Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 633 Thousands of green bamboos!

Fang Yuan will not be too humble in his dealings with any force.

Being too humble when you have a lot of energy on your side will only have the opposite effect.

Especially in the process of cooperation, the partner always hopes that his partner will have an attitude that matches his identity!

Of course, Fang Yuan would never be too arrogant because of Fang Mu's strength. Among the chambers of commerce in the Longteng Federation, the reputation of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce was already comparable to those of the old chambers of commerce.

Jun Feng saw that Fang Mu had listened to what he said and a smile appeared on his face.

Jun Feng and Ning Hongshao never had children, and because of Fang Mu, she no longer had to worry about Shou Yuan.

If Fang Mu can help him extend his life, he can certainly help Ning Hongshao extend his life.

In his long life, Jun Feng suddenly had the idea of ​​having a child with Ning Hongshao.

After careful training by himself and Ning Hongshao, Jun Feng did not expect his children to be as outstanding as Fang Mu, he only wanted his children to be half as good as Fang Mu!

Under the training of himself, the pinnacle of order, and Ning Hongshao, the creative master, his children will definitely be able to stand out from their peers!

Fang Mu didn't know that Jun Feng's thoughts at this time were already focused on reproduction. Fang Mu was thinking seriously for a while about how he should negotiate terms with the Zhucuicanglu lineage.

Fang Mu has already learned his lesson from the White Snake clan, and Fang Mu will definitely not let himself fall into the same problem twice in a row!

After Lu Ke and Lu Sheng arrived at the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, Liu Er took them to the reception room where Fang Mu was.

Lu Ke and Lu Sheng acted quite cautiously. This restraint was not because Lu Sheng and Lu Ke were afraid of Fang Mu, but because they were worried about the future of the Zhucuicanglu lineage.

Once the two sides fail to reach an agreement this time, there will probably be no chance for further talks in the future.

Under the leadership of Liu Er, Lu Ke and Lu Sheng met Fang Mu. Lu Ke bowed to Fang Mu and then stood aside.

Today's negotiation with Fang Mu will mainly be conducted by Lu Sheng, the patriarch of the Zhucuicanglu lineage.

Lu Sheng felt the aura emanating from Jun Feng. He was a strong man with the same strength as himself.

Lu Ke first nodded to Jun Feng, then took out an emerald green bamboo branch and handed it to Fang Mu.

The whole body of the bamboo branches looked like they were carved from jasper, and they swayed gently, exuding the refreshing fragrance of bamboo.

Jun Feng glanced at Lu Sheng when he saw this bamboo branch. Ten Thousand Green Bamboo, a plant unique to the Zhu Cui Green Deer lineage, only grows in the bamboo forest in the territory of the Zhu Cui Green Deer lineage.

The bamboo leaves of the Evergreen Green Bamboo have the effect of breaking the curse and enhancing the evolutionary potential of plant beasts. It was unknown how many human beings and beast-controlling forces wanted to join the Bamboo Green Deer lineage to obtain the Evergreen Green Bamboo.

It was fine that the Bamboo Green Green Deer lineage did not agree to the demands of the human forces, but the Bamboo Green Green Deer lineage also did not agree to the requests of those beast-controlling forces.

Only a few ethnic groups who have been friends with the Zhucuicanglu lineage for generations have obtained the green bamboo.

This gives the evergreen green bamboo a meaning that symbolizes the friendship of the bamboo and green deer lineage.

Fang Mu was not as clear about the meaning of the green bamboo as Jun Feng was. He had already seen the effect of the green bamboo through the [Eye of All Knowledge].

Because Fang Mu contracted a domain-type Taming Beast in Eden Gensokyo, he indirectly contracted multiple plant-type Taming Beasts under the effect of the exclusive characteristic [Above the Green Field].

This green bamboo has a great effect on the plant-like beasts of Fang Mu.

Lu Sheng guessed that Fang Mu, a junior, didn't know the meaning of the green bamboo, so Lu Sheng explained it when he handed the bamboo to Fang Mu.

"This Ten Thousand Green Cang Bamboo was born from the bloodline of our Canglu Clan. It only grows in the territory that our Canglu Canglu lineage has inherited for thousands of years. It absorbs the bones and blood of the ancestors of the Canglu Clan. It is our Bamboo Canglu Clan's bloodline. The mascot of the deer lineage!”

"Previously, only those beast-controlling forces that had been friends with the Bamboo Green Deer lineage for generations were able to obtain the Ten Thousand Green Bamboo from our hands."

"I think this Ten Thousand Green Bamboos can represent the sincerity of our Bamboo Green Deer lineage!"

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows when he heard this, raised his hand and took the green bamboo very naturally.

