Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 650 The distribution of the royal court!

Grandmaster Shuoyang knew the importance of these boundless silver silkworms.

Except for the one given to Wang Longfei, how to distribute the other four Infinite Silver Silkworms and which age group they should be assigned to must be carefully considered.

Fang Mu gave himself the power to distribute the Infinite Silver Silkworms. He must let these Infinite Silver Silkworms exert their maximum value and gain the most chips for the Soaring Dragon Federation in order to live up to Fang Mu's trust.

The balance of garden resources in different age zones is exactly the same, which is why it is very difficult to allocate these infinite silver silkworms.

The Longteng Federation doesn't know how strong the seed players in other divisions of the other federations in the Eastern Division and the major federations in other divisions are.

There are ace players in each segment of the Dragon Federation, and it’s really hard to figure out which segment is more competitive.

Grandmaster Shuoyang simply took the initiative to convene a royal court meeting of the Soaring Dragon Federation, and distributed the four Infinite Silver Silkworms at the meeting.

Everyone at the meeting can give their input on this.

Wang Longfei didn't take the gift mentioned by Yama Luo seriously.

Yan Luo had asked Grandmaster Shuoyang to help deliver the gift to him. It was hard for Wang Longfei to imagine how a young man like Yan Luo could have such great honor.

Grandmaster Shuoyang's schedule is very full every day. Even if it is his grandfather's favor, Grandmaster Shuoyang will only give it to him based on his mood.

As a result, Wang Longfei received news when he woke up early this morning that Grandmaster Shuoyang wanted to see him.

Wang Longfei suddenly remembered what Yama Luo said.

He had only been away from Grandmaster Shuoyang for a short time, and Grandmaster Shuoyang had no reason to see him.

Could it be that Yama really asked Grandmaster Shuoyang to deliver a gift to him? ?

Grandmaster Shuoyang did not dare to neglect Wang Longfei in the slightest, not to mention Wang Longfei did not dare to neglect, the entire Wang family took action for this.

Wang Longfei's grandfather, Wang Fengjian, personally took Wang Longfei to the Longyu Research Institute.

Grandmaster Shuoyang hurriedly convened the Royal Court Council without saying anything more to Wang Longfei. He just nodded to Wang Fengjian and placed the test tube containing the Infinite Silver Silkworm in Wang Longfei's hand.

"Your Excellency Jianmu asked me to give this to you. After signing the contract, the beast you contracted will be able to achieve the highest level."

"Long Fei, you are not my disciple, but you are also someone I have personally cultivated."

"Take good care of this opportunity. This opportunity will make your life reach a new level beyond your original expectations!"

After saying that, Grandmaster Shuoyang left the Longyu Academy directly.

Wang Longfei was stunned for a moment after hearing Grandmaster Shuoyang's words, Sir Jianmu? When did I know Jianmu! ?

The person I know is clearly Yama, so there is no way Jianmu and Yama are the same person! ?

Wang Longfei's eyes widened at the thought.

Jianmu and Yama are indeed characters of similar age who appeared at the same time. The difference between the two is that the beasts controlled by Jianmu and Yama are completely different.

Jianmu has a half-elf, a tiger-type beast that can control dragon blood, and a domain-type plant-type beast.

Yama controls a group of dead creatures.

If Yama and Jianmu are the same person, then there is only one reasonable explanation.

That means Jianmu must have contracted a summoned natural disaster-level ghost beast!

What a luxury! As expected of a disciple of the Holy Builder, he can even summon ghost-like beasts to make contracts.

Both Yama and Jianmu are the proud sons of heaven in an absolute sense. If the two were combined into one, Jianmu's level would be much higher than that of his peers.

What Jianmu gave to him can no longer be described as just a gift.

It is a great opportunity to let the beast master reach the diamond rank. If his beast master can be promoted to the diamond rank, then he will be in a dominant position in the age division under twenty years old!

Wang Longfei is twenty years old this year and is in his last year in this division.

In this last year, Wang Longfei hopes that he can achieve some results.

Otherwise, when I reach the age group of 20 to 30 in the future, I will have no choice but to make a fool of myself!

Wang Fengjian was confused when he heard what Grandmaster Shuoyang said. Wang Fengjian had no idea what the opportunity for Wang Longfei mentioned by Grandmaster Shuoyang was.

Wang Fengjian didn't hear anything Wang Longfei said after returning home.

"Long Fei, you're not hiding anything from grandpa, right? Long Fei and grandpa have secrets now?"

