Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 638 The House of Orchid Curse!

Lan Li explained his needs to Fang Mu very directly.

Lan Li, a contractor like Fang Mu who can make him feel warm and secure, will directly state his needs, saving Fang Mu from guessing what Lan Li needs.

Fang Mu had previously deliberately used a petri dish to cultivate the seeds of these Blue Curse Yuccas, firstly because he was afraid that these tiny seeds would accidentally fly elsewhere.

Secondly, I am also afraid that the blue cursed yucca will affect the environment where I live.

Now that everything is under Lan Li's control, Fang Mu really doesn't need to set a growth limit for Lan Li.

During the construction of this mountain manor, several cultivation rooms were specially built on the top of the mountain manor.

There are many cultivation rooms that have not yet been opened.

Fang Mu plans to use a breeding room to cultivate Lan Li in this breeding room, providing Lan Li with a sufficient space for activities, so that Lan Li can grow and move freely in this sufficient space.

Thinking of this, Fang Mu informed Lan Li, put Lan Li into his natal illustrated book, and then asked Liu Er to help him prepare the materials.

Fang Mu is about to start renovating this cultivation room. In order to better serve Fang Mu, Cornerstone Construction has specially retained a master craftsman to settle in JA City for a long time.

If you have any needs in terms of infrastructure construction at Fangmu, you can directly contact the master craftsman of Cornerstone Construction for processing.

Soon the master craftsman who built the cornerstone rushed to the mountain manor.

This was not the first time that Lu Jifeng had dealt with Fang Mu. Lu Jifeng had received courtesy from Fang Mu in his previous communication with Fang Mu.

But Lu Jifeng didn't think that Fang Mu's courtesy to him was deserved. This only showed that Fang Mu, a young man, had excellent cultivation.

Lu Jifeng was unusually polite to Fang Mu.

In the past, Cornerstone Construction only thought that Fang Mu was a disciple of a Grand Master, but now it has been confirmed that Fang Mu is not a disciple of a Grand Master, but a disciple of the Holy Master!

The construction of cornerstones can foster such a good relationship with the square wood. It is no exaggeration to say that the ancestral graves are smoking!

Lu Jifeng originally called Fang Mu Sir Jianmu, but now Lu Jifeng calls Fang Mu again and has changed to "sir".

"Long time no see, Sir Jianmu. I wonder if your mountain manor needs to be renovated?"

"If you have any ideas, please tell me directly. Our Cornerstone Construction has recently collected some precious spiritual materials suitable for decoration. If you want to transform the manor, there is a chance that you can use these spiritual materials."

"In addition, our cornerstone construction has trained two hundred more goblins, and one hundred of them are specially prepared for you!"

"These one hundred goblins will only be used when working for you. This will ensure that these one hundred goblins have sufficient energy to carry out those large projects."

Lu Jifeng's words were full of flattery, but Lu Jifeng was extremely measured when it came to trying to please him.

The Jianmu Chamber of Commerce has only been established for less than a year, and it is already qualified to become one of the top ten chambers of commerce in the Longteng Federation.

The Jianmu Chamber of Commerce has a huge amount of supplies. If Lu Jifeng proposed to provide Fang Mu with all the spiritual materials for decoration, Lu Jifeng would appear to be a fake person.

To be honest, in terms of material selection specifications, the materials provided by Cornerstone Construction for Fang Mu are definitely not as good as those prepared by Fang Mu himself.

But what Lu Jifeng was talking about was precious spiritual materials suitable for decoration. As a cornerstone construction company with craftsmen as its main function, it would deliberately accumulate these spiritual materials.

The building and wood merchants would not deliberately work on this kind of spiritual materials, so it seemed that Lu Jifeng was very considerate.

As for the one hundred goblins Lu Jifeng specially provided for Fang Mu's use, it is not that simple, but it was specially prepared for the large-scale project where the cornerstone construction was afraid of not being able to receive Fang Mu's side.

Goblins have extremely high strategic significance in large-scale projects. Once the use of goblins is insufficient, it will affect the progress of the project.

Cornerstone Construction will always pull Origin Construction to cooperate with Fangmu not only because of its good relationship with Origin Construction, but also because the resources of Cornerstone Construction are not enough to win all the projects.

During this period, with the cooperation with Fang Mu, Cornerstone Construction gained not only fame but also a large amount of money.

Cornerstone Construction used the resources accumulated during this period to develop the power functions.

Fang Mu smiled and shook his head when he heard this.

"In the final analysis, Mr. Lu, I am just a junior. My master is my master. I myself cannot be compared with the founder!"

"It's really inappropriate for you to call me Lord Jianmu!"

