Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 634 The changes in the Shadow of the Fool!

Fang Mu's words were extremely powerful and were aimed at the entire beast-controlling force.

Lu Sheng listened and did not refute Fang Mu, because Lu Sheng knew that Fang Mu's words were indeed true.

Many beast control forces behave very despicably in their cooperation with humans. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are thrown away after use!

This makes fewer and fewer human forces willing to cooperate with beast-controlling forces, unless both parties can obtain a large amount of short-term benefits from the cooperation.

Fang Mu has suffered a loss in his cooperation with the beast control forces, so he will inevitably become more cautious.

Fang Mu's words were equivalent to a promise to the Zhucui Canglu lineage that he could help the Zhucui Canglu lineage control the entire Canglu clan.

And it can also improve the status of the Canglu clan among the beast-controlling forces.

If someone else made a promise to him, Lu Sheng would never believe it.

But these words from Fang Mu's mouth are equivalent to the promise made by the creator of the holy truth to himself!

What he had to do now was to show Fang Mu the loyalty of the Canglu clan.

Lu Sheng thought about it for a long time and didn't know what kind of promise he should make. Lu Sheng simply gritted his teeth and said.

"Your Excellency Jianmu, I, Zhucuicanglu, are full of sincerity, but I don't know what to say to satisfy Lord Qixing!

"As Lord Qi Xing's disciple, I hope you can give me some advice for our Bamboo Green Deer lineage!"

"Both of us have reached this point in our conversation. I think you should feel the sincerity of our Zhucuicanglu lineage!"

"We in the Zhucuicanglu lineage are willing to pay any price to gain Lord Qixing's trust!"

Fang Mu heard this and tapped his fingers on the table several times.

"Since the newborns of your Zhucuicanglu lineage were all born with our help, why not let us control every newborn born with our help."

"With this guarantee, we will naturally become more assured and determined when providing supplies to the Zhucuicanglu family!"

After Fang Mu said this, Lu Sheng had no reaction, but Lu Ke's face became extremely ugly.

Lu Ke has been controlled by Fang Mu, and his life is in Fang Mu's hands.

Lu Ke made some careful attempts. After trying, Lu Ke found that he could not break free from Fang Mu's shackles by any means.

Lu Sheng also knew this.

Although Fang Mu does not want to control the old guys of the Zhucuicang Deer lineage, Fang Mu wants to control all the newborns of the Zhucuicang Deer lineage, which is equivalent to controlling the future of the Zhucuicang Deer lineage!

The Bamboo Green Deer lineage has a long lifespan, but they cannot escape the cycle of life after all.

In this case, the Zhucuicang Deer lineage will sooner or later be controlled by Qixing, and the entire Zhucuicang Deer lineage will lose their freedom.

If the Bamboo Green Deer lineage loses its own will, no matter how strong it becomes, it will still be so strong that it has no soul.

Now Lu Ke cannot go against any of Fang Mu's will.

Lu Ke originally thought that Lu Sheng would refuse directly, but he didn't expect that Lu Sheng not only did not refuse, but instead considered what Fang Mu said.

The Zhucuicanglu lineage had never conducted similar related transactions with human forces before.

As a time traveler, Fang Mu only felt that this model was commonplace. Fang Mu's approach was equivalent to an angel investment in a certain company by a large consortium in his previous life.

As an investor, you naturally need to protect your own interests and have full control over the party that has received angel investment!

Fang Mu considers himself a good angel investor, and he will not let the Zhucuicanglu family do too much for him if he controls the Zhucuicanglu family.

Fang Mu's request for the Zhucuicanglu lineage has just been made clear. Fang Mu did this just to give himself a guarantee.

Prevent the problems that occurred in the transaction with the White Snake Clan from recurring!

Fang Mu will definitely not make a guarantee to Lu Sheng, Fang Mu will let Lu Sheng do his own psychological construction.

After completing the psychological construction, he will 100% lead the Canglu clan to surrender to him!

As long as the Canglu clan is willing to devote themselves to his service, Fang Mu is willing to give the Canglu clan a great future!

Lu Sheng's heart was extremely tangled. Lu Sheng originally thought that Fang Mu cared about the materials collected by the Canglu clan, but he never thought that what Fang Mu really cared about was the Canglu clan themselves!

Fang Mu's request gave Lu Sheng a feeling of being a slave to others.

However, if you think about it carefully, Fang Mu's request is not impossible to agree to.

What Fang Mu wants to control are the newborns who were born with the help of Fang Mu's resources.

