Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 655 Fang Mu’s counterattack!

Before there was any reaction from Fang Mu, Wang Fengjian had already started taking action.

Since there is no cooperation between Wang Fengjian and the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, he cannot directly affect the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

Wang Fengjian informed all the forces related to the Wang family about the hostility between the Wang family and the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, and the matter became a big deal.

This made many forces who were friendly with the Wang family think that Wang Fengjian was crazy.

There is no competitive relationship between Huishou Chamber of Commerce and the Wang family.

One company's main function is to buy and sell beasts, and the other's main function is to sell spiritual weapons to external parties.

Such forces that do not compete with each other should be on good terms with each other.

If the Wang family wants to create spiritual weapons, they need to use a large amount of spiritual materials produced by the beasts, and the Huishou Chamber of Commerce has the ability and conditions to trade such spiritual materials to the Wang family.

It is really inexplicable for the Wang family to unilaterally declare hostility to the Huishou Chamber of Commerce. The head of the Wang family, Wang Fengjian, is not a domineering character and must have his own purpose for doing so.

Those forces that are on good terms with the Wang family are not willing to offend the Huishou Chamber of Commerce because of their friendship with the Wang family. At most, they should try to distance themselves from the Huishou Chamber of Commerce before they know why Wang Fengjian went crazy.

Wait until you know the true situation of the matter before making the appropriate decision.

If the Wang family never explains their behavior, many forces will have to consider whether it is still necessary to cooperate with the Wang family.

If Wang Fengjian made such a decision for a reason, and the benefits this "cause" brought to his own power were higher than the cost of breaking with the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

These forces that have good relations with the Wang family will make appropriate choices.

Wang Fengjian made this choice without deliberately informing Fang Mu. If he took the initiative to inform Fang Mu, it would be too deliberate.

Fang Mu will know the situation sooner or later.

Regardless of whether Fang Mu Ling appreciates it or not, this is a way for the Wang family to show their kindness to Fang Mu, and it is also the Wang family's attitude.

Fang Mu's mood was not affected in any way by the incident in the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

Nowadays, there are very few things that can directly affect Fang Mu's mood.

But Fang Mu will not let go of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, because ever since Fang Mu took up the banner of Saint Founder Qixing, Fang Mu has never had any open conflict with any force.

However, Fang Mu Qixing's identity requires him to establish his authority. Only when he has established his authority can he be feared.

Otherwise, the major forces will only be intimidated by the name of Qixing, but not fear of Qixing itself.

Fang Mu doesn't need to do anything if he wants to target the Huishou Chamber of Commerce. He only needs to convey the news that he hates the Huishou Chamber of Commerce as Qixing.

If Fang Mu passes this message on, other founding masters will put pressure on the Huishou Chamber of Commerce in order to please him, and soon the Beast-speaking Federation will be affected.

As a force supported by the Federation of Beasts, the Huishou Chamber of Commerce will naturally want to apologize to itself.

Fang Mu called Yi Han, whom he had not seen for a long time. At the last Diyuan gathering, Fang Mu said a lot with the help of Yi Han's mouth, which had already let the major forces know that Yi Han was the mouthpiece of Qixing.

It would be most appropriate for Fang Mu to ask Yi Han to pass on the news that he hates the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

Otherwise, if Fang Mu directly attacked the Huishou Chamber of Commerce as a Qixing disciple, it would be too much to make a fuss out of a molehill.

Yi Han was preparing potions in the breeding room before receiving the news from Fang Mu. Yi Han always hated being disturbed while mixing potions.

Fang Mu's sudden message to Yi Han through Xu Yulan Die caused the potion Yi Han was preparing to fail.

Normally, Yi Han would have shouted and cursed with an angry face.

All members of the Yi family, even the uncles of the Yi family who are more senior than Yi Han, have been scolded by Yi Han.

But now Yi Han, who should be furious, is full of joy.

No matter what the reason is, it is a good thing for Yi Han that Fang Mu is willing to find him.

When he first joined Qixing through Fang Mu, Yi Han thought Qixing was just a very high-level creative master.

I never thought that Qixing would be a genuine Saint Builder.

In the past few months, so many creative masters who were stronger than him had surrounded Qixing, and among them, Grandmaster Fuyue stayed by Qixing's side.

Grandmaster Shuoyang also took the initiative to contact Fang Mu, which put great pressure on Yi Han.

