Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 637 The mutation of the Blue Curse Yucca!

Upon closer inspection, Fang Mu discovered that the Secret Walker had indeed turned into a dual-element beast of the undead and space systems!

It is an excellent thing for an undead beast to have the opportunity to transform into the space system, especially when the stealth walker fights the enemy like an assassin.

The spatial attributes perfectly fit the Stealth Walker's way of fighting enemies.

With the skill [Escape Void Slash], it can be seen that the space attribute has a great impact on the stealth walker. Now the stealth walker can skillfully use the space attribute to attack the enemy.

[Escape Void Breaking Slash] Attack the target at an extremely fast speed. As long as it can cause damage to the target, the stealth walker can escape into the void.

Once it enters the void, all enemy attacks cannot affect the Stealth Walker again.

Unless the enemy's attack can tear through the void and attack the Stealth Walker in the void, the Stealth Walker will be able to perfectly protect his own safety after one blow.

[Escape and Break Slash] can be regarded as both an offensive ability and a self-protection ability.

[Void Breaking Slash] allows the stealth walker's attack to have a defense-breaking effect. The defense-breaking effect can be linked with all the stealth walker's offensive skills to maximize the attack effect.

No matter how other beast-controlling beasts become stronger, with this defense-breaking effect, the Secret Walker is the undisputed top one in terms of combat power under Hell Prajna.

In terms of evolution route, compared with the Bone Wing Evil Spirit and the Dream-Slaying Evil Spirit, Fang Mu will definitely allow the Stealth Walker to evolve towards the Secret Void Spirit.

Let the stealth walkers continue to explore and develop their own spatial attributes.

After observing the Hidden Walker, Fang Mu has a precise understanding of the strength of all the dead creatures under his identity as Yama.

Only when a beast master understands his own beast can he be able to bring out the strongest strength of his beast in battle.

After exploring his own beast, Fang Mu concentrated on cultivating the Blue Curse Yucca.

A week passed quickly. During this week, the outside world was turbulent, but Fang Mu's heart was extremely quiet.

Fang Mu had an extra drop of contracted blood on hand. Fang Mu originally wanted to use this drop of contracted blood to contract the special-grade pollutant that could make Fang Mu clone into amethyst.

But during the seven days of cultivating Blue Curse Yuccas, Fang Mu discovered one thing, that is, the seeds of these Blue Curse Yuccas were all cultivated in a unified environment.

The seeds of Blue Curse Yucca absorb nutrients through their extended tentacles, and the energy they obtain is basically the same.

In this case, all Blue Curse Yucca seeds should develop simultaneously, but this is not the case.

The tentacles extended from one Blue Curse Yucca seed are more than three times longer than the tentacles extended from other seeds.

Not only that, these tentacles are also unusually thick, with lines and markings on them that other tentacles don't have.

Fang Mu was afraid that one of the seeds would suddenly mutate, affecting the cultivation of other Blue Curse Yucca seeds.

I deliberately dug up the recovery soil and prepared to pick out this special seed.

However, when digging out the resurrected soil, Fang Mu was surprised to find that all the seeds of the Blue Curse Yucca under the soil were intertwined with fine blue-purple silk threads.

Fang Mu cleared the soil bit by bit and found that the seeds in the middle, which were originally invisible to the naked eye, had now become the size of a peanut.

Its size is more than ten times that of other Blue Spell Yucca seeds!

Fang Mu looked carefully through the eye of omniscience and suddenly discovered that this huge blue-cursed yucca seed actually controlled all the other blue-cursed yucca seeds around it like a master!

This kind of control is very similar to the contract between human beast masters and beast masters.

Fang Mu couldn't help but show a surprised expression on his face.

When Fang Mu first came into contact with the Blue Curse Yucca in a higher-dimensional world, Fang Mu could confirm that there was only one Blue Curse Yucca at that time, and it was not protected by tens of thousands of smaller seedlings like it is now. .

Fang Mu had never come into contact with the Blue Curse Yucca before. Through the changes in the Blue Curse Yucca, Fang Mu could only try to make reasonable guesses.

Perhaps this is also the case when the seed pods of Blue Curse Yucca are opened in the world of higher dimensions.

But as these Blue Curse Yucca seeds continued to grow, eventually the most powerful seed swallowed up the energy and seeds in the other seeds!

The reason why this happens is mostly due to the lack of resources.

Blue Curse Yucca is not good at moving and can only expose a small part of its body to the surface to attract those herbivorous creatures.