"Brother Lu and I are old acquaintances. You don't need to call me Mr. Jianmu, just call me Xiaomu!"

"Cornerstone Construction has specially reserved a hundred goblins for us. Please take these."

"If we need help from Cornerstone Construction for any projects here, we will notify you in advance."

"The loss of these one hundred goblins staying there is not small. Your cornerstone construction can invest these one hundred goblins in other projects."

"I think the benefits of cornerstone construction in recent times should be good."

"As far as I know, many forces are interested in promoting cooperation with Cornerstone Construction, including the Bluestone Chamber of Commerce."

Lu Jifeng had lived so long and was very sophisticated in human relations. He knew very well that Fang Mu asked him to call him Xiaomu to express his closeness to him.

Fang Mu has a good relationship with Lu and Yu, and everyone who builds the foundation knows this.

Otherwise, the Jianmu Guanhuang project would never have fallen to Cornerstone Construction.

Lu Jifeng likes to call Fang Mu with this title that can obviously bring the two parties closer.

In fact, Cornerstone Construction specially prepared these one hundred goblins for Fang Mu, just to allow Fang Mu to bear the affection of Cornerstone Construction.

Now that the square wood has been used for the foundation stone construction, being able to use these one hundred goblins is undoubtedly beneficial to the foundation stone construction!

"Xiaomu asked me to call you that, and I always felt that I was a little overstepped."

"It can be said that our current development of Cornerstone Construction is all due to your cultivation. Without your cultivation of our Cornerstone Construction, how could our Cornerstone Construction have developed to the level it is now!?"

"Those forces that come to cooperate with our Cornerstone Construction do so for the sake of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, especially the Bluestone Chamber of Commerce."

The Bluestone Chamber of Commerce and the Building Wood Chamber of Commerce have reached a cooperative relationship a long time ago, and the Bluestone Chamber of Commerce has been intentionally communicating this relationship to the outside world.

It is a great honor to be able to establish the relationship with the Construction Wood Chamber of Commerce in the Longteng Federation.

It's not just the Bluestone Chamber of Commerce, but most of the forces are not qualified to be related to the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

After establishing a relationship with the Building Wood Chamber of Commerce, Cornerstone Construction also intended to communicate this matter to the outside world, but it was not as obvious as the Bluestone Chamber of Commerce.

Lu Jifeng said this intentionally. Lu Jifeng wanted to show Fang Mu that the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce would always clarify his position and remember his kindness.

We will not forget the efforts of the Construction and Timber Chamber of Commerce after we gain power.

The expression on Fang Mu's face did not change at all when he heard this.

Lu Jifeng did see certain things very clearly, but Lu Jifeng did not understand the pattern of Fang Mu.

Fang Mu actually didn't care what Cornerstone Construction was thinking in his heart.

Fang Mu did not focus on the worldly relationship with Cornerstone Construction. Fang Yuan had always presided over the cooperation with Cornerstone Construction.

At present, Fang Yuan should no longer focus on dealing with relations with other forces.

If one day Cornerstone Construction really forgets its roots and takes advantage of the Construction Timber Chamber of Commerce in the cooperation or takes advantage of the Construction Timber Chamber of Commerce's influence to cause trouble outside.

Fang Yuan will clear up the relationship with Cornerstone Construction!

Fang Mu is now focused on conquering the world of higher dimensions.

Conquering the higher-dimensional world is Fang Mu’s top priority next!

Lu Jifeng did not exchange too many greetings with Fang Mu. Lu Jifeng himself did not have any personal relationship with Fang Mu.

Since what Fang Mu wanted to build was just a breeding room, Lu Jifeng himself could help Fang Mu build the breeding room.

Lu Jifeng spoke up.

"Xiaomu, if you just want to build a breeding room, you might as well take me to that breeding room to have a look first."

"Tell me what your thoughts are on building this breeding room, and I will definitely do my best to help you make that breeding room the most satisfying state for you!"

Lu Jifeng felt somewhat nervous as he spoke. Lu Jifeng did not think Fang Mu was a builder.

In Lu Jifeng's mind, Fang Mu was just an assistant to the architect.

Fang Mu is so young, even if he needs to use the breeding room, there shouldn't be any requirements.

Fang Mu wants to deliberately build a cultivation room, and most likely he wants to hand over this cultivation room to Qi Xing, the Saint Builder.

If I didn't arrange it properly and caused Qixing to be dissatisfied, that would be a sin!

Fang Mu personally took Lu Jifeng to the cultivation room on the top floor.

"Mr. Lu, please help me rearrange this cultivation room. I want to clean up all the workbenches in this cultivation room, and then spread recovery soil in this cultivation room."

