Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 639 Yama’s live broadcast!

This was not the first time that Fang Mu went to the second world, but his mood was completely different from the last time he went to the second world.

The last time Fang Mu went to the second world, he wanted to buy land and shops in the second world to ensure the development of Fang Mu's own power in the second world in the future.

The square wood at that time had a strong purpose and was not as casual as the square wood now.

Fang Mu had not logged into the second world for more than ten days. Fang Mu found that this time he logged into the second world, the situation in the second world became much better than before.

Many of the originally vacant lands and shops in the second world have now been put into construction.

There are even some people operating them.

There is no need to worry about the sudden opening of dimensional rifts in the second world. When opening a store in the second world, you only need to consider business issues, not safety issues.

This makes businesses in the second world generally focus on running their stores and serving customers.

This makes people's enjoyment in the second world more enjoyable than in the original world.

Fang Mu was in the second world when the dream beast passed through the Soaring Dragon Federation, and was in the big city representing the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Fang Mu looked at the shops and land around him. Basically, these shops and land were purchased by the large forces of the Longteng Federation.

Fang Yuan also purchased some shops and land there, but buying shops and land here seems a bit far-sighted no matter how you look at it.

The truly far-sighted forces have gone to the four major cities and the holy city to buy land and shops.

Although the prices of land and shops in the four major cities and the holy city are high, they are not unaffordable.

In the future, the Second World will surely become the most popular economic development direction for all major forces.

To be fair, people's enjoyment in the second world is no worse than that in the outside world.

In the outside world, a person cannot enjoy unlimited food, not to mention whether he can eat so much. Eating too much will also affect safety and health.

But in the second world, as long as you can afford the price, you can enjoy endless food.

However, it is impossible to build a contemplation hall in the second world, and the Shimeng beast cannot simulate and embody the images displayed by other beasts through their own attributes.

Even if the forced simulation not only consumes too much of the time dream beast, it will also lose its flavor.

Otherwise, once the visualization industry develops in the second world, it will definitely have a huge impact on the visualization industry in the real world!

Fang Mu happily observed the development of the Soaring Dragon Federation's large cities in the second world.

Fang Mu discovered that many non-local residents of the Soaring Dragon Federation had teleported to the big city where the Soaring Dragon Federation was located, and were tasting various delicacies of the Soaring Dragon Federation in shops.

Fang Mu couldn't help but sigh, this second world really promoted the integration between the major federations and various continents!

Otherwise, there would be no such opportunities for communication between various federations and various continents.

I am afraid that only the truly strong will have the opportunity to witness the customs and customs of various parts of the world.

Fang Mu came to the service center of this big city and teleported directly to the big city representing the Eastern Division.

The big city that represents the Eastern Division is much more prosperous and lively than the city that simply represents a federation.

There are no aborigines in this big city, and the dream beast will not directly come to this city when anyone passes through.

It was obvious that the bustling people in this city were teleported here like Fang Mu.

Fang Mu originally wanted to go to the duel area, but on the way Fang Mu discovered a chamber of commerce that was already open for business.

The name of this chamber of commerce can be seen from the signboard. Juyun Chamber of Commerce also has a federal seal under the signboard.

Let Fang Mu clearly see that Juyun Chamber of Commerce is the chamber of commerce force of Yuze Federation.

More than 70% of the Yuze Federation's terrain is swamps with continuous rainfall. The Juyun Chamber of Commerce must be rich in spiritual materials that grow in swamp environments.

Fang Mu was a little curious about how the chamber of commerce operated in the second world, so he entered the store of the Juyun Chamber of Commerce.

This Juyun Chamber of Commerce store is similar to the Dinghai Mall that Fang Mu visited before.

It's just that the store of Juyun Chamber of Commerce is much larger than that of Dinghai Mall.

Fang Mu received a warm reception as soon as he entered the Juyun Chamber of Commerce.

The scale of the Yuze Federation in the second world is much smaller than that of the Longteng Federation. If the Longteng Federation can be ranked in the top five in terms of the size of the federation, the Yuze Federation will be outside the twenty.

The Juyun Chamber of Commerce has the ability to purchase stores and open a chamber of commerce in the giant city that represents the Eastern Division. It must be a powerful force in the Yuze Federation!

