Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 665 Fang Mu’s wine!

Yang Paiyun and Du Rui were both waiting for Yi Han to end the call with Fang Mu so that they could know Fang Mu's thoughts from Yi Han.

Fang Mu's response to Yi Han is related to the fate and practical interests of Du Rui and Yang Paiyun. In the entire human world, the Holy Architect has always been the leader.

All major decisions are made by the Holy Founder.

The Grandmaster does have supreme authority, but once the Holy Architect is involved in this matter, the Grandmaster will become a fan of the Holy Architect, especially in the Diyuan.

If the two of them really offended Qixing, Qixing would choose to take revenge on them.

Although the two of them are still the founding masters, they are respected by people everywhere.

However, they will be marginalized in the high-level circles of mankind, and other creative masters will even choose to suppress the two of them in order to please Qixing.

Don't blame Yang Paiyun and Du Rui for thinking too much. Yang Paiyun and Du Rui have done similar things before.

After Yi Han communicated with Fang Mu, he no longer felt any pressure.

When Xu Yulandie summons Yi Han, outsiders cannot hear the content of the summons. Yi Han can say whatever he wants at this time.

The main reason why Yi Han went to help was actually to earn the favor of Yang Paiyun and Du Rui.

"To tell you the truth, I have said a lot of good things to you at Jianmu's place before, which made Lord Qixing's disciple Jianmu have a very good impression of you."

"After this incident, I have been running for you two non-stop. You can only imagine what kind of character the disciples taught by Lord Qixing have."

"Even if this matter is in the past, Master Qixing's disciples don't want to get entangled in such trivial matters."

"So after you have passed, I suggest you not to mention this matter again. This time I will take you there to have contact with Lord Qixing's disciples, and maybe you can get a chance to get connected with Lord Qixing."

"Lord Qixing mentioned Jianmu more than once at the Diyuan gathering, but in fact Lord Qixing values ​​Jianmu far more than you think."

Yi Han's words made Yang Paiyun and Du Rui both happy and surprised. Yi Han's words showed that the matter had been completely resolved.

Even if the Huishou Chamber of Commerce failed to satisfy Qixing, in the end this matter would probably no longer involve the two of them.

This time I went to meet the disciples of Qixing. It would be a good thing if I could really establish a good relationship with Jianmu, the disciple of Qixing.

Maybe you can get in touch with Qixing through Qixing's disciples!

Qixing mentioned his disciples twice in the Diyuan gathering, which already made Yang Paiyun and Du Rui feel Qixing's favor on Fang Mu.

But Yi Han said that Qixing valued Jianmu more than the two of them imagined.

that's the truth!

After Fang Mu was wronged in the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, Qixing directly targeted the entire Huishou Chamber of Commerce, and even did not hesitate to use his influence in the Diyuan gathering for this purpose.

Yang Paiyun only had assistants but no disciples, while Du Rui had four disciples.

Neither Du Rui nor Yang Paiyun thought they could do this.

Du Rui was the first to say it to Yi Han.

"Brother Yi Han, thank you for your willingness to help us this time. If you need any help from us in the future, just ask."

"As long as it's something we can solve, there will never be any refusal!"

Yang Paiyun also said it at the right time.

"Brother Yi Han, we didn't know each other very well before. After experiencing something like this once, I think we can be considered acquaintances."

"Just let me know if anything happens in the future."

Yi Han was very satisfied with the two people's answers. This was the effect Yi Han wanted.

"You two don't have to be so polite. How could I not help you two if you find me?"

"Everyone just needs to move around more from now on."

The relationship between Yang Paiyun and Du Rui is difficult for Yi Han to find even if he looks for it on weekdays.

The other creation masters came into contact with Yi Han because they wanted to learn about Qixing through Yi Han.

It’s not that he wants to make a sincere friendship with Yi Han.

He has now helped Yang Paiyun and Du Rui a lot. Only this kind of relationship is valuable to Yi Han.

Liu Er was sent by Fang Mu to Yi Han's mansion in the royal capital and picked up Yang Paiyun and Du Rui who had already rushed to Yi Mansion.

Liu Er is now Fang Mu's housekeeper, and Liu Er's behavior represents Fang Mu's attitude.

Since Fang Mu wants to make friends with Yang Paiyun and Du Rui, he must give priority to expressing his goodwill to Yang Paiyun and Du Rui.

