Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 635 The Emperor of the Dead Realm!

Fang Mu has been blocking the level of the Fool's Shadow, preventing the Fool's Shadow from advancing.

Therefore, the changes in the Shadow of the Fool must be a harbinger of quality improvement!

Fang Mu had not been sure before that whether he had allowed the Shadow of the Fool to absorb the extraterritorial body was of any definite benefit to the Shadow of the Fool.

Fang Mu was afraid that what he was doing was useless.

The current changes in the Shadow of the Fool make all the investment before telling Fang Mu worth it!

The Shadow of the Fool is slowly undergoing transformation.

As long as we continue to absorb these extraterrestrial bodies, the quality of the Shadow of the Fool will be upgraded to mythical quality sooner or later!

Fang Mu stretched comfortably after returning to his room.

During this trip to the Hanyang Empire, Fang Mu obtained a large amount of resources. Fang Mu can already use these resources to cultivate Blue Curse Yucca!

Fang Mu took out the seed pods of the Blue Curse Yucca, because Fang Mu had previously used a large amount of lightning spiritual materials to prepare pure lightning energy, and provided all of this lightning energy to the Blue Curse Yucca seed pods for absorption.

The seed pod of the Blue Curse Yucca breaks open smoothly, and the thousands of dark blue seeds inside are like dandelions. A slight gust of wind can carry the Blue Curse Yucca seeds far away.

In order to prevent these blue-cursed yucca seeds from escaping into the environment and causing losses, Fang Mu spent nearly half a day burying these light blue-cursed yucca seeds in the recovery soil.

A layer of purple magnetoelectric crystal with extremely strong electricity storage function is added above the recovery soil.

This is the preliminary hotbed created by Fang Mu to cultivate the seeds of Blue Curse Yucca.

Fang Mu finally had the resources and time to cultivate these seeds and let them grow!

Before using these spiritual materials containing lightning energy to prepare potions, Fang Mu took out the two purple electric crystal scoops he obtained from Zhao Xun.

The two purple electric crystal scoops happened to be one male and one female. Fang Mu had already started cultivating these two purple electric crystal scoops before going to the Hanyang Empire and arranged the two purple electric crystal scoops in the secret space.

The purple electric crystal scoop has successfully laid a nest of insect eggs under the nourishment of pure spiritual energy.

In order to speed up the hatching of these eggs, Fang Mu specially used spiritual energy with a purity of more than 90% and lightning energy with a purity of 100% to stimulate the nest of eggs in the Purple Electric Crystal Lady.

The clutch of eggs from the Purple Crystal Scoop has hatched successfully.

The newly born purple electric crystal scoop is not as big as Fang Mu's fingernail. Fortunately, the purple electric crystal scoop is an insect-like beast with a very short growth cycle.

It only takes a few months to grow from a larvae to an adult!

If the world that Fang Mu arrived at through the exclusive characteristic of the Shadow of the Fool [Peeping in the Realm] had such a thing as a purple electric crystal scoop.

As the companion creature of the Blue Curse Yucca, the Purple Crystal Scoop will definitely become extremely powerful, and the upper limit will be greatly improved!

Whether two organisms can promote each other in nature can only have an inducing effect. The specific situation depends on the actual contact between the two organisms.

Fang Mu placed the two purple electric crystal scoops on a petri dish planted with blue curse yucca seeds.

The purple electric crystal scoop moved slowly on the purple magnetoelectric crystal spread on the petri dish, and soon discovered the lightning attribute spiritual materials that Fang Mu had placed on the purple magnetoelectric crystal, and began to eat these spiritual materials.

The purple electric crystal scoop uses its body to filter these spiritual materials, and the secretions fall on the purple magnetoelectric crystal and slide off the purple magnetoelectric crystal.

As soon as the excrement of these purple electric crystal scoops landed on the recovery soil, it was immediately absorbed by the seeds of the Blue Curse Yucca.

These Blue Curse Yucca seeds did not show any aggression towards the two Purple Crystal Ladybugs.

In fact, these Blue Curse Yucca seeds already have certain offensive capabilities.

In order to test the offensive nature of these Blue Curse Yucca seeds, Fang Mu had previously placed two white-haired possums on the purple magnetoelectric crystal.

The two white-furred possums were pierced by tentacles extending from the blue-spelled yucca seeds.

If Fang Mu hadn't quickly cleaned up the bodies of the two white-haired possums, the bodies of the white-haired possums would have contaminated the recovery soil where the Blue Curse Yucca seeds were planted.

These blue-cursed yucca seeds currently have no intention of attacking the two purple electric crystal scoops, but Fang Mu cannot be completely assured that he will have to wait for a while.

In case the two purple electric crystal scoops were suddenly attacked by the blue cursed yucca seeds, Fang Mu could save the two purple electric crystal scoops.