Yi Han was afraid that he would be marginalized by Fang Mu.

After communicating with Fang Mu excitedly, he learned that Qixing had something to arrange for him to do. Yi Han rushed from the royal capital to Fang Mu's Mid-Levels Manor in JA City.

Yi Han knew that all orders from Qixing were issued through Fang Mu, and Yi Han did not expect to see Qixing himself.

Yi Han has always connected with Fang Mu, and contact with Fang Mu can make Yi Han feel more comfortable.

Seeing Fang Mu, Yihan hurriedly stepped forward and bowed, saying.

"Master, we haven't seen each other for a long time. When we meet again, I find that your aura is much more condensed than before!"

"This trip to the Hanyang Empire is really hard!"

Fang Mu said with a smile when he heard this.

"Uncle Yi, just call me Xiaomu like before. You are an elder and there is no need to be so different from me."

Yi Han used to call Fang Mu Xiaomu, but he really just regarded Fang Mu as a junior.

But during this period, Fang Mu did many things that were far beyond Yi Han's imagination, and Yi Han knew that he had misjudged Fang Mu's status in Qixing's heart.

Qixing simply raised Fang Mu as his son!

Only then did Yi Han change his name to Fang Mu.

For others, Fang Mu could accept such a title with peace of mind, but within the Soaring Dragon Federation, it was impossible for Fang Mu to let Yi Han and Dragon Mother call him this.

Because one of Yi Han and Long Mu was Fang Yan's master and the other was Fang Qin's master.

Fang Mu still has great respect for his two sisters' master.

Yi Han heard what Fang Mu said and knew that Fang Mu had not alienated him, which made Yi Han very happy.

I am very glad that I made the choice to accept Fang Yan as my disciple.

"Master Xiaomu Qixing, what do you want me to do?"

"Since I joined Lord Qixing, I don't seem to have shared much of Lord Qixing's worries."

"Now I finally have a chance to share my worries with Lord Qixing, so I can thank Lord Qixing for cultivating me!"

Yi Han's words were very sincere. Yi Han's ability to become a founding master indeed had nothing to do with Qixing.

But Yi Han's growth after becoming a founding master has a great relationship with Qixing.

Qixing did not teach Yi Han directly, but first used resources to improve Yi Han's strength.

Then he gave Yi Han the opportunity to communicate with such creative masters as Xu Fengnian and Wang Mi.

Zhang Yue also went to Yi's house more than once to communicate with Yi Han.

Yi Han knew very well that he did not have such face. It was entirely because of Qixing that these people took such good care of him.

Fang Mu spoke directly to Yi Han.

"Yi Shuhui Beast Chamber of Commerce has offended the master. You can help me pass on the news. You just need to let other creation masters in the Diyuan know as much as possible."

Yi Han is absolutely his own person, and he can say whatever he wants to Yi Han Fang Mu without having to hide anything.

Before Yi Han came, he heard the news that the Wang family had declared hostility to the Huishou Chamber of Commerce. The Yi family and the Wang family were both top forces in the Soaring Dragon Federation, and the two parties had close cooperation.

Eighty percent of the spiritual weapons used by the children of the Yi family were obtained from the Wang family.

Yi Han has always been curious about what the good old guy Wang Fengjian is going crazy about. Now Yi Han knows that the Wang family has secretly boarded the giant ship Qixing.

Yi Han keenly captured from Fang Mu's words that it was Qixing that the Huishou Chamber of Commerce offended, and Qixing was really angry.

Otherwise, there is no need for Qixing to let all the founding masters in the Diyuan know about this.

If we explain Qixing's actions, it can probably be explained that I have a grudge against the Huishou Chamber of Commerce. If you, the master builders, want to please me, then go suppress the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

If any of you are cooperating with the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, please quickly disconnect from the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

Otherwise I will cause trouble for you!

Qixing's current status in Diyuan is enough to compete with Han Ming, and her status is even higher than that of Yongle Fairy Mother.

All the Masters of Creation were thinking about how to curry favor with Qixing. By saying this, he gave the Masters of Creation present an opportunity to reasonably curry favor with Qixing.

The Huishou Chamber of Commerce may be in trouble now!

Yi Han knew some of the background of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce. In addition to being a force supported by the Beast-speaking Federation, the Huishou Chamber of Commerce also had two founding masters standing behind it.