When these herbivorous creatures regard themselves as food and gnaw on themselves, the Blue Curse Yucca will emerge from the ground and attack the target.

Let the identities of the hunter and the hunted be interchanged.

Whether the Blue Curse Yucca can catch prey depends entirely on God's will. This wait-and-see hunting method makes it very likely that the Blue Curse Yucca will be in a state of no harvest for a long time.

In this case, it makes sense that the most powerful seed in the seed pod of a seed uses other seeds as nutrients to nourish itself!

If it is as Fang Mu guessed, once the supply of resources is insufficient in the future, the most powerful seed of the Blue Curse Yucca will absorb other seeds.

Fangmu has three ways to retain these seeds.

The first way is to forcibly separate the connected seeds of Blue Curse Yucca now and cultivate them in different petri dishes.

It's just that there are too many seeds of Blue Curse Yucca, and it is a huge project to forcefully separate them when they are already connected in series.

And if Fang Mu does this when he doesn't know enough about Blue Curse Yucca, it is very likely to have a great impact on the growth of Blue Curse Yucca itself.

The second way is that Fang Mu provides excess lightning energy and pure spiritual energy to the Blue Curse Yucca for the Blue Curse Yucca to absorb.

But to do this, you must ensure that someone is staring at this petri dish 24 hours a day and replenishing resources in a timely manner.

As a plant, Blue Curse Yucca grows fastest during the germination period, so the rate of resource provision must be adjusted in time.

Even Fang Mu himself cannot guarantee that there will be no mistakes.

Once there is a little negligence, the result is that some of the seeds of the Blue Curse Yucca will be absorbed.

The third way is that Fang Mu uses his newly condensed contract blood to make a contract with Blue Curse Yucca.

Before cultivating the blue cursed yucca, Fang Mu could say that he had never considered making a contract with the blue cursed yucca when he discovered that there were a large number of blue cursed yucca seeds.

But now the largest seed of the blue cursed yucca has contracted with the other seeds. As long as Fang Mu contracts this blue cursed yucca, the entire blue cursed yucca group will be under Fang Mu's control.

Fang Mu relied on the contract to give orders to the blue cursed yucca, making it obediently obey his arrangements.

Even if you are really in the energy shortage stage, if you want to replenish energy, do not absorb the seeds of other Blue Curse Yuccas.

After some consideration, it is obvious that the best way to contract the Blue Curse Yucca is now.

As a creature from a higher-dimensional world, Blue Curse Yucca should be at a higher level than most creatures in the world where Fang Mu lives!

In addition to turning the Blue Curse Yucca into your own beast, the contract can also make the Blue Curse Yucca's life level jump.

It is an extremely rare thing for a plant to undergo a leap in life level when it has just sprouted.

Maybe the Blue Curse Yucca after its life transition can bring new surprises to Fang Mu!

After thoroughly cleaning up all the recovery soil, Fang Mu took out his own drop of contracted blood and carefully dropped it on the largest seed of the Blue Curse Yucca.

The seeds of the Blue Curse Yucca greedily sucked up the contracted blood dripping from the square wood as if they had discovered a treasure.

Fang Mu keenly discovered that the connection between himself and the Blue Curse Yucca was deepening.

The deeper the connection between Fang Mu and Blue Curse Yucca became, the more surprised the expression on Fang Mu's face became.

Fang Mu originally thought that even if a plant-like creature like the Blue Curse Yucca came from a higher-dimensional world, its intelligence must be extremely low.

But the current actual situation told Fang Mu that the spiritual intelligence of Blue Curse Yucca was much higher than Fang Mu expected!

Comparing it with humans, the Blue Curse Yucca that has just hatched from a seed has the same intelligence as a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

The closeness from the bloodline made Blue Curse Yucca take the initiative to call Fang Mu.

"Abba, please give me a name!"

Fang Mu was startled when he heard the name Blue Curse Yucca. Obviously, the name Blue Curse Yucca proved that Blue Curse Yucca did not regard him as its master.

Instead, treat yourself as a close relative!

Fang Mu was able to detect the flavor of expectation from Blue Curse Yucca's emotions.

For the Blue Curse Yucca clan, getting a name is an extremely important thing.

The name of Blue Curse Yucca is often obtained with the help of relatives of Blue Curse Yucca.

Fang Mu couldn't help but say when he saw the threads extending from the blue curse yucca intertwined together like threads for binding gifts.

