Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 671 Fang Yuan’s ghost-type beast!

Tang Lingxi is now half of Fang Mu's sister-in-law, so Fang Mu naturally treats Tang Lingxi with great respect.

To have such a person who follows Fang Yuan unwaveringly is extremely rare in Fang Mu's opinion.

Not only Fang Mu, Fang Qin and Fang Yan also recognized Tang Lingxi.

Fang Mu must seek Fang Yuan's opinion on Tang Lingxi's arrangements.

Fang Yuan was startled when he heard Fang Mu's words, knowing that Fang Mu said this because he had the idea of ​​cultivating Tang Lingxi.

It is very likely that the next step will be to provide resources for Tang Lingxi and provide Tang Lingxi with suitable training opportunities.

Fang Yuan had been with Tang Lingxi for such a long time, and he knew Tang Lingxi exceptionally well.

Tang Lingxi is rigorous in doing things and has extremely strong abilities.

Otherwise, Fang Yuan would not let Tang Lingxi and Lu Bo become his right-hand men!

Fang Yuan has never shown any nepotism when it comes to managing the Construction and Timber Chamber of Commerce.

Fang Yuan said it responsibly after careful consideration.

"Looking at Xiaomu's ability, Lingxi is capable of serving as the vice president of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce."

"Jianmu visualizes that the part burdened by the soul right now is more than the part I bear!"

Fang Mu said after hearing Fang Yuan's words.

"In that case, let me help Sister Lingxi get some gold!"

"Grandmaster Wu Xin wants me to recommend a disciple to him, so I'm going to simply recommend Sister Lingxi to him."

"Grandmaster Wu Xin is the creative master behind the Huishou Chamber of Commerce. He has the level of an intermediate creative master."

"After becoming a disciple of Grandmaster Wu Xin, it will be easier for my sister-in-law to handle all business with the Huishou Chamber of Commerce."

"The beast control channel is extremely important to Jianmu Guanxiang. We can rest assured that Sister Lingxi, who is absolutely her own person, can manage it."

Fang Yuan was shocked when he heard this. Fang Mu actually wanted to give Tang Lingxi a chance to become the disciple of the founding master!

Fang Yuan knows very well what it means to be a disciple of the founding master.

The Jianmu Chamber of Commerce has been able to develop to its current level, in addition to the resources provided by Fang Mu, it is actually more because of Fang Mu's identity.

And it's not because of Fang Mu Sheng's identity as the founder's disciple.

When Fang Mu established his identity as the disciple of the founding master, the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce was already as prosperous as it is now.

"Xiaomu, this opportunity is too precious, I..."

Before Fang Yuan finished speaking, Fang Mu had already spoken first.

"Second brother, you are right, but it is precisely because this opportunity is so precious that we must ensure that we can keep it in the hands of our own people."

"Don't worry, Sister Lingxi will definitely not suffer any injustice when she becomes a disciple of Master Wu Xin!"

"Sister Lingxi has been working in the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce since its establishment. Her contribution to the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce is enough to rank among the top three."

"Sister Lingxi deserves this opportunity!"

"Of course, it's not up to the two of us to make the decision. It still depends on Sister Lingxi's opinion!"

"Ability depends not only on talent, but also on acquired experience."

"The cooperation with the Huishou Chamber of Commerce is just an excellent opportunity for experience!"

Fang Yuan did not refuse this time, but reached out and patted Fang Mu on the shoulder, speaking to Fang Mu very seriously.

"Brother Xiaomu, thank you!"

"My second brother can't help you much now, but my second brother can definitely help you run these industries!"

Fang Mu said with a smile.

"Second brother, if you can help me manage these industries, you have already done me a great favor!"

"In the future, the development of the Construction Timber Chamber of Commerce should no longer be based on profit. In the future, the development of the Construction Timber Chamber of Commerce will still be based on hoarding resources."

"And the hoarding of resources must be even greater than before!"

"In addition to those rare materials, it is also necessary to stock up on basic materials!"

"Stock up these supplies, you will inevitably need them in the future!"

Fang Yuan remembered Fang Mu's words firmly.

All chambers of commerce in the world are mainly for profit, but Fang Mu has never cared about the profits of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce since he established the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce. He has always used the resources earned by the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce to Prepare supplies.

These resources of the Construction Wood Chamber of Commerce are basically obtained from the resources of external sales builders.

Fang Mu obviously regarded the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce as a channel to obtain and hoard resources.

Fang Yuan, who understood Fang Mu's purpose, had always followed this method to develop the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

When I helped Fang Mu collect thunder-type spiritual materials before, Fang Yuan obtained a lot of spiritual materials at a premium.

