Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 675 The Secret Walker’s debut!

Tonight Hutao is going to witness Fangmu making history.

Fang Mu's performance tonight will become a benchmark for the entire beast-controlling world.

[Momojiang]: Amuna, I went to your fan group to inform you that the upper limit of a fan group in the second world is 10 million, and you now have two full fan groups.

[Taotaojiang]: These fans of yours are very enthusiastic!

In fact, Fang Mu had anticipated such a situation when he took out the grandmaster-level potion for the lottery.

Compared to supporting the idols they are interested in in the second world, many people actually prefer to get some benefits in the second world.

Besides, what Fang Mu was trying to draw was not an ordinary benefit. Whoever was drawn was equivalent to someone from Fang Mu's previous life winning the lottery jackpot.

Come to think of it, not only does he have a full fan base now, but Jiang Tuo's fan base must also be full.

Both his and Jiang Tuo's fan bases were managed by Hu Tao. Fang Mu knew that even if Hu Tao had outstanding abilities, it would be extremely difficult to manage such a large fan base for him and Jiang Tuo.

Fang Mu made a suggestion to Hu Tao.

[Yan Luo]: Ah Tao has worked hard for you during this time, but I don’t think you should put too much time and experience into managing this kind of fan base.

[Yam Luo]: This will waste a lot of your time and is not conducive to your subsequent improvement of strength!

[Yan Luo]: If you have this time, you might as well have more duels in the second world and practice your fighting skills, or find a professional to manage Jiang Tuo, me, and your fan base in the future!

[Yam Luo]: When you reach the platinum rank in the second world, I will also use the resources to create a grandmaster and give them to your fan base to draw a lottery to build your popularity.

Fang Mu felt from the bottom of his heart that letting Hu Tao do these things was a waste of Hu Tao's time and potential.

Now through Fang Mu's observation and understanding, Hutao spends at least three hours every day managing his and Jiang Tuo's fan base in the second world.

Three hours a day is nothing, but it adds up to a lot.

As a defensive unit in the team responsible for protecting the entire team, Hutao needs to practice his overall perspective through a lot of battles.

Hu Tao had a bright smile on his face when he saw the message from Fang Mu.

Hu Tao could feel that Fang Mu was thinking about himself. In fact, even if Fang Mu didn't tell Hu Tao, he still planned to ask Fang Mu to find a professional to help manage the fan group.

It was fine at the beginning. Hu Tao only needed to spend less than an hour a day helping manage Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo's fan base.

As the lottery happened, Hutao spent more and more time managing Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo's fan base.

In addition to time, Hutao also has to think about many interpersonal issues.

These things didn't put much pressure on Hu Tao, feeling that he couldn't achieve this.

But Hutao, Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo are teammates, not agents. Hutao also needs to have enough time to strengthen his strength.

Otherwise, sooner or later, Fang Mu and Jiang Tuo would pull him down, which was not what Hu Tao wanted to see.

[Taotaojiang]: When Amu talks about such a professional, I actually have a candidate, and you know this person even if I tell you!

[Taotaojiang]: What do you think of Sister Tiantian?

[Taotaojiang]: Yesterday, Sister Tiantian said that she also logged into the second world and asked me if there was anything I could help with.

Fang Mu only remembered that he was the exclusive reporter on Battle.net when Hu Tao mentioned it.

There is no doubt about Liu Tiantian's quality and ability. Fang Mu has already recognized Liu Tiantian before, and Liu Tiantian handled the matter well.

[Yan Luo]: Ah Tao, you were the one who managed my battles on Battle.net. Since Sister Tiantian is looking for you, it’s up to you to deal with Sister Tiantian!

[Yam Luo]: If Sister Tiantian has any requests, please let me know again!

After talking to Hutao, Fang Mu turned on the live broadcast and started matching opponents. Soon Fang Mu was pulled into the arena.

Standing opposite Fang Mu is a young man with half-long hair who likes to look cool.

The young man was stroking his hair with one hand while chatting about something. It looked like he was obviously live broadcasting.

Fang Mu politely greeted his opponent. The boy with half-long hair opposite Fang Mu was subconsciously startled after seeing the mask on Fang Mu's face.

Then he took a look at his opponent's ID.

After discovering that his opponent's ID was really Yama, the young man showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

I was really unlucky in my life, how could I be matched with this guy Yama! ?

Chen Qingshu was born in the Snow Sand Federation and was considered an outstanding young genius in the Snow Sand Federation.

