Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 663 Abnormal Chong Ying Qing Jing Carp!

"Xiaomu, I didn't bother you by looking for you suddenly, did I?"

Fang Mu said with a smile when he heard this.

"Uncle Yi, you don't have to be so polite to me. When I'm fine, you can come to me anytime!"

"If something happens to me, even if I don't answer the phone right away, I will contact you later."

"You are my elder, which means something different to me. Master also recognizes this."

"Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to give you so many resources last time!"

Yi Han always couldn't let go of Fang Mu, and would always be polite to Fang Mu every time he communicated with Fang Mu.

Fang Mu didn't like this feeling.

Fang Mu knew very well what Yi Han was worried about, so Fang Mu simply went to explain it to Yi Han all at once.

By the way, I would like to remind you that Yi Han was able to receive so many gifts because he accepted his third sister Fang Yan as his disciple.

Yi Han is a very smart person and can definitely understand what Fang Mu said.

Because of this relationship, Yi Han was trained as a confidant by Fang Mu. If Yi Han didn't figure this out clearly, Fang Mu would have to find someone else to train him in the future!

If necessary, Fang Mu would consider changing Fang Yan to another master. Fang Mu didn't want an idiot to teach his third sister!

Yi Han understood what Fang Mu meant. In fact, Yi Han didn't want to face Fang Mu with such a low attitude every time.

But Yi Han was afraid that if he really raised his profile and considered himself Fang Mu's elder from the bottom of his heart, Qixing would be dissatisfied with him.

Yi Han knew what kind of person Fang Mu was, but Yi Han didn't know Qixing's character.

Now that Fang Mu said that Qixing also recognized this, Yi Han felt completely relieved.

"Xiaomu, what you asked me to do last time was done a day ago. I can guarantee that all the creation masters have received the news. I also found out that the two creation masters standing behind the Huishou Chamber of Commerce are named Yang Paiyun and Du Rui.”

"These two founding masters did not have the slightest intention to condone the Huishou Chamber of Commerce. After learning about the situation, they contacted me as soon as possible and found out the situation."

"In less than half a day, Yang Paiyun and Du Rui, the two creative masters, wanted to apologize to you in person."

"Xiaomu, I wonder what you think? Do you want to give Yang Paiyun and Du Rui a chance?"

"When Yang Paiyun and Du Rui contacted me, I could feel their extremely sincere attitude."

Yi Han said a lot of good things for Du Rui and Yang Paiyun both inside and outside of her words. After thinking about it, Yi Han felt that it was necessary to accept the love between Du Rui and Yang Paiyun.

Of course, whether the favor is finally obtained or not depends on Fang Mu's attitude.

If Fang Mu is resolute and extremely disgusted with the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, then Yi Han will have to think about it.

In short, Yi Han would never offend Fang Mu in order to earn favors from Yang Paiyun and Du Rui, the two founding masters.

Fang Mu heard what Yi Han meant.

Fang Mu wouldn't let the two founding masters stand down because of such a trivial matter.

It won't do any good for Fang Mu to make this matter too big.

Fang Mu just needs to let the Huishou Chamber of Commerce make a statement and calm down his anger.

"Uncle Yi, you should know that I am not an unreasonable person. The person involved knows exactly how to resolve this matter."

"This matter does not involve the two founding masters, so naturally it will not be blamed on the two founding masters."

"Tell these two grandmasters exactly what I said, otherwise this matter will spread as if I was embarrassing these two founding grandmasters for nothing!"

After that, Fang Mu stopped talking to Yi Han and ended the communication directly.

Fang Mu didn't mind at all that Yi Han used this incident to gain favor from the two founding masters. On the contrary, Yi Han's doing so proved that Yi Han was a very smart person.

Know how to take this opportunity to build connections for yourself.

Yi Han had just become a founding master. He was a low-key person at the gathering of the Founding Garden and had no connections at all.

Even if there are people who take the initiative to make a deal with Yi Han because he is Qixing's mouthpiece.

These people who make friends with Yi Han all have their own goals, and it is difficult for Yi Han to have the opportunity to have a close relationship with these people.

Yi Han helped Yang Paiyun and Du Rui, the two creative masters. Yang Paiyun and Du Rui accepted Yi Han's love and would definitely communicate with Yi Han in depth in the future.

Maybe Fang Mu will be able to use Yang Paiyun and Du Rui through Yi Han in the future.

Yi Han was relieved when he got Fang Mu's reply and knew how he should handle this matter.