If Fang Mu stops investing resources in the Canglu clan one day, he will naturally lose the qualification to control the newborns of the Zhucui Canglu clan.

If the Zhucuicanglu lineage really fell out with Jianmu, the worst outcome would be that the Zhucuicanglu lineage would abandon those newborns who had been cultivated by Fangmu's resources.

The structure of the beast-controlling forces has basically been stabilized. In the current situation, let alone the Zhucui Canglu lineage, it is extremely difficult for the status of the entire Canglu clan to be improved.

Both the Zhucui Canglu lineage and the Canglu clan need a chance to break the situation.

And now is the only possibility that Zhucuicanglu can catch to break the situation!

Lu Sheng seems to have a gentle personality in the clan, but in fact he is extremely decisive in his actions.

Lu Sheng said through gritted teeth.

"Your Excellency Jianmu, if our Zhucuicang Deer lineage is willing to accept your request, what kind of promise can you give us Zhucuicang Deer lineage!?"

Fang Mu said in a decisive and serious tone.

"All the promises I gave were verbal promises, and such promises cannot be counted."

"Instead of asking me to make a promise, you Zhucuicanglu lineage would rather choose to trust our side."

"Our cooperation with the Canglu Clan is no less sincere than your Canglu Clan. The resources we are about to give to the Canglu Clan cannot be faked."

Fang Mu did not make a random promise, but instead made Lu Sheng feel relieved.

Indeed, in this matter, I can only choose to trust Qixing, the human Saint Founder, because the initiative rests entirely with Qixing.

Of course, when Qixing chose to control the Canglu clan, they also trusted the Canglu clan.

"Okay, our Zhucuicanglu lineage agrees to your request, but I don't know when our cooperation will begin?"

"It's better for us to prepare in advance!"

Fang Mu once again gave Lu Sheng a reassurance.

"You, the Bamboo Green Deer lineage, need to prepare, but we have already prepared all the resources here."

"The cooperation between the two parties can be carried out anytime and anywhere when your Zhucuicanglu lineage is ready."

"Your Zhucuicanglu lineage will work out the resources you need and report them to me. I will provide you with the resources, but there will be specialized people to supervise the use of the resources."

"At that time, we hope that your Zhucuicanglu lineage can cooperate with our work and don't cause any misunderstanding between us in terms of supervision!"

Lu Sheng had already agreed to Fang Mu's control over the Canglu clan, so naturally he would not refuse such a request.

Only by fully cooperating with Fang Mu can Fang Mu invest more resources with confidence.

Lu Sheng hoped from the bottom of his heart that the healthy transaction with Fang Mu could continue.

At this rate, within ten years, the Zhucui Canglu clan will be able to take charge of the Canglu clan!

The Canglu Clan has maintained its status for thirty years. Even if it does not rank among the top five in the entire Imperial Beast Court, it will definitely be among the top ten!

"You can rest assured that our Zhucuicanglu lineage will fully cooperate!"

"During the cooperation, it is inevitable that some situations will lead to misunderstandings between the two parties. If you are dissatisfied with our Zhucuicanglu team during the cooperation, we hope that you can inform us immediately!"

After confirming the cooperation with Fang Mu, Lu Sheng took Lu Ke directly back to the clan.

As the clan leader, Lu Sheng is qualified to finalize this cooperation, but in the end, the implementation of this cooperation will still have to go through a formality in the clan's elders' council.

Lu Sheng is a very ambitious leader. Since Lu Sheng became the patriarch of the Zhucui Canglu lineage, the Zhucuicanglu lineage has become Lu Sheng's voice.

But there are still some old guys in the Zhucuicanglu lineage who are not very obedient.

Lu Sheng planned to clean up all these old guys who were not obedient before cooperating with Fang Mu to ensure that the process of cooperating with Fang Mu would be 100% smooth.

Don't let some people target you and affect this cooperation that is of great significance to the Canglu clan!

Jun Feng looked at Fang Mu in amazement after the people from Zhucuicanglu's lineage left.

Jun Feng has always been aware of Fang Mu's extraordinary qualities. Fang Mu can be said to be the absolute leader among the younger generation!

It's just that Jun Feng didn't expect that Fang Mu's ability in negotiation would put many of the older generation of strong men to shame!

Jun Feng believed that even if he negotiated with the Zhucuicanglu lineage, the final result would not be better than the current negotiation effect of Fangmu!