Fang Mu targeted the Huishou Chamber of Commerce to vent his anger. Even if Yang Paiyun and Du Rui didn't find Fang Mu, Fang Mu didn't intend to cause trouble for Yang Paiyun and Du Rui.

Under Liu Er's guidance, the three of them arrived at the Banshan Manor where Fang Mu was located.

This was not the first time for Yi Han to come to Banshan Manor. He was already used to the decoration of Fangmu Banshan Manor.

Du Rui and Yang Paiyun did not expect that there could be such a paradise hidden in the world right next to a major university.

Because Yi Han specifically reminded Du Rui and Yang Paiyun, neither of them mentioned the matter of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce when they met Fang Mu.

Fang Mu had no intention of mentioning it at all.

Fang Mu entertained Du Rui and Yang Paiyun, the two creative masters, with rime tea, which he always loved to drink, and also brought out two plates of wine he brewed.

Fang Mu has been studying the brewing process since he discovered that the wine in this world is extremely bland and tasteless.

Fang Muniang's wine has always been placed in the abdominal space of the secret realm worm chrysalis. Being nourished by spiritual energy, these wines are also integrated with spiritual energy.

It’s just that the brewing time is not too long now, and the alcohol content of these wines is only thirty-five or six degrees.

It will take at least a few months to reach a degree above fifty.

However, compared with the wine in this world, the wine Fang Mu produced can be regarded as top-notch spirits and can be used to entertain guests.

As soon as Fang Mu took out the two jars of wine, Du Rui's eyes lit up and there was a look of excitement on his face.

Although Du Rui is a master of female creation, in fact, Du Rui can definitely be called a wine lover.

Du Rui loves wine even more than Yang Paiyun.

Yang Paiyun drinks wine like drinking water. There is no difference between such a person and Jiu Mengzi.

Du Rui only drinks good wine, and believes that good wine needs to be tasted and is worth tasting.

The wine that Fang Mu, a disciple of the Holy Founder, could use to entertain the two of them, must have excellent flavor.

Yi Han was also very interested in the wine Fang Mu brought out.

Seeing that the three people's eyes were fixed on the wine jar he took out, Fang Mu smiled, patted the solid wine jar, and then tore off the lid on the wine jar.

The rich aroma of wine immediately came out of the wine jar.

This was the first time for Fang Mu to open the wine he had brewed before. The taste of the wine in this jar was a bit bland compared to the taste of wine in Fang Mu's memory of his previous life.

But Yang Paiyun, Du Rui and Yi Han couldn't help but twitch their noses quickly.

Fragrant, this wine is so fragrant!

To be able to emit such a charming wine aroma, this wine must be relatively strong.

Judging from the smell alone, the aroma of this wine may not be better than all the fine wines that several people have drunk, but this is the first time that I have experienced such a mellow feeling.

Fang Mu also adds some special spiritual materials when making wine. The flavors of these spiritual materials are very suitable for blending into the wine.

These spiritual materials make Fang Mu's wine a tonic, and the wine itself has a catalytic effect on these spiritual materials.

However, for the Grandmaster, the nourishing effect of wine is not important at all. What is important is the spicy flavor.

Fang Mu did not go for the small wine cups used for drinking at high-end restaurants, but proudly took out three large wine glasses that could hold five to six hundred milliliters of wine at a time.

He picked up the wine jar and poured three full glasses of wine for the three of them.

The amber liquid is soft and moist under the sunlight, with a light amber luster.

Du Rui was about to pick up the wine glass when she realized that Fang Mu had not poured the wine for her, so she hurriedly asked Fang Mu.

"Master Jianmu, why don't you come and have a drink yourself? Is the wine for us too precious?"

"I might as well give you my glass of wine, and I won't drink it!"

Fang Mu waved his hand after hearing this.

"I don't have the habit of drinking. I always feel that drinking alcohol will affect my thinking."

"This kind of wine is not a precious thing to me. If you are interested, you can drink up both jars of wine!"

"When I met you today, I feel that I have a good rapport with you two. If you want to drink this kind of wine again in the future, please let me know directly and I will have this wine delivered to you!"

After that, Fang Mu took out two Xuyulan butterflies and handed them to Yang Paiyun and Du Rui respectively.

Fang Mu said that he wanted to make friends with Du Rui and Yang Paiyun. Rather than letting these two elders contact him proactively, Fang Mu felt that he should express his feelings to Du Rui and Yang Paiyun first, so that they could feel Fang Mu's feelings. sincerity.

