Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 676 Yama is awesome!

Diyuan has distributed the Dream Beast to more than 4,000 federations, and Fang Mu’s live broadcast room has tens of millions of viewers from all over the world.

The audience of Dragon Federation only accounts for a small part of the total audience.

Not many people paid attention to the barrage of [Konoha Rufeng], nor did it cause much splash.

Among all the live streaming divisions in the second world, the division under the age of twenty is the least popular. Basically, the popularity is concentrated in the two age groups of twenty to thirty and thirty to forty.

After all, there is an upper limit to the improvement of a young man's strength under the age of twenty.

Beast masters like Fang Mu who have diamond-level beast masters have hit this upper limit.

The audience in Chen Qingshu's live broadcast room became excited.

[Effective use and burial]: Isn’t it? Qingshu has been hiding his strength in the battle! Qingshu's strength is so strong, the combined strength of the three fox-like beasts may have exceeded the fifth level of diamond level!

[Chronological Dream Interpretation]: Such strength is enough to dominate among the younger generation! As expected of the anchor I have been following, he is really capable! Yama Luo might not be able to defeat Ashu with these two ghost beasts alone!

[Li Piaoran]: Niu Niu Niu, go, go, go! I have long been disgusted with Yama. Yama Luo talks so little on the live broadcast. I don’t know what Yama Luo has to offer! I hate seeing people like this the most!

[Ask Liu Yun]: What do you mean if you don’t mean that Yama is holding it? Not everyone performs live broadcasts in order to pursue the program effect. Isn’t it respect for the opponent to play with heart? We can just watch the live broadcast and watch the battle itself. No one really comes here to interact with the anchor! ?

Chen Qingshu is the kind of anchor who particularly likes to interact with the audience. Chen Qingshu keenly discovered that his personal popularity increased greatly after he faced Fang Mu.

This made Chen Qingshu extremely excited.

Now that the second world is developing rapidly, Diyuan intends to develop the second world. Being an anchor in the second world can not only achieve Chen Qingshu's two previous goals, but more importantly, it can allow Chen Qingshu to earn a large amount of world coins.

Money is an absolute good thing in any world, and Chen Qingshu can do many things with this money.

The resources that his master can provide him are limited. When he cannot rely on his master for everything, Chen Qingshu must look for opportunities to find a way out for himself.

So that I can ensure that when I reach the age of twenty-one, I can still make a living in the age group of twenty to thirty.

Now that Chen Qingshu was ready to use his strongest strength to fight Fang Mu, Chen Qingshu not only showed the tailed snow fox he had hidden, but also released the four mysterious patterns he had comprehended.

Three of the four mysterious patterns shot into Feng Xue Linghu's body, and one Xuan pattern blessed Chen Qingshu himself, making Chen Qingshu's mental activity more intense and able to issue instructions to Feng Xue Linghu more accurately.

Two of the four mysterious patterns revealed by Chen Qingshu are exactly the same, which shows that Chen Qingshu can actually use these four mysterious patterns to condense a third-level mysterious seal.

But it was obvious that Chen Qingshu had a dream and did not make such a choice.

Amplified by the three mysterious patterns, Feng Xue Linghu's aura became a bit stronger than before, and his aura could vaguely reach the eighth level of diamond level.

If the body-melting tyrant hadn't stood in front of Fang Mu, his body would have been emitting heat like a furnace to protect Fang Mu.

Fang Mu was probably about to freeze due to the chill released by the Fengxue Spirit Fox and the blizzard that frequently blew towards Fang Mu.

Fang Mu was not idle here either, as the cautious woman's attack range was extremely wide.

The heart-wrenching girl has been interfering with the Fengxue Spirit Fox by using her skills [Misfortune Finger] and [Heart Sea Torture].

At the same time, the Heart-Constrained Woman used her exclusive characteristic [Death Energy Transformed into Heart] to consume the extra heart generated in her body, thus increasing her own strength.

This has improved the effect of the Heart-Constrained Girl's skills [Misfortune Finger] and [Heart Sea Torture], and has a much greater impact on Fengxuelinghu.

It was precisely because of the influence of the heart-wrenching girl that Feng Xue Linghu did not rush towards Fang Mu's location.

In fact, as a fox-like beast, the Snow Wind Fox has stronger close combat capabilities than long-range output.

The Snow Wind Fox's finger claws and these five long tails filled with chill are its best weapons.

Chen Qingshu prepared to end this battle with long-range combat.

But what Chen Qingshu didn't know was that Fang Mu summoned another new undead beast-controlling stealth walker.

