Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 654 The consequences are at your own risk!

"You two want to buy this fire-attributed natural disaster-level ghost-type beast at the same price?"

"This exhibit has been reserved. If you want to see it, you can see other exhibits. However, I need to check whether you have enough world coins before visiting the exhibition."

Yu Yi had a lot of speculations in his mind, especially when he saw that the two and a half-year-old boys wanted to buy the natural disaster-level ghost beast he had planned to buy at a fixed price.

Yu Yi's heart became more certain about his previous guesses, which made Yu Yi's words no longer as scrupulous as before.

Otherwise, Yu Yi would never say anything about booking exhibits, let alone embarrass Fang Mu and Wang Longfei, trying to find out whether Fang Mu and Wang Longfei had enough world coins.

To be honest, Yu Yi, as the person in charge of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, and Fang Mu and Wang Longfei as customers of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, Yu Yi does not have such qualifications.

The expression on the waiter's face was extremely ugly when he heard Yu Yi's words.

The waiter did not doubt the purchasing power of Fang Mu and Wang Longfei, because Wang Longfei showed the pale gold badge to the waiter.

The power that can purchase land and shops in the Holy City is no worse than the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

However, the waiter did not remind Yu Yi of this situation. The waiter had a secret hatred for Yi in his heart.

If Yu Yi hadn't stepped in, even though the exhibit had been sold at a fixed price, he would definitely have been able to earn the commission.

Yu Yi had effectively cut off the waiter's financial path!

The waiter very much hoped that Fang Mu and Wang Longfei could be more bloody and teach Yu Yi some lessons.

Wang Longfei glared at Yu Yi, the person in charge who had just arrived, and said in a cold voice.

"This is the first time I heard that when a merchant opens a business, they have to check how much money the customers have in their wallets."

"You guys, the Huishou Chamber of Commerce can be regarded as a large-scale cross-federal level chamber of commerce worthy of its name. In addition to you as the person in charge, there should be elders from the headquarters in your Huishou Chamber of Commerce."

"Call the elders of your headquarters here, I want to see if your Huishou Chamber of Commerce is open for business!?"

"If your Huishou Chamber of Commerce is doing this business, you might as well close it down as soon as possible!"

Wang Longfei's words were very rude. No one would be able to bear it if he said he wanted to close the business just after it opened.

Nowadays, it is auspicious to open a business and it is very taboo to close a business.

If Wang Longfei received such treatment in the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, Wang Longfei would be dissatisfied, but he would not openly break up with the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

Wang Longfei is doing this now because Fang Mu came here after hearing his suggestion.

Fang Mu went to the Huishou Chamber of Commerce at his own invitation. He should not let Fang Mu be humiliated under any circumstances.

If I didn't even say anything when Fang Mu was humiliated, how could I become friends with Fang Mu in the future?

Wang Longfei himself did not want to provoke the Huishou Chamber of Commerce because the power of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce was no worse than that of his own Wang family.

Offending the Huishou Chamber of Commerce will not bring any benefit to the Wang family.

It was inconvenient for his grandfather to stand up for himself when facing the Beast Hui Chamber of Commerce in the Beast-speaking Federation.

Once the two sides conflict, it will even affect the relationship between the Soaring Dragon Federation and the Beast-Whispering Federation.

But now Fang Mu is here. As a disciple of the Holy Builder, Fang Mu is not afraid of conflict with any force.

If the Huishou Chamber of Commerce knew that its person in charge had offended Fang Mu, a disciple of the Holy Founder, not only would the Huishou Chamber of Commerce find out how to apologize to Fang Mu, but the Beast Talking Federation would also react in the same way.

What he is doing now is not so much looking for trouble, but rather protecting the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

Wang Longfei's loud voice aroused the attention of many guests around the scene, and also let these guests know what happened.

What this young man said was indeed quite harsh and did not leave any room for the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, but it was understandable.

No matter how big the background of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce is, in the final analysis, the Huishou Chamber of Commerce is just a store serving beast masters.

Everyone present is a consumer. How can there be any reason for a store to investigate consumers’ wallets?

By doing this, the Huishou Chamber of Commerce is showing contempt for consumers and is targeting the entire consumer population.

Wang Longfei thought of such a situation when he spoke. Wang Longfei has never been a person who does things without thinking.