The Snow Sand Federation is just a little-known little federation in the Arctic Realm. The only master builder in the federation died unexpectedly, making the Snow Sand Federation a target of bullying from surrounding federations.

Although the Snow Sand Federation was weak, Chen Qingshu was spotted by a creative master who accidentally came to the Snow Sand Federation because of his excellent talent, and was accepted as a disciple by this creative master.

With a master builder as his master, Chen Qingshu has the capital to be proud.

But Chen Qingshu couldn't be arrogant in front of Yama.

Chen Qingshu's live broadcast on the second world is to attract more fans. On the one hand, he will bring glory to the Snow Sand Federation, and on the other hand, Chen Qingshu also wants to prove himself in front of his master.

The two creative masters who accepted Chen Qingshu as their disciples recently accepted two more disciples, which gave Chen Qingshu a sense of crisis in his heart.

But I have been matched with Yama. When I am matched with Yama, let alone attracting more fans, these fans I have now may be pulled away by Yama after seeing Yama's beast.

What's more, Yama can also conduct lottery at that level, and those resources are difficult to obtain even if his master wants to ask for them.

After learning that the live broadcast room of Yama and the Cold-faced Ghost King used the Grandmaster-level life potion as a gift for the lottery, Chen Qingshu had secretly joined the live broadcast room of Yama and the Cold-faced Ghost King in advance and became a fan group of Yama and the Cold-faced Ghost King. a member of.

Faced with Yama actively greeting him, no matter how displeased Chen Qingshu was about being matched with Yama, he would not dare to ignore Yama.

Not to mention that the dead creature contracted by Yama is so powerful, the fact that Yama can draw the master-level life potion as a gift is enough to show that Yama's background is powerful.

Chen Qingshu would definitely take the initiative to make friends with such a person once he had the chance.

Even if he couldn't make friends with such a person, Chen Qingshu would never take the initiative to provoke him.

Chen Qingshu simply pretended to be a fan of Yama and waved to Yama enthusiastically.

Then he spoke to the audience in the live broadcast room extremely excitedly.

"I'm so lucky! I actually matched my idol!"

"I told you why I heard the magpie chirping at home before logging into the second world!"

In just over a week, Yan Luo has become a phenomenal anchor in the under-twenties category.

Many people in Chen Qingshu's live broadcast room know Yama, and not only that, there are also some people who are fans of Yama.

[Azure Cloud]: The tree baby is so discerning that he also fell in love with my husband! As a reward, I will send you a red envelope worth 20,000 world coins!

Chen Qingshu caught sight of this barrage at a glance. [Azure Cloud] is one of the most active viewers in Chen Qingshu's live broadcast room, and is also Chen Qingshu's wealthy owner. He often rewards Chen Qingshu.

In the past half month, Chen Qingshu has earned nearly 600,000 world coins at [Azure Cloud]!

It turns out that I am just the side wife of [Celestial Cloud] Pink, and Yama across the way is the real owner!

The red envelope of 20,000 world coins was actually obtained by pretending to be a fan of Yama, which made Chen Qingshu feel his heart bleed.

Chen Qingshu had extraordinary talent to be noticed by a master of creation. Chen Qingshu pretended to be polite to Yama, but he already had the idea in his heart to show all his strength and give Yama Luo a good showdown.

I had a serious illness when I was young and had a hard time getting over it.

After surviving it, his mental strength has always been different from ordinary people, and coupled with the existence of his own destiny to control the beast, it may not be impossible to defeat Yama!

Once you defeat Yama, you will become a big dark horse, and your popularity will surge in a very short period of time!

Even if he couldn't take the master-level potion as a prize like Yama, he would still be able to become a phenomenal anchor.

Thinking of this, Chen Qingshu directly showed his strongest strength without hiding it.

Chen Qingshu shouted sharply, and three fox-like beasts crawled in front of Chen Qingshu.

The audience in Chen Qingshu's live broadcast room was quite surprised when Chen Qingshu suddenly summoned three beasts.

Chen Qingshu had only displayed two beasts before. Chen Qingshu had been defeated several times before, but he had never summoned the third beast.

How could a beast master who was less than twenty years old contract three beast masters! ?

And this is exactly the benefit that Chen Qingshu’s spiritual transformation brought to Chen Qingshu.

After the mutation, Chen Qingshu's mental power was much greater than that of ordinary people, and his ability to perceive mental power was also enhanced on the original basis.

