Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 662: Magic Lion with Phantom Eyes!

Du Rui was already filled with anger before communicating with Yi Han.

Du Rui and Yang Paiyun had the same idea. They supported the Huishou Chamber of Commerce because the Huishou Chamber of Commerce could provide them with a large amount of supplies.

And when encountering some special beast-controlling resources, the Huishou Chamber of Commerce can help find them.

But now the Huishou Chamber of Commerce has had a great impact on Du Rui, making it very likely that Du Rui will be secretly hated by a Saint Founder.

Inquiring about Yi Han's situation also required him to do a huge favor for Yi Han.

After asking about Yi Han's situation, Du Rui couldn't suppress the anger in her heart.

If it weren't for Yang Paiyun sending his assistant to the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, Du Rui would have personally visited the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, grabbed Gu Ting's head, and asked Gu Ting how he managed the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

Then personally kill the person in charge who dares to offend Qixing disciples.

"Lao Yang, it seems that our management of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce has been too relaxed in recent years!"

"From now on, we no longer need to give face to the Beast Whispering Federation. Regardless of whether the Hui Beast Chamber of Commerce is an official force of the Beast Whispering Federation or not, we must strictly restrict and control the Hui Beast Chamber of Commerce!"

"Otherwise, even a small person in charge of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce may put us in danger!"

When Yang Paiyun heard what Du Rui said, he knew that Du Rui must have found out the reason, which made Yang Paiyun feel relieved.

It's good to find out the reason. Find out the reason so that you won't become a fool no matter what.

And judging by Du Rui's words, it seems that there is no need to abandon the Huishou Chamber of Commerce!

This is excellent news for Yang Paiyun.

Yang Paiyun has invested so many resources into the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, and he certainly does not want to directly liquidate the Huishou Chamber of Commerce because of such an incident. This will cause Yang Paiyun to suffer huge losses, and will also cause Yang Paiyun to be in trouble. He became a laughing stock in the circle that created the grandmaster.

This situation is definitely not what Yang Paiyun wants to see!

"If there is anything going on with Ruimei, just tell me directly. After I let you waste the favor this time, I will return the favor to you when I have the chance."

Du Rui quickly shook her head when she heard this.

"What are you talking about, Lao Yang? We have known each other for so many years and why are we talking about human relations?"

After that, Du Rui told Yang Paiyun everything about the situation.

Yang Paiyun originally thought that there was a conflict of interest between Huishou Chamber of Commerce and Saint Founder Qixing, but now it seems that it was the person in charge of Huishou Chamber of Commerce who offended Qixing!

Yang Paiyun had just communicated with Wu Liang. When communicating with Wu Liang, neither Yang Paiyun nor Du Rui understood the situation.

Now Yang Paiyun has an impulse, that is to directly inform Wu Liang to kill the person in charge who offended Qixing!

But Yang Paiyun soon gave up the idea.

Now that Du Rui has decided to strictly control the Huishou Chamber of Commerce in the future, Yang Paiyun also has this idea in his mind.

The person who needs to be considered most in the entire Huishou Chamber of Commerce is Gu Ting, as the president.

Gu Ting must have the ability to investigate this matter before Yang Paiyun and Du Rui will let Gu Ting continue to be the president of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

Otherwise, Yang Paiyun would take the initiative and directly replace the president of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

As long as Yang Paiyun is willing to continue supporting the Hui Beast Chamber of Commerce, the Beast Language Federation will not dare to say no.

Wu Liang frowned at Yu Yi after receiving Gu Ting's report. Wu Liang remembered that Gu Ting seemed to be praising Yi when he came.

Now this person who was praised by Gu Ting has suddenly become the bane of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce. What an irony!

"Gu Ting, you'd better be glad that this is the reason why your Huishou Chamber of Commerce suffered this disaster. If not for this, as the president of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, you can't even find out the specific situation. How will you be able to manage Huishou in the future if you are so incompetent?" Chamber of Commerce!?"

"It's better to step down from the position of general as soon as possible and abdicate to make way for someone new!"

After saying that, Wu Liang ignored Gu Ting's reaction and took out the messenger beast to communicate with Yang Paiyun again.

At this time, a full hour had passed since Wu Liang arrived at the Huishou Chamber of Commerce. This time could be said to be long or short.

Based on Wu Liang's understanding of Yang Paiyun, as long as the incident mentioned by Gu Ting was indeed the trigger of the entire turmoil, it would not be enough to make the Holy Architect Qixing dissatisfied with Yang Paiyun.

Yang Paiyun should be able to forgive the Huishou Chamber of Commerce!

Gu Ting will definitely be severely punished, but his position as president will probably be retained!

As for the person in charge, Yu Yi, even if Lord Yuntian is too lazy to deal with a small person like Yu Yi, I am afraid that Gu Ting will never forgive Yu Yi.

