Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 670 Fang Yuan and Tang Lingxi!

Fang Mu has always been extremely selfless towards his family.

In the choice of ghost-type beasts, Fang Mu gave his brothers and sisters the same conditions as himself. Fang Mu was the contractor of the natural disaster-level summoned ghost-type beasts, and he knew very well that he contracted a natural disaster-level summoned ghost-type beast. How many resources are needed.

Even if Sui Sui's level has been raised to the platinum level, it is still quite stressful to support a natural disaster level summoned ghost-type beast in the optimal way.

In particular, Fang Mu's brother and sister can choose to contract with natural disaster-level summoned ghost-type beasts.

Fang Qin quickly shook his head when he heard this.

"Xiaomu's natural disaster-level summoned ghost-type beasts can only control the dead creatures. I can appreciate the dead creatures contracted by others, but if I are asked to make the contract myself, I will feel a little uncomfortable."

"The dragon-type beasts I contract are basically water-attributed beings. I just choose a water-attributed natural disaster-level ghost-type beast to contract with!"

As a senior beast master, Fang Qin has a very clear plan for his path as a beast master.

Fang Yan said from the side.

"This fire-attributed natural disaster-level ghost beast is more suitable for me, so I will contract this one!"

"I don't think the creatures of the dead are scary, but the creatures of the dead are very cool, which is inconsistent with my previous choice of beast control."

"I'm afraid that if I really have to command a group of dead creatures to fight in the future, it will affect other people in the team, as well as the few beasts I have contracted with now."

Fang Yuan didn't say much. Fang Yuan was much clearer about his plans than Fang Yan and Fang Qin.

Fang Yuan is also a very thoughtful person. When choosing natural disaster-level ghost-type beasts, Fang Yuan will only choose thunder-type beings.

Fang Yuan looked at the fire-attributed natural disaster-level ghost-type beast that Fang Mu brought out to Fang Yan. It can be said that this beast caused a huge commotion.

As the president of the Building Wood Chamber of Commerce, Fang Yuan had heard about this matter.

The president of Huishou Chamber of Commerce directly chose to cooperate with Longteng Federation officials after coming to Longteng Federation. Many projects have benefited Jianmu Chamber of Commerce and Jianmu Guanxiang.

Gu Ting came to Longteng Federation obviously to please Fang Mu.

The Huishou Chamber of Commerce and the Soaring Dragon Federation had no previous interactions.

Now that this fire-attribute natural disaster-level ghost-type beast appears in Fang Mu's hands, it means that the matter should basically have been dealt with.

Fang Mu should explain this to himself later.

If we can obtain the beast-controlling resources of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce, then Jianmu Guanhuang will be able to enter a state of rapid development.

Otherwise, even if the infrastructure is built now, the beast control will never be implemented, making it impossible for the Huishou Chamber of Commerce to receive a large number of guests to promote the student fund for Longteng Federation.

"Xiaomu, since you are going to rest for a while, do you have any plans to stay here for a few days?"

Fang Mu nodded and said.

"Brother, I can stay here for two days. I will go back to deal with some things in two days."

In two days, Yuan Xue Wa Nu will be able to produce enough Wa blood, and the Wa blood must be given to Lian Dai as soon as possible after it is produced.

As the leader of the Hanyang Empire, Liandai had a lot of things to deal with after the cooperation between humans and the sea tribe.

After Liandai gets Wa's blood, Liandai can return to the Hanyang Empire.

Fang Mu has already tried the effect of Wa's blood. The Wa's blood produced by Yuan Xue Wa Nu by absorbing the blood-colored aging wine at the bottom of the Blood Feng Rang is more effective than the blood-colored aging wine.

In particular, Wa's blood has the effect of washing away impurities in the blood.

With Wa's blood helping Liandai absorb the impurities in her bloodline, Liandai's mermaid bloodline will become more pure.

Lian Dai's strength after purifying her bloodline will definitely be improved in a very short period of time!

Fang Yuan said hurriedly when he heard that Fang Mu could stay at his place for two days.

"It's rare for Xiaomu to have so much time to rest. Sister, please call Brother Mo over."

"Calculating the time, Brother Mo's training should be almost finished. Let's have a nice get-together as a family!"

Fang Qin and Mo Shang's relationship is extremely stable. They have been together for more than four months, and Fang Yuan has already acquiesced in their relationship.

Fang Yan said with a smile.

"Second brother, you don't need to tell me at all. The eldest sister will definitely call Brother Mo Shang!"

"But do you want to call Sister Lingxi for this family gathering?"