Du Rui and Yang Paiyun were startled when they heard this, and then they bowed and took the Xuyu Landie from Fang Mu.

Previously, both Du Rui and Yang Paiyun were curious about why Qixing was so interested in the junior Fang Mu.

Now Yang Paiyun and Du Rui deeply feel the merits of Fang Mu.

There is a reason why Qixing values ​​Fang Mu so much.

Fang Mu's words and actions made Du Rui and Yang Paiyun no longer treat Fang Mu as a junior.

"My dear nephew Jianmu, to be honest, I have a habit of drinking."

"If I really ask you for a drink from now on, you have to give it to me!"

Du Rui can be regarded as a person of good temper, which can be seen from the name Du Rui calls Fang Mu.

Both Du Rui and Yang Paiyun wanted to make friends with Fang Mu, and through their friendship with Fang Mu, they came into contact with Qixing, the founder of the Saint.

But when they really faced Fang Mu, neither Du Rui nor Yang Paiyun took the initiative to please Fang Mu because of their pride in being strong men.

Now that Fang Mu took the initiative to make friends with the two, Du Rui and Yang Paiyun felt very happy, and instinctively developed a very good impression of Fang Mu.

"Your Excellency Jianmu, if I really need such fragrant wine in the future, I will ask my disciples to come and get it in person."

"Why can I bother you to send me off!?"

Compared with Du Rui, Yang Paiyun didn't have that kind of temperament, but their remarks were equivalent to accepting Fang Mu's affection.

It's just that the two of them have some doubts. Wine is just a drink. Why does Fang Mu say that drinking wine will affect his thinking?

After the three of them raised their glasses and drank the wine in their stomachs, they all understood why Fang Mu said this.

The spicy and dense wine in your mouth is like small air bombs exploding in your mouth.

Then the wine slid down the esophagus into the abdomen, like drinking rolling lava.

Immediately afterwards, the aroma came back from the belly, making the three of them fall into a feeling like clouds and mist at the same time.

Compared with the sip of wine I drank now, all the wine I drank before seemed to become a foil.

The three of them felt that the blood all over their bodies became alive with this sip of wine.

If you can have a drink when you are tired, I am afraid all the fatigue will be eliminated.

In fact, when Fang Mu first said that he would give the two of them drinks, neither Du Rui nor Yang Paiyun took it seriously.

Because neither Du Rui nor Yang Paiyun thought about bothering Fang Mu in the future and asked for these satisfying drinks from Fang Mu.

But now both Du Rui and Yang Paiyun have enjoyed the pleasant feeling brought by this wine. They are really afraid that they will never have the opportunity to drink this wine in the future.

After savoring the first sip, even a wine lover like Du Rui couldn't help but take another sip.

After the wine in the three people's glasses bottomed out, Fang Mu filled the glasses with wine for the three of them.

Fang Mu had his own little intention in pouring wine for the three of them.

Fang Mu wanted to get an evaluation of the wine he made and a suitable market price from the three of them after they tasted the wine.

Wine is a craft that is not shared between the East and the West, and there is plenty of space in the hinterland space. There will definitely be a market for this kind of wine that is rich in aura.

And it should have great market value.

After Fang Mu discovered that his wine contained spiritual energy, Fang Mu raised the positioning of his wine.

Fang Mu looked at the expressions of the three of them, obviously still enjoying the flavor of the wine itself.

Fang Mu originally thought that the three of them would be able to detect the aura contained in the wine when they took the first sip of the wine. For the three master creation masters, their perception of aura should be extremely keen.

Fang Mu did not remind the three of them, Du Rui was the first to react.

Du Rui said in surprise.

"Eh? Nephew Jianmu, your wine is not only high in alcohol content and rich in taste, but it also contains spiritual energy of high purity. Moreover, the spiritual energy in the wine can be directly absorbed by the human body!"

"This wine of yours is really not simple!"

Du Rui's words woke up Yang Paiyun and Yi Han, and Yang Paiyun and Yi Han suddenly realized this.

Fang Mu asked when he saw that the three of them had discovered the key point.

"In that case, how much do you think my wine is worth?"

"This kind of wine is newly researched by the master, and he plans to sell it."

"The master hasn't priced the wine yet and is busy processing those extraterritorial carcasses."

Fang Mu's words made Du Rui, Yang Paiyun and Yi Han feel excited.

This kind of wine can actually be sold to the outside world!

If this is the case, all three of them have the idea of ​​buying a large amount of this wine.

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