Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 640 Target palace level!

[Mu Junhao]: So the anchor has more undead beasts? I'm curious about how old you are, host. You already have a diamond-level beast master in this segment! Could it be said that the anchor has become a four-pointed star beast master! ?

[Too lazy to slow down]: It is impossible to become a four-pointed star beast master. At most, the three-pointed star beast master uses some special method to get the beast master to the next level. The anchor must be a child of some big force.

[Three rolls on the edge of the knife]: Am I the only one who cares that the bloodline of the butcher summoned by the anchor has evolved to the level of a tyrant! ? The true power of this dead creature with the blood of a tyrant must not be simple!

Fang Mu was currently in the sixth match, and the matched opponents were so frightened that they were at a loss when they saw the body-melting tyrant summoned by Fang Mu first.

The body-melting tyrant's aura was astonishing. Standing fourteen meters tall, he looked like a giant.

The coercion of the diamond-level dead creatures makes it difficult for beasts below the diamond level to have the idea of ​​​​matching them.

After seeing that his opponent summoned two silver-level beasts, Fang Mu simply let the body-melting tyrant fight on his own.

Looking at the barrages flashing in his live broadcast room, Fang Mu suddenly seemed to understand the joy of being a host.

This feeling of being able to share instantly in battle is like wine to add to the fun at the dinner table.

It's just that in some special circumstances, such as a duel with an equally powerful opponent, it is not suitable to distract at such times.

Hu Tao is very good at managing the live broadcast room, and Fang Mu has the idea of ​​​​letting Hu Tao take care of the live broadcast room in the future.

I heard that Jiang Tuo has started live broadcasting, and Hu Tao is currently managing Jiang Tuo's live broadcast room.

Jiang Tuo has been engaged in a duel during this period, and Fang Mu estimates that it will take a long time for him to match Jiang Tuo.

With Jiang Tuo's strength in the age group under twenty, he won't encounter too many restrictions in the short term.

It is difficult for anyone under the age of twenty to have a diamond-level beast master like Fang Mu.

Basically, Fang Mu was matched with opponents who were contracted with gold-level or platinum-level beasts. The early duels were not fun at all for Fang Mu.

Facing those beast masters with platinum-level beast masters and below, Fang Muguang could easily eliminate his opponents with the help of the body-melting tyrant.

In the second world level, if you reach Diamond level and then break through upward, you will enter a level called Palace level.

The palace level is equivalent to the highest level for this age group.

If you have a duel after entering the palace level, you will basically be matched with opponents in the next age group, realizing a cross-age duel.

The small goal that Fang Mu set for himself was to fight all the way to the palace level as quickly as possible. Only when he reaches the palace level can he bring real fun to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu’s live broadcast room started from scratch and is now in a stage of continuously accumulating fans.

There is no doubt that Fang Mu's live broadcast is fun. A diamond-level dead creature is absolutely unique at the age of twenty.

Fans who enter Fang Mu's live broadcast room will gradually and spontaneously become Fang Mu's trolls, helping Fang Mu promote the live broadcast room.

Fang Mu broadcast live for about an hour, and the number of people in the live broadcast room increased greatly because of these "tap water" promotions.

Fang Mu finally met a decent opponent in the last qualifying match.

Wang Longfei was born in the Wang family of Longteng Federation and ran many restaurants in Longteng Federation.

Because the head of the Wang family, Wang Fengjian, is the most famous spirit forging master in the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Wang Fengjian's personality is somewhat similar to that of the Saint Founder Han Ming, and he likes to support young spiritual masters.

Wang Fengjian can be described as having peaches and plums all over the world in recent years.

Fengjian Pavilion established by the Wang family is the largest spiritual weapon supplier in the Soaring Dragon Federation. Many of the spirit blacksmiths trained by Wang Fengjian eventually chose to stay in Fengjian Pavilion.

Even in the comprehensive evaluation of resources and reputation of the current Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, it will be difficult to surpass Fengjiange in the short term.

Wang Longfei is not the candidate for the young head of the Wang family, but Wang Longfei has always been a direct disciple trained by the Wang family.

Because of his affinity with dragon-type beasts, the two dragon-type beasts contracted by Wang Longfei have already awakened part of the main dragon's bloodline.

There is no need for a promotion sequence. When promoted from the tenth level of the platinum level to the diamond level, Wang Longfei's two dragon-type beasts can try to transform into the main dragon.

Wang Longfei is just twenty years old this year, and he recently became a three-pointed star beast master with the help of the Wang family.