When Fang Mu did not intend to hold Yang Paiyun and Du Rui accountable, Yi Han could freely process Fang Mu's words when replying to Du Rui and Yang Paiyun.

In short, whether it is Yang Paiyun's favor or Du Rui's favor, I will definitely make a profit!

Fang Mu said that the solution to the matter had been informed to the parties involved, so let Yang Paiyun and Du Rui learn about the situation from the parties involved!

Yi Han intends to have a good relationship with Yang Paiyun and Du Rui, so Yi Han does not want the benefits promised by Du Rui and Yang Paiyun.

But Yang Paiyun and Du Rui both made promises to Yi Han, saying that if Yi Han needed help in the future, he would go through fire and water without hesitation!

The promise of two master builders is more useful than the actual material.

If it weren't for Yang Paiyun and Du Rui, who were afraid of offending Qixing, the founder of the Holy Truth, over this matter, they took the initiative to ask Yi Han for help.

Neither of them would make such a promise at all.

The situation reported by Yi Han was exactly the same as what Gu Ting said. Yang Paiyun said to Gu Ting in a cold voice.

"Gu Ting and your Huishou Chamber of Commerce have done such a big thing, and you don't hesitate to make us make a promise."

"You have heard what we just said to Grandmaster Yi Han. This storm has left room for your Huishou Chamber of Commerce and has not allowed your Huishou Chamber of Commerce to be wiped out from the territory of human power. This is your luck. You should be more alert!"

"As the president of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, you can't not know how many resources the two of us have provided for your Huishou Chamber of Commerce!"

"After this incident, the two of us will intervene in the internal management of your Huishou Chamber of Commerce. Black sheep like that person in charge must be cleared out of all Huishou merchants!"

"You just said that you would take the supplies hoarded by the Huishou Chamber of Commerce to apologize to Lord Qi Xing's disciples in order to seek forgiveness from Lord Qi Xing's disciples."

"Remember, you have to do it beautifully no matter what. If you have a solution, you still can't do it well."

"Don't say Lord Qixing's disciples won't forgive you, even I won't forgive Huishou Chamber of Commerce!"

Gu Ting had communicated with Yang Paiyun a lot before. In Gu Ting's impression, Yang Paiyun said very few words. Yang Paiyun would adopt an understatement attitude every time he communicated with him.

Now that Yang Paiyun has said so much, it shows that Yang Paiyun attaches great importance to this matter.

It is a good thing for the Huishou Chamber of Commerce that the two founding masters, Yang Paiyun and Du Rui, intend to control the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

In addition to being the president of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, Gu Ting is also one of the four major members of the Beast-speaking Federation.

The Beast Federation is also very willing to facilitate this matter.

Next, I just need to think about how to make Qixing disciples calm down and make friends with Qixing disciples at the same time.

It can be said that the best way to show his attitude is to let the main battle beast, the phantom-pupil shaman lion, eat Yu Yi.

As long as the disciple of Saint Founder Qixing is not an unreasonable person, he will definitely not argue with Huishou Merchant after knowing this.

"Master Yuntian, Master Wuxin, I want to leave immediately to return to the Huishou Chamber of Commerce to select additional exhibits and supplies."

"Whether it is a lot that has been ordered by the Huishou Chamber of Commerce or a lot that has been quoted at a fixed price, I will bring it all there, and there will be no mistakes or omissions."

"Our Huishou Chamber of Commerce will definitely solve this matter perfectly!"

After saying that, Gu Ting knelt on the ground and worshiped Yang Paiyun and Du Rui in a worshiping manner.

Now Gu Ting is very happy about the final result of this matter.

Yang Paiyun and Du Rui didn't say anything else and asked Gu Ting to leave.

Although Qixing's disciple Jianmu has made it clear that he will not be blamed for this incident, Yang Paiyun and Du Rui still plan to go to Longteng Federation with Gu Ting to meet Qixing's disciples.

Strive to form a good relationship with Qixing’s disciples!

At this moment, Yang Paiyun, Du Rui and Gu Ting had the same purpose.

Fang Mu, accompanied by Lu Jifeng, was leisurely watching Lu Jifeng's design.

As a master craftsman, Lu Jifeng first of all has excellent business abilities. After working with Fang Mu so many times, Lu Jifeng has become very familiar with Fang Mu's preferences.

In terms of design style, Lu Jifeng deliberately tried to please Fang Mu's preferences.

Fang Mu likes the style that is simple but also has a gorgeous design. The entire pond built for the heavy cherry carp was built by Lu Jifeng using blue water jade.

The blue water jadeite is so transparent that it looks like the sky from a distance.