This is what Wang Longfei wants to do!

Because by doing this, we can call out the head of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce and ask the head of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce to give us an explanation.

Yu Yi thought that what he said would scare away the two juniors, Fang Mu and Wang Longfei, but he didn't expect that Wang Longfei would be so difficult to deal with!

The rhetoric caused a lot of turmoil.

Yu Yi's behavior of booking the exhibits in advance without receiving the money was in line with human kindness but not in compliance with the rules.

Even among the seven heads of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, it is a very excessive and vicious competition, and it is untenable no matter how you say it!

If this matter spreads further, it will definitely have an extremely negative impact on himself. This is not what Yu Yi wants to see.

"Are the elders of our Huishou Chamber of Commerce something you can meet if you want!?"

"You two took advantage of our Huishou Chamber of Commerce to cause trouble on the first day it opened in the second world. I wonder which chamber of commerce you two are from!?"

"Our Huishou Chamber of Commerce relies on excellent sources of goods to attract customers and does not disdain vicious competition!"

"That's all I have to say, I hope you will take care of yourself!"

Wang Longfei laughed angrily at Yu Yi's words. Wang Longfei understood the meaning of Yu Yi's words.

Yu Yi wanted to regard himself and others as troublemakers, and label himself and Fang Mu as troublemakers.

As long as he and Fang Mu are labeled as such, the turmoil he initiated will soon subside.

Yu Yi's ability to confuse right and wrong is really disgusting!

Wang Longfei didn't intend to let Yu Yi get his wish. This time Fang Mu was the first to say it before Wang Longfei opened his mouth.

"I don't know whether Huishou Chamber of Commerce engages in vicious competition. Only the opponents of Huishou Chamber of Commerce have the final say on this point."

"When you first came here, you said that someone had already reserved this product. Does the reservation mean that a certain force or individual paid you a deposit in advance, or did you verbally reserve it?"

"According to the rules disclosed by the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, you can get the goods directly if you buy them at a fixed price."

"If this fire-attribute natural disaster-level ghost-type beast is still on display, it means it has not been bought at a fixed price. It is reasonable for me to buy this ghost-type beast at a fixed price!"

"You said I was causing trouble, but this is a big deception at the Huishou Merchant Guild store!"

"You don't need to check my wallet. If I followed the rules, I would have paid for this ghost beast by now."

"Of course you know if I can come up with enough world coins!"

"If I don't want to take out my wallet, let alone you, even your Huishou Chamber of Commerce is not qualified to investigate!"

"I'll give you two choices now. One is to call your head office to express your apology to me and my friends, and then act in accordance with the rules."

"Either we leave now, and then the president of your Huishou Chamber of Commerce will bring these exhibits and put them in front of me for me to choose from."

Fang Mu has always had a good temper, especially when dealing with his own people.

But even the clay figurine was very angry, and Fang Mu was too lazy to waste his time talking nonsense with this pretentious little guy.

Fang Mu and Wang Longfei came to Huishou Chamber of Commerce this time to buy supplies as ordinary customers.

Since the Huishou Chamber of Commerce would not give him this opportunity, Fang Mu would not mind changing his identity and posture to obtain the resources he wanted.

Under normal circumstances, Wang Longfei would definitely have helped after Fang Mu finished speaking, but now Wang Longfei really didn't know what to say, and Fang Mu was obviously angry.

Wang Longfei is well aware of Fang Mu's energy, so it's okay for the head of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce to show up.

If Fang Mu didn't show up, didn't solve the problem and let Fang Mu leave, then the Huishou Chamber of Commerce would probably be in trouble!

If he helped at this time, it would be tantamount to forging a big feud with the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

The Huishou Chamber of Commerce did not dare to blame everything on Fang Mu, so they would not blame it on themselves, and then look for opportunities to vent their anger.

Yu Yi was startled by the first half of Fang Mu's words, and secretly thought something was wrong.

Yu Yi is not afraid of the young man arguing with him angrily just now. This is his home court, and he can slap the young man on his back at will.

The young man who was speaking now calmly and clearly explained his problem, allowing the spectators to understand the specific situation.

But these facts are difficult for Yu Yi to refute.

Fang Mu said the second half of his sentence very calmly, which made Wang Longfei feel frightened.