This allowed Chen Qingshu to contract more beast masters than ordinary beast masters!

If it weren't for his master's unwillingness to give him more resources, Chen Qingshu would have no problem contracting the four beasts now.

After summoning the three beasts, Chen Qingshu shouted loudly.

"The Fuwei Snow Fox immediately went to possess the Fengxue Spirit Fox, and the Fengxue Spirit Fox used the Frostbite Blizzard!"

Following Chen Qingshu's fierce shout, the two gray-haired snow foxes with attached tails rushed towards the yellow and white snow fox.

There are two fluffy long tails standing tall behind the Snow Wind Fox. It is obviously a beast of the tailed fox family.

Taming beasts of the tailed fox family are the nobles among the fox-taming beasts, and they have always had extremely high talents.

Chen Qingshu's Snow Wind Fox had two long tails at the peak of the platinum level, which was a bit hard to see for Fang Mu.

But it has reached the average level of a young genius.

The moment Chen Qingshu summoned these three fox-like beasts, Fang Mu had already used his omniscient eyes to investigate Chen Qingshu's three beasts.

What Chen Qingshu really treasures is not the snow fox, but the two snow foxes with tails that don't look like much.

These two snow foxes with attached tails are both possessed fox-type beasts, but what the snow foxes with tails possess is not the beast master himself, but other fox-type beasts contracted by the beast master!

With these two tailed snow foxes to stimulate the bloodline of the snow fox, the bloodline of the snow fox can probably be stimulated to the level of five tails.

The Fengxue Spirit Fox's strength can be upgraded from the peak of the platinum level to the sixth or seventh level of the diamond level.

In terms of individual strength, it has surpassed these dead creatures contracted by Fang Mu!

At this time, the two tailed snow foxes had already melted into the body of the snow fox.

As the excited fox cry rang out, the Snow Wind Fox doubled in size, and the five fox tails behind it stirred the cold air, forming a snowy area covering most of the arena.

Fang Mu's current rank has reached the platinum level, and the area of ​​the fighting arena has become wider and wider.

Otherwise, if this snowy area were in the Golden Level Arena, it should have been able to cover Fang Mu directly.

The Snow Wind Fox is a dual-element beast with ice and spiritual elements. In battle, it can not only use the ice element to launch attacks, but also find the right time to severely damage the opponent's mental power.

As Fang Mu's opponent, Chen Qingshu had no idea that Fang Mu had mastered all the information about his beast control.

Fang Mu summoned the Heart-Constrained Slut and the Fusion Tyrant as usual. In the last battle, Fang Mu had already revealed his third dead creature, the Witch King of the Dead Realm.

This time, Fang Mu did not summon the Witch King of the Dead Realm again, but instead summoned the Secret Walker.

The snow fox with its bloodline inspired by the tailed snow fox will continuously increase the chill and lower the temperature on the field.

In addition to stimulating the bloodline of the Snow Fox, the Tail Fox can also provide the Snow Fox with a large amount of reserve energy.

Fang Mu didn't want to have a protracted battle with Chen Qingshu, and a quick decision was the best solution.

The Secret Walker appeared when he was summoned by Fang Mu, but soon the Secret Walker's figure was hidden in the surrounding environment.

From Chen Qingshu's perspective, the audience in Chen Qingshu's live broadcast room did not notice the hidden walker summoned by Fang Mu.

Fang Mu was a secret walker summoned behind the body-melting tyrant, and he happened to be stuck in the blind spot of Chen Qingshu's sight.

But the audience in Fang Mu's live broadcast room could clearly see the existence of the Secret Walker.

[Blue Lotus]: Real or fake? Yama actually summoned the fourth beast! Although I am only a one-pointed star beast master, didn't the teacher say that I need to contract as few beast masters as possible to ensure the understanding of the will rune? Is Yan Luo only concerned about his ability to control beasts and not his mastery of mysterious patterns?

[Danli]: My teacher said the same thing, but I think Yama must have his reasons for contracting so many beasts! No one would joke about their own potential. At first glance, Yama is a person from a powerful force. If Yama were to waste his potential without authorization, most of the powerful forces behind Yama would not allow it! ?

[Konoha Rufeng]: As a member of the Soaring Dragon Federation, I am very calm. Who said that Yama only has four dead creatures? I'm looking forward to Yama's performance after reaching the palace level! (End of chapter)

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