"Open up the upper and lower rooms and spread the resuscitation soil to a height of at least five meters."

"Then lay a large amount of purple magnetoelectric crystals on the surface of the recovery soil, so that the purple magnetoelectric crystals are about two centimeters higher than the surface of the recovery soil!"

"I will provide you with the recovery soil and purple magnetoelectric crystal used in this. I hope you can complete the transformation of this cultivation room as soon as possible."

“You just have to make your own decisions on design.”

Fang Mu's purpose of transforming this cultivation room is to create a suitable environment for the Blue Curse Yucca.

The reason why Fang Mu did not move the Blue Curse Yucca into the abdominal space of the secret realm worm chrysalis was because the concentration of spiritual energy in the secret realm worm chrysalis' abdominal space was lacking.

Blue Curse Yucca absorbs pure spiritual energy in its early growth, which can maximize bloodline transformation.

Fang Mu is willing to provide the optimal environment for the growth of Blue Curse Yucca.

Fang Mu will wait until the blue cursed yucca grows into an adult before moving the blue cursed yucca to the belly space, so the blue cursed yucca will have to grow in this cultivation room for a long time.

This cultivation room only needs to be renovated to be comfortable and beautiful, otherwise an independent person like Fang Mu will definitely tell Lu Jifeng his ideas and will not let Lu Jifeng design it at will!

Lu Jifeng had a shocked look on his face while listening to Fang Mu's request.

As a master craftsman, Lu Jifeng didn't know how many cultivation rooms he had built in total. From the moment he entered the house, Lu Jifeng could roughly see the area of ​​the cultivation room.

The area of ​​this training room is about 1,200 square meters. It is not a large area among the builder's training rooms, but it is still average!

Lu Jifeng was not surprised that Fang Mu had transformed such a cultivation room. What really surprised Lu Jifeng was that Fang Mu had to lay five meters of resuscitation soil in the cultivation room and lay purple magnetoelectric crystals on the resuscitation soil.

Resurrection soil itself is an extremely precious soil, and ordinary plant-like beasts are not qualified to be planted in resuscitation soil.

The recovery soil for this room alone would cost nearly 100 million Dragon Soaring coins.

Purple magnetoelectric crystal, a precious electrical ore, is mainly produced in underground dimensional cracks. It only exists in the form of crystal clusters in terrifying underground dimensional cracks.

Even if Cornerstone Construction sells off its property, it won't be able to get so many purple magneto-electric crystals.

Fang Mu only made two requests, but the cost of building this breeding room exceeded billions of Dragon Soaring coins.

Lu Jifeng heard that what Fang Mu wanted was a functional cultivation room. For a functional cultivation room, the design only needed to be decent.

"Xiaomu, when I will be able to complete it depends on when you can hand over these resuscitation soils and purple magnetoelectric crystals to me."

"If you can hand it over to me at noon tomorrow, I will bring three goblins over and we can finish it before ten o'clock at night!"

Fang Mu was very satisfied with Lu Jifeng's work efficiency. The purple magnetoelectric crystals in Fang Mu's hands were all traded from the Hanyang Empire.

It contains thousands of years of accumulation of the Hanyang Empire.

If we rely solely on the current channels of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, it would be impossible to trade so many purple magnetic crystals for Fang Mu.

With sufficient resources, things will become more generous.

Anyway, the purple magneto-crystals used for laying will not be consumed. With these purple magneto-crystals, the purple magneto-crystal scoops will not be affected by their own excrement.

The Purple Crystal Scoop is very disgusted with its own excrement. If it is in an environment full of its own excrement, the Purple Crystal Scoop will refuse to eat, affecting the output of lightning energy.

"I can hand over the Purple Magnetoelectric Crystal to you now, Mr. Lu, and the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce will prepare the resuscitating soil for you tonight!"

Lu Jifeng made an estimate, then gritted his teeth and said.

"I will go back and bring those goblins over now. If I can allocate the resources today, I can build this breeding room before eight o'clock tomorrow morning!"

"In addition to these three goblins, I will bring ten more craftsmen here. When it comes to laying the resurrection soil and purple magnetoelectric crystal, it will be better to leave it to these craftsmen than to leave it to the goblins!"

After Fang Mu and Lu Jifeng finalized the layout of the breeding room, they came to the breeding room where Hutao and Jiang Tuo were active.

Hu Tao and Jiang Tuo were logging into the second world through the Shi Meng Beast at this time, and did not notice Fang Mu's arrival.

When Fang Mu saw this, he did not disturb Jiang Tuo and Hu Tao, but also summoned his own Time Dream Beast to enter the second world. (End of chapter)

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