This feeling has not appeared for many years since Yu Yi became the head of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

Yu Yi felt like he was a head shorter in front of Fang Mu.

If he did something that was not in compliance with the regulations, Yu Yi would definitely not call the elder who was sitting in the chamber of commerce. He would definitely be punished if he called the elder.

Yu Yi calmed down and did not respond to Fang Mu's question, but said it directly.

"I have always done things according to the rules. You know very well whether there will be any trouble when you come to Huishou Chamber of Commerce."

"I believe you don't want things to get too big."

"I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise I will have to have someone drive you out!"

Speaking of this, Yu Yi shouted to the people watching around him.

"I am really sorry that such a situation occurred on the first day of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce's opening. I think everyone should be able to understand this situation."

"The Shuda Zhaofenghui Beast Chamber of Commerce has reached such a level that it will inevitably be remembered by others."

"I have made you watch a farce in vain. As compensation, if you spent anything in the Huishou Chamber of Commerce today, I will send you a gift to express my apology!"

Yu Yi has made his choice, and Yu Yi is going to ask the waiter to drive Fang Mu and Wang Longfei out.

Yu Yi, who made the decision, naturally had to protect other guests so as to minimize the impact on himself.

Wang Longfei was once again angered by Yu Yi's shamelessness, and was about to argue with Yu Yi when Fang Mu, standing next to Wang Longfei, spoke up.

"Let's go, there's no need to stay here any longer!"

Wang Longfei nodded when he heard this and explained to Fang Mu.

"Brother, I didn't expect that the Huishou Chamber of Commerce would be in such a situation. If I knew that the Huishou Chamber of Commerce would be in such a situation, I would never suggest that you come to the Huishou Chamber of Commerce."

Fang Mu said with a smile when he heard this.

"Of course I know this. There is no need to affect your mood for such a thing."

"Brother Wang invited me to a meal last time. This time we choose a good shop in this holy city and let me entertain you, Brother Wang!"

Fang Mu's emotions were very stable, as if he was not affected by the incident in front of him at all.

Wang Longfei believed that he definitely did not have such a good attitude as Fang Mu.

There was nothing he could do to help Fang Mu on this matter. Since Fang Mu didn't mention it again, Wang Longfei naturally didn't mention it either.

Many restaurants in the Holy City are now officially open for business. Opening a restaurant is not as troublesome as setting up a chamber of commerce.

Chefs cooking in the second world can display the same skills as in the real world, and the taste of the dishes will not change over time like in the main world.

Fang Mu asked Wang Longfei to choose a restaurant and specially ordered some special dishes to entertain Wang Longfei.

This meal cost Fang Mu nearly 200,000 world coins.

The pricing of various materials in the second world holy city is much more expensive than the real pricing in the Soaring Dragon King's capital.

Wang Longfei had a very comfortable and solid meal.

Once you come to this Huang'an themed restaurant, the environment is beautiful. In such an environment, let alone eating, even just staying for a while is a supreme enjoyment.

What's more, the dishes in this themed restaurant are exceptionally delicious and very much in line with my taste!

Secondly, Fang Mu was willing to entertain him in such an environment, which meant that Fang Mu was not angry with him because of his trip to the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

After Wang Longfei returned to the real world, he immediately told Wang Fengjian about the situation he encountered in the second world.

Wang Fengjian had a thoughtful expression on his face after hearing this.

This matter really means that Fang Mu has been treated unfairly in the Huishou Chamber of Commerce in the second world. It is tantamount to the Huishou Chamber of Commerce bullying Fang Mu.

It has long been heard that Qixing, who is the Holy Architect, treats his disciple Jianmu very well. The result of this matter is enough to show the importance of Fang Mu in Qixing's heart.

Since Wang Longfei had become friends with Fang Mu, this incident was related to Wang Longfei, who was also one of the participants who experienced these things.

Wang Fengjian felt that the Wang family needed to do something now.

The Wang family and the Huishou Chamber of Commerce had no previous friendship, and the two forces were not even friends.

Compared with showing kindness to Jianmu, having one more enemy like the Huishou Chamber of Commerce is not an unacceptable thing.

Even if the Wang family was originally friends with the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, it would be necessary to cut off from the Huishou Chamber of Commerce if something like this happened.

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