Wang Longfei said helplessly after hearing this.

"Grandpa, I told you about this. Do you remember that I mentioned to you during the meal that I matched with Yama in the second world match?"

"The dead creatures of Yama have reached the diamond level. You didn't listen to me carefully at the time, but now you are blaming me!"

Wang Fengjian really didn't pay much attention to what Wang Longfei said at that time. Wang Fengjian had never paid attention to any situation on the battle network.

He spent almost all his time on the creation of spiritual weapons and the study of energy circuits throughout the day. Wang Fengjian left the development of family affairs to his own heirs.

Wang Fengjian didn't even know who Yama Luo was.

Wang Fengjian didn't know who Yama Luo was, but he knew who Jianmu was.

Jianmu Na is a disciple of Qi Xing, the Holy Founder, and is Qi Xing's public talker.

He can be regarded as the most noble figure in the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Even a creative master like Shuo Yang has to discuss friendship with Jianmu's peers, and is extremely polite to Jianmu.

His grandson Wang Longfei was actually able to establish a relationship with Jianmu, and asked Jianmu to send an insect creature that could help the beastmaster at the highest level.

Wang Longfei could think that Jianmu and Yan Luo were the same person, and Wang Fengjian could naturally think of this.

Wang Fengjian warned Wang Longfei in a very serious tone.

"Long Fei, you have been smart since you were a child. You should know very well what you can and cannot say."

"Before Sir Jianmu clearly reveals his identity as Yama, you must not reveal the information."

"If possible, you must make friends with Jianmu as much as possible."

"Don't think Grandpa is doing this for utilitarian purposes. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our entire Wang family!"

Wang Longfei nodded after hearing this.

Wang Longfei knew very well what Wang Fengjian meant. Everything his grandfather did was to consider the future of the family. Building a good relationship with Jianmu was of great benefit to the family.

As a child of an aristocratic family, everything comes first. Even if Wang Fengjian doesn't remind Wang Longfei, Wang Longfei will definitely do so.

"Grandpa, I know that in the future, my friendship with Mr. Jianmu will inevitably involve some resources in the family."

"I hope my family can fully support me then!"

As the saying goes, it is indecent to come back without reciprocating. Fang Mu gave him this insect life that can control beasts at the highest level. He must also give some feedback to Fang Mu.

Even if his feedback is not as valuable as this insect creature, he still cannot lose his courtesy.

Otherwise, the friendship between myself and Jianmu would not last long!

Wang Fengjian was very pleased with Wang Longfei's words.

"When Long Fei arrives, no matter what resources you use, just speak to me directly, and I will personally prepare it for you."

"What grandpa said is indeed utilitarian, but what you have to do must not be just utilitarian."

"Grandpa knows that you are a person who loves to make friends. Apart from those objective factors, grandpa also hopes that you can have one more good friend."

Just when Wang Longfei logged into the second world and was about to communicate with Fang Mu, the Royal Court Council of the Soaring Dragon Federation was opened again.

This time, no one was absent.

Firstly, it was because Grandmaster Shuoyang presided over the Royal Court Council.

As the most powerful founding grandmaster in the Soaring Dragon Federation, Grandmaster Shuoyang has high authority within the Royal Court Council.

Secondly, the second world has been open for so long, and the number of people online on Battle.net is now less than one-third of what it was before. Battle.net needs to make some changes.

The battle network is built by the dream beasts. Just feeding so many dream beasts requires a large amount of spiritual and soul spiritual materials and life energy every day.

Not changing Battle.net as soon as possible is a huge waste of resources.

Shuoyang was the first to speak when he saw everyone had arrived.

"I presided over the Royal Court Council this time. The main reason why I convened this Royal Court Council is to distribute the four insect creatures in my hands."

"Even if your Majesty is not a founding master, he who is qualified to participate in this gathering must be an observer of beast control. It is not difficult to see the effect of the Boundless Silver Silkworm."

"It's really amazing that there are so many beast masters like this that can help masters at all levels at once!"

The old woman sitting next to the Dragon Mother spoke.

"Did you specially cultivate these insectoid creatures, Master Shuoyang?"

While the old woman was speaking, she did not notice the change in the expression of the Dragon Mother sitting next to her.

The mother of dragons had already recognized that the insect creature in the test tube in Shuoyang's hand was the boundless silver silkworm that Mo Shang and Fang Qin had contracted not long ago.