Doing such a thing is tantamount to bringing disaster to the entire force.

Wu Liang did not dare to judge whether Qixing would be dissatisfied if Gu Ting stayed with Yu Yi.

How dare a little person like me dare to speculate on the thoughts of Qi Xing, the Saint Founder! ?

But if Yu Yi is not dealt with, Gu Ting will have no way to explain to the Hui Beast Chamber of Commerce and the entire Beast Language Federation.

The anger on Yang Paiyun's face did not diminish at all after hearing the message from Wu Liang, but Yang Paiyun had given up the idea of ​​replacing Gu Ting.

"Xiao Wu, please inform Gu Ting and ask Gu Ting to deal with Yu Yi directly, and then bring him to me."

After saying that, Yang Paiyun ended the communication directly.

Regardless of whether Yu Yi offended the Holy Founder Qi Xing or Qi Xing's disciple Jian Mu, a small person like Yu Yi had no qualifications to go and apologize.

Bringing Yu Yi in front of Qixing or Jianmu again will only create obstacles for Qixing and Jianmu.

Other than that, it has no other use!

Now that Yu Yi is dealing with it, it shows the attitude of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce in handling the matter.

Attitude is very important in front of big figures like Qixing and Jianmu.

How to atone for his sins from Qixing in the future is what Gu Ting needs to consider.

Yang Paiyun felt that it was not possible, so he asked Du Rui to find Yi Han again and ask for a chance from Yi Han.

Wu Liang didn't say a few words to Yang Paiyun at all. Wu Liang told Gu Ting everything Yang Paiyun said.

Gu Ting looked at Yu Yi with a serious look in his eyes. This incident was really caused by Yu Yi!

Not only did Yu Yi fail to report this matter to himself, he also failed to explain the matter during his self-examination.

In Gu Ting's mind, it was as if Yu Yi was doing this deliberately.

Since Grandmaster Yuntian's opinion was to deal with Yu Yi, Gu Ting did not give Yu Yi any time or opportunity to explain.

As soon as he raised his hand, a huge black lioness appeared in front of Gu Ting.

The pupils of this black lioness are purple and green, looking both dangerous and elegant.

Gu Ting said in a solemn voice.

"Phantom Eyes Witch Lion, swallow this scourge directly to me!"

"Fortunately, I have always used trust as a scourge and improved it step by step."

"This scourge actually wants to destroy the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, which is really unforgivable!"

Gu Ting was much stronger than Yu Yi, and Yu Yi never thought that he would end up like this.

Recalling the scene when he rejected the two teenagers, Yu Yi was still dreaming.

But in this case, Yu Yi definitely couldn't just die.

Yu Yi retreated backwards while summoning his two beasts.

These two brightly colored monitor lizards are obviously extremely venomous, and one of the monitor lizards has even grown three heads.

This three-headed lizard has the potential to evolve into a nine-headed lizard. Gu Ting originally chose this beast for Yu Yi.

The phantom pupil shaman lion did not take these two giant lizards into consideration at all.

The movements of these two giant lizards suddenly became weird, and they were fighting forward as if they were encountering a strong enemy.

But the direction of the fight was not the direction where the Phantom Eyes Witch Lion was running.

During the fight between the two giant lizards, Yu Yi's figure was completely exposed.

The phantom pupil shaman lion salivated Yu Yi's mouth in one mouthful, and swallowed Yu Yi without even chewing.

The Phantom Eyes Witch Lion is a spiritual and poison-type beast. The Phantom Eyes Witch Lion's stomach is like a huge corruption pool, with super-acidic gastric juice and various toxins that are good at decomposing the body.

In just half a minute, Yu Yi can be turned into thick water.

After the phantom pupil shaman lion swallowed Yu Yi, his eyes looked at Gu Ting. Gu Ting nodded to the phantom pupil shaman lion, and then the phantom pupil shaman lion, whose strength had reached the order level, began to attack the two sequence-level ones. The monitor lizard feasted happily.

The toxins in these two giant lizards were not taken seriously by the Phantom Eyed Witch Lion at all.

The phantom-eyed shaman lion chewing its prey is extremely elegant.

However, Wu Liang, who was standing aside, was not in the mood to watch this performance at all, and frowned and said to Gu Ting.

"Gu Ting, do you plan to let Lord Yuntian wait for you to feed the beasts here?"

"Why don't you put away your magic pupil shaman lion and follow me to see Master Yuntian quickly!"

"Getting rid of Yu Yi is just the first step for your Huishou Chamber of Commerce to solve the problem. How to solve the problem in the future and obtain Lord Qixing's forgiveness is what you should consider!"

