Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 631 Seventeen Tears of Prayer to Heaven!

Fang Mu gave Fang Yuan full authority to manage the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, and let Fang Yuan intervene in matters related to Jianmu's visualization, and even the management of some boundless towers.

Not only because Fang Yuan is Fang Mu's brother, Fang Mu will indeed help his family, but he will not be nepotistic.

Fang Mu places great importance on Fang Yuan because Fang Yuan does have extremely strong abilities, allowing Fang Yuan to manage everything he is responsible for.

Fang Mu was pleased and fortunate for Fang Yuan's management ability.

If it weren't for Fang Yuan's strong management ability, the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce would not have been able to develop so quickly.

It would be impossible for Fang Mu to be as trusting as he was to Fang Yuan.

Fang Mu's power has grown so fast, and Fang Yuan can be said to have given Fang Mu a lot of help.

Fang Yuan went to the second world as soon as he learned about the opening of the second world. He had a detailed understanding of the situation in the second world and reminded Fang Mu to go to the second world as soon as possible to buy some land and shops.

In addition to Fang Mu hoarding a large amount of high-quality land in the Central Holy City and the four major cities in the southeast and northwest, Fang Yuan also invested with the resources of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

Shops and land were purchased in many places in the big city representing the Dragon Federation.

In the second world, Fang Yuan still regards the Longteng Federation as the soil for the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce to take root, and Fang Mu fully agrees with Fang Yuan's investment.

In just over ten days, the prices of land and shops in the Second World have increased by at least 30%.

Fang Yuan can now make a lot of money by selling the acquired land.

However, what Fang Mu wants to discuss with Fang Yuan right now is not these small plots of land, but the subsequent development of a few plots of land and shops in the four major cities in the southeast, northwest, and central holy city.

Lu Xiaoyin was sent to Tidal Bay by Fang Mu and no longer stayed with Fang Mu as his personal butler.

But the connection between Fang Mu and Lu Xiaoyin has never been broken.

In addition to supervising Changlefang's development of Tidal Bay, Lu Xiaoyin is also providing services to Fang Mu.

Lu Xiaoyin reported all the information about the land and shops collected in the second world to Fang Mu through Xu Yulan Die.

For example, the land and shops that Fang Mu bought in the four major cities and the holy city have been sold out in the second world, becoming valuable but unmarketable things.

Some big forces that didn't catch the opportunity offered more than three times the price for acquisitions, but they didn't get any response from any force.

People who can afford to buy these shops and land in advance do not care about money at all, and will not be short-sighted and use these land and shops to make money and then exit immediately.

Secondly, the prices of these shops and land will rise again in a short period of time. Even if there is an urgent need to withdraw funds, there is no need to rush.

Fang Mu secretly thought that he had really made a profit by decisively acquiring these lands and shops!

Fang Mu purchased the highest quality areas. In each of the four big cities in the east, west, south and north, he bought four pieces of land and two shops connected together.

I bought a little more in the Central Holy City, buying five pieces of land and three shops in total.

Now it’s time to make use of these land and shops!

Fang Yuan knew about the property Fang Mu purchased in the second world. The second world was in a stage of rapid development, and the land and shops purchased by Fang Mu were destined not to be sold.

The earlier these stores and land are built, the more value they can bring into play.

"Xiaomu, I have been thinking about how to develop the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce so that the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce can transcend the Soaring Dragon Federation."

"I never had a clue about it."

"Although using trapped spirit boxes can quickly build the reputation of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, there are not many forces that have the ability to trade trapped spirit boxes."

"The value of the trapped spirit box is higher than that of ordinary spiritual weapons. Except for those powerful individuals, it is difficult for individuals to pay for the trapped spirit box."

"The Second World has given the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce the opportunity to develop beyond the Soaring Dragon Federation!"

Fang Mu smiled when he heard this. The opening of the second world can indeed be a great benefit to the human world.

"Since the Second Brother Jianmu Chamber of Commerce has taken this opportunity to transcend the Soaring Dragon Federation, we might as well develop the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce into a powerful chamber of commerce in the second world that will be known to all forces."

Fang Yuan pondered for a moment before speaking.

"It should be quite difficult for Xiaomu to reach the point you mentioned. All the major forces are working hard to develop in the second world."

Fang Yuan has always been very cautious. Even if the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce develops smoothly, it is impossible to feel a trace of arrogance in Fang Yuan.

Fang Mu said with a smile.