It was precisely because of Fang Yuan's hoarding of resources that many of Fang Mu's urgent needs were solved.

Fang Mu finished talking with Fang Yuan, and after leaving Fang Yuan's office, it was almost time to eat.

Tang Lingxi was chatting happily with Fang Yan, with a shy and joyful smile on Tang Lingxi's face.

This was the first time that Fang Yuan called Tang Lingxi to have a family dinner together.

Tang Lingxi knew that Fang Yuan taking her to this family dinner was equivalent to officially disclosing her relationship with her family.

Seeing Fang Yuan and Fang Mu walking over, Tang Lingxi first focused on Fang Yuan and smiled at Fang Yuan, then raised his eyes to look at Fang Mu.

Fang Mu, a disciple of the Holy Founder, is now an absolutely influential figure in the entire Soaring Dragon Federation and even the entire world.

Tang Lingxi had never come into contact with Fang Mu before.

Fang Mu is very mysterious in Tang Lingxi's heart. At the same time, Tang Lingxi also knows that Fang Mu is the most authoritative person in this family.

Tang Lingxi stood up and bowed to Fang Mu to say hello.

"Xiaomu always hears Ayuan mention you, and now we finally have a chance to meet you!"

"Ayuan came here on short notice this time. My cooking skills are no worse than those of the chefs outside."

"Next time you also have a taste of my craftsmanship!"

Tang Lingxi had a serious and cold attitude when handling affairs.

But when dealing with people in life, Tang Lingxi has always been very gentle to them.

Fang Mu hurriedly stepped forward to help Tang Lingxi and said.

"Sister Lingxi, this is indeed our first official meeting. My second brother hid you so well before!"

After that, Fang Mu took out a bracelet densely inlaid with pink and purple crystal stones from the purple ice crystal ring and handed it to Tang Lingxi.

"Sister Lingxi heard from my second brother that you are a healing beast master, and this bracelet can improve your healing ability."

"When encountering danger, the beast soul inside can also take the initiative to protect your safety."

When facing Mo Shang before, Fang Mu did not prepare any greeting gifts. Mo Shang is the grandson of the Dragon Mother, and Mo Shang can easily obtain any kind of cutting-edge resources.

And Fang Mu didn't have any gifts that were suitable for Mo Shang at that time, so Fang Mu just gave Mo Shang an Infinite Silver Silkworm and invited Mo Shang to join the Infinite Tower.

Now facing Tang Lingxi, Fang Mu gave Tang Lingxi a gift not only to be polite, but also to show his acceptance of Tang Lingxi.

Let Tang Lingxi know that the Fang family welcomes Tang Lingxi to join this big family.

Tang Lingxi did not immediately take the serial spiritual weapon that Fang Mu handed him, but looked at Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan nodded towards Tang Lingxi.

"Lingxi, this is Xiaomu's wish, just accept it."

Fang Yuan did not talk to Tang Lingxi now about what Fang Mu had said to him before.

These words should wait until after the dinner party, and then find an opportunity to talk to Tang Lingxi slowly.

Fang Yuan believes that Tang Lingxi will be very happy when he finds out and will cherish this opportunity.

Originally, Tang Lingxi had always been a cheerful and confident character, but after learning that Fang Mu was a disciple of the Holy Builder, Tang Lingxi became increasingly unconfident when in contact with him.

Fang Yuan thought of many ways, but none had any obvious results. If this state continued for a long time, it would not be conducive to the relationship between him and Tang Lingxi.

When Tang Lingxi becomes the disciple of the founding master, everything will definitely get better.

Two people who love each other always have some similarities. Fang Yuan feels that the most similar thing between him and Tang Lingxi is that they both have the same frighteningly high self-esteem.

The long-lost family dinner made Fang Mu feel extremely comfortable.

After the dinner party, Fang Mu and Fang Yan made an appointment to go shopping in the capital together.

Fang Yan bought a bunch of snacks that she thought Fang Mu would like, and planned to pack them back for Fang Mu when Fang Mu left.

Fang Mu enjoyed this time very much and was extremely happy.

The next afternoon, Du Rui and Yang Paiyun's assistants came to the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce and sent all the natural disaster-level ghost beasts to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu, Fang Yuan, and Fang Qin jointly selected two extremely suitable ghost beasts.

Next, Fang Yuan, Fang Qin, and Fang Yan will all go into seclusion to complete their contracts with ghost beasts.

Fang Mu had distributed Tears of Prayer to Heaven a long time ago, and the three of them had already used Tears of Prayer to Heaven.

Among them, Fang Yuan is the luckiest, and has the highest soul energy boosted by the tears of praying to heaven.

After Fang Yuan completed the contract with this ghost-type beast, he should have increased his mental power in a few years before he could continue to contract with a new ghost-type beast.

