Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 666 Jianmu and Longteng!

First of all, the spiritual energy in this wine can be directly absorbed by living bodies, which is of great benefit to the three of them.

Nourishing the body with spiritual energy can not only extend life span, but also subtly strengthen one's own physique.

Secondly, drinking this kind of wine is a supreme enjoyment in itself.

However, even if the three of them wanted to buy this kind of wine, now Fang Mu asked the three of them to make a quotation, and the quotations of the three of them were still very objective.

None of the three people wanted to take advantage of Fang Mu. The three people who wanted to please Qixing were all thinking about how to send resources to Qixing.

It was impossible to arouse Qi Xing's dissatisfaction over such a trivial matter and make Qi Xing have opinions on himself and others.

When it came time to quote, Yang Paiyun was the first to speak.

"Your Excellency Jianmu, I just tasted the flavor of this wine, and I didn't notice the spiritual energy contained in the wine at the first time."

"If we just go by the flavor of the wine, this wine can be called the purest, strongest, and richest wine I have ever tasted!"

"It's better than the famous wines in the world!"

"The price of famous wine is calculated according to the current world currency of the second world, which is 400,000 world currency per bottle."

"Your wine can definitely be sold for 600,000 world coins per bottle!"

Speaking of this, Yang Paiyun picked up the wine glass in his hand and shook it.

"The glass of wine you poured for us is equivalent to a jug, but this wine contains spiritual energy, and its value far exceeds the drink itself."

"Based on how much the spiritual energy in it nourishes the body, I think the price of a bottle of wine can be set at around three million world coins."

"You can pour out at least ten jugs of wine from this jug of wine. If you sell a jug of wine for 30 million world coins, you can definitely sell it!"

"All the major forces and those who are strong in order will be willing to pay for this kind of wine."

Yang Paiyun's quotation shocked Fang Mu. Fang Mu really didn't expect the price of this wine to be so high.

There are nearly a thousand jars of these wines in Fang Mu's secret realm, the worm chrysalis belly space. Doesn't it mean that Fang Mu can exchange for more than 20 billion world coins with just these wines! ?

You must know that Fang Mu doesn't take long to brew these wines. He can brew a batch in three or two months.

With the continuous advancement of the Secret Realm Chrysalis and the newly acquired skills and exclusive characteristics, the area of ​​the belly space has become much larger.

Fangmu can brew more wine in the hinterland space.

Du Rui and Yi Han both felt that Yang Paiyun's quotation was very objective, so they didn't say much.

Regardless of the flavor or efficacy of the wine that Fang Mu brought out, the transaction price has basically reached the top.

After digesting Yang Paiyun's offer, Fang Mu directly took out thirty jars of wine from his purple ice crystal ring and said to the three of them.

"Ten jars per person can last for a while."

"Since you all love drinking this kind of wine, consider this wine as a gift from me!"

"It can be considered as a way to express the feelings of this junior."

Fang Mu's offer was very generous. According to Yang Paiyun's quotation just now, Fang Mu was giving away 300 million world coins to everyone.

However, neither Yang Paiyun nor Du Rui declined Fang Mu's gift.

The wine given by Fang Mu was equivalent to an olive branch extended by Fang Mu to himself. Accepting the wine was equivalent to confirming the relationship with Fang Mu.

Yang Paiyun and Du Rui came here this time not only to calm down Fang Mu, but also to establish a good relationship with Fang Mu.

Naturally, the two of them would not miss such a good opportunity.

We are all decent people. If we take Fang Mu’s gift this time, we will just find an opportunity to give something back to Fang Mu next time.

"Nephew Jianmu, since you say so, I won't be polite!"

"I heard that you took a fancy to a fire-attributed natural disaster-level ghost-type beast at the Huishou Chamber of Commerce's exhibition. I have collected a lot of natural disaster-level ghost-type beasts in various categories."

"If you are in need of natural disaster-level ghost beasts, I can bring my collection for you to choose from!"

Du Rui and Yang Paiyun took the olive branch offered by Fang Mu and always wanted to bring the topic to the fundamental matter.

By the way, I also wanted to help Fang Fangmu as much as possible.

Du Rui and Yang Paiyun already knew what kind of character Fang Mu was. Both Du Rui and Yang Paiyun felt that Fang Mu's character gave them a great chance to keep the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

Fang Mu did not reject the two's kindness. Fang Mu took a fancy to the fire-attributed natural disaster-level ghost-type beast at the Huishou Chamber of Commerce in order to choose a suitable ghost-type beast for his third sister Fang Yan to make a contract with.

In addition to Fang Yan, Fang Qin, Fang Yuan, Hu Tao, and Jiang Tuo all need natural disaster-level ghost beasts.