"Second brother has many ways to make the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce famous. These methods are difficult for other forces to achieve, but it is not difficult for us."

"I have prepared two pieces of land in the core area and a shop for you in the four major cities and the holy city in the second world. I am afraid that no other chamber of commerce in the entire world can be so generous."

Fang Yuan was startled when he heard Fang Mu's words, and then spoke.

"Xiaomu, if we follow what you said, the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce can indeed become famous all over the world in one fell swoop!"

In a sense, Fang Mu's behavior is equivalent to activating "money power". The most important thing for a chamber of commerce is cash flow.

No chamber of commerce would sacrifice cash flow to create such a spectacle in the second world!

Fang Yuan did not refuse Fang Mu's offer. Fang Mu's offer to the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce was tantamount to consolidating the resources of the Fang clan.

Fang Yuan has never regarded himself as the actual manager of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, but has always regarded himself as Fang Mu's steward, helping Fang Mu manage these foundations.

Fang Yuan has always felt insecure in his heart. Fang Yuan is afraid that one day Qixing will blame Fang Mu for giving so many resources to his family.

If such a situation really occurs, Fang Yuan will continue to develop the Jian Mu Chamber of Commerce, so that Fang Mu can return the resources invested in the Jian Mu Chamber of Commerce to Qixing.

This can be regarded as giving Fang Mu no worries.

"Second brother only needs to pay a building fee at the service center to create a territory in the second world and ask a few outstanding master craftsmen to design it."

The second world is a virtual world, and there is no need to spend any materials to create a territory on the land of the second world.

However, if you want to show your style, you need to put a lot of thought into the design.

Even if they acquire the land with the best location, if the design is unsatisfactory, it will appear that the Construction and Timber Chamber of Commerce is very rustic.

"Xiaomu, our Wood Building Chamber of Commerce has been cooperating with Cornerstone Construction. You have seen the design capabilities and level of the master craftsmen of Cornerstone Construction before."

"It's better to leave it to them to continue the design!"

Fang Mu nodded when he heard the words. Fang Mu recommended Fang Yuan to Cornerstone Construction. Fang Mu chose to cooperate with Cornerstone Construction partly because Fang Mu had a good relationship with Lu Yuyu, but this was not the main reason.

Fangmu chose Cornerstone Construction to build the headquarters of the Construction Timber Chamber of Commerce because Fangmu liked the architectural style of the master craftsmen of Cornerstone Construction very much.

Being able to become a master craftsman is very powerful in terms of business ability.

Master craftsmen have completely different architectural styles and are equally matched.

Cornerstone Construction has always had a good sense of proportion in its cooperation with the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce. Cornerstone Construction clearly understands what it means to help the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce build headquarters and branches in the four major cities and holy cities of the second world.

This is also the cornerstone of an opportunity to build a famous human federation.

Fang Mu believes that Cornerstone Construction will definitely seize the opportunity!

"Second brother, you can make your own decisions on these matters. It will also be up to you to contact Cornerstone Construction."

"In short, the future Construction Timber Chamber of Commerce will still focus on hoarding resources as its main development direction."

"Second brother, I will give you a batch of high-level builder resources soon. You can use these builder resources to expand your network."

"From now on, you will be the one to personally preside over the transactions between the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce and other forces!"

"I will have a Grand Master of Creation by your side. You can give orders to him if necessary."

After much deliberation, Fang Mu decided to let Zhang Yue follow Fang Yuan.

Fang Mu initially planned to introduce Hu Tao and Jiang Tuo to Zhang Yue, so that Hu Tao and Jiang Tuo would become Zhang Yue's disciples.

But Zhang Yue had just eliminated the disciple Chen Tong who had betrayed him, and had no intention of accepting any more disciples in a short period of time.

Fang Mu naturally wanted to respect Zhang Yue's personal wishes, so Fang Mu did not force Zhang Yue.

Fang Yuan needs someone to teach him. Zhang Yue can train Fang Yuan to the best of his ability even if he doesn't serve as Fang Yuan's master.

There is a creative master who follows Fang Yuan to give him the answers, so that Fang Yuan can be more confident in everything he does.

Because of the education he received since childhood and the hardships he suffered in his early years, Fang Yuan was more or less unsure of himself when doing things.

What Fang Mu wants to do is to make Fang Yuan completely confident!

The two brothers Fang Mu and Fang Yuan have supported the small world of the Fang family, and Fang Qin and Fang Yan no longer need to worry about family affairs.