This makes Juyun Chamber of Commerce unable to show such enthusiasm and thoughtfulness to ordinary customers in Yuze Federation.

The reason why the service quality has been improved in the second world is because the people of Juyun Chamber of Commerce have seen through the conditions that must be met if they want to develop in the second world.

Not only the Juyun Chamber of Commerce, but also other forces currently developing in Dongju City provide equally attentive services.

In addition to services, Juyun Chamber of Commerce also thoughtfully launched stored-value cards.

As long as you store value in the stored-value card, you can enjoy corresponding discounts on purchasing materials based on the amount of stored value.

These functions were all leftovers from Fang Mu's previous life, but in the world of beast control, the management and development of the chamber of commerce can be regarded as a pioneering work.

None of the major chambers of commerce in Longteng Federation handles stored value business for the general public, and Juyun Chamber of Commerce has indeed put a lot of thought into doing so.

This model allows Juyun Chamber of Commerce to be in a leading position in a short period of time.

But soon these tricks of the Juyun Chamber of Commerce will be learned by other chambers of commerce, and the Juyun Chamber of Commerce will lose its advantage in development.

At the beginning, the major chambers of commerce will definitely use various tricks to compete for the upper hand. As time goes by, after all the tricks are used, the major chambers of commerce will ultimately compete for their resource reserves.

The shopping guide who was responsible for receiving Fang Mu from the Juyun Chamber of Commerce had been recommending the VIP card of the Juyun Chamber of Commerce to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu took this opportunity to learn more about the VIP card business launched by Juyun Chamber of Commerce.

From Fang Mu's perspective, the VIP card business launched by Juyun Chamber of Commerce is very immature, and it is simply unrealistic to face these large stored value customers who do not understand Juyun Chamber of Commerce.

And from a price point of view, in order to prevent its VIP card business from losing money, Juyun Chamber of Commerce deliberately increased the prices of basic spiritual materials.

Only when the stored value of Juyun Chamber of Commerce reaches 200,000 world coins to enjoy a 10% discount, the price of these spiritual materials will be equivalent to the market price.

After learning this, Fang Mu decisively rejected the shopping guide's warm recommendation.

Fang Mu admitted that the Juyun Chamber of Commerce was somewhat clever, but the intelligence of the Juyun Chamber of Commerce was just a little clever.

The VIP card model is indeed very beneficial to large customers, but basically every buyer is very value-for-money when it comes to selecting spiritual materials.

Juyun Chamber of Commerce's price increase for materials will bring a bad impression to a large number of basic users.

When Fang Mu was developing the cosmetics brand Taoyao, he moved the cosmetics sales model from his previous life to the world of beast control, and achieved great success!

Now Fang Mu is planning to transfer the VIP sales routines of major brands from the previous life and let the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce apply them.

With Taoyao's help, the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce will surely become famous in the second world in a very short period of time, allowing Taoyao to easily stock up on supplies for Fangmu.

In terms of the development of the Construction Wood Chamber of Commerce, Fang Yuan is still in charge of the actual management.

Fang Mu told Fang Yuan his plans, and Fang Yuan was responsible for implementing these plans.

Fang Mu believes that Fang Yuan will be able to implement his plan perfectly!

From a business perspective, Fang Mu always felt that Fang Yuan's business capabilities were stronger than his own.

Since the advent of live broadcasting in the Second World, the live broadcasting industry has reached its peak in an instant.

There is money to be made in live broadcasting in the second world, and viewers can directly reward the live broadcaster with federal coins.

Those powerful beast masters from various forces perform live broadcasts not for the rewards, but to bring a lot of popularity to themselves through live broadcasts.

Hutao is not suitable for single-player battles. During the placement match, Hutao encountered two tough opponents and finally lost the duel after a fierce battle.

Hutao will lose two consecutive games in ten qualifying matches, which can be said to be directly related to luck.

The two opponents Hu Tao encountered turned out to have extremely strong mental defense capabilities, and they actually blocked Hu Tao from using the Retrospect Bell Bird to launch a mental counterattack.

On the contrary, Hutao made great progress in more than a dozen matches after the positioning match, reaching the silver rank.

After reaching Silver Level 3, Hutao's duels began to have winners and losers.