"When you, the Bamboo Green Deer, handed me the seventeen Tears of Praying to Heaven, I had already seen the sincerity of your Bamboo Green Deer."

"But you just said that these green bamboos have more symbolic meaning."

"I think when you, the Canglu Clan, are cooperating with us, you definitely don't want us to just bring out a symbolic thing to flaunt our friendship with the Canglu Clan!"

"I think the Canglu clan should be the same as us, they all prefer those practical things!"

If those picky people heard Fang Mu's words, they would think that Fang Mu was contemptuous of the green bamboos that represented the friendship of the Zhucui Green Deer lineage.

Even Lu Ke had similar thoughts in his mind.

However, as the leader of the Zhucuicanglu clan, Lu Sheng not only did not feel dissatisfied with this, but was extremely happy in his heart.

It can be said that what Lu Sheng hopes most is that Fang Mu has a practical character.

Fang Mu was in an absolutely high profile from the beginning. It was Fang Mu who caught Lu Ke and took him under his command, forcing Lu Ke to achieve his goal.

I have already given the Tears of Prayer to Heaven to the young man in front of me, and I have obtained seventeen Tears of Prayer for Heaven, which is enough for the core members of a force to use.

If Fang Mu doesn't like the cooperation with the Zhucuicanglu lineage and shows an indifferent attitude of contempt, the real loss will be to the Zhucuicanglu lineage.

The Bamboo Green Deer lineage is trying to cooperate with humans. If this incident itself spreads to the world of beast control, it will have a big impact on the Bamboo Green Deer lineage.

"Your Excellency Jianmu, what you said is exactly what I think!"

"We, the Zhucui Canglu family, very much hope to have a meaningful cooperation with each other. Our only request is that you can strengthen our Zhucui Canglu family!"

Fang Mu smiled when he heard this. Lu Sheng, the leader of the Zhucuicanglu lineage, was very wise! Fang Mu likes to cooperate with such smart people.

If Lu Sheng had talked about the significance of cooperation between the two parties in a high-sounding way from the very beginning, Fang Mu would probably have stopped paying attention to Lu Sheng!

"The appeal of your Bamboo Green Deer lineage sounds simple, but what you really need is nothing more than high-purity life potions and wood element potions, and the purity of the potions you request has reached the level of a human creation master."

"Resources of this level are probably not easy to trade with any human force. Humans also need these resources."

Fang Mu's words dimmed the light in Lu Sheng's eyes. Fang Mu's words sounded to Lu Sheng's ears because Fang Mu didn't want to use too many builder resources in the process of cooperating and trading with the Zhucuicanglu lineage.

If this is the case, the transaction between the Zhucuicanglu lineage and Fangmu will be meaningless.

Lu Sheng couldn't help but flinch in his heart. If he couldn't strengthen the Zhucui Green Deer lineage and solve the population problem of the Zhucui Green Deer lineage.

There is no need for him to let the Zhucuicanglu lineage cooperate with Fang Mu anymore!

Just when Lu Sheng's desire to withdraw became stronger and stronger, Fang Mu changed his subject.

"Our cooperation with the Zhucuicanglu lineage has already made a promise to Lu Ke. Breaking a promise and getting fat is not a good quality!"

"Even if the founder resources are equally important to us humans, I am willing to give the corresponding resources to your Zhucuicanglu lineage."

"I just don't know what kind of rewards your Zhucuicanglu lineage can bring me?"

"Whether our cooperation can be achieved depends on the attitude of your Zhucuicanglu lineage!"

Fang Mu knew very well how eager the Zhucui Green Deer lineage was to grow the group. What Fang Mu had just done was actually to manipulate the Zhucui Green Deer lineage so that the Zhucui Green Deer lineage could produce as much as possible. chips.

Fang Mu's manipulation was very effective. Lu Sheng's expression and Chen Ning's expression were clearly thinking about what Fang Mu had just said.

At the same time, he also estimated in his mind what the Zhucuicanglu lineage would have to pay in order to satisfy Fang Mu!

Lu Sheng had expectations in his heart before coming, but now Lu Sheng directly threw out all the expectations in his heart.

"Sir Jianmu, as long as you can allow our Zhucuicang Deer lineage to have thirty more newborns every year, our Zhucuicang Deer lineage is willing to form an offensive and defensive alliance with Lord Qixing."

"From now on, if Your Excellency Qixing is threatened by any force, our Zhucuicanglu lineage will be obliged to come to help!"

"Even if you are in conflict with other beast-controlling forces, we, the Canglu clan, can secretly help Lord Qixing!"

"In terms of resources, our Canglu clan can promise to help you collect Tears of Prayer to Heaven as much as possible."

"It's just that it takes time for the Canglu Clan of Praying to Heaven to produce Tears of Praying to Heaven. I hope you can understand the speed with which we obtain Tears of Praying to Heaven!"