"Why don't we just call Sister Lingxi over too!"

"Sister Lingxi's time with you is no shorter than the time Brother Mo Shang spends with his eldest sister."

"I remember that my second brother, your elder brother, confessed his love to Sister Lingxi last week and confirmed his relationship!"

Hearing this, Fang Yuan reached out and grabbed his hair a little shyly.

"I'll call Lingxi over in a moment, and I'll also officially let eldest sister and Xiaomu get to know Lingxi!"

The reason why Fang Yuan didn't say that he wanted to introduce Tang Lingxi to Fang Yan was because Fang Yan and Tang Lingxi were already good friends.

Fang Yuan did not tell Fang Yan that she was with Tang Lingxi. Fang Yan knew that she must have learned about it from Tang Lingxi.

Fang Yuan has always been a family-oriented person. Before Fang Mu revealed that he had become a disciple of Qixing, the burden of supporting the family had always fallen on Fang Yuan.

Anyone who is familiar with Fang Yuan knows that Fang Yuan is a Voldemort, and most of the resources he earns are given to his younger siblings.

Otherwise, with the resources that Fangyuan earns, he can continuously strengthen himself and steadily improve his strength.

Tang Lingxi did not dislike Fang Yuan's behavior of supporting the family, and even gave Fang Yuan a lot of help overtly and secretly.

For Fang Yuan, Tang Lingxi is a treasure that is as important as his family.

It's just that Fang Yuan has never been good at expressing feelings, and he prefers to do it rather than talk about it!

It was Tang Lingxi who took the initiative to confess to Fang Yuan before. The reason why Fang Yuan rejected Tang Lingxi at that time was because Fang Yuan's burden was too heavy.

There is no way to give Tang Lingxi happiness.

As the daughter of the president of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, Tang Lingxi was like a fairy at that time.

Fang Yuan is not afraid of letting Fang Yuan bear the pressure on his own. Fang Yuan does not want Tang Lingxi to be with him and cause Tang Lingxi to bear too much pressure from the outside world.

Later, Fang Yuan helped Fang Mu manage the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce as a golden sleeve, and Fang Mu's identity as a disciple of the founding master spread.

The identities of Tang Lingxi and Fang Yuan were reversed. Fang Yuan became a figure in the cloud, while Tang Lingxi became an ordinary person.

Tang Lingxi had a very strong temper and did not go to Fang Yuan to talk about feelings after Fang Yuan's situation improved.

But Tang Lingxi was still very determined for Fangyuan.

Tang Lingxi, the daughter of the president of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, left Wanbao Chamber of Commerce directly and followed Fang Yuan to work for Fang Yuan.

For a long time, Tang Lingxi was even harder than Fang Yuan!

Not only Fang Yuan saw all this, but Fang Yan, Fang Qin, and Fang Mu also saw it.

Fang Yuan and Tang Lingxi are all very happy.

Regarding the fact that Tang Lingxi and Fang Yuan were together, the happiest person was Tang Xiao, the president of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

Tang Xiao recognized Fang Yuan when he was still a poor boy, and Fang Yuan Duo promoted him.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Fang Yuan to become the captain of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce's Golden Gloves team at his age of over 20 years old.

As a businessman, Tang Xiao would inevitably follow the crowd and act for profit, but Tang Xiao still respected his daughter's feelings.

Just like Tang Xiao helped Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan also helped Tang Xiao.

Fangyuan handed over all the trading channels that the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce was rushing to eat to the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

Even if the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce does not rank among the top fifty chambers of commerce in the Longteng Federation, it can already rank sixth in the list of chambers of commerce in Jinghai Province!

Now that Tang Lingxi and Fang Yuan are officially dating, she has become the father-in-law of the president of the Construction Wood Chamber of Commerce. No matter where she goes, others have to treat her with some disrespect.

Tang Xiao likes Zhong Fangyuan because Fangyuan is a serious and principled person.

Therefore, Tang Xiao always adhered to the bottom line during his cooperation with Fang Yuan and did not do anything that would affect the interests and reputation of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

It is precisely because Tang Xiao understands Fang Yuan that the cooperation can always be so pleasant.

If Tang Xiao relied on his relationship with Fang Yuan to do something good or bad, Fang Yuan would definitely cut off the cooperation with Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

Fang Yuan wanted to give back to Tang Xiao in more than one way. Fang Yuan didn't want Tang Xiao to affect Fang Mu's reputation!

Fang Mu didn't put too much thought into the fact that his brother and sister were dating.

According to Fang Mu's understanding, Tang Lingxi is a person with strong abilities. This ability does not refer to combat ability but management ability.