Even if Jun Feng could give so many benefits to the Zhucuicang Deer lineage like Fang Mu, he probably wouldn't dare to ask for control of all the newborns in the Zhucuicang Deer lineage.

As long as this cooperation can proceed smoothly, the Zhucuicanglu lineage will become Fang Mu's personal power!

Qixing suddenly appeared in the world. In addition to the human forces, they were also planning against the beast-controlling forces and the vampires.

Jun Feng always feels that Qixing's purpose is not simple!

However, Jun Feng didn't care about Qixing's purpose and ideas, because Jun Feng was also a member of Qixing at this time.

Given Jun Feng's character, even if Fang Mu didn't control Jun Feng with the Contracted Soul Ant Queen and the Infinite Silver Silkworm, Jun Feng would never do that kind of behavior of betraying his savior.

What's more, Qixing's kindness to him is far from just helping him restore his longevity.

In the future, it is very likely that with the help of Qixing, I will become a true powerhouse in the divine realm!

"Xiaomu, if you are going to send someone to supervise the Canglu clan on your behalf, I suggest that the person you send must have sufficient strength and be accomplished as a builder!"

"You told me about the situation of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce before. You asked Zhang Yue to go to the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce. The founding master who was originally in the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce has lost its meaning."

"It's better to let this master builder go to the Canglu clan."

"I will ask Ah Shao to send several strong men from the Nine Poison Evil Palace to assist this master builder."

"It doesn't matter that the Zhucuicanglu lineage has promised everything very well, but promising and doing are completely different things!"

"Once our supervision here is relaxed, the resources originally provided to the newborns of the Zhucuicang Deer lineage will definitely fall into the hands of the old guys of the Zhucuicang Deer lineage."

"Those old guys from the Bamboo Green Deer lineage will be a huge loss even if they just deduct a few bottles of medicine!"

"The master builder can add a drop of imprinted instruction potion to these potions before distributing them."

"This indicator potion will not destroy the ingredients of the original potion, but it can cause a marking reaction on the person who drinks the potion for a long period of time."

"I think it's necessary to do this!"

"You must know that what you are planning to control are the newborns of the Bamboo Green Deer lineage, not the old guys who are in power in this group of Bamboo Green Canglu Deer lineage!"

Hearing this, Fang Mu took Jun Feng's words to heart.

Fang Mu really doesn't have many available manpower. Fang Mu has been recruiting troops for the Infinite Tower during this period.

In the process of building a force, Fang Mu has always adhered to the concept of focusing on excellence rather than quantity.

Those who were taken into the Infinite Tower by Fang Mu were either peerless geniuses like Mo Shang, creative masters like Ning Hongshao and Zhang Yue, or powerful men like Jun Feng.

Instruction potion, a potion that can only be prepared by the Master Builder, has little market among humans, but it is extremely necessary in transactions with beast-controlling forces!

Lu Zhong, the master of creation, has since taken refuge under his command, and Fang Mu has constantly provided resources for Master Lu Zhong.

Now is the time for Master Lu Zhong to make a contribution for himself!

Master Lu Zhong has a granddaughter. Not long ago, Master Lu Zhong's granddaughter became Yi Han's assistant because of Fang Yan's introduction.

Fang Yan would recommend Master Lu Zhong’s granddaughter to Yi Han because Master Lu Zhong’s granddaughter showed her powerful talent as a builder at a very young age.

Lu Zhong had nothing to worry about since his granddaughter could be introduced to Yi Han, the founding master, as an assistant.

Take Lu Zhong himself as an example. If given a chance, Lu Zhong would be willing to become Yi Han's assistant and learn and progress by Yi Han's side.

Fang Mu asked Lu Zhong to go to the territory of Zhucuicanglu to participate in this mission, which would provide Lu Zhong with enough benefits.

Lu Zhong will be improved in a short period of time with the resources and strength of Fang Mu Betting, which is an opportunity for Lu Zhong.

After Fang Mu asked Fang Yuan to contact Lu Zhong and arrange this task for Lu Zhong, Lu Zhong was willing to follow Fang Mu's instructions to the territory of the Zhucuicanglu lineage.

In the next period of time, Fang Mu only needs to wait for Zhuang Herui to hand over the trapped spirit box to transport the second batch of extraterritorial carcasses for him and for Liandai to arrange for the king-level extraterritorial carcasses to be delivered to him.

Although the quality of Fang Mu's natal beast-controlling Fool's Shadow has not been improved, it is still of legendary quality.

But there have been some subtle changes in the Shadow of the Fool!

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