Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 674 The efficacy of Wa blood!

After saying that, Lian Dai's figure disappeared in front of Fang Mu.

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows when he saw this. It seemed that the effect of Wa's blood was really good, otherwise there would be no need for Liandai to be in such a hurry to expel the impurities from her body.

If the amount of impurities eliminated from the body is small, Liandai can digest these impurities in the body on its own.

Fang Mu has been observing Lian Dai's condition after she drank Wa's blood. It can be said that from the outside, nothing happened during the past hour or so.

This shows that swallowing Wa's blood to purify the blood vessels will not cause much movement.

Of course, this does not rule out that Lian Dai deliberately suppressed the blood in her body to prevent any movement.

Fang Mu will ask Lian Dai for confirmation later.

If Lian Dai didn't deliberately suppress the bloodline, then Fang Mu could freely use Wa's blood to strengthen other creatures.

Lian Dai did not let Fang Mu wait long, and returned to Fang Mu after a few minutes.

Fang Mu discovered that the originally hideous gray scales on Lian Dai's cheeks had basically completely disappeared. Now, only by looking closely at Lian Dai's cheeks could one see the clear lines.

These lines are like shadows modifying the outline of Lian Dai's cheeks. Apart from making Lian Dai look a little thin, they will not have any negative impact on her appearance.

What Lian Dai hated most before was that others kept staring at her cheeks.

This behavior seemed to Lian Dai an insult to herself, as if she was mocking her own bloodline.

But now Fang Mu looked at his cheeks and Liandai was not only not angry, but also very happy.

Lian Dai had already looked at her own appearance while removing impurities from her body.

Lian Dai knew that the gray scales on her face had basically receded.

Even though Lian Dai got involved with Qi Xing, the Saint Founder, she never thought that her blood could be purified to such an extent.

Fang Mu is simply his lucky star. In Lian Dai's eyes, Fang Mu has been a blessing to him.

This kind of kindness has nothing to do with strength.

Lianda now feels the joy of a girl transforming from an ugly duckling into a white swan.

In the past, what Lian Dai wanted to hide the most became the capital for Lian Dai to show off.

The purity of her bloodline made Lian Dai's long pink-gold hair become more brilliant, and a faint blue wave appeared at the tip of each scale on the fish's tail.

Blue is the most noble color among the mermaids, and all mermaids have an obsession with blue in their genes.

This can be seen from the layout of Lian Dai's bedroom.

Lian Dai, who returned to Fang Mu, bowed to Fang Mu very solemnly.

"Xiaomu, thank you for helping me. Help me bring a message to Master Qixing."

"If there is anything you ask me to do from now on, I, Lian Dai, will definitely go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Fang Mu did not help Lian Dai but accepted Lian Dai's gift.

Mu said after Lian Dai straightened up again.

"Aunt Dai may need your help with something in the future, and this matter may be dangerous."

When Fang Mu explores the dimensional world on the other side of the sea of ​​realms, it is definitely safer to have a strong man at the divine level beside him than to break in alone with the king-level Tianyuan Dome Eye.

Since Fang Mu wanted something from Lian Dai, he could just take this opportunity to make a request to Lian Dai.

Lianda had an unexpected expression on her face when she heard that it might be dangerous.

There are really not many things in this world that can pose a danger to oneself. It would not be wrong to describe it as basically none.

Especially since Lian Dai's bloodline has just been improved, within a few years she will definitely be stronger than the Sea Lord.

"Xiaomu, if there's anything you need me to do, it's okay to just say it."

"Since I have said that I will go through fire and water to work for Master Qixing, what does it matter if there is some danger!?"

Fang Mu said directly after receiving Lian Dai's answer.

"Aunt Dai, this tide is coming fiercely. I don't know if it has reached its peak now. There are still a large number of extraterrestrial bodies entering our world."

"Master wants to explore the world on the other side of the Sea of ​​Boundary. On the one hand, he wants to find out the causes of the tides. On the other hand, he also wants to understand the world on the other side of the Sea of ​​Boundary."

"This tide brings us closer to the world on the other side of the Sea of ​​Realm. I think it is very necessary to understand the world on the other side of the Sea of ​​Realm."

When Fang Mu talked about this matter with Lian Dai, it was impossible for him to say that he wanted to explore the world on the other side of the sea of ​​realms because he wanted to conquer this world.

Fangmu needs to find a reasonable name, and this unusual tide is the best reason.