And as a dead creature, the Stealth Walker will not be affected by too many elemental environments.

Chen Qingshu didn't understand Yama, and subconsciously felt that Yama's ability to contract three undead creatures was already the limit.

At most, Yama still has one natal beast, so Chen Qingshu didn't expect that Fang Mu's secret walker, the dead creature that was best at assassinating and had the strongest explosive power, had sneaked towards him.

The body-melting tyrant was like a wall blocking Fang Mu.

This made Feng Xue Linghu's several long-range attacks fail to have any obvious effect on Fang Mu, which surprised Chen Qingshu.

Logically speaking, no matter how strong the body function of this dead creature is, the energy should be completely exhausted and die due to the penetration of ice elements.

But this dead creature was still able to resist tenaciously.

If it is consumed for a long time, even if there are two tailed snow foxes as the energy reserve of the snow fox, the energy of the snow fox will be exhausted!

Not only Chen Qingshu marveled at Fang Mu's body-melting tyrant's resistance to the ice element, but other insiders who followed this duel were also amazed and puzzled.

Why can this diamond-level dead creature survive for so long under the attack of a beast that is stronger than itself? ?

This situation is really inconsistent with common sense!

This diamond-level tyrant must not be as simple as it seems!

Yet this is indeed the case.

Fang Mu asked the Fusion Tyrant to use his own unique characteristics to absorb the skin of the Forbidden Demon Sailfish. The skin of the Forbidden Demon Sailfish completely wrapped the flesh and blood of the Fusion Tyrant under the Skin of the Fusion Tyrant.

The Forbidden Demon Swordfish can be said to be the most immune to various elemental energies among all the beasts.

Forbidden Demon Sailfish is an extremely rare beast. If Fang Mu had not established a good relationship with Lian Dai, Lian Dai helped Fang Mu find the Forbidden Demon Sailfish.

It was difficult for Fang Mu to find the Forbidden Demon Swordfish, a rare fish and beast that is as fast as flying in the ocean.

The Fusion Tyrant is a work of art created by Fang Mu using the body tissues of various beasts. It can be said that the Fusion Tyrant has achieved the ultimate goal of the Immortal Alchemy Society.

The current body-melting tyrant looks a little embarrassed, but in fact, the body-melting tyrant can still last for a long time.

Fang Mu made the body-melting tyrant behave so hard from the beginning in order to show his enemy's weakness.

Otherwise, Fengxuelinghu would not have carried out such a long-range attack!

The stalemate between Fang Mu and Chen Qingshu lasted for more than five minutes. Chen Qingshu couldn't bear it anymore and directly summoned his natural beast.

A blue-purple crystal appeared in Chen Qingshu's palm. This blue-purple crystal kept releasing ice-blue soul flame outwards.

Chen Qingshu threw up the natal beast that he had just summoned, and all the soul flames released by the crystal-like natal beast fell on the Fengxue Spirit Fox.

The aura of Fengxue Linghu has been improved again, and now Fengxue Linghu has reached the peak of diamond level.

Among all the natal beasts, amplified natal beasts are extremely rare. As an opponent, Fang Mu couldn't help but admire Chen Qingshu.

Chen Qingshu has excellent potential, but Chen Qingshu does not seem to have received high-quality resources for growth.

If Fang Mu is allowed to train Chen Qingshu, Chen Qingshu will definitely be much stronger than he is now!

Fang Mu didn't know Chen Qingshu's actual situation at all, so it was impossible for him to invite Chen Qingshu out of his love for talents.

Fang Mu planned to add Chen Qingshu's friends in the second world first.

If Chen Qingshu is willing to devote himself to his service, Fang Mu does not mind cultivating Chen Qingshu.

Chen Qingshu's ability matches well with Jiang Tuo's. When the two are in a duel, one plus one is greater than two.

Not only Chen Qingshu's live broadcast room, but also the audience in Fang Mu's live broadcast room were already a little worried about Fang Mu and admired Chen Qingshu's strength.

[Youmeng Fanfan]: There are people in this age group under twenty years old who can raise their beast-controlling strength to the peak of diamond level! I remember that Yama has never lost from the first game until now. Yama will probably lose this match!

[Flowers at the Loft]: The anchor opposite me named Chen Qingshu is so powerful that he deserves my place! I will join his fan club soon!

[Swaying on the street corner]: Chen Qingshu? I really haven’t heard of this name before. After this showdown, Chen Qingshu will probably become the most popular young genius. It’s a pity that I haven’t heard of such a genius before!