These two creation masters are supporting the Huishou Chamber of Commerce by cooperating with the Beast Whispering Federation. The Beast Whispering Federation is extremely honest and will give these two creation masters high rewards, making these two creation masters willing to give some of the things they have on hand. Invest resources into the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

No matter how the other Grandmasters react, these two Grandmasters will definitely regret it in their hearts.

There are many examples in the Creation Garden where the Grand Master is extremely tough on the Saint Founder, but the core reason for this toughness is usually that the Grand Master has the support of other Saint Builders.

As far as Yi Han knew, there was no Saint Founder behind these two Grandmasters. One of them had shown an obvious intention to join Qixing before.

"Xiaomu, I will take care of this matter now, and I will let the other creation masters of Diyuan know about it soon."

Having said that, Yi Han did not stay at Banshan Manor any longer, but went directly to complete the tasks assigned by Fang Mu.

The Huishou Chamber of Commerce did not know that the entire force would face an unprecedented crisis due to the actions of one of its people in charge in the second world.

The previous conflict between Fang Mu and Wang Longfei and the Huishou Chamber of Commerce in the second world was like an episode.

This kind of dispute is nothing, and it will not become a topic of conversation among others.

Both Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo left the second world, but Hu Tao has been helping Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo conduct lottery draws among the fans in the second world.

At present, the number of fans of Fangmu has increased dramatically, reaching 820,000 fans.

However, the number of fans in Fang Mu's fan group is still much smaller than the number of Jiang Tuo's fans.

Although the fan base has grown, everyone still has a one in 100,000 chance of drawing a life potion with a purity of 90%.

This opportunity to get rich overnight with nearly 80 million world coins is not just once for everyone.

If you are lucky, it is not impossible for these life potions to be drawn by one person five times in a row at the same time.

If this fan happens to join Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo's fan groups at the same time, he can get ten such opportunities.

Originally, both Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo had the tendency to become phenomenal anchors in the age group under twenty in the second world.

Now because of this lottery, the popularity of Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo has skyrocketed again.

Since the fan base lottery is controlled by the officials of the second world, absolute fairness can be guaranteed.

Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo's fan groups were already in a frenzy after Hutao announced the prizes for the lottery.

[He Zhigui]: Oh my god, are you kidding me? This has just started airing and you are already offering something of this level as a fan benefit! ? Each bottle of life potion with a purity of 90% can be sold for nearly 700 million in my federation, which is almost 85 million converted into world currency!

[Rookie on the right]: Hahaha, I realized that I’m not here to be a fan at all, I’m here to get rich!

[Once upon a time there was a little Gu Rao]: This is the closest I have ever been to becoming a multimillionaire. Whoever draws the lottery will become rich overnight! I hope it’s me who gets the draw.

[Sit and watch the clouds rise]: The number of fans in the Yan Luo live broadcast room has already increased very quickly. After this time, the number of fans is probably not going to break through the tens of millions mark soon, and the number of fans in the age group of under 20 will be able to be a host. The anchor of the list!

[Mu Junhao]: I really admire Yama’s ability to make money, but I just can’t figure out why someone with such good conditions would contract with the undead? Undead creatures are really unconventional!

[Too lazy to take a moment]: Am I the only one who discovered Hua Dian? Why are the two anchors, Yan Luo and Cold-faced Ghost King, conducting the same lottery? Are the two anchors I like related to each other? I already have pictures in my head.

The lottery was completed quickly. Hutao had contacted the officials of the second world in advance and handed over ten bottles of life potion with a purity of 90% as a reward to the officials responsible for managing the second world.

After the lottery is drawn, these ten bottles of life potion will be distributed to the winners through the channels in the second world soon.

In less than half a day, the news has just spread and already a large number of fans have chosen to join Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo's fan group.

When the winner posts the potion of life on the forum half a day later, more people will join the fan club.

Hutao left the second world only after ensuring that he managed Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo's live broadcast room.

Fang Mu originally planned to take a look at the evolution of Lianyu Heminglian. As soon as he arrived at the porcelain basin, before Fang Mu could use the [Eye of All Knowledge] to explore the Lianyuheminglian, he received news from Lian Dai.

Lian Dai, the leader of the Hanyang Empire and a powerful person at the divine level, actually came to the Soaring Dragon Federation in person to escort this king-level extraterrestrial body for herself. (End of chapter)

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