In Fang Mu, management talents are more scarce than combat talents. Fang Mu is going to mention this matter when talking to Fang Yuan later.

Cultivating such management talents requires more investment than cultivating combat talents.

If your own people have this ability, you must give priority to cultivating your own people.

After a few people chatted for a while, Fang Mu brought Fang Yuan to his office.

Fang Yuan's office still has the same furnishings as when Fang Mu came here last time, and the furnishings looked pretty good at that time.

But now that Fang Mu's vision has improved, the layout of Fang Yuan's office has become a little shabby.

"Second brother, I have a batch of jade-like wood that has been handed over to the people who built the foundation stone."

"Wait until they use jade-like wood to make furniture and decorate it here first!"

“Replace all the furniture made by these master craftsmen.”

After much deliberation, Fang Mu did not ask Fang Yuan to hand over the replaced furniture to him. In fact, Fang Mu could bring these furniture to the belly space to complete the jade transformation. After all, they were all the work of master craftsmen!

But this is too conspicuous.

Even if these furniture are not sold out, they will inevitably be seen by outsiders.

Every piece of furniture made by a master craftsman has the exclusive imprint of the master craftsman. They know best whether these master craftsmen have used jade-like wood to make furniture.

There was no need for Fang Mu to do such a conspicuous thing.

Fang Mu raised his hand and took out a pearl with a white base and a layer of cyan-blue glow floating on it.

This pearl is as big as Fang Mu's fist.

Feeling the light released by this pearl, Fang Yuan felt that his spirit was refreshed and his brain was in an extremely clear state.

"Xiaomu, what is this?"

Fang Mu said with a smile.

"Second brother, you have so many things to deal with every day, and it is inevitable that you are always in a state of nervousness."

"This Pearl of Clear Glory Like the Sun is a pearl condensed after the death of the order-level beast Clear Glory Like the Sun."

“Putting it in the room can soothe your tense spirit and soothe your mood.”

"In addition to providing you with resources this time, I have one more thing to say to you."

"The list you gave me before was handed over to Gu Ting, the president of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce. Gu Ting promised to help us solve the beasts on the list."

"We can send those beasts over within two months."

"Second brother, please prepare all the staff in the contemplation hall before this happens!"

"I heard that large-scale meditation centers always compete maliciously with each other to poach talents in each other's meditation centers."

"The people you find must ensure their loyalty and don't train them to cause similar troubles later."

Fang Yuan directly summoned the Queen Contracted Servant Soul Ant that he had contracted with. The queen ant Fang Yuan contracted was the new queen produced by Fang Mu's Contracted Servant Soul Ant Queen.

Now this new queen has grown tremendously here in Fangyuan.

When Fang Mu saw that Fang Yuan's new queen was still at the gold level, he knew that Fang Yuan's suppression of the growth of the Contracted Servant Soul Ant Queen must have been allowing this queen to produce offspring.

Fang Mu only heard what Fang Yuan said after summoning the Contracted Servant Soul Ant Queen.

"Xiaomu, my queen ant has never been idle. I drink a lot of soul potion every day and let the queen ant swallow the soul potion directly."

"I didn't take into account the evolutionary potential of this queen ant. I didn't want this queen to grow to any extent."

"My purpose in cultivating this queen is to control those important members to whom we have invested a lot of resources."

"Now the number of ant offspring produced has reached more than 400. In two months, the number of ant offspring can easily exceed 2,000."

"Two thousand ant offspring are enough to control the core members in Jianmu's visualization!"

"As for the other members, I will gradually control them over the next three years and will not let any accidents occur."

"What I have been thinking about before is how to control the hearts and minds of these people under my command, and I have spent a lot of energy on this matter."

"Everything has become easier with the Contracted Servant Soul Ant Queen!"

"Those who have contracted with the Servant Soul Ants are well aware that only after contracting can they receive a large amount of resources."

"They are very willing to promote this matter, and many of them have taken the initiative to fight for it from me."

"In addition to allowing me to trust the other key members more, the Contracted Servant Soul Ant Queen also has the effect of calming the hearts of those key members."

Fang Mu nodded in approval upon hearing this.

The control method provided by the Contracted Servant Soul Ant Queen can indeed make everything in these forces simpler when used in a force.

If Fang Yuan has achieved this step, then Fang Mu really has nothing to worry about!

Fang Mu changed the topic and stopped talking about Jianmu's visualization. Instead, he asked Fang Yuan seriously.

"Second brother, do you think Sister Lingxi can take on her own role as the vice president of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce?"

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