Lian Dai was surprised by such a request.

From the king-level extraterrestrial creatures that have drifted here, we can see that the world on the other side of the sea of ​​​​the realm must be extremely dangerous.

But Fang Mu's proposal played right into Lian Dai's mind.

Lian Dai had already had the idea of ​​exploring the world on the other side of the Sea of ​​Realms.

As the leader of the Hanyang Empire, Lian Dai takes on many responsibilities, the most basic of which is to protect the Hanyang Empire.

Due to the geographical location of the Hanyang Empire, the Hanyang Empire will be the most severely affected by every tide.

This is a disaster that the Hanyang Empire has been facing for a long time.

This tide caused heavy losses to the Hanyang Empire. It took nearly a hundred years of accumulation for the Hanyang Empire to just manage the waters.

Lian Dai wanted to solve the problem at its root. Lian Dai had proposed this idea to several other sea nations.

But the other three sea nations, including the Sea Lord, did not choose to deal with Lian Dai.

It is true that every tide of the sea of ​​realm affects the entire sea race.

But other sea tribes and sea lords have already acquiesced that the Hanyang Empire is the main battlefield, and no matter what happens, the Hanyang Empire will be at the front.

The other three sea countries and sea owners only need to be responsible for sending relief supplies.

This makes the Sea Lord and the other three sea countries unwilling to take unknown risks.

Lian Dai had no choice but to give up her previous thoughts.

Now, whether it was to repay Qixing or for the Hanyang Empire itself, Lian Dai had no reason not to agree.

Moreover, through this cooperation, Liandai felt that she could also draw closer to the relationship between herself and Qixing, the Holy Architect.

The closer the relationship between himself and Qixing is, the more resources he can obtain with Fang Mu's help.

Currently, Lian Dai has not done any favors for Qi Xing. She has gained so many benefits just by helping Qi Xing obtain a king-level extraterritorial body.

This gave Lian Dai the idea of ​​attaching herself to Qixing.

Maybe he can get Wa's blood again in the future to take his bloodline a step further.

As long as his bloodline takes one step further, he will not be far away from becoming a true pure-blood mermaid.

"Once this happens, our Hanyang Empire will also be the beneficiary. Lord Qixing, just let me know when you plan to explore the world on the other side of the Sea of ​​Realms!"

When Fang Mu heard this, he didn't talk about it anymore. Instead, he changed his attitude and asked Lian Dai.

"Aunt Dai, did you deliberately suppress your own bloodline when you swallowed that bottle of potion just now?"

Lian Dai knew that Fang Mu wanted to know the effect of the bottle of blood potion he just swallowed in his body.

Lian Dai introduced.

"Xiaomu, I didn't deliberately suppress my bloodline just now. The medicine I swallowed just now will automatically spread to all parts of my body when it enters my body, and then it will start to absorb impurities in my body."

"Then you just need to use the energy in your body to dispel these impurities and eliminate them from the body."

"This kind of adsorption of impurities in the blood can even erase some of the innate deficiencies of the blood."

"Otherwise, for a mermaid like me with impure blood, it would be difficult for the blood to reach this level through conventional means, no matter how many spiritual energy potions are used."

Fang Mu and Lian Dai had a long conversation about the effects of Wa's blood, and then Fang Mu offered to let Lian Dai return to the Hanyang Empire.

Fang Mu directly logged into the second world after Lian Dai left. It had only been a short two or three days since Fang Mu logged into the second world last time.

But the situation in the second world has changed dramatically.

Fairy Yongle has developed the second world very quickly. Now the second world has opened a school officially organized by Diyuan.

Every day, Design Garden officials will arrange for fifty intermediate designers, ten senior designers and three creative masters to give open classes.

Although these creators also charge money for holding open classes, they are much less than those charged by outsiders.

Basically only 20% to 30% off the cost.

Diyuan does this to cultivate talents who have no resources but have good talent as a builder.

Since the open classes are held in the second world, there is no quota limit for each open class.

Anyone who wants to participate in open classes can sign up, and these fees will eventually be used to maintain the Second World Service Center built by each federation.

Basically, these open classes are attended by a large number of people.

Fang Mu secretly thought that if he had not been able to awaken the natal illustrated book, he might have rushed to the second world to attend the open classes held by these architects like others.