Lu Jifeng deliberately inlaid a large number of rhinestones on the bottom and walls of the pool made of blue water jadeite. The greatest function of these rheizonites is to form an inwardly undulating water flow.

These currents make the entire pond look like a spring, keeping the water body always flowing.

This continuously flowing water body is extremely suitable for long-tailed fish and beasts such as the Chongsakura Seishi Carp to inhabit, and it is of great benefit to the growth of the Chongsakura Sesei Carp's fins and tails.

The pavilion in the middle of the pool is made of jade-like white sandalwood. These jade-like white sandalwood are conceived by square wood with the pure spiritual energy in the belly space.

The jade-like white sandalwood has the effect of calming the mind and nourishing the mind. When Fang Mu and others meditate in the pavilion with the sacred object Chongsakura, these jade-like white sandalwood will provide Fang Mu and others with a lot of benefits. help.

When Lu Jifeng got these materials, he was shocked by Fang Mu's wealth, but also felt a lot of pressure.

Lu Jifeng had basically had no chance to use such expensive materials before.

This makes Lu Jifeng extremely careful when using these materials, and can even be described as restrained.

If the jade-like white sandalwood is damaged during use, then there is no way for him to compensate the other wood.

Not only that, but it is also very likely that he will lose Fang Mu's trust.

Now seeing that Fang Mu is so satisfied with his design, Lu Jifeng is completely relieved.

"Mr. Lu, you have worked hard these days. I like the pool you designed by renovating this breeding room."

"In addition to the design of this pool, I am also planning to plant some cherry blossoms in the pool."

"Mr. Lu, you need to worry a lot about the corresponding scenery for planting these cherry blossoms!"

The current cornerstone construction has begun to cooperate with the Construction and Timber Chamber of Commerce and has begun to design land for the Construction and Timber Chamber of Commerce in the second world.

Whether it is the land in the giant city or the holy city, it covers an extremely wide area.

Even if we find helpers for cornerstone construction, it will still be a huge challenge for cornerstone construction.

Nowadays, the cornerstone construction requires master craftsmen like Lu Jifeng to take charge, but Lu Jifeng is not in a hurry at all.

In fact, when Cornerstone Construction serves the Construction Timber Chamber of Commerce, it is also serving Fangmu. It is not as good as directly serving Fangmu like he does now.

"Your satisfaction, Mr. Jianmu, is my greatest reward. I wonder if you have any suitable cherry blossoms to plant?"

"Sakura-type beasts are not uncommon among gardening beasts, but there are not many that are truly stunning."

"There are two or three auspicious cherry-like beasts in our cornerstone building. If you need me, I can bring that cherry-like beast to you!"

Fang Mu said with a smile when he heard this.

"Mr. Lu, I understand your thoughts. I have reserves for cherry-type beasts."

"Just plant these fourteen cherry blossoms in the pond."

After that, Fang Mu handed the gold-level space spirit weapon containing these cherry blossoms into Lu Jifeng's hands.

Lu Jifeng was somewhat curious in his heart as to what kind of cherry-like beast Fang Mu planned to plant here.

Ordinary cherry blossoms cannot set off not only this sacred fish, but also the white sandalwood pavilion in the middle of the pond.

In fact, the most taboo thing in design is the disconnect between the decoration and the main body.

The level of decorative objects is larger than that of the main building, which can maximize the aesthetic feeling and play a finishing touch.

If the decorative things are too much lower than the main body, it will lower the level of the main body.

It was like a handful of straw had been placed in a magnificent hall.

When Lu Jifeng saw the cherry blossoms in this gold-level space spiritual weapon, Lu Jifeng couldn't help but gasped in surprise.

This, this, these fourteen cherry blossoms actually gave birth to flower spirits. Every one of them is a rare and famous species when placed outside!

Planting these fourteen cherry blossoms with flower spirits in the pond will probably turn this place into a fairyland on earth!

Planting these cherry blossoms in the pond will not affect the water body, so Fangmu simply put the heavy cherry blossoms into the pond first.

The Chong Ying Xing Jing Carp had been living in a small environment before, but now it has been replaced by a wide environment. The Chong Ying Xing Jing Carp can happily swim around in the pond.

From time to time, it would float its tail out of the water and say hello to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu was about to plant the lotus fish Shengminglian when he saw how lively Chongying Xijingli was.

Fang Mu saw that Chongying Xijingli seemed to have noticed something, and began to use his harmless fish lips to eat the jade-like white sandalwood that made up the pavilion. (End of chapter)

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