I don't know why these four Infinite Silver Silkworms appeared in Shuoyang's hands, but these Infinite Silver Silkworms were obviously cultivated by the Saint Founder Qixing.

Shuoyang said quickly after hearing this.

"These four insectoid creatures were not cultivated by me. They were given to me by Lord Qixing's disciple Jianmu when I visited them."

"Let me distribute these insect creatures to the outstanding young people of each age group."

"Compared with how to change Battle.net, I think we need to determine the ownership of these insect creatures first, so that the outstanding young people of the Soaring Dragon Federation can get these insect creatures as soon as possible and improve their strength as soon as possible. Go up."

Shuoyang's words made many of the Soaring Dragon Federation's ministers present have expressions of surprise on their faces.

This behavior of Qixing disciples expresses Qixing's goodwill towards the Soaring Dragon Federation, otherwise it would be impossible for a junior to decide the ownership of such resources.

Yi Han, the newly promoted Founding Grandmaster, has now joined the Royal Court of Soaring Dragon Federation and became a crown prince of Soaring Dragon Federation.

Yi Han didn't say much after hearing Shuoyang's words. The outside world didn't know that Yi Han joined Qixing.

Yi Han could not disclose any relevant information to the outside world without obtaining permission from Fang Mu.

Yi Han has always done things in a measured manner and will not offend Jianmu and Qixing just to highlight his identity in the Royal Court Council.

Shuoyang thought for a moment and did not tell Qixing about staying in the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Whether or not these words are spoken out will affect the development of the Soaring Dragon Federation, but once they are spoken out, it is very likely that some people will take advantage of the power of Qi Xing, the Holy Architect, to do some outrageous things in the process of cooperating with other forces.

It would be okay if such things only happened a few times. If such things happened too often, it would inevitably reach Qixing's ears and affect Qixing's impression of the Soaring Dragon Federation.

The question of the ownership of these four Infinite Silver Silkworms was soon decided.

There are certain numbers of strongest people in each age group in the Dragon Federation, and Diyuan has established a total of four age groups.

But the age group of thirty to forty is the most competitive for the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Therefore, the two Infinite Silver Silkworms were assigned to the age group of thirty to forty, and the remaining two were assigned to the two age groups of twenty to thirty and forty to fifty respectively.

The Soaring Dragon Federation has made it clear that Jianmu, a disciple of Saint Founder Qixing, will attend the age group under twenty on behalf of the Soaring Dragon Federation. Jianmu himself definitely does not need the Infinite Silver Silkworm.

Seeing that an Infinite Silver Silkworm was assigned to her grandson Mo Shang, the Dragon Mother suggested.

"Since our Dragon Federation wants to ensure that competition in the age group of thirty to forty years old can achieve good results."

"The boundless silver silkworm given to Mo Shang might as well be given to the third seed who is ranked third in this age group!"

"Mo Shang has already made a contract with this kind of insect creature!"

Mo Shang, the grandson of the Mother of Dragons, is a well-known star in the entire Soaring Dragon Federation. Mo Shang does not know how many honors he has received for the Soaring Dragon Federation.

There is only one possibility for what the Dragon Mother said, and that is that Mo Shang has contracted this insect creature.

More than half of the ministers present knew that Mo Shang and Fang Qin, the disciple of Long Mu, had become lovers.

At first, because they didn’t know that Fang Qin was the sister of Jianmu, a disciple of Qixing, the Holy Founder, they all thought that Fang Qin, Dragon Mother’s new disciple, had taken over Mo Shang.

But now it seems that Mo Shang has become acquainted with a rich woman, and with Fang Qin, he can already enjoy the resources of the Saint Builder level before anyone else!

The Soaring Dragon Federation indeed has the strongest strength in the age group of thirty to forty. According to what Dragon Mother said, using the No. 3 seeds in this age group can maximize the benefits.

After the four Infinite Silver Silkworms were distributed, the ministers of the Soaring Dragon Federation began to discuss the reform of the battle network.

It was finally determined that Zique Academy would control Battle.net, making Battle.net a teaching tool to assist the major colleges and universities under Zique Academy.

Allow all young beast masters to log in to the battle website every day to conduct guided battles with instructors, comprehensively improving the combat literacy of the younger generation of the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Only by investing more resources in the younger generation can the future of a federation become brighter.

Fang Mu had already had several duels in the second world at this time, and Fang Mu finally encountered an opponent who allowed him to summon the third dead creature in addition to the Fusion Body Tyrant and the Mind-Wretching Girl!

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