Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 661 The person responsible for doing this! ?

Rather than saying that Huishou Chamber of Commerce had a problem on the second day of operation, Gu Ting was more inclined to think that Huishou Chamber of Commerce had a problem on the first day of operation.

It takes time for the situation to develop. If what happened yesterday should not have reached Grandmaster Yuntian's ears so quickly, nor should so many major customers of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce react.

Saint Founder Qi Xing's anger was like trampling Huishou Chamber of Commerce directly to the soles of his feet. Huishou Chamber of Commerce seemed to be stuck in a quagmire without any chance to turn around.

This matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

No matter what method the Huishou Chamber of Commerce uses to seek forgiveness from Saint Founder Qi Xing, the problem must be clarified first.

The woman with medium-long chestnut hair standing next to Yu Yi took a step forward and said.

"President, I was responsible for the operation and management of the Second World Huishou Chamber of Commerce on the second day of business."

"During this period, we only had conflicts with a group of people who came to cause trouble. This group of people came from the Culong Chamber of Commerce, which has always maintained a bad relationship with the Huishou Chamber of Commerce."

"When people from the Culong Chamber of Commerce come to cause trouble, I will definitely fight back. I reported this to you yesterday."

"There is no disturbance except this matter!"

Sun Ya's mood has been very depressed these past two days. Logically speaking, the efficiency of Huishou Chamber of Commerce in the second world store on the second day should be stronger than that on the first day.

But the effectiveness of Sun Ya's time in charge is not as good as that of Tai Yi.

In addition to the people from the Culong Chamber of Commerce having a certain impact on the operations of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, it was also related to the fact that Yu Yi finalized the sale of two exhibits on the first day.

Among them, the fire-attribute natural disaster-level ghost-type beast has attracted many people, and Sun Ya also has a big customer who has taken a fancy to it.

When Sun Ya helped her big client to see this fire-attributed natural disaster-level ghost beast, she realized that Yu Yi had already booked it.

If it weren't for his big client, he wouldn't have been able to buy this fire-attribute natural disaster-level ghost beast at a fixed price.

Sun Ya wants to fight Yu Yi no matter what.

Gu Ting frowned and thought deeply after hearing this. The Chulong Chamber of Commerce was an old rival of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

The Culong Chamber of Commerce also focuses on beast control as its main business direction, but unlike the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, which cultivates and sells everything, the Culong Chamber of Commerce mainly sells beasts with dragon bloodline.

The Dragon Cluster Chamber of Commerce has the technology to cultivate asparagus grass, which has the effect of activating the blood of the dragon species in the body of the beast.

The Huishou Chamber of Commerce is not as good as the Culong Chamber of Commerce in the cultivation of dragon-type beasts. However, the Huishou Chamber of Commerce sells beasts under the banner of a full range of categories. It is impossible to give up on dragon-type beasts just because of the Culong Chamber of Commerce. sell.

This is the main reason why the Huishou Chamber of Commerce and the Culong Chamber of Commerce have formed a feud.

Gu Ting expected that the Culong Chamber of Commerce would cause trouble for the Huishou Chamber of Commerce after the Huishou Chamber of Commerce held its store in the second world.

The Chulong Chamber of Commerce does not have the opportunity and ability to catch up with the Holy Founder Qixing.

If there were such opportunities and abilities, the Culong Chamber of Commerce would no longer compete on the same track as the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

This matter was not trivial. Gu Ting ignored Sun Ya's remarks and continued to ask Sun Ya's deputies and waiters.

"Apart from the people from the Chulong Chamber of Commerce coming to make trouble on the Huishou Chamber of Commerce's operations on the second day, did anything else happen?"

"If any of you think of it, just tell me!"

"Now the Huishou Chamber of Commerce is at a critical moment. Whoever thinks of the reason will be the hero of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce!"

Gu Ting's words caused a commotion among the deputies and waiters present.

However, nothing else happened the next day.

If there was any problem at this time, it was impossible for Sun Ya not to tell Gu Ting.

Sun Ya saw Yu Yi from the corner of her eye. Although Sun Ya didn't know what happened, Gu Ting's words had clearly targeted herself, the people in charge who had managed stores in the second world. On the body.

Since it's not me, it's probably Yu Yi.

Sun Ya's deputies and waiters did not say anything meaningful, and Gu Ting became upset.

Firstly, it was because twenty minutes had passed since he arrived here and he had not found out the possible potential situation. Grandmaster Yuntian's assistant Wu Liang was still waiting for news about him.

