Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 651 Titan Giant Ape!

The third beast summoned by Fang Mu was the Zombie King of the Dead Realm.

The Zombie King of the Dead Realm had just been summoned, and first let out a shrill and ferocious roar, and then used the skill [Polluting the Dead Land], injecting a large amount of the corpse energy in his body into the ground under his feet.

The energy of these corpses immediately transforms the land under their feet. The dead creatures can be treated on the dead land, but the living people will always be infected by the energy of the dead, causing their vitality to drain and their bodies to continue to fester.

There is no need for the Death Realm Zombie King to use his exclusive feature [Death Land Nightmare] and other offensive skills like [Death Land Decay].

Fang Mu's victory was basically established.

The body-melting tyrant on the dead ground quickly recovered from his injuries and gained the strength to resist the giant ape in front of him.

Titan giant apes have extremely strong fighting capabilities when facing any living creature.

If he hadn't encountered a beast with an absurd number of internal and external devices like the Fusion Tyrant, a beast with top ape bloodline such as the Titan Giant Ape would have already smashed the enemies of the same level in front of him.

Standing opposite Fang Mu was a tall, strong and hot woman.

This woman is extremely charming and does not look like she is in her twenties at all.

However, being in this group shows that the woman must be under twenty years old.

Fang Mu guessed that this woman was probably a seed player of some force or federation. It was not an easy task to cultivate a beast-controlling beast like the Titan Giant Ape and inspire its bloodline at the diamond level.

There must be a lot of resources to support it.

Fang Mu would not put much effort into these opponents who could be easily defeated by him.

Perhaps judging from the performance, the battle between Fang Mu and this woman was very fierce.

The body-melting tyrant and the heart-wrenching worm have all their trump cards, but these are not the only two dead creatures under Fang Mu's command, and Fang Mu is just the tip of the iceberg showing his strength.

This duel between Fang Mu made Fang Mu's live broadcast room abuzz.

As the number of Fang Mu's fan groups continues to increase, Fang Mu has received several recommendations one after another.

A large amount of people flowed into Fang Mu's live broadcast room.

This battle was exciting enough that even if these newly introduced viewers had their own favorite anchors, they were basically retained.

Hutao, who had just become the administrator of Fangmu's live broadcast room, was very happy about this.

Hu Tao planned to wait for Fang Muxia to broadcast before announcing the information about the upcoming lottery in the live broadcast room.

Since both Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo's live broadcast rooms have to draw prizes, the prizes drawn are exactly the same.

Doing both at the same time will definitely increase the topic.

Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo are in the same age group. One of them is contracted to a diamond-level dead creature and the other is contracted to multiple ice ghosts. They are both very topical characters.

The two fans must have overlapped.

Jiang Tuo and Fang Mu will become teammates in the future, and Fang Mu has no intention of hiding this.

Letting Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo interact would undoubtedly be more in line with their interests and maximize their popularity.

Regardless of whether Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo care about their popularity, he is now the manager of their live broadcast rooms.

Hutao needs to prove his ability.

Neither Jiang Tuo nor Fang Mu would ask Hu Tao for help.

Fang Mu defeated the woman with the ID name [Holy Ape and Blade] without any pause and continued to the next match.

Since Fang Mu summoned the Dead Realm Zombie King, he no longer uses the Dead Realm Zombie King as his trump card.

When matched with an opponent, Fang Mu will directly summon the Fusion Tyrant, the Heart-Constrained Woman and the Dead King Zombie at the same time.

Fang Mu has obviously started the next duel, but the barrage in Fang Mu's live broadcast room is still discussing the situation of the previous duel.

[Once upon a time there was a little Gu Rao]: No! That's the Titan Ape, which is said to be invincible at the same level! It was a being who was said to be able to touch the ceiling in melee combat, but he was actually controlled by this tyrant whose flesh was like mud, and even caused heavy damage to this titan ape! What's so weird about this tyrant's body, how can he be so strong!

[Zhi Ge Wei Wu]: I know this guy with the ID name Holy Ape and Blade. He is one of the two seed players in the age group of under 20 in Gusen Federation. Unexpectedly, he failed in the platinum stage qualifying. Come on, no one else is so lucky!