With the help of Tears of Praying to Heaven, Fang Qin and Fang Yan experienced less increase in soul power.

I can only contract one more ghost weapon in a few years.

At that time, Fang Mu will create a ghost weapon for the two of them that will be more than 90% integrated with itself.

Having such a ghost weapon will not increase your strength much less than contracting another ghost-type beast.

Fang Mu was not in a hurry to leave, but was preparing to assist Fang Yuan, Fang Qin, and Fang Yan in making a contract with the ghost beast.

It is necessary for contracted ghost beasts to protect their souls.

When he was contracted to control ghost-type beasts before, if it weren't for the fact that Fang Mu had two souls, he would be different from ordinary people.

Fang Mudu is very likely to be impacted by the energy carried by Hell Prajna itself, causing damage to his soul.

At that time, Fang Mu directly contracted with Hell Prajna, which can be said to be fearless for those who don't know.

It was only later that Fang Mu learned that after many people contracted ghost-type beasts, their souls would be damaged due to the ghost-type beasts themselves.

Fang Mu has a lot of spiritual materials in his hand that can improve the soul's defense ability. Using these spiritual materials, Fang Mu can ensure that his brother and sister's souls will not be affected in any way after contracting ghost beasts.

Fang Mu told Fang Yuan, Fang Qin and Fang Yan about the dangerous situation of the contracted ghost-type beasts. As the parties involved, Fang Mu believed that it was necessary to know.

The three of them immediately paid attention to it.

Fang Qin was the first to speak.

"In that case, let me go first and make the contract!"

"After I finish the contract, I will tell you two my general feelings so that you two can deal with it more easily!"

"And I am the oldest and have the strongest soul energy!"

Hearing this, Fang Mu secretly thought that caring about him would lead to chaos, and it would be too dangerous to get the situation.

Fang Mu said quickly.

"I have contracted a ghost-type beast, and I have the spiritual materials provided by my master. With the help of these spiritual materials, there will be no problems even if you don't use the Tears of Praying to Heaven, not to mention that you have already contracted and used the Tears of Praying to Heaven. Tears!"

"Whoever makes the first contract among the three of you will have the same contract!"

After hearing what Fang Mu said, Fang Qin felt relieved, and finally Fang Yuan took the lead in making the contract with the ghost beast.

The natural disaster-level ghost-type beast contracted by Fang Yuan looks very special in appearance, and the thunder and lightning energy above it is constantly changing its shape.

Fang Mu first lit a piece of agarwood that was completely made of jade in the quiet room, and then took out a piece of soul-solidifying snow ginseng and said to Fang Yuan.

"Second brother, eat this soul-reinforcing snow ginseng with this bottle of spiritual energy potion."

"After fifteen minutes, when you feel that the cold air has completely enveloped your soul, you can activate your soul power to contract this ghost-type beast!"

Fang Yuan followed Fang Mu's instructions and ate the soul-solidifying snow ginseng.

The Guhun Snow Ginseng didn't taste good, it was so spicy that even Fang Yuan's tongue was numb.

However, after Fang Yuan ate this soul-solidifying snow ginseng, Fang Yuan only felt balls of cold air rising from his belly, wrapping his soul.

Fang Yuan only felt that his soul was extremely comfortable now!

After the cold air completely enveloped his soul, Fang Yuan used his soul power to explore this thunder-attributed natural disaster-level ghost beast.

Fang Yuan expressed great expectations for the contracted ghost-type beast control.

Fang Yuan is a person who pays great attention to his own strength. It is very likely that contracting this ghost-type beast will cause his strength to undergo earth-shaking changes, and even enter a whole new level.

The soul-type spiritual material such as Soul-solidifying Snow Ginseng is extremely precious, and it is really overkill when used on contracted ghost-type beasts.

The thick purple ghost flames with golden light billowed on the eggshell in front of Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan's body was also filled with this kind of gorgeous ghost flames that belonged to the natural disaster-level ghost-type beasts.

A man with two ghost horns on his head, one long and one short, opened the eggshell with his fists.

This man wore a gorgeous purple-gold half-armor, with a battle skirt underneath that could protect his ankles.

The man was carrying two large drums on his back, and the sound of thunder kept coming from the drums.

Obviously these two drums have not been beaten yet, but the thunder and lightning have already formed a five-square-meter thunderstorm at the feet of the ghost-type beast.

When this ghost-type beast opened its eyes, the thunder and lightning energy in the thunder began to interweave, constantly changing into various shapes.

This change is obviously related to the ability of this thunder-attributed natural disaster-level ghost beast.

Fang Mu used the [Eye of Omniscience] to explore the situation of this ghost-type beast.

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