Fang Yuan had a shocked expression on his face when he heard this.

Fang Mu just assigned a creative master to himself. This is a creative master!

Fang Yuan never thought that one day he would be able to give orders to the founding master.

But when he thought that Fang Mu was a disciple of the Holy Builder, Fang Yuan felt that all this was not so incomprehensible!

In order to improve their own level of builders, those master builders will try their best to gather around the saint builders, hoping to get some promotion opportunities from the saint builders.

"Good Xiaomu, I will do my best to do everything I take over."

"I can't help you with your matter, but you have to remember that your own safety is the top priority in everything, and don't push yourself too hard!"

"Your eldest sister, Xiaoyan, and I hope that you will be safe and go well more than you will succeed!"

When Fang Mu heard this, a warm smile appeared on his face. Perhaps only in front of his family could Fang Mu smile so reassuringly.

Fang Yuan suddenly thought of something and took out an antler-like thing from the space equipment and placed it in front of Fang Mu.

"Xiaomu, this is something that a beast-controlling force found me five days ago and asked me to give it to you. He said that he had already communicated with you about it."

Fang Mu felt the aura of the Canglu clan from the antlers. He thought that this thing should be a space equipment made from the antlers of the Bamboo Green Canglu clan.

The antlers contain the tears of praying to heaven!

Fang Mu took the antlers to investigate and found that there were a total of seventeen drops of tears inside.

The Bamboo Green Deer lineage really wants to cooperate with him and help the Zhucui Green Deer lineage to reproduce a large number of descendants through himself.

This is basically the same as the appeal of the White Snake clan.

For this request, the Zhucui Canglu lineage will definitely do their best when working for Fang Mu. I think that obtaining seventeen Tears of Praying to Heaven from the Qitian Canglu lineage is already the limit of the Zhucui Canglu lineage. .

Seventeen Tears of Praying to Heaven are enough for Fang Mu.

Fang Mu took out three Tears of Praying to Heaven and handed them to Fang Yuan's hands.

Tears of Prayer is a bright yellow crystal with a water-like blue light and shadow on it. It is much more beautiful than most gems!

If it were not so precious and highly effective for beast masters, Tears of Praying to Heaven would actually be very suitable for making jewelry.

"Second brother, give the other two to the eldest sister and third sister, and let them use their soul power to refine this thing when their spirit and soul power are full. This can help their soul power be improved."

"After the soul is upgraded, there is a certain probability that you can contract one more ghost-type beast, and you can guarantee one more ghost weapon!"

Fang Yuan does not have the ability to access high-end materials such as Tears of Praying to Heaven, and he does not know what Tears of Praying to Heaven are.

However, through the efficacy mentioned by Fang Mu, Fang Yuan immediately understood the preciousness of Tears of Prayer to Heaven.

Now Fang Yuan no longer refuses as he did before when receiving supplies from Fang Mu.

Now Fang Yuan only wants to improve himself as soon as possible when accepting Fang Mu's supplies, so that he can become stronger and be able to help Fang Mu!

After Fang Yuan left, Fang Mu contacted Lu Ke through Xuyu Landie. Lu Ke contacted Fang Mu after coming to Longteng Federation, saying that he would wait until Fang Mu returned to Longteng Federation to meet Fang Mu.

Fang Mu did not refuse Lu Ke's request, and Fang Mu just had time to meet with Lu Ke.

Lu Ke has been staying in JA City with Lu Sheng, the leader of the Zhucuicanglu lineage. As a royal beast, it is actually very inconvenient to stay in the human federation, but Lu Sheng has been patiently staying with Lu Ke. waiting.

During this period, Lu Sheng personally inquired about some information about Fang Mu in the Longteng Federation. After inquiring, Lu Sheng clarified the identity of Fang Mu Sheng's founder disciple.

If Fang Mu's identity had not been confirmed in person, Lu Sheng would have always been afraid that Lu Ke had been deceived.

Being deceived out of seventeen Tears of Praying to Heaven is nothing. The Canglu clan has a strong foundation, but this will make the Canglu clan the laughing stock of all the beast-controlling forces.

The Canglu clan still wants to lose face!

Originally, Lu Ke was more concerned about the cooperation with Fang Mu, but after Lu Sheng learned about Fang Mu's identity, Lu Sheng became more concerned about this cooperation with Fang Mu.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the Zhucuicanglu lineage, which is a beast-controlling force, to cooperate with the human Saint Founder. (End of chapter)

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