yuanyi around, let alone the great builder he was now in contact with!

Fang Mu smiled when he heard Fang Yuan's words.

Fang Mu agreed that Fang Yuan came to the stage not to let Fang Yuan suffer injustice. If Fang Mu had not been sure to guarantee Fang Yuan's dignity, he would not have let Fang Yuan meet with Zhuang Herui.

Fang Mu encouraged Fang Yuan to come to the stage to gild Fang Yuan and let Fang Yuan's reputation spread among the top forces of mankind like his own.

"Second brother, since you have decided to come to the stage, you will have no chance of contacting big people in the future."

"You just need to treat them with a normal heart."

Fang Yuan nodded when he heard this. Fang Yuan had already heard that Fang Mu's master was not an ordinary master of creation, but a holy master of creation.

It was Fang Mu's identity that gave Fang Yuan the confidence.

Otherwise, even if Fang Yuan sometimes wants to be tough, he is still afraid of causing trouble to Fang Mu.

"Mr. Xiaomuzhuang took away a total of five hundred trapped spirit boxes. After trading these trapped spirit boxes, I found that there was not much left in the inventory of trapped spirit boxes."

"I asked Jiang Weng to stop making spiritual weapons and instead focus on producing sleepy spirit boxes."

"The benefits these trapped spirit boxes have brought to us are far greater than the spiritual weapons."

Fang Mu said with a smile when he heard this.

"Second brother, just watch and make arrangements. You are the strongest among the four of us siblings in terms of power management."

"Let's discuss the development of the Construction Wood Chamber of Commerce in the second world next!" (End of Chapter)

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