Wang Longfei has always been regarded as the number one seed in the under-twenty age category by Longteng Federation.

Because of his family background, Wang Longfei has been arrogant since he was a child, and he has a very obvious behavior style of a child of a big power.

Wang Longfei was very confident before matching Fang Mu.

Not only did Longteng Federation regard Wang Longfei as the top seed, Wang Longfei himself also regarded himself as a seeded player.

I think that even if I reach the second world, it will be difficult for me to meet opponents in the age group under twenty years old.

But the body-melting tyrant standing in front of Fang Mu seemed to have subverted Wang Longfei's cognition.

Wang Longfei has reached the peak of age in this division. Next year Wang Longfei will go to the next division to fish.

Becoming a four-pointed star beast master under the age of twenty is not only an eye-catching thing in the Soaring Dragon Federation, but also in the entire beast master world.

This fourteen-meter-tall undead beast completely destroyed Wang Longfei's proud psychological defense.

Fang Mu didn't know Wang Longfei, and Fang Mu basically didn't know much about the younger generation of Longteng Federation.

The older generation of Longteng Federation also came to take the initiative to make friends with Fang Mu.

Fang Mu didn't know Wang Longfei, but Wang Longfei was suddenly startled the moment he saw Fang Mu's ID.

Not only had Wang Longfei heard of the name Yama, he was also very familiar with it.

Someone in the family once compared Yama and Jianmu. Fang Mu Jianmu was the disciple of the founding master at that time, and Wang Longfei had nothing to object to.

But Wang Longfei never paid much attention to Yama, who contracted many immortal beasts.

Wang Longfei had such an idea, firstly because the price he would have to face in the future with the contracted undead beasts was too high.

Secondly, there are too many undead beasts in the Yama Contract, and the undead beasts can also be amplified by the mysterious pattern.

Yama was just a flash in the pan on the battle network. After a few duels, he never appeared again.

Now it seems that Yama, whom he has never paid much attention to, has become a big mountain in front of him that he needs to look up to!

As a disciple from a powerful force, Wang Longfei was surprised but he quickly suppressed the surprise in his heart.

Wang Longfei took the initiative to say hello to Fang Mu.

Yama Luo appeared on the battle network before, indicating that Yama Luo himself is also a member of the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Wang Longfei felt that after the duel was over, he needed to inform his grandfather about the matter and ask his grandfather to fight for Yama.

"Hello Yan Luo, my name is Wang Longfei. I have watched your duel on the battle network."

Wang Longfei's words let Fang Mu know Wang Longfei's origin.

Fang Mu was very happy to be matched with an opponent from the same federation as himself in the second world.

Wang Longfei has summoned his two dragon-type beasts, the Vinewood Snake Dragon and the Rock Mud Sand Dragon.

Both of Wang Longfei's dragon beasts have the potential to transform into elemental dragons.

These two platinum level legendary quality sub-dragons are very valuable in this age division.

If Wang Longfei hadn't met him, it would have been difficult for him to lose.

Facing two sub-dragons who have awakened the blood of the main dragon, Jiang Tuo has no advantage in competing with them.

After all, due to Jiang Tuo's beast master star rating limit, even if he contracted with the Infinite Silver Silkworm, Jiang Tuo's platinum level one legendary ice ghosts would not be able to compete with the tenth level platinum level Vinewood Snake Dragon and Rock Mud Sha Yalong. During the fierce battle, the outcome was only 50 to 50.

In the case that Wang Longfei also has his own beast to control, the possibility of Wang Longfei winning is even greater!

Fang Mu didn't know if Wang Longfei had contracted a beast that could bring him to the next level. This kind of beast was extremely difficult to find in the entire world of beast control.

If Wang Longfei had not contracted such a beast, Fang Mu would be willing to provide Wang Longfei with an Infinite Silver Silkworm to strengthen Wang Longfei's strength.

This is to ensure that the Soaring Dragon Federation can add a Dinghaishenzhen-level character in the competition for the age group under twenty years old!

Fang Mu said with a smile.

"It's really fate that we can meet here! You must have felt bored before after playing so many games, right?"

"Let's have a good fight. If you want to reminisce about old times, wait till we do it outside the court!"

Wang Longfei himself has a very forthright character, and Fang Mu's character can be said to be a perfect match for Wang Longfei's temper.

Wang Longfei laughed twice.

"Of course I want to have a good fight, but I know very well that I can't beat you."

"After the fight, I will add you as a friend. If we have a chance, we can get together offline!"

After saying that, Wang Longfei immediately issued an order to his dragon beast.