Chen Qingshu has won the recognition and respect of the audience in the live broadcast room by virtue of his own strength.

Chen Qingshu's strength is indeed far beyond that of his peers.

Hutao, as the manager of Fangmu's live broadcast room, is exploring the direction of Fangmu's live broadcast room.

Seeing that so many people were badmouthing Fang Mu, Hu Tao not only did not bother to take care of this matter, but was actually promoting it to happen.

Because the more people are criticizing Fangmu now, the more people will be fans of Fangmu when the situation is reversed because they are shocked by the final result.

Chen Qingshu shouted loudly.

"Feng Xue Linghu uses all the energy in his body to cast Ice Ling Avalanche! Use this blow to directly destroy the opponent!"

Chen Qingshu was not sure whether the giant-like dead creature could withstand his blow. After the Fengxue Spirit Fox struck this blow, he lost the ability to continue fighting.

Therefore, the target of Chen Qingshu's attack was not the body-melting tyrant blocking Fang Mu at all, but Fang Mu himself!

However, the moment Chen Qingshu issued the order, a sickle shadow struck Feng Xue Linghu heavily.

The Stealth Walker used the skill [Life-Breaking Scythe], and luckily this blow added the bone effect to the Snow Fox.

This blow penetrated the Fengxue Linghu's fur fiercely, exposing the Fengxue Linghu's spine.

What followed was a series of [Instant Shadow Continuous Slashes].

You must know that these [Instant Shadow Continuous Slash] are all performed when the exclusive characteristic [Breaking Light Sense] is activated.

Each consecutive slash hit the Fengxue Spirit Fox's weakness.

Feng Xue Linghu, whose strength had been promoted to the peak of diamond level, was not a vegetarian. Faced with the sudden attack, Feng Xue Linghu launched a swift counterattack.

The five fox tails smashed hard at the Secret Walker, but the Secret Walker had anticipated the Fengxue Spirit Fox's counterattack after playing [Instant Shadow Continuous Slash], and used the diamond-level skill [Escape Void Breaking Slash] to hide in the void.

The five long tails of the Snow Wind Fox are unable to attack targets in the void.

The stealth walker's attack injured Fengxue Linghu's spine, causing Fengxue Linghu to almost lose its ability to move.

Interrupted Feng Xue Linghu's attack on Fang Mu's side.

After this blow, the Stealth Walker did not fight with the Fengxue Spirit Fox again, but killed Chen Qingshu, the beast control master, with a [Hidden Stab].

Fang Mu established his victory cleanly.

Suppose Fang Mu asked the stealth walker to sneak attack Chen Qingshu, bypass Fengxue Linghu and win by killing Chen Qingshu, the beast master.

There will definitely be many people saying that Fang Mu won by sneak attack, and Fang Mu may not necessarily be Chen Qingshu's opponent in a real duel.

But now no one would say such a thing anymore.

Because Yama, the newly summoned dead creature, has already collided with the Snow Wind Fox in its prime state, the Snow Wind Fox in its prime state has basically no ability to resist under the attack of this dead creature.

Moreover, it is very common sense for assassin-type beast masters to use sneak attacks to fight.

After the battle, Fang Mu added Chen Qingshu as a friend, and went directly to the next match regardless of Chen Qingshu's disapproval.

Fang Mu's opponent in the second match was much weaker than Chen Qingshu.

Fang Mu simply summoned the Heart-Constraining Creepy Girl and the Melting Body Tyrant to easily resolve the battle.

Until the end of the second battle, the audience in the live broadcast room was still thinking about the battle between Yama Luo and Chen Qingshu just now.

It took Chen Qingshu nearly two minutes to calm down after being defeated.

At this moment, Chen Qingshu no longer cared about whether he was live broadcasting.

Chen Qingshu, who calmed down, showed a wry smile.

It was not unfair for me to lose to Yama. I have nothing to complain about because my skills are not as good as others.

In the end, he did not see through Yama. Yama, like himself before, also had the beast that he had not summoned.

And in this battle, Yama did not use the mysterious patterns and the natal beasts like himself.

After sorting himself out, Chen Qingshu raised his thumb in his live broadcast room and said in a loud voice.

"Yam Luo is awesome!"

When Chen Qingshu first matched with Yan Luo, he politely told Yan Luo that he was his fan. He really wanted to attract some of Yan Luo's popularity for the sake of the live broadcast effect.

But Chen Qingshu is saying this now because Chen Qingshu has regarded Fang Mu as the benchmark for the age group under twenty years old and his goal!

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