[Wang Shangbai]: This Gusen Federation's seed player is certainly unlucky, but Yama probably doesn't have much to look at anymore. Now he has summoned three beasts. The limit for a young beast master to contract with three beasts is already high. , Unless he no longer wants to comprehend the mysterious patterns, the only thing Yama Luo focuses on now is his own natal beast and the mysterious patterns he has comprehended.

[Siam Cat]: Not interested? This can be said to be worthless! ? Who have you seen winning streak all the way to the platinum level? Haven’t you seen how powerful the land corrupted by zombie-like undead creatures that can only create realms is? Unless you encounter some extremely special beasts, it would be difficult for even a diamond-level beast to fight on this dead ground for more than five minutes.

The audience of Fang Mu's live broadcast room now exceeds 1.7 million, and the number of fans has exceeded the 300,000 mark.

In the end, Fang Mu tried his best and only broadcast for more than a day. The live broadcast time was really too short.

Even with "tap water" publicity and audience push, there is no way to compare with those anchors who have been live broadcasting from the beginning.

However, among anchors of the same magnitude, Fang Mu’s fan base is several times or even more than ten times larger.

After Wang Longfei logged into the second world, he saw Fang Mu live broadcasting, and immediately entered Fang Mu's live broadcast room.

After knowing that Yan Luo was Jianmu and then meeting the Zombie King of the Dead Realm summoned by Fang Mu, Wang Longfei was certain of one thing, that is, the strength of the dead creatures controlled by Fang Mu must have been upgraded to diamond-level legendary quality.

Compared with Fang Mu who was dueling on the battle net, Fang Mu at least still had those three strange hunting corpses that had not been summoned.

The three zombie hunters can cooperate with each other, which is much more powerful than the ordinary diamond-level dead creatures.

As a disciple who was so valued by the Holy Founder, Fang Mu could not be overthrown.

Fang Mu's understanding of Xuan Wen is further ahead than other peers.

Wang Longfei doesn't like live broadcasts and always finds them very troublesome.

Even though he knew that live streaming would improve his reputation, Wang Longfei still didn't bother to do it.

At that time, if you defeat your opponent in the competition in the competition area, the attention and honor you will receive will be more valuable than the live broadcast.

Wang Longfei decided to concentrate on improving the strength of his beasts during this period. After contracting with the Infinite Silver Silkworm, all his beasts could be promoted to diamond level without exception.

The promotion of his two dragon beasts to the diamond level can greatly enhance his strength with the dual improvement of rank and bloodline.

Wang Longfei dare not think about rising to the palace level to compete with people in the age group of 20 to 30 years old, but it is still very possible to stand firmly on the top of the diamond in the age group of under 20 years old.

The current second world has restrictions on matching. People in the Eastern Division are currently only matched with younger generations who are also in the Eastern Division.

Only after the federations in the four major regions have completed their duels and determined the players representing each age group will the four major regions be completely connected and can be matched with players from other regions at will.

This makes the competition much less competitive.

Otherwise, Wang Longfei would not have dared to set such a lofty goal after obtaining the Infinite Silver Silkworm Beast Controlling Level.

In addition to improving his beast control for a duel, Wang Longfei plans to spend more time in Fang Mu's live broadcast room to become a fan of Fang Mu, so that he can understand how big the gap is between himself and Fang Mu and other disciples of the Saint Builder.

Fang Mu had more than a dozen duels in succession and met many strong opponents.

However, the strongest one is the girl whose ID name is [Holy Ape and Blade] whom Fang Mu met at the beginning. Apart from her, no one can force Fang Mu to summon the fourth dead creature.

In addition to gaining a large number of viewers and fans for Fang Mu, Fang Mu's strength also made many forces focus on Fang Mu Yan Luo's identity.

In addition to making the younger generation of the various forces and the federation famous, the battle zone in the second world is also the best place for the various forces and the federation to collect intelligence.

As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you survive a hundred battles. Only by collecting a lot of information about your opponent's combat can you come up with ways to restrain your opponent.

After Fang Mu felt that his energy was almost exhausted, he stopped continuing the duel.

At this time, in the far southeast of the Soaring Dragon Federation, there was a woman who looked like a little leopard, sitting there with her lips pressed tightly and without saying a word.

Next to the girl, a huge ancient ape with a height of 19 meters was beating its chest in frustration and roaring from time to time.