Wang Longfei actually didn't want to use all his strength in the duel with Fang Mu.

Since he and Fang Mu both came from the Soaring Dragon Federation, fighting fiercely would inevitably expose a lot of their trump cards.

Wang Longfei didn't want to expose his natal beast control and the mysterious patterns he had understood.

Secondly, Wang Longfei was also afraid that if he and Yama Luo fought hard, he would make Yama Luo or himself angry.

If this is the case, how can I have friendly offline communication with Yama in the future?

Fang Mu did have the idea of ​​having a good fight with Wang Longfei, but after seeing Wang Longfei's offensive, Fang Mu knew that Wang Longfei had no intention of exposing his trump card.

Wang Longfei's decision can be described as smart to a certain extent, but it is somewhat less heroic.

Fang Mu can still keep his trump card in the duel with Wang Longfei, but Wang Longfei must use all his trump cards if he wants to give his best.

Even if Fang Mu was considering the interests of the Soaring Dragon Federation, he would not embarrass Wang Longfei.

However, in order to show respect for Wang Longfei, Fang Mu still summoned the seductive girl.

The appearance of the seductive woman is both terrifying and beautiful, giving people an extremely dangerous feeling.

This humanoid female form of the dead creature is an extremely high-level existence among the dead creatures.

Even people who don't understand the creatures of the dead can easily see it.

Wang Longfei's Vinewood Snake Dragon and Rock Mud Sand Dragon are not suitable for close combat because they have the blood of elemental dragons.

But when the enemy has a front row of beasts, Wang Longfei must also have a beast to push forward.

Otherwise, Wang Longfei's space for movement would be greatly compressed, which would be extremely detrimental to Wang Longfei's subsequent response.

The rock, mud and sand dragon can use rocks as its main body and use mud, sand and rocks to construct a solid armor to cover its body.

In many cases, Rock Mud Sand Wurm is more useful than traditional defensive beasts.

The rock armor covering the surface of the rock mud dragon can be quickly repaired and regenerated. When these rock armors come into contact with the target, they can also detonate the rocks that make up the rock armor, forming a rock burst to attack the target.

Wang Longfei expressed his weakness to Fang Mu and expressed his intention not to expose his trump card.

But Wang Longfei still had to prove his strength to Fang Mu.

Wang Longfei knew very well that only in this way could he be treated equally by Fang Mu!

However, the Rock Mud Sand Dragon did not have a violent collision with this giant tyrant as Wang Longfei expected.

The moment a third of the Yannisha Yalong's body hit the tyrant, it was directly embedded in the tyrant's body as if it had hit a soft dough.

Immediately afterwards, Yannisha Yalong felt a huge force pulling him, making it impossible for his head to escape from the tyrant's body.

Wang Longfei hurriedly asked the rock mud sand dragon to activate the rocks in the armor to launch rock explosions. Continuous explosions sounded from the body of the tyrant.

The aftermath of the explosion obviously shattered some of the flesh and blood of the body-melting tyrant, but it did not cause any obvious damage to the body-melting tyrant.

The tissues from other creatures hidden in the body of the body-melting tyrant played a role.

Two mantis arms with a strength of more than five meters protruded from the body-melting tyrant's flesh and clamped the head of the rock-mud sand dragon tightly.

Continuous rock bursts have made the rock shell on the surface of the rock mud dragon very weak.

The long bone spurs on both sides found the correct position and poured into the head of the Yannisha Wulong, causing the Yannisha Wulong to let out a shrill wail.

The desperate struggle of the rock mud sand dragon made the body-melting tyrant look a little embarrassed, but in the end he did not break free from the shackles of the body-melting tyrant.

No one knows how the part of the rock mud sand dragon trapped in the body of the body-melting tyrant was attacked, but it is obvious that the rock mud sand dragon has basically lost its fighting ability.

The seductive creepy girl is an opportunist. When she saw the Vinewood Snake Dragon, she released a large number of vines that shot towards her like a rain of vines.

The seductive worm dodged and hid behind the body-melting tyrant, using the body-melting tyrant as her own shield.

Then he used the skills [Misfortune Finger] and [Heart Sea Torture] on Fujiki Snake Dragon.

The Fujiki Snake Dragon instantly aroused the suffering in his heart that he was unwilling to face in the area where [Heart Sea Torture] was released.

These sufferings could not have much impact on the Fujiki Snake Dragon in the first place, but the [Misfortune Finger] was eliminating the Fujiki Snake Dragon's mental resistance.

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