It is easy for Fang Mu to find natural disaster-level ghost-type beasts, but it is not easy to find those natural disaster-level ghost-type beasts that suit a few people.

"Then I would like to thank you two first. If I encounter the natural disaster-level ghost-type beast I want, I will trade with you with spiritual energy with a purity of more than 80%, and I will not let you suffer!"

"It's lunch time soon. Why don't a few of you dine with us and try the skills of my chef here!"

Du Rui and Yang Paiyun looked at each other after hearing this, and then said in unison.

"Don't worry about eating. The two of us came to Longteng Federation in a hurry and haven't gone to see Grandmaster Shuoyang yet. We want to say hello to Grandmaster Shuoyang and see if we can negotiate some cooperation with Longteng Federation. ."

"Don't worry, the forces under my command will cooperate with the Soaring Dragon Federation to achieve a win-win result while protecting the interests of the Soaring Dragon Federation. There will never be any problems in cooperation with the Soaring Dragon Federation!"

Qixing has been staying in the Soaring Dragon Federation since he became famous. To Qixing, the Soaring Dragon Federation must be very important!

The Soaring Dragon Federation is just like the Beast Whispering Federation under the protection of the two of them, under the protection of Qixing.

Cooperating with the Soaring Dragon Federation is actually an excellent way to close the relationship with Qixing.

Fang Mu noticed their intentions and said with a smile.

"If you can reach cooperation with the Soaring Dragon Federation, it would be the best thing for me."

"As long as you and the Soaring Dragon Federation officially finalize the specific cooperation matters. If you come with sincerity, the cooperation with the Soaring Dragon Federation will be very pleasant!"

"I wonder if I need to prepare a room for you two in the Mid-Levels Manor?"

"Do you two have any plans to stay with me for a while?"

Neither Du Rui nor Yang Paiyun had too many things to be busy with. After meeting Grandmaster Shuoyang, they would return to Fang Mu.

The two of them and Fang Mu have indeed established a good relationship now, but both of them feel the need to deepen these relationships.

Staying here for some time is the best way to deepen our relationship.

Fang Mu took the initiative to invite the two of them to live here, so it would not be presumptuous for the two of them to agree.

"Since Nephew Jianmu has sent out the invitation, the two of us will be here to beg you for a while, just in time when we can ask our men to send those natural disaster-level ghost beasts."

"After you finish picking out those natural disaster-level ghost beasts, we will leave with your men."

Fang Mu smiled when he heard this.

"Then I'll have someone decorate the guest room for you two!"

Before this incident, neither Yang Paiyun nor Du Rui had the idea of ​​cooperating with Longteng Federation officials.

It was Fang Mu who made this happen.

Yang Paiyun and Du Rui discussed two major projects with Longteng Federation. One of these two projects was related to the construction of a trading channel for beast control, and the other was related to the supply of spiritual materials.

Once these two cooperations are completed, it will be easier for the Soaring Dragon Federation to obtain beast control and spiritual material resources.

It can be said that the officials of the Soaring Dragon Federation attach great importance to this matter.

Grandmaster Shuoyang knew very well why Yang Paiyun and Du Rui would come to the Soaring Dragon Federation and why they chose to cooperate with the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Qixing and Jianmu invisibly promoted the development of the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Longteng Federation has wanted to give back to Qixing more than once, and has taken the initiative to share part of the project's income with Qixing.

Qixing not only refused to accept it, but also raised a scholarship fund through the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce and Jianmu Guanxiang.

All young people of the appropriate age who have reached the age of twenty in the Dragon Soaring Federation, as long as they are beast control masters, will have the opportunity to enter the Contemplation Hall under Jianmu Guanxiang every three years to understand the mysterious pattern.

You must know that you have to pay nearly 200,000 Longteng coins to enter the contemplation hall once.

There are many twenty-year-old beast masters in the Soaring Dragon Federation, and these beast masters can get such an opportunity every three years.

The Soaring Dragon Federation itself cannot afford to distribute such benefits.

Once this scholarship fund is implemented, the strength of the Dragon Soaring Federation's beast masters will surely rise to a higher level in a few decades.

Qixing’s words are definitely not casual, because Jianmu Guanxiang has begun to open up quotas one after another after the expansion.

Fang Mu had only been idle for a few days. He had just observed the growth of the Blue Curse Yucca when Gu Ting, the president of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, came to the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Gu Ting did not know Fang Mu's residence, and it was impossible for Yang Paiyun and Du Rui to tell Gu Ting Fang Mu's residence.