"Since you asked me to name you, you might as well call me Lan Li!"

"Lan Li should be considered a good name!"

Blue Curse Yuclan carefully wrote down the name Fang Mu gave herself and whispered it.

"I like the name Abba chose for me very much!"

Since the Blue Curse Yucca has such high intelligence, Fang Mu often does not need to make any decisions about the cultivation of the Blue Curse Yucca. Instead, he can ask the Blue Curse Yucca his own ideas.

Fang Mu has already given the blue cursed yucca a name, but in fact the blue cursed yucca has not yet finished absorbing the blood of the contract.

With Blue Curse Yuclan treating Fang Mu as a close relative, the bond between Fang Mu and Blue Curse Yuclan is still improving!

The intertwined blue threads of these Blue Curse Yuccas are intertwined and entangled quickly.

Just when Fang Mu thought that the blue cursed yucca was about to finish absorbing the contracted blood, the markings on the extended tentacles of the blue cursed yucca suddenly lit up.

The extended engraving has the tendency to gradually dye the entire tentacles into gold!

However, no matter how the markings are dyed, the color of the tentacles has not changed.

Lan Li said hurriedly to Fang Mu.

"Abba, you have been providing me with energy since I opened the seed pod."

"Now can be said to be the time when I need energy the most. I wonder if you can provide me with more energy, dad, so that I can take a further step!"

Fang Mu had just asked the Blue Curse Yucca not to absorb other seeds, and Fang Mu wanted to try to cultivate other seeds.

In addition to absorbing other seeds, the Blue Curse Yucca has no source of energy.

Obviously Blue Curse Yuclan was unwilling to give up the current opportunity, Blue Curse Yuclan decisively asked Fang Mu for help.

Fang Mu's face showed a look of surprise when he heard this.

Fang Mu is not afraid of wasting resources, but what Fang Mu is afraid of is that his master beast cannot take that crucial step at the critical moment.

Now is the important time for Blue Curse Yucca to take this crucial step.

Fang Mu immediately took out the lightning energy and aura potions he had stored up before, and prepared to water the blue cursed yucca.

Lan Li said quickly.

"Abba, what I need is that drop of blood just now. That drop of blood is helping my bloodline level to transform."

It takes time for Fang Mu to condense the contract blood, and Fang Mu simply doesn't have any extra contract blood on hand to use.

Even if Fang Mu wanted to provide the contracted blood to Lan Li, there was no chance.

However, Fang Mu does not have contracted blood but has a large amount of blood-colored aged wine.

Because Fang Mu’s blood production speed is slow, and Fang Mu’s usage of blood-colored aging wine has never been too large.

Fang Mu still has about ten liters of blood-colored aged wine reserves on hand.

Fang Mu took out a crystal bottle containing one liter of blood-colored aging wine and asked Lan Li to use the blood-colored aging wine by himself through the tentacles.

This can effectively ensure that the bloody aging wine will not be wasted.

Lan Li was not polite to Fang Mu. Lan Li was currently in a state of transformation, thinking only of breaking through the confinement of his bloodline.

The higher the level of life, the stronger the desire for bloodline transformation. Soon, Lan Li drank up this bottle of blood-colored aged wine.

Fang Mu continued to take out the blood-colored aged wine. Lan Li, who originally drank three and a half bottles, or 3.5 liters, of the blood-colored aged wine, turned his blue-purple tentacles into gold, with dark purple electric light twining around them.

The dark purple electric light makes the golden tentacles less obvious than before, as if the dark purple electric light can cover up the existence of the tentacles!

The change in color of the tentacles marks the transformation of Lan Li's bloodline level.

It's a pity that only Lan Li himself has changed, while the other blue-cursed yucca seeds still maintain their original appearance.

Lan Li, whose bloodline had been transformed, expressed his gratitude to Fang Mu. Fang Mu could feel that Lan Li was filled with admiration for him. This emotion was far more precious than an ordinary contract.

"Lan Li, your bloodline has now completed its transformation. From now on, I will arrange for people to take care of you and constantly provide you with resources to help you grow!"

Lan Li said quickly.

"Abba has these bugs that can produce lightning energy. You just need to provide me with spiritual energy."

"You can put all the larvae over there on those slave plants, and I will use the slave plants to create a paradise suitable for them to survive!"

"It's just that if you do this, the training site you have prepared for me now is a bit small. I need a larger training site to be able to spread out, and use very thick land to hide my body!"

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