Secondly, this matter finally pointed to Yu Yi.

Yu Yi was single-handedly promoted by Gu Ting. If it weren't for Gu Ting's fancy for Yu Yi, Yu Yi would never have become the head of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce so quickly.

"Yu Yi, what happened on the first day you ran the store? Tell me everything now!"

Yu Yi is now somewhat panicked.

But after thinking about it, Yu Yi didn't feel that anything happened to him that day.

Yu Yi said to Gu Ting in a deep voice.

"President, I have already reported to you everything that happened that day. Other than that, there is nothing special about it."


Before Yu Yi finished speaking, Gu Ting spoke to Yu Yi's assistants and a group of waiters.

"Can you guys add anything to add to what happened on the first day? After all, it's not just these two things that happened, right!?"

"These two things are not enough to affect the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, and there is no need for me to make such a big noise like now!"

Several of Yu Yi's deputies shook their heads. The waiters generally would not speak unless they made some major discoveries.

Opening his mouth would be tantamount to offending the person in charge, Yu Yi.

At this time, the eyes of the waiter who received Fang Mu and Wang Longfei in the crowd flashed one after another. This waiter already hated Yu Yi in his heart.

If not for Yu Yi, he would have had an income of at least hundreds of thousands of world coins.

Yu Yi messed up his order and angered the customers he served. This was tantamount to cutting off his own future!

You must know that Yu Yi rose from a small waiter just like himself.

Wang Longfei showed the light golden badge to prove his identity.

Otherwise, the waiter would not dare to bring this matter up alone at this time.

The waiter gritted his teeth and took a step forward.

"President, there is one more thing that the person in charge did not explain to you on your first day."

“I received two customers on the first day. These two customers wanted to buy an exhibit at a fixed price and had already reached the final payment stage.”

"The exhibit was obviously still on display for sale, but the person in charge Yu said that the exhibit had been sold at a fixed price, which led to a conflict between the person in charge Yu and the two customers."

"In the end, the two customers left the store. Before leaving, one of the customers said that either the person in charge Yu should call the head of the department to apologize and act according to the rules, or we, the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, should bear the consequences!"

"I told you, the president, that you would personally bring these exhibits to him for him to choose from."

The waiter's words suddenly reminded Yu Yi of two half-grown boys, Fang Mu and Wang Longfei.

Since Yu Yi didn't pay attention to the two young men Fang Mu and Wang Longfei at all, Yu Yi forgot to mention this matter when he just reported.

The young man who spoke so wildly was so crazy that he even threatened the Huishou Chamber of Commerce in his words.

Now that the waiter has spoken out about this matter, no matter whether it has any actual effect or not, it is equivalent to exposing his behavior of not following the rules.

Gu Ting was suddenly startled when he heard the waiter's words.

Gu Ting's sixth sense told Gu Ting that the Huishou Chamber of Commerce being targeted by Saint Founder Qixing was probably related to this incident.

When it comes to people related to Qixing, the first one to mention is Qixing's disciple named Jianmu.

Jianmu's age is said to be less than twenty years old, which is similar to the age of the two teenagers mentioned by the waiter.

Although the waiter did not say which exhibit of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce the young man bought at one price, Gu Ting, as the president of the exhibit, was very clear about the value of the exhibit.

The origins of people who can buy the exhibits of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce at a fixed price must not be simple. Such a person Yu Yi actually offends anyone!

Just when Gu Ting was about to question Yu Yi, he heard the waiter continue.

"One of the teenagers showed the Shenghui Card when he came. Otherwise, I would not have chosen to receive them."

"I mentioned this situation to Director Yu, but Director Yu didn't take it to heart. He also went to check the wallets of the two guests and questioned the two guests for taking the exhibit at the same price. Ability."

This waiter came not so much to explain the problem as to complain.

The waiter didn't give Yu Yi a chance to make amends at all, and directly told the situation at that time.

Sun Ya was secretly shocked when she heard this. No wonder Yu Yi has accumulated customers so quickly over the years. It turns out that Yu Yi used this method to accumulate customers!

There is a huge disadvantage in accumulating customers in this way, that is, once you offend someone you can't afford to offend while accumulating customers, you will suffer serious backlash!

When Gu Ting heard this, he laughed angrily.

"Okay, okay! Yu Yi, you are so good! It's a shame that I thought of commending you today!"

"Is this how you become the person in charge of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce!?"