In addition to the secretions produced by the purple electric crystal scoop from eating these lightning-attribute spiritual materials, Fang Mu is also using the pure lightning energy prepared by sucking to water the seeds of these blue-cursed yuccas.

It was impossible for Fang Mu to let Sui Sui spend most of his energy on preparing pure thunder and lightning energy just to cultivate the Blue Curse Yucca.

The focus of inhalation should still be on the deployment of life energy and spiritual energy.

When these juvenile Purple Crystal Scoops grow into adults, these Purple Crystal Scoops will consume the lightning-attribute spiritual materials and produce a large amount of secretions for the Blue Curse Yucca to absorb.

Fang Mu can no longer provide resources for Blue Curse Yucca!

Fang Mu suddenly thought that when he was using spiritual energy before, the seeds of the Blue Curse Yucca seemed to have a certain affinity for the spiritual energy.

Fang Mu took out a bottle of spiritual energy and poured the spiritual energy on one side of the resurrection soil after careful consideration.

Fang Mu discovered that the seeds of Blue Curse Yucca's thirst for spiritual energy was no worse than their thirst for thunder and lightning energy.

Every seed of the Blue Curse Yucca secreted blue threads, and these blue threads rushed to reach the resurrection soil where the spiritual energy potion was poured.

Pretending to be crazy, he absorbed the pure spiritual energy in the resurrection soil.

Previously, the seeds of Blue Curse Yucca were not as thirsty for spiritual energy as they are now.

Fang Mu's secret passage may be experiencing this situation because he now has a large amount of lightning energy that can be provided to the Blue Curse Yucca. The Blue Curse Yucca's thirst for spiritual energy and its thirst for lightning energy complement each other.

While Fang Mu was observing the changes in the Blue Curse Yucca, he carefully protected the two purple electric crystal scoops.

No matter how fast the tentacles of the Blue Curse Yucca squirmed, they did not harm the two purple electric crystal scoops themselves.

The threads protruding from these Blue Curse Yucca seeds did not retract the threads after absorbing the spiritual energy potion, but squirmed and flew unsatisfied.

Fang Mu simply took out a few more bottles of spiritual energy medicine and continued to pour these medicines into the petri dish.

Every time Fang Mu pours it in, the seeds of the Blue Curse Yucca will suck these spiritual energy potions crazily.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Mu communicated with Liu Xi and asked Liu Xi to assign Liu Er to the room where Fang Mu was.

Fang Mu was too lazy to repeat the work of pouring spiritual energy potions here.

Liu Er is controlled by Liu Xi. As an evil spirit, Liu Xi is perfectly qualified to serve as Fang Mu's assistant.

Cultivating these seeds of Blue Curse Yucca cannot be completed in a short time, and it also takes time for the purple electric crystal scoop to grow.

Fang Mu wanted to wait for the seeds of the Blue Curse Yucca to germinate before he could conduct a thorough study on creatures like the Blue Curse Yucca.

The king-level extraterritorial body has not been delivered to Fang Mu's hands yet, because Fang Mu has to wait two days to condense the new contracted blood.

Fang Mu did not take out the S-class extraterritorial carcass he obtained to investigate.

Fang Mu's contracted blood is very precious. With the king-level extraterritorial carcass, he can make contracts. Fang Mu is no longer ready to contract the S-level extraterritorial carcass in his hand.

If the Federation of All Nations really begs for him in the future, he can even trade these S-level extraterritorial bodies to the Federation of Nations.

Fang Mu has a neutral attitude towards the industry that the Wanbang Federation is currently engaged in.

If we really think about it carefully, if the Federation of All Nations has the ability to manage this business well, this business will indeed do more good than harm to mankind!

Fang Mu is very willing to accept new things. This is why Fang Mu knows that it is dangerous to explore the world of higher dimensions with the exclusive feature of the Shadow of the Fool [Peeping in the Realm], but he is still willing to proceed!

In fact, [Lingjie Peeping] has finished cooling down. The reason why Fang Mu did not continue to explore the world of higher dimensions through [Lingjie Peeping] to obtain mysterious creatures like the Blue Curse Yucca.

It's because Fang Mu doesn't want to delay his promotion to the Shadow of Fool's rank!

These days are the time when the Blue Curse Yucca seeds germinate and change the fastest. Fang Mu needs to stay here just in case.

Liu Er can serve as Fang Mu's assistant and help Fang Mu do some tedious work, but he cannot help Fang Mu make decisions.

Just when Fang Mu was about to take out the ancient books traded from the Hanyang Empire and look through them, the voice of Hell Prajna sounded in Fang Mu's mind.

"The few remaining dead creatures controlled by the Master, I have completely cultivated them."

"The growth of these dead creatures has met my expectations, and I will not choose to replace them!"

"It's just that if I keep cultivating the dead creatures but don't use these dead creatures in combat, it will be difficult for me to improve my combat capabilities!"

When Fang Mu heard Yama Prajna's words, he knew that Yama Prajna wanted to fight, and Fang Mu also had the same plan.