Wu Liang was a little worried about Gu Ting, but Wu Liang couldn't think of any solution anyway.

Although Gu Ting felt pressure after understanding the situation, Gu Ting already knew how to solve the matter.

The young man who had a dispute with Yu Yi had already given the Huishou Chamber of Commerce a solution to the problem before leaving. As long as he came to the door with those exhibits to apologize, he would have a chance to gain forgiveness from the young man.

Through Wu Liang, Gu Ting has learned that the Huishou Chamber of Commerce offended Saint Founder Qixing, and Wu Liang made the decision to execute Yi after communicating with Grandmaster Yuntian.

Then lead yourself to resolve this storm.

This shows that Huishou Chamber of Commerce has a high probability of surviving this storm without being affected by it.

It is possible for me to take advantage of this turmoil to get in touch with the people on the side of Qixing, the Saint Founder.

Can I use this opportunity to not only resolve conflicts with the Holy Architect Qixing, but also have the opportunity to cooperate with the Holy Architect Qixing in the future?

Of course, these are all Gu Ting's taken-for-granted thoughts.

As the leader of a force, especially a force like the Huishou Chamber of Commerce that does not have a Saint Founder, the more you dare to think, the better your future will be!

You must know that the relationship between Huishou Chamber of Commerce and Grandmaster Yuntian and Grandmaster Wuxin was also because of a conflict.

It was only during this conflict that the Huishou Chamber of Commerce seized the opportunity, allowing Grandmaster Yuntian and Grandmaster Wu Xin to support the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

Gu Ting did not tell Wu Liang about this matter, but when he was in front of Grandmaster Yuntian and Grandmaster Wuxin, Gu Ting would explain the matter clearly.

When he really wants to meet Qixing's disciples, he might as well bring not only these exhibits but also the wealth of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

The wealth of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce has been accumulated over the past eighty years since its establishment. There are many resources in it that Gu Ting is not willing to give to Grandmaster Yuntian and Grandmaster Wuxin.

But if he used it to make friends with Qixing, the Saint Founder, Gu Ting would be very willing to do so.

This matter has only developed for two days and already many of Huishou Chamber of Commerce's major customers have stopped cooperating with Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

The fact that other major customers have not made any comments now is not because they have not been affected by this crisis, but they are just waiting and watching.

I want to see if the Huishou Chamber of Commerce and Grandmaster Yuntian and Grandmaster Wuxin who stand behind the Huishou Chamber of Commerce will take any measures.

Only by resolving this matter as soon as possible can the impact of this matter on Huishou merchants be minimized.

Fang Mu has been having a very leisurely time here these days. After being busy for such a long time, Fang Mu should really take some time to cultivate himself.

The fighting ability of the king-level extraterritorial creature Tianyuan Qiongyan, who was contracted by Fang Mu through the blood contract, was tested by Lian Dai and found that it actually had the strength of the peak level of order.

This was still when Tianyuan Qiongyan had just hatched from the extraterritorial body and had not yet reached its peak.

If Tianyuan Qiongyan can reach its peak state, it will probably reach the level of half-step to the divine realm, which makes Lian Dai a little surprised.

If this king-level extraterritorial creature is so powerful, how did Bu Jue, the deputy leader of the Holy Royal Knights, defeat this king-level extraterritorial creature! ?

According to the information reported by Long Ze, the strength of this king-level extraterritorial creature is only at the high level of Order, and there is still a certain gap between it and the peak of Order.

Could it be that this king-level extraterritorial creature was traumatized before the duel with Bu Jue? Perhaps this trauma occurred when crossing an obstacle course.

Only this explanation can explain this matter!

Lian Dai couldn't figure out why Tianyuan Qiongyan was so strong, but Fang Mu knew it very well.

This is the result of his contracted blood and blood aging.

It was his contracted blood and blood-colored aging wine that caused Tianyuan Qiongyan's life level to jump.

Fang Mu is now considered half-step to the level of God's realm.

In most people's minds, those extraterrestrial creatures that pass through barriers are best suited to move in the water.

But Tianyuan Qiongyan can not only move in the water, but also in the sky.

The ability to fight and move in the sky is no weaker than in the water.

The reason why Tianyuan Qiongyan did not rise to high altitude is because there is no shelter at high altitude in Tianyuan Qiongyan's heart.

Those days happened to be sunny days, and the sky above the sea was cloudless.

If there are thick clouds in the sky that Tianyuan Qiongyan can use as a cover, it is very likely that Tianyuan Qiongyan will not be at a disadvantage in the battle with Bujue in an aerial battle!

Fang Mu has just finished the second world duel, and now Fang Mu has officially been promoted to the diamond rank.

Fang Mu, who has fought all the way until now, can be said to have never failed.

Fang Mu had just left the second world when he received the news from Yi Han.

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