Gu Ting had no choice but to rely on connections to find Grandmaster Xiaoxiang, the president of the Dragon Soaring Federation Founders Guild.

Grandmaster Xiaoxiang and Gu Ting had a relationship several times. When Grandmaster Xiaoxiang was looking for a specific beast to control, Gu Ting often helped Grandmaster Xiaoxiang.

Although Grandmaster Xiaoxiang at that time rejected Gu Ting's invitation, he did not help the Huishou Chamber of Commerce due to Gu Ting's invitation and became the person behind the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

But Grandmaster Xiaoxiang remembered Gu Ting's favor.

Grandmaster Xiaoxiang knows that Yi Han has a deep relationship with Qixing. Yi Han's ability to become a founding master has a lot to do with Grandmaster Xiaoxiang's help to Yi Han.

Grandmaster Xiaoxiang is confident that he can go to Yi Han on his own, and it is impossible for Yi Han not to give him face.

Gu Ting had already made it clear. Gu Ting came to Qixing's disciples to apologize, not to seek revenge.

It can be said that there is no problem in being the introducer yourself.

Even if Fang Mu didn't choose to forgive Gu Ting in the end, he could still return Gu Ting's favor.

Yi Han heard the news that Gu Ting had arrived in the Soaring Dragon Federation and secretly thought that Gu Ting came quite quickly, which shows that Gu Ting is a smart man!

Fang Mu was waiting for Gu Ting's arrival.

After Yi Han first informed Yang Paiyun and Du Rui, he brought Gu Ting to Fang Mu.

Gu Ting felt very uneasy along the way, especially after arriving at the Soaring Dragon Federation. Gu Ting's uneasiness doubled.

After all the hard work to get to Fang Mu, whether the Huishou Chamber of Commerce can survive depends entirely on Fang Mu's next decision.

When Gu Ting saw Fang Mu, he knelt down in front of Fang Mu and kowtowed.

"Jianmuge, I am Gu Ting, the president of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce. I am extremely sorry for affecting your mood in the second world."

"The ungrateful person in charge has been executed by me and is now in the belly of my beast."

"I hope you will be able to ignore the faults of villains and not be on the same level as our Huishou Chamber of Commerce."

"Our Huishou Chamber of Commerce has realized our mistake. This time I came not only to bring all the exhibits of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, but also some of the treasured materials of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce."

"I wonder if you would like to take a look?"

Gu Ting did not raise his head as he spoke, burying his head deeply.

Fang Mu had already asked She Wan to find Wang Longfei in advance. Fang Mu was not the only one who was humiliated because of this matter in the second world.

Wang Longfei also received such treatment.

Therefore, this apology to Gu Ting should not only be given to himself, but Wang Longfei also shared the responsibility!

Seeing She Wan coming in with Wang Longfei, Fang Mu waved to Wang Longfei and then said to Gu Ting.

"At that time, I was not the only one who was humiliated for no reason in the second world, but also my friends."

"If my friend is willing to forgive you, then this matter will be in the past."

Wang Longfei was extremely moved when he heard Fang Mu's words. Fang Mu's words showed that Fang Mu really regarded him as a friend and as one thing.

Because Fang Mu's words showed that Fang Mu cared about his dignity.

Wang Longfei himself had no ability to cause trouble for the Huishou Chamber of Commerce. It was rare for Fang Mu to think of himself when he had the ability to stand up for himself.

Upon hearing this, Gu Ting quickly turned around and expressed his apology to Wang Longfei.

Just like how Fang Mu apologized to Wang Longfei just now, he expressed his sincere apology.

Wang Longfei will never fail to forgive Gu Ting. If he doesn't forgive Gu Ting, then he is really too ignorant!

Doesn't it mean that he is forcing Fang Mu to clean up the Huishou Chamber of Commerce?

Gu Ting, the president of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, is as famous as his grandfather, and may even be stronger than his grandfather.

After all, the Huishou Chamber of Commerce is the official force of the Beast-speaking Federation, and the Huishou Chamber of Commerce can represent the Beast-speaking Federation.

The Wang family is only a part of the Soaring Dragon Federation, and in terms of financial resources alone, the Huishou Chamber of Commerce earns much more money than the Wang family.

Wang Longfei did not respond to Gu Ting, but just nodded to Fang Mu.

It indicated to Fang Mu that he no longer took this matter to heart.

After seeing Wang Longfei's expression, Fang Mu said to Gu Ting who was kneeling on the ground.

"My friend has forgiven you, stand up."

"As for whether I forgive you, it depends on whether you have brought all the exhibits."

"Are there any fire-attributed natural disaster-level ghost-type beasts among these exhibits that I should have bought at the first price?"

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