"Yu Yi, come with me. If you really caused trouble for the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, then you need to be responsible for it!"

After saying that, Gu Ting turned around and walked towards the room where Wu Liang was.

Wu Liang did not explain the situation to Gu Ting. In fact, Gu Ting was not sure what happened to offend Saint Builder Qixing.

Now Gu Ting has found out the problem on his own. Apart from this problem, Gu Ting really can't find any other problems.

So Gu Ting was going to tell Wu Liang about this situation.

Whenever there is a solution, Grandmaster Yuntian will not abandon the Huishou Chamber of Commerce directly.

Regardless of whether it is because of this incident that the Huishou Chamber of Commerce is facing such a dilemma, Yu Yi can no longer be used by the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

If it is really because of Yu Yi, then Yu Yi must pay the price for it.

Even if the Saint Founder Qi Xing is forgiven for this matter, the Hui Beast Chamber of Commerce will be in a bleak state for decades to come because of Qi Xing's targeting of the Hui Beast Chamber of Commerce.

Wu Liang waited quietly in the room, having already finished exploring the materials stored in the space equipment that Gu Ting gave him.

Gu Ting was generous enough to himself, and it was difficult for Wu Liang to obtain the materials contained in this platinum-level space equipment even after he had been with Grandmaster Yuntian for a year.

Since he accepted Gu Ting's gift, Wu Liang was determined to help Gu Ting solve the problem.

He helped Gu Ting, and Gu Ting would definitely give him more benefits in order to thank him later.

While Wu Liang was waiting, he had already communicated with his master Yang Paiyun, and Yang Paiyun was discussing with Grandmaster Wu Xin.

What Grandmaster Wu Xin means is to first understand the situation, and then deal with the situation as much as possible to see if there is any possibility for Saint Founder Qixing to forgive the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

If there is a possibility of forgiving the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, let the Huishou Chamber of Commerce work hard to seek forgiveness from Qixing.

If Qixing kills the Huishou Chamber of Commerce and refuses to forgive them, they will decisively cut off the Huishou Chamber of Commerce completely, and don't let the Huishou Chamber of Commerce affect the two of them.

Grandmaster Wu Xin doesn’t want to offend Qixing!

Even after completing the cut with the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, Grandmaster Wu Xin was still prepared to come to Qixing in person to express his apology.

Grandmaster Wu Xin was very afraid that Qixing would be angry with him after this incident.

Grandmaster Wu Xin took the initiative to befriend Yi Han when he first joined Diyuan. At that time, Yi Han had not yet revealed his identity as Qixing's mouthpiece.

The relationship between Master Wu Xin and Yi Han can be regarded as a good relationship.

After thinking about it, Grandmaster Wu Xin and Yang Paiyun contacted Yi Han and wanted to find out the reason for Qixing's anger.

Yi Han thought that Grandmaster Wuxin might contact him. If he were Grandmaster Wuxin, the person standing behind the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

After learning that the Huishou Chamber of Commerce had offended the Saint Founder Qi Xing, he would definitely be in a panic.

When Yi Han first attended the Diyuan gathering, he was a little transparent in the Diyuan. Yi Han was very grateful to those founders who took the initiative to form a good relationship with him, and he also understood the sentiments of Master Xin.

So this prevented Yi Han from selling things off with Du Rui.

Yi Han did not learn the whole story from Fang Mu, but Yi Han learned the specific situation from Wang Fengjian.

The person in charge of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce is really seeking death. How dare he treat Fang Mu like this!

Fang Mu is not a high-profile and arrogant person. Fang Mu likes to follow the rules when doing things.

But it was people like Fang Mu who were the most terrifying when they were angry.

Yi Han told Du Rui everything about the situation and reminded Du Rui that he must resolve the matter properly.

Yi Han knew very well that this incident aroused Fang Mu's anger, and he wanted the Huishou Chamber of Commerce to find a way to calm it down.

And Fang Mu had already told the solution at that time. The president of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce would be able to calm down Fang Mu by acting according to Fang Mu's method.

"I've told you everything Sister Rui needs to say. It's up to you to think about how to solve it!"

"I personally hope that this matter can be resolved properly, otherwise I will feel uncomfortable if it affects you and Brother Yang!"

After saying that, Yi Han ended his communication with Du Rui.

If this matter can be properly resolved, Fang Mu's heart will be at ease, and the two creative masters, Du Rui and Yang Paiyun, can also admit their feelings.

This is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone for Yi Han.

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