But before logging into the second world to fight, Fang Mu has to wait here for the seeds of the Blue Curse Yucca to germinate and complete the first stage of cultivation.

Fang Mu summoned Hell Prajna and spoke to Hell Prajna.

"In three days, I will lead you in continuous battles to improve your combat capabilities."

"But before that, show me the results of cultivating the remaining three dead creatures!"

Upon hearing this, Hell Prajna directly summoned the dead ministers of the Death Realm.

The Dead Domain Zombie was previously the only undead creature under Hell Prajna that could release the domain. Now the Corpse Fragrance Godmother also has domain-type abilities.

But compared to the zombies of the dead domain, the corpse-scented godmother's domain-based abilities are undoubtedly much weaker.

The ability of the Corpse Fragrance Godmother [Corpse Fragrance Poison Domain] is mainly healing. The Death Domain Zombies also have extremely terrifying lethality while taking into account both healing and energy recovery.

Now I see the Zombie of the Dead Realm again. The appearance of the Zombie of the Dead Realm has changed greatly from before.

The bodies of the zombies in the death domain are also cultivated with death dress bacteria, but these death dress bacteria are wrapped under the scales generated by the zombies in the death domain.

The scales of the zombies of the Dead Realm are exaggeratedly gorgeous, and the fine black scales are like dotted with black crystals one after another.

The protrusion of the skull on the top of the head is like a twisted crown, which gives the messy gray hair on the head of the dead minister a kind of aloof temperament against the backdrop of the crown.

Fang Mu secretly said that most of the Zombies of the Dead Realm transformed into the Zombie King of the Dead Realm by bloodline when they were promoted to the diamond level.

Fang Mu used the Shadow of the Fool's talent, the omniscient eye, to investigate it.

[Name of the beast]: Zombie King of the Dead Realm

[Beast Species]: Zombidae/Nigeria

[Beast Control Level]: Diamond Level (1/10)

[Beast Control System]: Undead System

[Beast Control Potential]: Diamond Level

[Beast Control Quality]: Legendary Quality


[Polluted Dead Land]: Inject the corpse gas in the body into the land under your feet, and use the corpse gas to transform the environment under your feet. Undead creatures can be treated on the polluted dead ground, and the living can be affected by the corpse gas.

[Dead Ground Zombies]: Use polluted dead ground to give birth to zombies. Zombies eat the living and have the effect of paralyzing the bodies of the living and deepening the pain of the living.

[Zombie Death Marks]: When zombies come into contact with the living, they can directly integrate themselves into the target's body without attacking the living, forming death marks on the target. The death marks will spontaneously condense the death energy into the living body. It erodes the life energy in the living body.

[Ground-Covering Corpse Poison]: Activates the gas of corpses to turn into special toxins. This toxin acts on undead creatures, causing their attacks to also have the effect of this toxin. It will not affect undead creatures. It acts on undead creatures. The body of the living body will cause a lot of ulcers to nourish the dead energy.

[Death Land Decay]: The dead land spread by itself has the characteristic of withering, accelerating the infection rate of death air on the living, allowing flesh and blood to accelerate decay under the infection of death air. Once the living enters the state of withering, they will be treated when treated. The therapeutic effect is greatly reduced.

Exclusive features:

[Dead Land Nightmare]: Nightmare Qi shrouds the land corrupted by the air of its own corpse, using the Nightmare Qi to cover the vision of the living. When the living use their mental power to explore the Nightmare Qi environment, the Nightmare Qi will affect the living. The mental power causes pollution.

[Body Splitting and Expansion]: When the area of ​​the dead land transformed by oneself reaches the current limit, you can split your body and let the split body take action to pollute more land and expand the area of ​​the dead land.

[Death Land Shaping Armor]: The energy of the Dead Land can shape armor on the selected undead creatures, thus greatly improving the defense effect of the dead. The armor can be peeled off to eliminate certain types of control.

Evolution route:

①: The Imperial Witch of the Dead Realm, ②: The Giant Bone Zombie King, ③: The Nine-Armed Poison Zombie.

Upon closer inspection, the first thing that attracted Fang Mu's attention was not the newly acquired skills of the Dead Realm Zombie King's promotion to diamond level, but the three new evolutionary routes of the Dead Realm Zombie King.

This evolutionary route of the King of the Dead Realm marks the possibility for the Zombie King of the Dead Realm to awaken the five supreme bloodlines of the dead creatures.

Become an imperial witch who is one of the five supreme bloodlines of the dead creatures!

The royal witch's bloodline is as noble among the dead creatures as the barrier sparrow is among the bird-like beasts.

The Imperial Witch itself is good at attacking enemies through death energy.

Once the Dead Realm Zombie King evolves into the Dead Realm Emperor Witch, all his skills and exclusive characteristics will be greatly improved with the blessing of his bloodline.

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