The opening of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce itself was held with great grandeur. This was because the Huishou Chamber of Commerce offended the Saint Founder Qixing, which resulted in many of Huishou Chamber of Commerce's customers no longer cooperating with the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

But now there is news from the Huishou Chamber of Commerce that Qixing, a disciple of the Saint Founder, has now become a worshiper of the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

And this news was corroborated by Yi Han.

This caused those customers who refused to cooperate with Huishou Chamber of Commerce to quickly contact Huishou Chamber of Commerce again.

Many customers who did not choose to cooperate with Huishou Chamber of Commerce have also chosen to cooperate with Huishou Chamber of Commerce. Many of them were customers that Huishou Chamber of Commerce could not get no matter how much they asked for before.

Gu Ting did not try to put on airs at this time, nor did he try to embarrass those customers who had previously cooperated with the Huishou Chamber of Commerce.

Once the Huishou Chamber of Commerce is open for business, there is no need to do such a thing.

Secondly, doing so will most likely affect the reputations of Qixing, Yang Paiyun, and Du Rui.

Compared with the sentiment in his heart, Gu Ting hoped to make the Huishou Chamber of Commerce better and better in his own hands.

Now Gu Ting has firmly occupied the top spot among the four Speakers of the Beast-Whispering Federation.

The Beast Language Federation's stores in the second world are bustling with people, and their sales in the past three days have repeatedly hit new highs.

There are people who stand out in every segment of the battle zone, and Jiang Tuo is the one who stands out, but Fang Mu is the absolute star among these people.

Fang Muhui has received so much attention in the second world. Most of the reasons are that he has contracted many diamond-level undead beasts under the age of twenty.

Being able to contract a beast master of this level under the age of twenty is a legend in itself.

What's more, Fang Mu is not already twenty years old, but seventeen or eighteen years old.

As the saying goes, a layman sees the excitement and an expert sees the door. Those who don't know how to control beasts or don't have much knowledge are amazed by Fang Mu's level of beast control.

Those who have a certain understanding of the beasts are completely focused on the bloodline and strength of each of Fang Mu's beasts.

Undead beast-controlling itself is a very partial category among the beast-controllers. It is not easy to cultivate these undead beast-controlling beasts to such a level.

This is possible only by spending more resources than cultivating ordinary beast masters.

The training of these beasts reveals the background of Yama, and Yama happens to be in the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Many people have begun to think of the relationship between Yama and Qixing, the holy founder.

Jiang Tuo is addicted to fighting in the second world. He spends half of his time in the second world every day. He is no different from an Internet addicted teenager.

You must know that the simulations of injuries and death in battles in the second world are extremely realistic. Fortunately, Jiang Tuo can always defeat his opponents.

Otherwise, if one dies dozens of times a day, a normal person will probably have considerable sequelae.

Fang Muyou specifically told Jiang Tuo not to have frequent duels every day.

Otherwise, it would be bad if Jiang Tuo was left with psychological trauma.

After reaching the platinum rank, Jiang Tuo can no longer guarantee that he can defeat his opponent in every match.

As he lost more and more, Jiang Tuo also began to adjust himself.

Hutao was helping Jiang Tuo manage the live broadcast room and fan group in the second world at this time. Seeing Fang Mu log in to the second world, Hutao hurriedly sent a message to Fang Mu.

[Momojiang]: Amu, are you preparing for a duel in the second world? If I fight you today, you will almost reach the promotion stage of the palace level!

Fang Mu said after thinking for a moment after seeing the message from Hu Tao.

[Yam Luo]: Ah Tao, if I can win continuously, I will fight all the way. I might as well hit the palace level in one go today!

[Yam Luo]: If I lose one game during this period, I will go to the palace level promotion match, and the remaining promotion matches will be played tomorrow!

Fang Mu has been on a winning streak ever since he came to the second world for a duel, and has not experienced any defeat yet.

Hu Tao knew what kind of strength Fang Mu had.

Fang Mu still has at least four or five dead creatures that have not been released. At the age of under 20, diamond level one is already the limit.

There may be someone in this age group who can confront Fang Mu and force Fang Mu to summon a few more dead creatures.

But it is basically impossible to defeat Fang Mu, unless Fang Mu deliberately loses to his opponent.

It seems that Fang Mu is going to have a protracted battle today.

Fang Mu logged into the second world several days later than others. Hu Tao estimated that Fang Mu would be the first beast master to enter the palace level under the age of twenty! (End of chapter)

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