Speaking of this, Lu Sheng paused and released his biggest bargaining chip.

"Our Bamboo Green Deer lineage has been hoarding supplies for tens of thousands of years. Only those resources that fit the Bamboo Green Deer lineage have been used by our Bamboo Green Deer lineage."

"Only a small part of the other resources have been used to replace supplies, and the vast majority of the resources have been hoarded by the Canglu clan!"

"After these hoarded resources form an offensive and defensive alliance with you, you can exchange them for the materials accumulated by our Canglu clan at a very low price!"

Compared with humans, the biggest advantage of beast-controlling forces lies in the accumulation of resources by beast-controlling forces.

The inheritance of the beast-controlling forces is much longer than that of the current human forces. Lu Sheng believes that the condition he gave will definitely impress Qixing!

Jianmu, a junior, simply cannot make a decision in the cooperation with the Zhucuicanglu lineage. The real decision-making power still belongs to Qixing, the Saint Founder.

Qixing must know what the conditions given by him mean.

Lu Sheng thought that after hearing what he said, Fang Mu would first inform Qixing of his decision, and wait for Qixing's reply before negotiating with him.

Unexpectedly, Fang Mu shook his head directly.

"What you said really demonstrates your sincerity, but we don't want our cooperation to remain superficial."

"The ambition of your Zhucuicanglu lineage really disappoints me."

"What your Zhucuicanglu lineage is pursuing in your cooperation with us is actually just thirty more newborns every year. We don't like forces without ambition!"

"The increase of thirty newborns every year is not enough for the Bamboo Green Deer lineage to grow rapidly."

"I hope that you, the Zhucuicanglu people, can broaden your horizons and look directly at your own ambitions before communicating with me."

"Have you, the Zhucui Canglu clan, never had the idea of ​​controlling the entire Canglu clan?"

"With the increasing number of members of your Zhucuicanglu clan, it doesn't seem difficult to do this, right?"

Lu Sheng was confused by the first half of Fang Mu's words, thinking that Fang Mu was flirting with him because he didn't want to cooperate with him.

He had already stated the conditions so well, but Fang Mu actually said that he was disappointed with the Zhucuicanglu lineage!

But after hearing what Fang Mu said behind him, Lu Sheng was suddenly startled, and then thoughts surged in his heart.

How could the Zhucui Canglu lineage have no ambitions? It’s just that for thousands of years, the entire four lines of the Canglu lineage have been managed by the Qitian Canglu lineage.

Firstly, it is because the ability of Qitian Canglu Clan is indeed stronger than the other three lines of Canglu Clan. Secondly, it is also related to the lack of strength of the other three lines of Canglu Clan.

If the other three lines of the Canglu clan are strong enough to suppress the Canglu lineage of Qitian, then the lineage that can suppress the Canglu lineage of Qitian can logically lead the Canglu clan.

It's just that this kind of ambition Lu Sheng certainly can't be easily revealed to others.

Especially at the moment, there is no bond between the Zhucuicanglu lineage and Fang Mu.

In order for the Zhucui Canglu lineage to develop enough to rule the entire Canglu clan, the annual increase in the number of Zhucui Canglu clan members must reach at least two hundred.

And we also need to obtain the resources needed for the growth of these new bamboo green deers. Such a consumption of deer life is really unimaginable!

Could it be that the young man in front of him said this because Qixing wanted to support the Canglu clan?

If this is the case, it is indeed a blessing for the Bamboo Green Deer lineage!

If Fang Mu could really do this for the Zhucui Canglu lineage, the Zhucui Canglu lineage would have no bottom line in front of Fang Mu.

Lu Sheng said excitedly.

"How can I, who is of the Zhucuicanglu lineage, have no ambition?"

"If you can help the Zhucui Canglu lineage to rule the entire Canglu clan, I, the Zhucui Canglu lineage, are willing to do anything for you!"

"All your requests can be fulfilled without any hesitation by me, the Zhucuicanglu lineage!"

Fang Mu could feel Lu Sheng's determination from Lu Sheng's words, but determination alone was not enough for the two parties to cooperate.

"If I, the head of the Lu Sheng clan, can help the Zhucui Canglu clan to rule the entire Canglu clan, and from then on, the Canglu clan will continue to grow and improve their status in the entire beast-controlling force."

"I wonder how you, the Bamboo Green Deer lineage, will show your loyalty to me?"

"I don't want us to work so hard to support your Zhucuicang Deer lineage, only to end up with your Zhucuicang Deer lineage being stabbed!"

"We have not only cooperated with your Canglu clan, but also from our cooperation with other beast-controlling forces, we have fully realized how unethical your beast-controlling forces are!"

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