The woman sighed and placed a pot of bananas on the table in front of the giant ape.

"Tai Li, your defeat this time has a lot to do with the fact that I didn't use my natal beast to amplify you, and I didn't use mystical patterns to strengthen you."

"If you meet him again on the field, you will have another chance to fight with him. You will be the one who beats your opponent to the ground!"

The giant ape seemed to be greatly inspired by the woman's words, and happily enjoyed the bananas in the basin in front of him.

This huge banana pot, which took a lot of effort from the girl, could only fit between the teeth of the nineteen-meter-tall Titan ape.

The woman said after the giant ape finished eating the banana in the basin.

"Tali, go and eat in the fruit garden prepared for you. Come back when you are full."

"I have some other things to do here, so I won't accompany you there."

The Titan Giant Ape heard the words and called out twice, then jumped out of the huge window in the room.

After the Titan Ape left, the woman's brows furrowed again.

Grosha knew very well what kind of personality she had as a beast master. The titan ape was very competitive, and once it was denied, its morale would be greatly reduced as if it had been hit for a long time.

Therefore, when dealing with titan apes, you must focus on comforting them.

For a beast master, teaching beast masters in accordance with their aptitude and catering to the beast master's personality are the most basic qualities.

Although she said this, Rosa knew it very well in her heart.

If he really encounters this person named Yama again, he will probably not be a match for Yama even if he uses his natal beast-controlling and mysterious patterns.

When Yama had only two beasts, he was at a slight disadvantage. The moment Yama summoned the third beast, the third undead beast had just expanded its domain and he was unable to deal with it.

I have my own destiny to control the beasts and the mysterious pattern of Yama, don’t I?

Rosa is not an arrogant person and would not think that others have revealed all their cards when she has hidden them.

Just as Rosa was reviewing the battle just now, two old men walked into Rosa's room.

The old woman with a complicated bun walked up to Rosa and helped Rosa pull up the broken hair from her forehead.

"Shasha heard that you lost to a man named Yama in the second world battle. Do you have any insights?"

This old woman is the only founding master in the Gusen Federation and is Rosa's grandmother.

The old man next to the old woman bowed after seeing Rosa. This old man was Rosa's teacher and had a good status in the Gusen Federation.

He is one of the Ten Guards of Gusen who was personally trained by Rosa's grandmother.

Rosa raised her head and met the old woman's eyes, speaking in a dry voice.

"Grandma, I am no match for him."

Rosa's expression did not change much as she spoke, but the old woman could see a flash of grievance in Rosa's eyes.

The Gusen Federation does not rank among the top ten among all federations in the Eastern Division. In recent years, the Gusen Federation has invested a large amount of resources in a peak-level master builder.

However, this master builder has never been able to become a master builder as he wished, which has greatly damaged the vitality of the Gusen Federation.

It's a bit reluctant to rank in the top 20 on a comprehensive level.

However, there is no way around this. It is not that simple for a Master Builder to become a Master Builder.

Losing the bet will indeed have a big impact on the Gusen Federation, but if the bet wins, the Gusen Federation will have two founding masters.

The Gusen Federation is bound to develop rapidly in the next thirty years.

It is a great blessing to have an outstanding young person like Rosa in the Gusen Federation.

Rosa and another seed player in the under-twenty age division will definitely be able to win a lot of resources for the Gusen Federation.

Shen Shu is very selfish towards her granddaughter.

Shen Shu is very concerned about Rosa's personal growth. When Rosa was young, her parents were seriously injured when they were ambushed by the beast-controlling forces when they went out on a mission.

Even if Rosa's mother was rescued, she still couldn't survive.

It was Shen Shu who raised Rosa single-handedly. When Rosa was young, Shen Shu had to keep Rosa in her breeding room even when preparing medicine.

Rosa, who lost her parents since she was a child, has not gone wrong in terms of quality, but in terms of improving her strength, she has gone very smoothly without encountering any setbacks.

Going too smoothly is not a good thing for a beast master who needs to lick blood from the knife edge.

This gave Rosa a sense of arrogance that looked down on others.

This confrontation with Yama can be regarded as shattering Rosa's pride.

This has only advantages and no disadvantages for Rosa's journey as a beast master!

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