Hu Tao knew very well that her position as a beast master was not suitable for live broadcasting, so Hu Tao helped Jiang Tuo start operating a live broadcast channel.

[Cold-faced Ghost King] has become extremely famous in just a few days among those under the age of twenty.

Every time Hutao helps Jiang Tuo run a live broadcast room, there are more than 10 million viewers.

You must know that in the second world, only beast masters of the current age group will be interested in live broadcasts of the current age group.

Fang Mu still didn't know what Hu Tao and Jiang Tuo had achieved in the second world. Fang Mu pondered for a moment before the duel and set his ID name to Yan Luo.

Fang Mu wants to compete in the second world as Yama, and Fang Mu knows the importance of becoming famous in the second world.

Even with Fang Mu's personality, Fang Mu still started the live broadcast.

Starting a live broadcast in the second world is much easier than starting a live broadcast on Battle.net. You only need to complete the certification.

Fang Mu easily opened his own live broadcast room.

Although the second world has a large audience, the number of live broadcast rooms is also extremely large.

There have been five duels in Fang Mu's qualifying competition, but not many viewers entered Fang Mu's live broadcast room.

On the contrary, these five opponents of Fang Mu were beaten by Fang Mu until they doubted their lives. Basically, they were killed by Fang Mu's ghost-type beast control before they even put up much resistance.

Because the contracted ghost-type beasts often use life energy to cleanse their bodies and remove the dead energy.

The stronger the ghost beast is, the higher the purity of life energy it requires.

In the entire world of beast control, there are not many beast control masters in total who fight through ghost beast control.

Basically, each of the ghost-type beasts looks very scary and special, which makes the showdown between ghost-type beasts very exciting.

Although only a very small number of viewers entered Fang Mu's live broadcast room, Fang Mu's live broadcast room was like a coiled silk hole, and those who entered basically had no chance to get out.

Fang Mu played five consecutive duels before he remembered that he was live broadcasting, and quickly glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

[Forehead and Nanchao]: Gan, these immortal beasts of the anchor look really handsome! The ID is also very impressive! Isn’t the price of contracting an immortal beast too high? Several of my classmates who contracted undead beasts now regret it.

[Self-proclaimed mediocrity]: The anchor shouldn’t have only contracted this one beast, right? I suggest you summon a few more beasts to give us a fresh look, so that I can reward you! If you summon another undead beast, I will immediately reward you with ten world coins!

[Screen and Shadow]: This fighting feeling looks too smooth. The anchor has been having duels before. I have a hunch that the anchor will be the first to join the fan group to respect it!

When everyone applies to become a host in the second world, the official will help form a fan group.

Viewers who like the anchor can join the anchor's fan group and only need to spend 0.1 world coins to become a formal member of the fan group.

The anchor's star rating is evaluated based on the number of fans in the fan group.

In order to prevent Battle.net anchors from brushing up the star rating of their own fan groups, each viewer can only join up to five fan groups.

If you want to join other fan groups, you need to quit the fan group you previously joined.

Because there are fewer viewers in the live broadcast room, there are not many barrages in Fang Mu's live broadcast room.

Fang Mu has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running, so he probably knows the mode of interacting with fans during live broadcasts.

Fang Mu didn't care whether the person who posted the barrage was still in his live broadcast room, Fang Mu responded to the barrage one by one.

"The price of the contracted immortal beast control is not bad, I can accept it."

"The current opponent is too weak. When I encounter a strong opponent in the future, I will summon more beasts."

“It’s better not to spend any money on rewards!”

"Thank you for joining my fan club. If I have the opportunity, I will hold a lottery in the fan club."

Compared to other anchors, Fang Mu's reply can be described as perfunctory.

Especially after Fang Mu had five consecutive duels, he finally remembered to answer his poor fans.

But for Fang Mu, every word he said was very sincere.

Now the only two members of Fang Mu's fan group still don't know what the lottery that Fang Mu casually mentioned means.

Seeing Fang Mu replying to the barrage in the live broadcast room, the few viewers who had not spoken at first began to interact.

[Foggy Spring Morning]: At first I thought the host was aloof, but now I feel like the host is a little cute? Is this the legendary contrast! ?

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